IVF Mummies

Justine, You're not in sg now. Then you have alot of shopping to do after you come back.

Stumbled_by, It's my fault... I saw it wrongly in the first place and start posting. Anyway after realise my mistake I thought this thread will attract mothers that can give advice. Have alot of questions for them. Hee hee.
My stretchmarks not silvery lines. They are just lighter than my skin colour. My mum have the silvery lines type. Anyway both also look ugly.


i am also more hairy by nature, i wonder should we shave off the pubic area before delivery ? Or at least 'trim' a bit :p actually have not tried to trim all my life leh...use scissors or those feminine blade ? i am thinking whether it will 'intefere' with the labour, cos i watched a video in antenatal class the woman who is pushing seems to have 'neat' pubic hair (paiseh)
I always shave off cos need to go swimming then dun wan any string of hair to go out of place. Hee! But near delivery, the 'hair' will be blocked by our big tummy. Need to use mirror. My friend tell me it's very weird for them when the nurse help them shave during delivery. Therefore I think I will shave it myself.
Mostly I will trim short first before I shave it off completely. If you shave at one shot, your blade will keep getting struck with hair.

u sure nurse help them shave har ? U mean midwife ? Then i better DIY a bit, cos i never shave in my life...maybe need hubby's help - hiaks!
WanBB, ya am not in SG yet, will reach SG early in the morning on Valentine's Day! Looking forward to it, only left with 1 week.

Regarding the stretchmarks, read that if our mum have stretchmarks, most lightly we'll have too. Is that true? Anyone know about this issue?

As for shaving, sounds so scary... never did it before. They seriously shave you during labour?

i will go for waxing around 37 weeks.. more clean.. if you shave wait very poking cause the hair turn thicker...

Stumbled by,
i heard of the cord bank but is expensive to to bank the cord blood leh..i just now go toliet see my stretchmark look more like "red worms"
stumbled_by, I also not sure who help them shave but it's definately a stranger. The last time i went for lap op, the nurse also ask me if I shave already. I think she wanna shave for me. Lucky I diy at home before going to hospital.

Justine, Wow you reach SG only on 14th then 18th will be CNY. Alot of things for you to do before CNY. You plan to go visiting? Better get your mum to change new notes for ang bao.

What I found on the net:

Shaving: Shaving off the pubic hair is one thing that many a women are ignorant and embarrassed about. You need not be embarrassed at all because it is absolutely normal and routine.

The shaving protocols differ in different hospitals.

Some believe in routine shaving for better hygiene and ease while delivering the baby and taking the episiotomy sutures.

Some people believe that the nicks / cuts sustained during shaving may increase the incidence of infection. To avoid this they either clip the pubic hair or do nothing about the pubic hair.

Hui, waxing not painful meh?
WanBB, yalor will be very busy before CNY. Yes, there'll be some visiting to do during CNY, especially the first few days. Then also plan to go to HK for some shopping.

Thanks for your reminder, mum already asked me how much new notes I want to change for ang bao last Saturday.

Thanks for the shaving info! Anyone know if there's any pubic hair remover cream? This way it's easier. That's what I use for my armpit hair but it said that it's not advisable for pubic hair.

mayb i'm used to eat cause b4 preg i did waxing le, but now so many mths nvr do confirm abit pain..after waxing when we come AF is easier to clean n maintain leh..
Justine, wow. going HK. Nice! How long will you be staying? You are living a tai tai life... so shiok!

This is my first year bao ang bao. Cos last year my FIL pass away so cannot go visiting. Very excited abt giving ang bao. Haa!

hair remover cream smells bad. I used it on my legs and it's very efficient since all the hair just break and wash off.. but the smells is really bad and have to endure for abt 10 mins.

Hui, I very turtle. never done waxing before cos I scared of pain. shaving will do great for me.

