IVF Mummies

WanBB, thanks. You're right. Hui and I are June MTB, mine will be on 13th June.

Hui, which hospital will you be having your boy?

I'll be having my bb in Spain, hope my mum can come over to help me with confinement.


i actualli prefer a boy but hubby says boy or ger is ok.. if is a boy then will be a bonus as hubby is elder son
.. whao!! ur bb will born in spain! so shiok.. i will deliver my boy in TMC

i think my 3rd sis can take care of my bb as she's very guai but my youngest bro make me piss off onli.. spolit by my parents as he's he only son.. :X

i prefer a boy coz i got no elder brother as i'm the eldest in the family..so am thinking a big brother for my 2nd child
actualli for the 1st bb is a ger is good coz ger they will be much gentle, more choice of clothes and they take care of sibling also
Justine, wow baby born in Spain.. Then must really ask mum to go over and do confinement. I dun think it's easy to find someone there to help you do the chinese confinement.

Hui, your parents try so long just to have a son izzit. My grandmum try until the 7th child then kanna son! My parent-in-law also try until 5th child then got son. I even thought of going to states for gender selection. haa! now anything will do lah. As long as healthy and no problems with baby, I'll be happy.

ya, my parents try very long for a boy.. that's why the last one then boy but luckily they still young.. now my parents 44 years old. they still can work and lucky for them my grandparents is in their 60s so can help them look after my bro n sis...
Hui, congrat, you're getting what you want, a boy!!! My cousin gave birth to her girl in TMC too, was told it's good. Are you showing already?
hui, your parents really very young. They going to be grandparents at a young age too. Next time can even ask them to look after their great grandchildren. WOw! I think my parents also got chance to look after their great grandchildren cos they are only 50 this year. If our baby get married at abt 20 and have baby at 21, our parents only 60 plus 70. Hee hee...
Think too far already. but it's funny when come to think abt it.
WanBB, I agreed with you, must try to convince my mum to come over to help me with confinement. This CNY home trip, I have a mission... hehehe... Hb also wants my mum to come over too, so we'll see if my mum will give in finally.

Rae, my hubby is Spanish. That's why am here and also because lifestyle is more relax and also I get PR automatically. It's more complicated for my hb to get SG PR.

Overall, medical service here is good, free of charge, just need to pay like 40% for all prescribe medicine. However, the gov. specialist is rather slow, always long queue.

My company pay a medical insurance for us, so I'm going private without having to pay anything. Reason why I want to give birth in Spain also becoz I don't have to worry about the cost since everything is paid by the insurance or the gov.

There's no such thing as C class here, they only have 2 bedder or 1 bedder. Gov. hospital provide only 2 bedder ward while private hospital provide only 1 bedder ward.

All my prenatal visit is private clinic where we went for our ICIS but I choose to go to gov. hospital for labour coz was highly recommanded, was told it's the best in town.

The only downside to have my baby in Spain is that my girl will not be given SG citizenship automatically. However, I can apply it for her and they will consider it case by case basis.
Justine, how abt postnatal massage? Do they have it there?

If you give birth in singapore, baby will get citizenship? So nice to experience life overseas. I also wish to live a life outside of singapore for a period of time. But now with family and baby it will only be a dream for me.
WanBB, there's no such thing as postnatal massage here. I think they have this special postnatal belt. Still haven't investigate about it yet.

Yes, if give birth in SG, then baby will get citizenship automatically. This means for my case I have to go through all the paper work to get the citizenship for my baby.

I want my baby to have dual nationality until the age of 21. Then she will have to choose either one. I think it's better this way, should be old enough at age 21 to make her own decision.

Having a family and baby doesn't mean that staying overseas is a dream only. I read in other tread that people are moving overseas with their kids!
icic.... sounds like a gd place to live
seems like both Spain & SIN gov services are the same - long q!!!!
wowow, all pay for either by insurance or gov. may i kn wat insurance is tt??

I think Spain's gov service is LONG LONG LONG Q! Hate their gov admin service, to renew my PR, it took monthssssss. Gotta go through the process every 5 yrs.

