IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group


Congrats and glad to hear from you again.

Do take good care for yourself as you need a lot of energy to take care for your boy when he comes home.

Hi Stacy, must the mummy downgrade to C class also in order for the baby to enjoy the C class rate? Jia you, my fren took about 1 week plus for her boy to latch properly, so they say must perservere!

Jeni and Stacy, share with us photos of your boys when u r rested.
Jeni, can trouble u to email the list to my address only when u r free, i know u very busy now: [email protected]

Koala, another 2 months plus will be ur turn liow!!! so fast! how u feeling?
i did not get any of the big items. more of the smaller items like hooded towel (good discount!), some pigeon accessories and products for daily usage since everything's under one roof! Also got the Grobag swaddling blanket for wrapping new borns and a support pillow for myself as my tummy's getting bigger and finding a comfy position is tough!
Hi everyone,
glad to see you ladies back!
will send you the list later...
As for the picture of my boy, the file seems too big and I can't post it here... can anyone help?

same here... no routine yet as sometimes, my boy wanted the milk after 2 to 2.5 hr, sometimes longer...so quite confusing... He also woke up in the middle of the night for milk and then, his eyes would roam around, not wanting to sleep but want cuddle and expect me to walk around with him in my arms... tiring! I also did not have much success in regard to bf as he did not have the patience to latch on and only get light flow of milk... he moved his head away, felt cheated and cried! Hahaha... Even when he was 2 days old, the nurse in KK tried to push his head to my breast, he resisted and fought against the nurse...hahaha... so now, I have to pump it out and feed him with bottle... not much but once I accumulated enough, I will feed him with it... As for the bill, I have not received the final bill but I have already paid $1.7k when I signed up the delivery package... One thing about the package... Actually, I could have gone home on the very next day, but because I have signed up for the package, I have to stay for the 2 days I have signed up or else, I will have to fork out more cash as otherwise, the medisave deduction will not be able to cover as much... weird isn't it?
Jeni, thanks! u can try reduce the size and resolution of the photo.
Wah, ur boy got his own mind so early, don't want means don't want! must be frustrating at times.
that's right...
I kind of miss the feeling of him kicking inside my tummy... He's no longer there and I no longer feel his kicks that I am so used to... is a bit weird and I miss it! Can't bring him around everywhere I go, can't protect him as well as when I was carrying him...
Hi Ladies,

I'm new in this thread but previously was in IVF support group thread and glad to hear Weiwei that you are here too!

Had went for my 1st scan on Sat and dr confirmed that i'm carrying twins! Had been feeling very emotional these days and dont know whether is this normal during the 1st stage of pregnancy. Can sisters here advise how to handle our emotion especially knowing that you are carrying twins as i have always wanted to start off having a singleton first. Also worry got complication and risk involved in mother and babies and the high cost of hospitatlisation.

As i'm with GEH for ivf and thought of changing it to KKH now just in case anything happens, can sisters here advise is this possible and how should i go about it.
Hi Ladies,

As this is my 1st pregnancy and with twins, i begin to worry alot of things, like how to ensure that the babies are healthy, how to take care of them, what are we suppose to do at our 1st trimester as i have really poor appeitie.... sigh! Really feel abit loss and hope sisters here can share with me your experience. Worries........
Hi Theresa,
I had a singleton so I can't advise you much on the issue of twins but I can tell you that the anxiety that you are feeling is normal... Having singleton can be very worrying too. Take me for example, I was worried everyday about whether my boy was normal or not, healthy or not, blah blah blah...so, it is normal to be anxious but at the same time, please enjoy this journey as it is something special, especially for us !

Poor appetite may change later so not to worry too much as long as your babies are growing fine. As for changing of hospital, I think all you need to do is just make an appointment with one of the gynae in KKH and viola, you are there. Many of us here are under Dr Loh as we did our IVF under him but there are many others that you can choose from.

Just come in here and post your queries, share your feelings and I am sure many of the sisters here will be able to advise and empathise with you, ok?

Congrats on your twins!

Thanks for your advise and i hope that i will be able to think more positively as i goes along this journey. I will start praying each time i start to worry or feel sad and it really helps me alot and i know that God will walk with me and guide my every steps.

Thanks for your advise and i hope that i will be able to think more positively as i goes along this journey. I will start praying each time i start to worry or feel sad and it really helps me alot and i know that God will walk with me and guide my every steps.
hi thereasa,
maybe u can try Dr Kenneth Kwek, he is the head of fetal science at KKH, if i am not mistaken most mtbs with multiples pregnancy are under his care.
Thanks Ashly, Koala, Vendy.