I just met up with my confinement lady last night and give her the deposit. She inform me she increase price to $1900 already. Quite good to earn hor. shiok shiok can increase price. But no choice cos my mum dun wanna take up the job and my MIL not ard anymore. She ask me to buy rice wine for cooking and small baby milk bottle(buy expensive ones) that can endure the steaming. She also ask me not to prepare DOM in advance cos many people will send and cannot finish one. So just for your info, you all can take this into reference.
Hi hui and WanBB, long time never chat liao. Can check if you girls started taking bird's nest already? Wonder if its too early to eat now.
en_hui, I start taking bird nest since first trimester. I also got advice from my cousin that if you are having a boy, must not take bird nest that often or else the 'balls' will be lao lao (saggy).

i start waxing think mid last year only

En Hui,
aiyo.. where you go huh? long time nvr see you online
.. how's your little ones doing?
i don't take bird nest leh.. from young till now i eat bird nest will vomit..i heard that preg take bird nest is due to the chinese herbs and not the bird nest so mayb will ask my auntie.the chinese medical hall lady to make those herbs into pills form for me
Hey Hui, I din MIA la, just never post that often. My little one is ok, very active at the last scan. Seems like I'm going to have a boy too

Wan, really ah, those having boys cannot take too much bird's nest?? Ok, must bear that in mind.
En Hui,
so when your detail scan? Congrats on your boy 1st
.. i'm thinking to videoclip my next scan as will be in my 25 weeks plus on 24th Feb 07..duno when then i can start seeing bb 2 weeks once again..haiz..now seeing one mth once seems so long...
En hui,

i think when you go for your normal check up then your gynae do a scan for u, u can use your hp or camera to record mah.. that's wat i eman videoclip
.. my check up is one day after yours
WanBB, me no living tai tai life lah, gotta work too. Just that when go back sg, gotta take advantage mah. It's cheaper to travel around Asia from sg. Furthermore Euro dollar has very good exchange rate.

By the way, Tuna fish can have high level of mercury, also depend on the species, especially those bigger in size type. Hence it's better to avoid tuna.

As for the hair remover cream, mine seems very nice and it's effective in 3 mins it said that max. is 5 mins. Can't remember the brand, next time I'll let you know the brand if you're interested. I saw it in sg cold storage selling too, slight more expensive as compared to Spain but last very long. The only thing is that can't sure for pubic hair leh.

Hui, how much it cost to wax your pubic hair? Where do you do it?

It's really a good idea to videoclip your scan coz you get to share it after that with your family and also you can see your baby whenever you want. In you tube where I uploaded my scan, there are many people doing it too.
Hui, at $25 for the waxing sounds reasonable. I'm really "sua gu" about this topic, so have a few stupid question like... this waxing is to remove only pubic hair or also other body hair? How long will it last before the hair grown back? How long is per session of waxing?

Oh! Me blur, didn't see the website address. Ok, will check it out now. Thanks for your info! :p
Hui, can video with phone during consultation or not? I wonder if dr will stop me from doing it. ha ha. My consultation is 12th so I try first and let you know. But why you cannot eat bird nest? Izzit the taste that put you off?

En_hui, Just in case the bird nest will really affect the baby boy. So eat moderate will do. Maybe once or twice a month rather than once a week. You saw the bird bird on your last scan? What do you have to look out for? I worry that I will be too blur to notice anything next monday.

Justine, does the cream you use smells? At least 3 mins only, still can endure. Imagine I used to apply on both my legs for 5 mins or more. The smell stay in the room for the whole night.
Thanks for looking at the tuna info. I will avoid that in future.
WanBB, on 12th I also have my consultation! Need OB's doc to write me a letter so that I can fly without problem. SQ request it.

If ob allows you to video your scan, then better ask someone to do it for you so that you can pay full attention to your own scan.

The cream I use doesn't smell. Found the brand already... it's from Veet. They have many products, check out their new Veet Rasera Bladeless Kit, that's what I use. Visit this website http://www.veet.co.uk/products_creams.shtml and you can get to see how is it, it's the 2nd cream product.