Don't think the insurance companies we have here is valid in SG, you can check it out if you want though... now using CISNE, last year was DKV. Company like to change here and there to get the best offer.

You're expecting your baby during CNY period, right? Maybe when I'm in SG, you'll have your baby boy already. It'll be best if you have him on 18th Feb!!!

welcome to the thread. I am also expecting a girl.
We form the minority in the IVF world..haha

I am due in march. I thought of a Chinese name by referring to chinese dictionary, plus some 'guidance' from my mother. But it can cause a lot of quarrels..haha
dun think is far far away..very fast wan.. like me now my great grandma is 80 years old and this year become great great grandmother le.(after my bb born).. so things do happen..haha

my HB have a list of name..he read book about names n check it out dictionary also. now waiting for bb to come out and see the lunar date n time if it's suit those names.
there's no such insurance for maternity related in SG
yes, hope can be borned on or after 18th feb
piglet bb. hw long will u stay in SG?

for bb's name, i asked my nieces to suggest. they suggested their classmates' names
for chinese names, will ask You Long Zi for help after bb is born
So basically you all will decide the name after bb born, right?

My hb wants a chinese name for our girl, so I'm still thinking if how should I do it. My first thought is to translate the spanish name to chinese. So far it sounds ok. Will ask mum about it when in sg.

Do agree that name choosing can cause some quarral, so we choose the name ourselves without consulting our parents but for Chinese name, need some help there.

Rae, here a medical insurance usually includes everything except assisted reproduction but my current insurance do include 3 free try on AI.

Those who can't afford an insurance, go gov. hospital and you still get free service just that you need to queue. For example, we were in the waiting list to start ICIS with the gov. hospital (free of charge) but we were at q. no. 1560. This means there were 1559 couples before us and every year they only provide such service to 250 couples. After doing the maths, it's like more than 5 yrs of waiting!!!

That's why we decided to go it privately, just pay and that it.
thanks hui for explaining to stumbled_by....

wow.... hv to wait for 5yrs at gov. hosp!!!! tt's too long man...
ur bb quite active at 11weeks
Spain gynaes have such facility to record it??

am having difficulty walking today, esp sitting dwn and standing up. seems like there's bruises at both inner thighs rubbing against each other. will check with gynae tmr

why are u having bruises on your inner thighs ? Is it bcos your thighs rub against each other ?


I attended the antenatal class this morning. Basically for epidural it is a continuous supply of medicine attached to our spine. Hence doc should be able to adjust dosage at the 2nd stage of labour, when u are doing active pushing. In this way, u can feel some sensation, hence making pushing easier. This helps to ease my fear of numbness which may cause difficulty in pushing! (But..I still have friends saying the numbness make it difficult to push, hence having the need to use vacuum)

PS- even when vacuum is used, the mother must still do active pushing. The side effects of vacuum should be quite minimal, but of cos there is still a risk.
Rae, I agreed with you, how to wait for 5 years to do the ICSI, by the time we'll be so old can't even go after baby and on top of that the chances of success drop so much that it's not worth trying already.

Only those private gynaes have such facility to record the ultrascan on DVD. Yes, baby is active and that really a great assurance for me. I guess you can understand, when we don't feel baby's movement, then we'll get worried, right?

Thanks for sharing the info, it's good to know.
went for check-up earlier. as my weight has dropped again, nurse asked me to do a CTG. After 20mins, was told to see gynae. Gynae said the CTG print-out shows both bb's heartbeats norm & i dun hv contractions yet *whew* but to continue to monitor bb's movements. must feel bb's movements >10 times thru-out the day (12hrs period), if nt, got to call the hosp for advise

Mum's weight: 64.6kg (down from 64.7kg)
BB'a weight: 3.2kg (up from 2.6kg... yikes :S
EDD: 16 Feb'07
Next appt: 9 Feb'07
twinsmom said it may be ligament pain or the baby is lying close to ur pelvic bone that it puts pressure on the nerves there. Think our body is preparing for child birth...

thanks for sharing the info on epidural
heard from my colleague who had epi tt she can feel the liquid flowing in the 2nd time she asked doc to increase dosage :p

agreed with u.... btw, may i ask hw old r u? hw many eggs retrieved & transferred to u? any embies left for freezing? the DVD is inclusive in the package? yes, initial stage as bb still small, we r nt able to feel it's movements but as it grows, it will be very strong & powerful

I'm currently 33 yrs old, will be 34 by end of the year. 12 eggs were retrieved but only 8 were matured enough to to be fertlised and managed to have 6 embries. Hence I choosed to use 3 and left 3 for freezing. Only one manged to stick on. How about you?