I still stayed in 1 bedded, only my bb is being downgrade.So the policy that bb follow mother is still flexible, the staff will contact us automatically to discuss on the downgrade to relieve our financil stress, for those having bb required to stay SCN or NICU.

I've changed pump, from manual to electrical, so as to save time. Now trying to pump at least 5-6 times a day and bb is having combination of FM and BM.
Hi Theresa, I am also carrying twins. What u r feeling is normal. Instead of feeling happiness, i remembered being worried, cos read so much abt complications iin multiple pregnancy. but we just have to be strong i suppose, we have worked so hard to be preggie, and given gift of 2 babies, need to think positive.

Stacy, thanks for the info. I thought the bb follow mum's class in the ward that is why tot better not choose 1 or 2 bedded. What brand electric pump did u buy?
Hi Jeni, miracle & dawn,

Thanks for your advise and i will take it in good faith that i'm blessed with twins and the most important things now is to pray that the babies are healthy.

Dawn, can you share with me how do you cope with your emotion in the early weeks. As i'm not working so alot of negative things just flood my mind in all my too much spare time and i'm more easily prone to stress and anxiety person. May i know what stage are you at now and when is your EDD?
Hi! Jeni and dawn,
I've bought the Medela Electric pump.At first, I bought manual Avent pump cos not sure I've any breast milk and dun wish to invest too much first. For the first few days after delivery the same type of pump (Medela-electical) was pushed into my room and the nurses there were so encouraging and taught me to do massage. They told no matter what must pump for my little precious in SCN, I kept on trying and trying. They then gave me bottles and help brought down for my bb.I'm really grateful to their help and also the friendly n caring nurses at SCN. They 've changed my impression of KKH so much, as I've heard so much horror experience of the unpleasant stay there.
hi theresa,
don be stress, talk to yr hb, family members or friends, let them know how u feel n u need their support. i went thru 4 fresh ivf cycles to bfp so this bb is very very precious to us. like u , i am not working too, so i have a lot of time to day dream. it was worst when i had two spotting incidents during my 1st trimester n i was ordered to bedrest at home for a mth, i was miserable but i recieved lotsa support from my hb, he will tabao lunch for me everyday n tried to spend as much time as possible with me.he will also do things to make me happy or giving me surprises. since i am a thinker, he also tried to talk to me when he has the time. i must really thank my hb for giving me his support during this period, it really help!
i must also thank my group of friends whom i have met from this forum, they are the pioneer batch of sisters who went thru ivf, they offer me tremendous support n we met frequently too .

u may want to keep yrself occupy by doing things like blogging, scrapbook n etc
if u need company maybe we can meet up for tea!

take care n be happy!
Hi Theresa, I am about 16wk, was given bedrest from wk 6 to wk12. Sometimes when i am emotional, i think nothing helps, i just feel weepy. I know it is the hormones, but sometimes after crying, next day will be okay. Thank goodness i was staying at my mum's place, so lots of pple at home to talk to me and keep me occupied during the day time. Anyway, 1st trimester very tiring, i spend my time sleeping, hee hee, so sometimes, no time to think about anything. Come to this forum , like what miracle says, will really help too.

Stacy, good to hear that KKH gives so much support for breastfeeding.
so can i conclude that it is safe to buy the pump after i give birth? hee hee. How's ur boy doing?
Hi Miracle & Dawn,

Thanks for words of encouragement. I will take it slowly and hopefully things will turn better after the 1st trimester. I think i was feeling so depressed was also my DH not around as we are residing in HK and i'm only back for ivf so cant cope emotionally when knowing i'm carrying twins. I'm staying with my mum but ocassionally will stay over at my sis's place, i do get alot of family support but with DH around will be much better.
hi dishearted,
based on my knowledge:
kk- $5-9k
Nuh - $7-10k
TMC- $10-15k
GlenE - $12-25k

It really depends on the amount of stimulation drugs one requires.

congrats on ur twins!!

pls take care as hubby s nt with u right now. as for me, even hubby beside me everyday, still got endless worry n all kind of funny thoughts. one night i even dream tat my babies frm 3 became 4!! until i wake up, i still wonder, how come, tat one come frm where?? haha....

