IVF Mummies

I tot I applied wrongly that resulted in discharge. No symptom at all leh.Tummy still soft, soft... Unlike last time with all the jabs, the tummy was so hard.

Referral from polyclinic will entitle subsidy rate if not wrong you cannot choose Dr.

how many more days will your 2ww be over?
Jia you jia you ok?
That time, I experienced cramps so I went to have the blood test on the 14th day as I was worried about miscarriage. The nurse at IVF also told me to go down for the blood test based on that reason to be on the safe side.
Still a long way to go, another week more. I'm okay
but only feel very different this time.
How're you now? Should be over 3mths already.
how different is this time?
I'm going to be in my 4th month next week.

Still not feeling very good though.
For FET, the process is more simple and dun feel much stress. I remembered last time I still need to go back to KKH for another 17day of progesterone jab after transfer, it was very tiring. I dun think much in 2ww, as I'm so occupied with my boi now. Check with you did you get chicken pox jab for your boy cos recently my niece got it.
I did not give my boi the jab as most of my colleagues who have kids of similar age also did not give the jab to their kids. It seems like even with the jab, there's a possibility that it will happen. Just not so severe.

I haven't even given my boi the Hep A jab. I'm thinking of end of year when I can travel. At the moment, Dr Loh said I can't travel as I seem to have high blood pressure this time according to him.
I think I'm going to get gestational diabetes again as I seem to have a stronger sweet tooth this time round compared to last time. Hungry easily too...
Hi Jeni
You plan for holiday after birth?That will be great
Maybe by then your bld pressure will back to normal. Did you do any HPT before going down for blood test?

Thanks for info.Is this the big scale one?
Sure go to have a look if I have BFP
not sure if it's a big scale but planning to go alone on Friday afternn to check-it out 1st. Am interested in a couple of the talks thou.... will update if i hv time after the trip....

this is ur 2nd WW rite? Keeping fingers cross and praying for u..... Stay positive
what's HPT?
I don't know whether it is really the case as at that time when I was taking my blood pressure,
I was feeling tired and breathless. So, I'm not sure whether this affects or not.
Hi Stacy / Jeni / Dawn
Glad to have found this thread... still remember me from the "MTB" thread??

Congrats on your good news :)
Do take it easy with work else it might affect the pregnancy...

All the best :) Its true that there's less "pressure" when doing FET cos' we have our darlings already... so relax and be cheerful :)

My girl started walking last month... its tedious to keep up with her... she refused to be carried now and will wail if we dun let her have her way... quite embarrassing esp when we take her out :p
Hi Ladies,
I failed my FET. Yesterday my day 16 already tried HPT and mentally prepared for (-). Initially feel upset and I'm more relieved now as it made me realise how lucky I was 2 yrs back and now I fall into the unsuccessful range, so some one will make it in success. Well! I never know I can be so strong this time. I've already done my best and leave everything to fate.
I will used up my last 3 embroyos for next FET and put a FULL STOP to this. Thanks ladies for your wishes
Glad to know you all are so supportive
Great to see you here.
sorry to hear the sad news.
Hope that your next FET will be successful.
When do you plan to do it?

how time flies... your girl is already walking...
My son is also quite wayward in getting what he wants. I guess this is just a stage that they have to go through.
Are you going to try for another one?
Dear Stacy
You can take a breather now... Least you can still give it another shot with the remaining embryos :)
Yah... come to think of it, we were really blessed to have succeeded during the 1st time round :)

Hi Jeni
My girl is 15+months alrdy... never runs out of energy and very determined to have her way :p
I'm now 17+weeks with number 2... cos i have no frozen embryos after the 1st round, i've been "working hard" to try natural :p
For that, i've been counting my blessings :)
When is your EDD? Seeing Dr Loh again?
Stacy, *hugz hugz* take a good rest and bu your body, then go for the next round.

Ashly, congrats!!! and good to see you back online! Do come in often! is it boy or gal this time? must be quite tiring having to chase after #1 while having your #2. Both my twins are running about too...even trying to climb the stairs at home....so it is terrible tiring for both the maid, mum/mil and I.
We are just 1 week apart. I am one week behind u.
Good to know that I have someone to do this together again. Are you taking any tonic, bird's nest etc etc? Anybody to recommend anything? Really don't know what to cook / brew? My mom is busy with my son so I don't want to further trouble her. Hence, I'm thinking of doing it myself since no one can help.
Ladies, thanks for the warm welcome :)

Just like what Dawn said, pls do try and take some "bu" tonics after the period ends... even simple homemade red-bean soup is good for iron count :)

Yup... its really tiring to go after my girl when i have to mind my own health... Thank goodness my helper quite efficient, so whenever i get tired, she takes over :p
my hubby has been bonding alot with my girl, so its no surprise that she calls "papa" ever so readily instead...