My fertility package (3.5k euros) ended when they did the transfer of embies. After that, all prenatal visit is paid by my medical insurance which include the DVD recordingn(but DVD is not provided. My fertility package didn't include the injections, but manage to get gov. sub. so instead of paying 2k euros, ended up only pay about 20 euros for all medication needed.

You inject yourself? What time you did it? At first I was so sure of myself that I told my hb that I'll do it but I just can't seems to poke myself no mater how. Ended up my hb did it for me, luck that he was quite good at it and no blues at all. Was told to do it at night.

You gotta take good care of yourself and bb now, reaching full term in no time. How do you feel? Total, how many kg have you put on?
Good morning buudies,

u r most welcome.. regards about the weight on 22nd Jan i weight is 67.6 i put on 4kg in 2 weeks now i weight myself is 66kg drop by 1.6kg..will see 24th check up n my weight

Regards abt the inner thigh pain..i sometimes feel something wanna drop out from my V..mayb bb sitting down there but abit wori abt my cervix as i done cone bio b4 and the cervix wall is slightly thinner now..

do u have problems with bowels for this last few weeks of yur pregnancy ? Nowadays when I sit on the toilet bowl(without doing anything yet :p), i feel the pressure of the baby/tummy on my anus. Thus, sometimes i try to shift my weight 'forward' so that less weight is exerted on the anus/V area. I am really scare of having piles or some 'swollen tissue' near the anus area towards the last few weeks of pregnancy :p

~32 weeks
all mummies,
this coming CNY anyoe eating shark fins? am goin to eat abit..yest went fish n co with hubby and i ate two fresh oyster..yummy n fresh..havent touch since preg.. so yest eat two nia to kill craving :p
am 33 tis yr after b'day in jun. if rem correctly, 18 eggs will retrieved but only 6 managed to survive. placed 2 embies & freeze the rest
so left 1 hanging in there

in SG, all injections are done 1st thing in the morning aft we wake up. before tt, the nurse will demo hw & wher to inject. i asked my HB if he wants to help to inject but he afraid may hurt me so i inject myself.... :p only once, i kena blue/black. it's a long process with these injections
in all, i cost me abt SGD6K (in gov hosp - KKH) which is claimable from medisave.

All pre-natal visits were paid accordingly on every visits. My package starts from wk20 & deposit of SGD500 (incl only consultation & scans. not incl med, tests & unscheduled appts). then from wk32, another payment of SGD775 & this is for doctor's fees. will hv to see the final bill after birth

right now, feeling like a penguin cos tt's hw i walk now - swaying from side to side.... kekekekeke
pain from right inner thigh esp..... had gained abt 11-12kg so far....

did u chk with ur gynae cos of the op u done b4? isn't due to this tt u suffer heavy bleeding during the 1st tri? as for shark's fins, heard dun take too much cos of the mercury content.... but i hv been taking too much junk food for the past few weeks

no probs to my bowels wich surprise me..... been emptying my bowels everyday for the past 1wk plus & usually in the afternn.... but not a lot lah.... i ct sleep since 3am tis morning & i kept farting, must b the food i ate

i dun hv the pressure of my bb pushing at my V area yet.....been monitoring my bb's movements daily.....better hv lotsa water, fruits & veg to prevent piles & oso dun exert too much force at ur anus area......

am gg to stay at my mum's place from tonite onwards so will not login liao.... will try to update u all after confinement
How's everyone?

Haven't been posting cos been going shopping the past few days. So many things to buy. I even bought soft drinks to store at home already. Slowly buy now so dun have to carry home so much at one shot.