i dun hav much free time as my working place s terrible n i always go home very late without extra pay. but i m doing scrapbooking for my niece n as well preparing for my own 3 darlings whenever got time. maybe u want to giv it a try. of coz, u can email me @ [email protected], we can come out for a chat.

pls try to make urself as happy n positive as u can. i had a lot of worries too few wks ago just like u. but one of my friend said if mummy got angry or worry easily during 1st trimester, e chance of e babies to hav cleftlip wil b higher. so for now, try to make urself happy, by all means...

stacy, leni

congrats on e arrival of ur boy boy!!
wish u all e best for motherhood!!


just a little update of my babies. i m in my week 13 now n just had DS scan done with Dr K.Kwek last week. e babies r very active, in fact they r jumping n turning while doing e scan. their sizes r: 6.2cm, 6.4cm, & 6.9cm. Dr kwek s a bit wori about e biggest n smallest ones coz they r sharing same placenta n sometimes may endup one will become too big n e other one become malnutrition. so, hav to go back for close mornitoing- another scan in 2wks' time. also my tummy looks like those 5 mth preg one. haha.... think when i m 5 mth preg, my tummy wil b like full term liao...

of coz i still remember u!! how r u? wat s ur progress now? well, Dr K. kwek s specialised in maternal n fetal health n he s e head of dept. i did nt change my in charge Dr, Dr kwek was just doing e scan for me n explain e results to me. after all, i still go back to Dr Loh for follow up.
if you are doing the IVF at KKH, then you need about $3k cash on hand, depending on the amount of drugs you will need. Medisave can be used to subsidise 1st 3 fresh cycles, starting from $6k, then $5k and lastly, $4k. Hope this helps.

I have received my bill. On top of the $1690 that I have paid for the package - Premium Single-bedded room, normal delivery, I need to fork out another $168 cash for myself as I have used epidural and $13 cash for my little precious. Hope this infor helps.

By the way, does the electric pump really helps in the increase of your breast milk supply?
Hi Jeni,
I've also received my bill.AS for my little precious, not need to fork out cash and the total for him is abt$1500. For myself-Classic Single bedded and C-section, is required to pay $2800 Cash on top of medisave claim. I've found discrepancy in the bill as they over-charged me for my boy's ward nursery but my son was admitted to SCN and they've already charged me for that. So must be very careful. The other pt is I stayed at Delivery suite 24 hrs for observation b4 ops, and KKH charged the stay in delivery suite and ward concurrently which we were not informed. My 1st day stay alone already cost $600.
The electric pump does help in saving time and as for increase in milk supply,think still need to take in a few factors like diet, stress...
Paiseh to say my supply is not enough but no matter how much supply I still hope to supply for the next 3 months. Sigh! Recently, I've problem with swollen nipples and have reduced the frequency.
Where do you sign up for the vaccination package?
hee hee, Jeni, finally can see your boy boy! So much hair and a very happy boi hor? look like u or ur hubby? ;) Envy u and Stacy leh, wonder when it will be my turn go hold my babies and will they be so cute?

woo, ur boy boy so sweet n gentle...how old s he now?


ur boy boy must bring u a lot of joy. just look at his smiling face. he has e "mummy, dun worri" look!


u r having twins, right? do u knw boy or gal already? every baby s a perfect gift frm God. sure u wil fall in love with them once u see them. they wil b e most beautiful, cute, adorable, lovely, sweet.....babies in ur eyes.

last night had quite frequent lower abdominal pain n rush down to A&E at 11pm. they worri it could b a miscarriage n push me into labour ward so tat Dr can examine me asap. had a u/s done, babies r fine with good heartbeats. but i still got 1 wk mc for e pain n brownish stain. think i walk too fast n also too much working stress liao.

while waiting for e Dr, we saw a baby gal n a baby boy been push out frm e delievery room, crying very loud. hubby was so excited n went forward to see e newborns. dun knw wat wil b his reaction when he see our 3 babies later on.

stacy, jeni

did ur hubby cry when they 1st time saw ur boy boy? i heard a lot of man wil cry at this time. heehee....
I scanned one of the twins is a boy, the other too shy lah, prob is a gal, haha. Are u still in 1 st trimester? The moment i hit 2nd trimester wk 14, all bleeding and staining stopped suddenly, and i felt so much better. prior to that i was staining and spotting all the way from wk 6 to 13. hope u will stabilise soon!