Wow!! We are indeed "close" in terms of delivery date :p
I just took the "amnio" test on monday so this whole week i'm at home...
i also don't really bother to "boost" my health with tonics etc... just eat everything in moderation. I just faithfully take the multi-vit and fish oil that Dr Loh has prescribed, once a week take a bottle of birds' nest thats it...
seems like most of us r pretty lax when having the 2nd bb.....
cos we r "been there, done that" mummies
all the best to jeni & ashly, do update ur birth stories
Please take good care and try again. JIa you.

Welcome onboard. It's not easy to handle a toddler with yourself pregnant again. My elder daughter is now 21months old and my #2 at 7 weeks and already cannot handle her cos she is always jealous. It will be good tat your hubby can bond with your daughter so tat when #2 is born at least he can look after her. NOw she can't even stay home with me. So sad, she could only return on weekends....

Perphaps you can take "dong cong cao" this can make baby stronger.

Rae / Dawn,
I have tried milk plus since early feb but not much effect. I just tried Goat's Rue since yesterday and I can see increase in supply. Am quite happy with it. Rae, you might want to consider Goat's Rue.

Have found another web site and it's cheaper than vitakids.


Is the increase in supply almost instantly for goat's rue? I also tried mother's milk tea recently.
Jolene, I only tried goat's rue (120 capsules) 1 bottle, yes the increase quite instant as in next day can see it increasing, once the bottle finished, I used the mother's milk tea to sustained the supply at that level lor. otherwise, so expensive!!!
good to hear that it works for you! my jan mummy frens say the mother milk plus more effective leh....maybe different pple react to different herbs.
jia you!!! you taking care of your #2 on your own?
Hi Jolene

Thanks for all the advice :)
I guess my kids' age-gap will be like yours... ie. around 20months apart...

Yah... i was thinking at least my girl "listens" to the daddy... so that she will not fear that the attention on her will be "gone"...

You still on maternity leave right? Taking care of the little on your own? Its tough to start "all over again"... JIA YOU!!
thanks Jolene for the update and the almost instant increase... I had just placed order for Goat's Rue Cap, 60c.... hope it's effective for me

Thanks for the info :)

Was abt to ask around when it was cos i've to buy some newborn stuff... gave alot of my girl's stuff away the other time...
Ya true, different herbs work for different ppl. But still find that some days the supply is low.I guess is due to not enough rest. Still have to work hard to pump more and latch at night.
Yes, looking after her alone. Unlike my first child, whereby both hubby and me look after together. Seems like we are more experience this time so #2 is solely under my care. NOw is getting better. When my cl first left she can wake up for milk every 2 hours during the first week. But now it's more stable. So just hoping she can sleep through soon.
After my ml ends, she will be at her Ah ma's home in the day and will bring both girls home at night.

But sometimes things will change when her little brother / sister comes along. HOpe yours will not be like my elder, super super jealous. Now is the tough time for you as she just learnt to walk. My girl is very slow only recently at 21st month than she can walk.

Really tough starting again but times flies, now is already the 8th week. Starting to get better.
I will return to work on 20th April.

Thanks for the info. I simply love Taka's baby fair and will never miss it....hee.

Good that you got it, try and update us. I find that some days supply will still dip a little but try to have lots of rest and another tips from friends is to drink milo with oats. Am also trying that.

How much is your boy drinking now? You have already return to work? In the day you latch and pump and at night solely pumping? ON TBF?

Hi, how are you doing??

so far, taken 2 cap since recd it yesterday evening and pumping now. did not see any increament yet but milk seems to b thicker than b4. but my medela pump seems to be acting weird, like not enough strength hehehe....... sad to say, my 2nd boy has been looking after by my mum who stays in the west so only bring him home on Fri nights
no more latch on

depends, sometimes he drinks 3oz and on other occassions, 4oz of FM. only warm stored BM for him on weekends.....
Ladies, Isetan having Little Tots Fair from 13March to 5 April too...
seems like quite alot of sale for us to cheong! Saw that if you bring your old milk bottles, can buy Avent bottles at 30%. Disney apparel at 50% too! Hee hee....

Really salute to 2nd time mothers.....going through the night feeds all over again is no joke! plus u got number 1 to look after too!