Hui, you cannot eat oyster.. It might be harmful to baby. I steal eat two mussel once when my hubby wasn't looking. In the end I vomit like hell and the mussel came out black in colour and it stain the toilet bowl. I think it's a warning from the baby.
I don't take sharkfin for conservation purpose therefore no problem with that. But just cannot resist tuna!

Rae, good luck to you! Update us on your beautiful baby.

i'm still ok leh..i mean with the oyster but of course will email my doc to check for moderation of shark fins

i will start buying drinks for CNY on the 12th i think
Rae, we'll be here waiting to hear all about your adventure and maybe give us a treat by posting some bb photo for us to see. :)

Hui, WanBB is right! You can't take oyster!

Once I mentioned about my concern about taking fish and seafood, my FIL downloaded a database regarding mercury contain in diff. type of fishes and seafood.

Maybe I'll check with him about tuna and also sharkfin to see the mercury level. If I have any info, will let you mummies know too.

FIL told me that it's safe to eat squid, they have 0% of mercury, prawn has such low level that it's almost not there, so it's safe to eat too.

I'll starting wk 22 tomorrow and so far only gain 2.5kg, is that normal?

haha.. but already in my stomach n i poo poo out liao.. :p
i just email gynae regards abt this also..if he reply will post here ok?
Received email form doc yesterday evening le..
he say shark fin can eat but fresh oyster better don't cause scared not clean..Oops.. :p
so i better dun eat any fresh oyster liao...
don't ever eat oyster again. Just in case if eaten dirty ones will kanna food poisoning.
you bought ba kwa already? feel like eating the lin zi yuan but have to quene and buy. Boring leh. Other brands not that nice.

wow, you have a very concern FIL. My in-law don't seems to care abt my pregnancy. Thanks for checking for us.
So is there any difficult in walking after your 20th week? I'm going to taiwan for holiday and worry that I can't walk too much and be a burden to my friends.

I'm also getting a little small stretchmarks on my tummy even though i apply cream day and night. ANyone has this problem at only 16 week? Getting pretty affected with the stretchmarks.

ok.. will stop my oyster

i havent start buying CNY things yet.. will wait till next week bah..you going taiwan?! whao!! as for stretchmark.. i have alot at the side of my tummy..is very very ugly
, i start having stretchmark abt there also week 16..i'm totalli affected as i got no confident in myself naked liao..sob sob
Then you also haven't buy clothing? wow. alot of things to get for this CNY since economy is thriving.
I going taiwan with another couple friend for shopping, eating and singing KTV before the baby gets in the way.
Did you apply stretchmarks cream or anything? My mum dun have any on the tummy so I thought I'll be safe. But a few nights back I realise some tiny ones on the side of tummy already. I also got very sad and apply more oil on myself day and night. My friends wanna go sentosa swimming, I also reject. Fat still can exercise and lose weight but stretchmarks cannot cure!

Actually how to tell whether they are stretch marks or not ? For me, tummy gets dark, esp lower part of abdomen. Think its due to the increase in melannin production(same as those kind that will cause freckles)


It is normal. Cos 1st trimester most people don put on weight. (but I do even tho I have MS) Then in 2nd trimester u can put on as much as 1Kg in 2 weeks, but of cos, it differs for individuals.

clothes n shoes i bought le.. buy CNY for home havent...i now on off got apply oil.. very ugly..somemore now my marks look abit reddish black..so ugly.. but my hubby says..y bother? not important mah...
I have stretchmarks on my bum so agar agar I can tell the marks on my tummy is the stretchmarks too. When I stretch the skin, the marks become more obvious. My body also become very hairy. The last time I went tanning, my friend call me king kong. Sobz. You mean your tummy has a line in the middle izzit? mine got a very obvious line form with hair. I dun dare to shave them off, in case they grow back getting thicker.

aiyo, you have to work harder already. must apply everyday morning once, night another time. A friend of mine very young given birth and has lots of stretchmarks on her tummy. Everthough she already slim down, when she wear tops it sometimes reveal the tummy's stretchmarks which is quite ugly.
Hubby always say those nice things. Mouth say not important but dunno how their heart will think. We must protect ourselves. At least we look pretty they also happy. Jia you!
You will feel that your tummy is itchy when the skin stretch. BUT never scratch your tummy with your fingers. Use a comb to brush lightly on the itchy area. Scratching your tummy will result in stretchmarks!
heard this from a experience mummy. Hope it helps!