Can I just trim off the hair to make it shorter and shave using the 'shaver that I use to shave armpit hair' ? it is not an electric shaver, just manual shaver that is meant for 'feminine'. can do it without cream ? Bear in mind I never shave my pubic hair all my life....
Wan, we actually didn't expect to know bb's gender so soon but during the scan, Dr spotted 'something' and told me that there 'something' between the legs. He later than try to locate the umbilical cord to ensure that we're not seeing wrongly.
1st time do waxing will be slighlty pain but the waxing take abt 5mins only..very fast

Pubic hair waxing they call it brizalian waxing and they grow bk abt one mth+ time.. i reali forgot le

you can ask your gynae when during normal check up can videocam anot.. shouldnt be a problem

i don't eat bird nest cause of the "kou gan" like i dun eat agar agar or jelly also..erm.. u understand where i'm coming from?
justine, thank god, you just remind me that I also need to get the letter just in case they don't let me board the flight.
My hubby will help me video clip since he always nothing to do there. Give him a job so he can be more involve during scan.
I think i bought veet before but I forgotten if i bought the remover cream or the shaving cream.

stumbled_by, maybe you can try to shave now so you will be more experience when the time comes. I also use those normal shaver but I do it with shaving cream. Cos my skin sensitive so will rash after shaving without cream.
First time you shave, you will feel uncomfortable during the regrowth but if you keep shaving, you will get used to it. now the hair just grow and i won't even notice them.

Hui, oh... I understand abt the kou gan. Maybe you can cook until they melt then you won't feel so much of it. For bird nest must double boil it, if you use slow cooker it will melt and cannot feel much kou gan. Anyway can eat alot of other things to replace birdnest. Must go to TCM shop to find out more. Plus you having boy boy also cannot eat alot of birdnest.

you must double check the brand can wax pubic anot hor.. dun anyhow buy ah..I will check with TMC wat to take is good for boy boy.. actuali till now i still dun belief mine is a boy boy leh.. so next chk up confirm again.. haha
I dun intend to use remover cream. I feel more comfortable shaving.
After checking what is good for baby boy, you must let us know leh.. Then we can all benefit from it.
You are hoping for girl girl? dr will say how many % accurate right. Anyway boy and girl almost the same as long as healthy and guai guai will do. When's your next scan? I also feel that once a month scan is a very long waiting time. During this period I keep wondering if baby is growing or izzit still alive...

i hoping for boy, but i see my appearance doesn't seem i'm having a boy leh..haha
will sure with you once i know wat to take..hehe
Dr nvr say how many % leh.. only say is a boy n very clearly seen.will post the detail scan pics here
, think after 6 mths our check up will be 3 weeks once. sometimes my bb nvr kick i very worried one..
so you got what you wish.. I also hope to see bird bird. Since can clearly see already so dun worry that much.
my checkup is once a month after 12 weeks... Very sianz have to wait that long. I never feel any kicks before!!! So worried now.
Hui, if the waxing last for one month, then better do it like 2 weeks before EDD, right? That also means I gotta find one in Spain, see if they do it here or not. Never knew that there's such thing as waxing the pubic hair... hehehe...

WanBB, so where will you be going and when? If you're travelling by air, get this a letter from your OB cause most airline ask for one. When I booked my flight, told SQ that am pregnant so they told me to bring along the letter for check-in. So excited, in just a few more days will be in SG.

Just a reminder, WanBB, the cream I told you is not for pubic hair hor.
Justine, Just went NTUC and saw the veet's remover cream. It comes with a shaver like tool for scraping off the hair.. Maybe if I cannot see my hair when it's blocked by tummy then I will go buy it.
I going taipei in early march. I also taking SQ so I better bring the letter with me. Or else they don't let me board the plane.
How long have you been away from SG?

I am now into 33rd week. I think when I shave, it will be for the big day

i wun shave so many times before due date. i don think i will shave until bare. maybe just make it short but can still see hair :p
If you don't wan it bald, then you can just cut short will do. But sometimes when you cut, it will be not so neat. Some long and some short. I also cut into the toilet bowl then can just flush everything away. hee hee.
WanBB, by the time you fly, how many weeks along will you be? I was told that a single pregy. they only allow until 35 weeks.