Ashly, haven't seen u and ur gal after the day u delivered. she still resembles ur hubby or getting more like u? Dr Loh must be very happy that you have conceived naturally!

Jolene, wow, time really flies, so fast 8 weeks liow! unbelievable.... saw your number 1's pic, she is really fair and pretty.
My gal has been mistaken as the boy most of the time, lol.

Rae,hope the goat's rue help...anyway, just try everything, more fluid/more hot drinks/more papaya fish soup....
as long as we put in our best effort, can liow. jia you!
thanks dawn. i will try and put in more effort this time

btw, thw Little Tots Fair is at all Isetan or only at Scotts?

i had been drinking milo and taking 3-in-1 cereals for since confinement.... oso drink lotsa fluid. mayb i did not pump as often as i shld.

hi. Glad to hear that u are coping well. I guess its normal for 1st one to be jealous. But i guess she has to learn slowly... Like now, if I carry other pple baby's she will cry too :p

I guess will be challenging in future when u bring both girls home at nite. Maybe u can try out before your ML ends.

I am okay. My daughter's coming to 2years old in 2wks. Time flies ^_^


U stay in Tampines ? Got the impression u live near Expo :p if yes, then we stay all Easterners
So u are the opposite from Jolene. U take care of 1st child, while 2nd is with MIL ?
how do u kn i stay in Tampines? hehehe..... when it is near Expo if by transport
yes, looking after 1st child at night n goes to mil plc after 1/2 child care while my own mum look after 2nd. cos mil can't cope with 2 kids, also got to know abt 2 weeks ago tt she (mil) is blind with 1 eye

i had tried Goat's Rue for few days but supply does not seems to increase
My gal also sometimes mistaken as boy as she has very little hair. So I will put on hair clip hee.

Yup, she is quite fair and sweet but is a little terror when she sees me carrying mei mei. On last Sunday she can scream and cry for the whole day. Making me and hubby so exhausted. We are lucky our mil help us to take care on weekday. She even pick her on sunday night.

I will post my nb photos soon.

Usually Cherlyn will be home from Friday night to Sunday evening. So if she woke up in the middle of the night, will cry and look for me and most of the times both girls cry at the same time so I can't attend to her. Feel so sad that she cry so hard. It's tough handling both and milk supply drop during weekend as got not enough rest.

Continue to take it. How often does you pump? These days my supply also not very ideal. Will start to take green papaya fish soup again. Have to build up else when return to work sure drop further.
Have you heard of power pumping??

FYI, try this and I hope this helps both of us.

"You just need to do this for 2 days - after that do 1-2 times a day on day 3 & 5 for maintenance & repeat the 2 days system again maybe before you go back to work.

4-5 times a day power pump

Pump 20 mins
rest 10 mins
Pump 10 mins
rest 10 mins
Pump 10 mins
rest 10 mins
Pump 10 mins
total 60 mins

This gives u 10 mins in between to tend to your baby change her or carry her/him.

For single pump users - its abit more tedious but i have come up with a system for you as well

Pump 15.mins (Right)
Pump 15mins (Left)
Pump 7mins (Right)
Pump 7mins (Left)
Pump 7mins (Right)
Pump 7mins (Left)
total 58 mins (approx)

while u pump one side the other side is resting - single pump users really have to be tied down whole nearly 1 hr lor. But i developed this just for those who dont plan to buy another pump since they have already bot one.

just 2 days of this system - most will see significant milk supply increased - but still pump 15-20 mins every 2-3 hrs after that as usual - really up to your lifestyle & your urgency to up your supply."
You are a darling for coming up this system. Am a single pump user so will try 2nd method
*muack* *muack*

understand how u feel abt both girls cry at the same time and can only attend to 1
..... like my boys so hv to split them for now, thou not the best child care arrangement but no choice.....

Welcome pantone,
Dr Loh from KKH is the best, i think, looking at this thread. Most of the girls here are/were his patients. U may check KKH website.
i did not follow ur timings but fix a system myself. my nipples r a little soared.... hehe. r u using nipple cream? am using medela purelan 100 but find it so-so....

Really 'she bu de' my elder daughter. Can only see her few times a week. At least my mil stays very near just two bus stops away so sometimes i drop by to see her. Yours very far away, you can only see her on weekends.