All pregnant women will have a dark line in the middle, separating their 'left' and 'right' tummy. what I mean is the colour of my tummy is darker than the past...

Sob sob...My tummy is itchy recently, even wake up in the middle of night. Very hard not to scratch leh...I apply moisturiser etc as advised by hui but...

how does the stretch marks look like ? I heard it is thin silvery lines ?
Hee, haven't come into this thread for a couple of days and there's so much to read!! Heh heh, I guess mtbs can continue to post here until they graduate then :p

WanBB, I have exactly the same line of hair leh. Initially when looking in the mirror, I thought its just pigmentation, then on closer look then realise its hair ... sigh. Also have very very bad case of stretch marks now, and they seem to be concentrated around the belly button. Sigh ... and this is only week 28. I've been applying anti--stretch mark cream since early in the first trimester, but its obviously useless. But I think what WanBB says about scratching is true. I tend to do that, and now that part of my belly i scratch most is covered in stretch marks ... if only I knew :-(
ok ok, muz be hardworking for my future..haha

one of my fren also very young but the stretchmark is horrible that's y she good figure but no bikini...

Stumbled by,
feel like take a pic on my marks n mms u leh.. cause i duno how to describe leh..i dun have the center line yet..mayb later stage..
I nv notice if tummy is darker in colour since I go tanning. Hee hee. But I realise got light brown moles on my body.

I think the silver lines is stretchmarks. It's lighter than your skin colour sometimes they look just like fish scales. You better buy olive oil or stretchmarks cream to apply. I apply cheap olive oil in the morning then at night apply more ex stretchmark cream. Like that no need to spend so much on creams.

Jenny, seems like we are the hairy mum. My dr say it's normal to have hair but it's all over me now!
You better stop scratching and use the comb method. Avoid having more marks in future. My friend advice me to use the comb method even after birth of baby.

how come you no center line yet? so good!
I feel like a watermelon waiting to be cut into half with the center line.
WanBB, yes indeen my FIL is really cool, can ask him about anything at all. Between FIL and hb, they do all the DIY work at home, so hardly need to pay someone to do it... hehehe.

Will go to IL's place next few days, so can check out the mercury database. Will keep you mummies inform!

Am currently at week 22 and have no problem with walking, next week I'll be in SG... hurray!!! Plan to have lots of shopping, eating, etc. So don't worry, when you're in Taiwan, you'll have no time to feel tired because of the holiday mood. Hehehe...

However, if you do feel tried, remember to rest, don't overwork yourself.

I also started having a little stretchmarks at abt 16 weeks, also when start to feel itchy everywhere especially tummy but after applying cream the itchness stopped but stretchmarks are still there. Am not worry abt it though, hb doesnt mind also.

Stumbled_by, thanks for your info. At least now feel better. Everyone keep asking me how come I have no tummy yet. I said that only gain 2.5kg leh, and furthermore am all rounded mah. Guess that's the reason that I'm still not showing.

I dunno if I have stretchmarks cos my tummy's colour is now 'funny'. but I heard from others it is silvery lines for stretch marks. My tummy is darker esp the lower abdomen n its NOT due to tanning. btw, MTBs can get dark spots easily so u better avoid the sun or apply sunblock religiously!


actually this folder is for MOTHERS. I am preparing for the MTB to transit to mothers, where they can share here. but looks like now its all MTBs :p


u sure u have no centre line ? It is starting somewhere below your breast, 'cuts in the middle', pass your belly button, and go down to pubic area. It is a vertical line.


duno why i dun have yet leh..mayb covered by my body hair? haha.. i'm hairy since young..keke :p

Stumbled by,
confirm i dun have center line.. i know wat u mean cause i read thos pregnancy book the mothers all got the center line..some super black wan..haha.. ya hor.. this thread suppose to be for those given birth ones..keke..
