IVF Mummies

hui, how come so early prepare? I haven't really plan all those things. Cannot even see baby's gender yet.. WHat a disappointment for me. my EDD is on 22 July. I really hope baby will not come out early on 13th july cos it's a friday the 13th. Other than that, any dates will do for me.

Hui, okay. then I also prepare early better. Just in case...

Justine should be back in singapore already!

did u read Rae's exciting account ? Looks like the nurse really shave..

guess i better shave myself in week 37- in preparation for big day :p

hui- seems that Rae used vacuum in the end ? Did she comment about the contractions ? Whether tahan-able or not ?
Hi Ladies! How's everyone?

Finally, am "home sweet home" already!!! Arrived yesterday morning, going to start shopping today!

So Rae's already has her bb! So happy for her. When will she be back here to tell us her experience?
Stumbled_by, read abt it. seems like very painful or she won't opt for two epi... Very worried now.. have to suffer for so many hours leh.

Justine, welcome home!
Stumbled by,

ya.. due to the side effect of epi i guess so in the end vacuum..i will go do my waxing on 37 weeks.. dunwan kanna shave also..Rae onli start feeling pain behind leh but duno why she opt for epi b4 she feel the pain..

welcome home!!
Hui, so you mean Rae haven't feel the pain when she opt for epi? I thought only cannot tahan then will ask the dr for it. The shivering part is the side effect my friend told me abt. She also say cannot control the shivering but it only started after giving birth. So the shivering will come whether or not you have giving birth... so scary...
Happy Lunar New year to all !


the doc will encourage u to decide whether to use epidural upfront(ie NOW) - not when u are in pain. Cos when the pain is 'registered in your brain', no matter what painkiller u used, it's useless. Anyway, epidural can only be used when u are 3cm dilated. So by 3cm, u are already in some sort of pain already.

i think Rae's labour process is still ok. I count 'roughly', from 3plus(?) am to next day deliver at 3pm, its about 12hours. not as bad. Some pple I heard is 20++ hours. (Worst case)

Think shivering is okay lar..compared to labour pain :p a lot of pple who use epidural said they have 'back pain', but i think its still more tahan-able than actual labour pain.

haha...we seem to be 'dissecting' and analysing Rae's process and try to 'learn' something fr there.


welcome home. U can read Rae's experience in IVF-mothers-to-be under 'matters of the heart'.
Stumbled by,
ya..we looking at Rae case n study abt it..keke
this year my hse got two piggy boy.. one in June and one in july
.. my SIL is pregnant 5 weeks after me..
Hi everyone!

Will drop by to read up Rao's experience. Thanks!

Been busy doing some shopping. By the way, if anyone interested to get bb stuffs, Guess Kids in United Sq. has 50%. After discount, their stuffs seem to be more reasonable.

Counting down to PIG year! Happy New Year to all of you!!!
Hi hui,

Happy pig year! This year I'm taking it a bit slower, go for less visits and used the time to rest at home. I also stayed away from all the oranges, heaty stuff and sweets. So overall, not a very happening new year for me.

i am getting heavier, and i feel hot wearing maternity stuffs. prefer to stay at home. When i visit my in laws, I also wear t-shirt and bermudas!

even when people come and visit me, i also wear 'run down' t-shirt and shorts..I need to apologise for my clothing (to the guests) too..haha
En hui,
i had alot chocolate ah...i quite busy these CNY.. bring my lap top home wan do some work in the end all nvr touch.

Stumbled by,
nowadays i can't eat too full leh..feel breathless..the weather very hot!! i stink leh!
Happy new year everyone..

anyone heard abt the myth that if expecting girls will prefer more sweets food and fruits, as for boys, you will prefer sour or salty food.

I have been craving for sweet things recently.. Wonder if I'm having a girl..
Now i'm getting worried. If having a girl, I have to chong again for another one asap lor... aiyo... Another 2 weeks then can scan and know. So worried...

My father side relative got another 2 pregnant women lor.. I CNY saw then know. They scan and confirm is girl so I have a very big burden. sobz...

I think it varies from person to person also. I eat both sweet and salty stuff. But don't like sour things cos' they give me gastric. Since its only 2 weeks more to your scan, don't think so much ok
en_hui, I hope so too... Recently have been getting very moody and keep wondering if my hubby has been fooling ard outside. I get very sensitive when he talk to a girlfriend or when he sit closer or side with another girl. Maybe I'm feeling very inferior now. Yesterday night I even dream of going for plastic surgery!!!
All Mtbs,

anyone know where got sell nice bb sticker for art & craft? i bought some but still not engh leh.. cause will be DIY son's photo album

Anyone apply any oil or cream to the tummy. My tummy is pretty dry. I appreciate your input. Thanks.
Bodhi, I have been applying oil every morning and night. Since last time I skip applying on my back, it develop a few stretchmarks. Now I apply everywhere just in case.
I apply clarin toxin oil. It's more expensive abt $70 plus but it last for 3 months for me.
Some people use olive oil which cost cheaper. But I develop some pimple like stuff on my tummy so I stop using it.