Please take care of yourself and dont get too stress up with work. I know it is easier said than done as i personally gets stress up and worries easily. Maybe is it possible for your company to arrange you to work from home? I have written an email to you, hope to chat with you soon....
my boy is actually a very serious looking boy and this pic is a rare capture of him smiling happily... he looked like my hubby.Don't worry, when Cat gave birth, I was very envious and asked myself the same question that you asked. I even had scary image that my boy may be this and that because of the trisomy 13 and 18 scare... but now, he's born and everything is great. He did not only bring me joy (of course, all the night shifts from 1am to 4am), he brought it to both my side and my hubby's side of the family as he is the 1st grandson of both sides. Don't be too anxious, although I know what you are going through and feel, enjoy your pregnancy as well, as you will miss it. I am already missing it... By the way, did you check with Dr Loh that having twins, is it possible to have natural birth and how high is the chance of having that and under what kind of circumstances?

my hubby did not cry as he was more interested in his son's response to him... so nope... he did not cry...

ya, by rest at home for 1 wk, hopefully babies wil b stable n i can giv them more nutrition. also think ur another baby s a gal, if boy boy should b very obvious, right? how many wks r u now? cant wait to knw my babies sex leh... even my friends also, eager to knw how many boy n how many gal i hav, so they can start to prep fpr e gift now. heehee...


i've got ur mail!! writting one to u now.


oh, so he s e excited but calm type, not e over touched type......
hi all,

just wanna ask if anyone is taking up any maternity insurance for IVF complications and what are the possible policies available? thanks..
Jeni, thanks for ur encouragement. u doing confinement on your own? must rest enough ok? Dr. Loh says most prob is cesarean for twins,will have to see how the 2 babies r engaged during the final weeks/days. Yes, i am still worried about the babies if they will be normal as Dr. Loh advise me to consider doing amnio test as one of the twins NT is slightly thicker though the blood test result was good. *sigh* waiting for the detailed test at 20wk to decide if going to proceed with amnio.

Weiwei, I am wk 16 going to 17, saw the baby's sex in wk 14. I think boys easier to see, cos got things to look for. when is ur next check up? as long as the kids r healthy, boy/gal doesn't matter lah.

oh, i think my hubby will not cry too, he is the bochup type. *sigh*
Hi Dawn,

I also have the same worries as you especially for the DS scan and detail scanning on the 5th mth but I just pray hard and leave my worries to God. I thought the DS scan suppose to be on wk 12, how come you only do it now? I wonder what action can we take even if 1 of the fetus is not doing "well" at wk 20. By the way, how old are you and your DH? I'm 34 and my DH is 37.

Trust the Lord and pray hard and everything will be fine!
Hi Theresa, Oh, i did the DS test in wk12, now waiting for the detailed test in wk 20. The latest date we can abort a baby is at 24 wk. so praying that the babies are ok.
Hi Dawn,

Has your tummy started to show? Did you intend to breastfeed your twins? I think most likely i will go for bottle feed as my hands will be full and i think i will be too tired to do it.
Hi Jeni,
Finally get to see your boi's pic. Looking very bright and chubby. Our bois' 1st month is coming soon..
REally fast hor!Where have you decide to take vacination package for your boi? I'm considering polyclinic.

You must take care. Try to take more rest and relax yourself though it is a challenging process.Strong mindset is impt. I remembered last time I had too much worries and always (-) thoughts...

Agreed with you that it is best to decide which pump to buy after delivery. Like my case, the 1st pump-Avent Manual I bought ( only used less than 2 days) has no use now. Currently I'm using Medela Electric, as I got to try this model during my hospital stay, but it is very noisy compare to Avent.

thanks. ya, think i was under too much stress tat's why babies r reminding me. today went to see my own gyn n he said i must take leave n rest at home from 20th wk onwards till deliver as my working environment s super stressful. tat's abt 6 wks to go. hopefully babies wil b strong n i wil try my best to keep a positive mind.

Theresa, I m not sure how they do it, don't want to know too much also, too scary. Yes tummy starting to show after 3 months. Trying to breast feed, even if cannot will express out for them to be bottle feed, other pple can help to bottle feed lor.

Weiwei, Dr. Loh told u have to rest at home from 20wk onwards? Is that norm for MTB carrying triplets? How about for twins? Are we advised to rest at home after a certain time?

Stacy and Jeni, how r u all coping with taking care of your boys? My fren gave birth one month ago, now she still struggling, not enuff sleep every nite.