Me not so super know what is power pumping. Copy it from forum, someone posted this hee. Ya nipples get really soared with all the pulling. I have also have purelan 100 but did not use it.
Very sad, my supply is getting lower and lower. Well, cannot feel negative, must be relax and positive. So long as we keep pumping sure will have. We jia you together.
yes, a little heartpain and heartless too but no choice.... wait till elder boy settle down.

ya, will try our best to pump. we had try our best liao

I think the best is still latch on. Pumping alone may not help, unless u use those hospital grade pump that cost $700-800 where the first part is to simulate the baby's suckle. For Rae, since your 2nd one not with u, perhaps u want to borrow those hospital grade pump. For Jolene, since your 2nd one is with u, try latch on. A lot of people tell me that and I also realise : Nothing beats the baby's suckle.

Not sure if power pump works but seems a lot of work. Do you massage breast with warm towel and try to push milk towards nipple prior to pump ? Pinch nipple etc. But again, latch on still the best

All this is theory also. I seldom latch on last time; most of the time also pump but i developed a lot of problems after that


I dont stay in Tampines but the HDB estate 'next door'. My workplace is in Tampines. Haha, scully near to your house and we may meet each other during lunchtime if u go downstairs to run errands..haha


My girl's hair also not much now. Advantage is look more babyish. Do u agree ?? Haha. I din use pin cos she will pull it down. I try to cut her hair more, hoping it will stimulate more hair growth..
agreed that latch on still the best but will see how it goes. thanks for letting us know abt the hosp grade pump but to borrow not that ex hor? :p

icic..... good to work in Tampines? nearer to home i guess.... wanted to look for work at Changi Biz Park...
Agree that latching is the best. I have been latching since birth for about a month plus. But everytime after latching she seems not full. I think my milk flow is low. Since than I have been going out once or twice a week so decided to pump and try. Enough for her day supply. I will still latch on in the early morning.
But even though i latch on for the 1st month but i do not see the improvement. So am a bit disappointed. Maybe she did not empty too much.
I am using Ameda, this is a double pump and a professional grade.

Rae, you might want to consider this, this is cheaper. It's at 388. I bought if from Taka baby fair last year. You try to check out there.

thanks you for the advice, this time round we will try to bf longer.
My supply was ok for my boy during the 1st 2 months but on partial cos was tired to latch him on everytime
also after past experience with 1st boy, was determined to keep latching on but *sign*, rest is history.....

just back from Taka BB Fair. was crowded, long quene at the cashiers but fast. All Avent pdts r having 20% off + 10% (if u have Taka card) so I think it's quite worth it. Did not see Ameda, just Medela..... dun tink i want to invest in another pump cos was informed by my colleagues that i will b serving 2 bosses on top of my other duties
supply may nosedive with work stress and no time to pump it out
so will try to pump for the last week of ML......
I hv 2 sample packs of Anmum Lacta Milk Powder for Breastfeeding mums, expire on 15 Nov 2009? Do you want? i can mail it to you.

Open to all:
I have a pack of Gift Vouchers from Babies Inc. to use when enrol ur child with the School. Another 2 pieces of massage vouchers from Rustic Nirvana expire next month. PM me for more details
an update. I have done my detailed scan last Friday and found out that I'm going to have another boy! The baby is good and I am just happy that everything is fine and I don't have to spend too much, especially now the economy is not good. Basically, I just need to buy new bottles and diapers for the little one and that is it. Now, I'll just wait for my little one's arrival. Hopefully he will stay in me till at the very least 37 weeks. Cross my fingers!

Yes, working near to home is good. Esp i have been working far away from home. Feels good to be able to reach home in < 30minutes. Now that I drive, can be even faster.

Jolene and I were saying in facebook about having a gathering for all. Sounds interesting. Maybe those of u have done it before can suggest something. My preference would be Saturday morning :p
Hi Jeni
There will be great savings as they are of the same gender. Your boi will be sure very delightful to have a didi soon. Take care and do keep us posted.
Thanks, will pm you my address.

Sat morning cannot as my daugher attend GUG class in the early afternoon. What about on Sunday?

As for the gathering since we are staying at NSEW all around, what about gathering at city hall area, Suntec or Maybe someone's home that is more central. As I am staying at Jurong East, Rae/ Stumbled_by at tampines.

Welcome to all mummies. We have been talking to each other for years... and never have a chance to meet up yet.

Hi all,
I have been reading and following this thread after Dawn's referral.
I am an IVF mum to a 15 month old princess. I have recently stopped working to spend more time with her.
I will be most pleased to open my house for all anytime.
I am living in Tanglin, near Orchard Boulevard. It is convenient and a stone throw from Botanic Gardens.