Me been away since Dec 1998, but have been going back to SG once a year. Last trip was May 2006.

i check le..the most important herbs to eat is pao sheng & tong chong cao.. ppl use this two herbs to brew bird nest. dun wori.. u will feel the bb movement soon

i duno got brazilian waxing also.. till my SIL intro to me
.. the lady who did it for me is indian so no nd paisei..keke
Justine, I think I will be abt 20th week during the flight. So should be quite safe right? Will air pressure affect the baby?
You have been in spain for such a long time. Must have already been very used to being traveling.

Hui, pao sheng & tong chong cao can use to brew other things? I nv brew bu ping to eat at all except for bird nest. I think I really need to eat something better.
Wow... your boy boy birdie you also show us. Ha ha! the picture next to it is what? Can see the face quite clearly leh.. Hee hee.. the mouth like 'tu tu'.. Maybe know you take picture of his birdie then he unhappy.
Hui, you started a photo album for your boy already? It's really great that next time you can show your boy his photos even before he's born.

WanBB, at 20th week, there shouldn't be a problem at all. But it's best to seek your OB's approval first. Pregy women travel a lot, so there's no problem with air pressure, especially for those in their 2nd trimester. It's advisable to take it easy for the 1st trimester.

Travelling is not a problem for me. I like to travel, either by car or by air. Now, am more like half tourist when in sg.

actualli i'm very bad leh..cause my boy doesn't want me see his face since abt when he's 12 weeks plus.. cause got one time i went for my check up and the scan his head is like onli skull so i say "why my bb look like a kong long" then from that day on eveytime i go check up he dun sjow me his face but only backside...haiz. wat a bad mother am i.. then this detail scan i see the front view of his face then i say to hubby " hey, look like your dog leh"..so guess that's y his mouth tu tu..haha..the pic nect to his bordy pic is his thigh...
as for herbs...got ppl brew with black chicken.

i did prepare one album for him.. putting his growing pic..
Justine, just got the letter from my dr. Better don't lose it.. hee hee..

HUi, Cannot video cam leh... My dr say no recording allowed in the clinic. Sianz... Anyway today dr say not so soon for the gender. Must after 18 weeks. After I come back from taiwan then I going for a detail scan in NUH. I think it will then show me whether got birdie.
I know what you mean by skull only. Tis scan also see the baby's face only skin and bones like alien lor.. Abit scary.. hee hee.. How come your dr take picture of the thigh? Need to measure it also?
WanBB, I was told that the letter must be 3 days before departure. Don't know about yours lah. That's why I programmed by monthly OB visit today, so that I can get the letter for tomorrow's flight.

So happy, finally today is my last day of work before holiday. One month whole month away... can't wait for it to start!

I'll not be here often when I'm in SG, so would like to take this chance to wish everyone of you a very very very HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!
Justine, oh no... Then I have to go back to get the letter again??? haiz.. Nvm lah. I just wear loose clothing and hope nobody sees it. haa! Very troublesome to go back to the clinic again. So are you very excited abt coming back. Hope you enjoy your one month holiday here! Happy CNY too.
Hui, I nv see any flesh on my baby before. only see bones. My dr using 2D scan so very difficult to see anything. Just notice that the scan pic got your EDD. I receive the package list already. It's $750 at my clinic. How much did it cost for you?

Ya hor. Please help me congrate Rae. So happy for her. The first mummy of the thread.
that EDD not "zhun" wan..hehe
my package cost $700 include 8 mths growing scan.
pls visit the IVF mtbs thread for Rae exciting delivery process. mine also 2D.. no 3D
. i sign my package arnd my 16 weeks..
My mum say at our age, mostly baby will come out on time. so hopefully won't come too early.
MY package got 3 growth scan and include all the normal consultation and scan. The package can only sign after 22 weeks. I think mine more bo hwa.


ya.. cause u start later mah.. so slightly bo hwa..but for the sake of bb is ok lah.. i'm preparing myself delivery on 37 weels onwards leh
so will be packing bag during my 34 weeks.