Thanks for the info. May i know from which week of pregnancy you start to apply? My tummy skin condition now is like "snowing"....
Bodhi, I start from week 6. Haa! very kiasu mtb. You have to start asap already. If you have Isetan card, you can buy from there cos 5% discount. Go to the clarin counter and ask the sales, she will know what you want. Can also ask for a free sample of body scrub which goes along with the oil. For other area like legs and hands which is also very dry for me, I use johnson baby lotion. Cheap and good.

Hui, Me also use same as yours. Pai sei, Tonic also spell wrong.. haa! I put toxin! later people thought I put toxin on tummy. haa!

I think our appetite will be more 'extreme' during pregnancy. U will like stuffs that are 'sweet', 'spicy' or strong in taste. U wun be able to stand food that is too 'bland'...so its old wives tales.

Don't think too much. Pregnant woman tend to overthink and have vivid dreams. Dont let your imagination go wild.


I think plaza Singapura there is a store. Near 'Daiiso' (the $2 shop)
Ya lor... Me really tend to think alot and have all sort of funny dreams every night.
Maybe I have nothing better to do then I will think that much. Even little issue will bring me screaming and crying. Need to find a healthy hobby before I go crazy.
Hi all!

Been busy since reaching sg. Anyone knows any sales going on where I can get some baby stuffs?

Just want to say hello to you all before leaving for HK tomorrow. Will be back on 6th Mar!

Hope everyone of you enjoyed this holidays!

i sok lah.. i sometimes also got typo error

Stumbled by,

i know which shop you talking abt.. i went there on Jan then know got so many stickers for bb album.. that's y start collecting them


i heard that this shop call CHEONG CHOON STORE sell cheap bb stuff. duno how true havent been there. here's the add :

Blk 34 Upper Cross st #03-132 & Blk 32 New Market Rd, People's Park #03-1190
Justine, Mustafa also alot of cheap baby clothing and stuff but don't know how good they are. the newborn clothing are as cheap as a few dollars.. Can drop by and see on weekdays.

Hui, you went for pre-natal classes already? I still wondering where to sign up and which is good. I keep thinking imagine learn so much but in the end don't need to use them at all. Example if we not natural birth then won't use what use learn right. And if nv breastfeed then waste the lessons.
anyone here been to 'Baby Hyperstore' or 'Baby xxxx' at Kaki bukit area ? Heard there are 3 stories of bb stuffs. Heard its cheaper but i havent been there..

so far i got most of the bb stuffs. just want to go there and check it out, esp the bigger ticket items which i havent bought (will buy after bb comes out) like cot, pram etc
Ladies! Just back from HK, lots of shopping and eating and now can see that tummy is growing already... hahaha...

I also went to this hyperstore and it seems like so messy, difficult to really appreciate their stuffs. I prefer this baby kingdom, beside the hyperstore. Anyway, didn't get anything from either shop.

how's everyone weekend? so long no ppl post here liao.
Got a medela minie electric plus breast pump n Aussino cot bedsheet (piglet design) for my son..hehe
Hey hui,

did you get the breast pump from the TAKA baby fair? I spent $400+ there on the Avent ISIS UNO breast pump and Avent Express Sterilizer. Looks like more damage to come cos' still need to get misc like breast pads, breast milk containers, baby's towel etc.
En hui,

long time nvr hear from you. how are you? i didnt go to the taka fair.. HB say dun go squeeze with ppl. i get the breast pump from metro. $299 before 15% disc. i will buy the mile bag to store breast milk.

wow..u invested so much in breast pump. I have a manual breastpump given by a friend, brand new. I dont know whether i can breastfeed successfully. Only when i breastfeed successfully then will i think of investing more things like electric breastpump, breast pads. I also din buy a lot of milk bottles, cos i may be able to breastfeed! haha..

Now I am full term. Hoping the day will come asap.
Hui, the fair was indeed very crowded on Sat. Could hardly walk around so I only went in to grab the things I wanted to get.

But overall, I find some of the discounts quite good. You might want to check it out on weekday evenings when it's less packed.
Stumbled by,

i have feedback on how diff to manual pump that's y bought electric n i bought wan consist of two pump so will be pumping 2 breast at a time. heard from my lady boss when u pump one side the other side will engorge n leak milk. my this pump will kp for my 2nd preg also
, milk bottle i have 3 NB milk bottle. very fast your turn to gve birth liao!! whao!! very fast.. cant wait for mine. now left 86 days for me..haiz

En hui,
i think will not be goin liao as i get almost the stuff le..left pampers,pad,herbs etc.. i will be using tea leafs for bb pillow
hi ladies, am back
hw's everyone's doing? when will the taka fair end? am visiting my ex-coll this Wed so tinking of gg to the fair...
so fast confinment finish ah? did you see the post of your labour process? 25th marc the fair ends
, how's everything with a NB at home?
