IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Hi Rebekah,

Thanks for yr well wishes. I'm with KKH and I did buy the insurance during the IVF. My twins was in the NICU and Special Care Neonatal for about 21 days and their bills came up to be $5k for the kor kor and $22k for the didi. $300 each can be deducted every day thru the insurance. During my stay, a billing clerk called to ask me to downgrade my twins ward to C class so that the charges will be cheaper, but due to our salary, we were only allow to downgrade to B2 class.

As I was admitted to the hospital 6 days b4 my delivery due to bleeding, my bill came up to $10k which includes 3 bags of blood transfusion, going in/out of the delivery suite several times and the operation fees. If I'm not wrong, my hubby came out cash about $10k plus/minus whileas the rest was deducted by medisave.

I didn't buy any twin pram cos I find it big and bulky. I got 2 single one instead. There's a shop in KKH that sell a connector for 2 single pram to become 1 twin pram for ard $20 odd, which I'm going to buy. To me, I choose single pram cos it's easiler to move ard in shopping centres especially in lift, enterance to shops as well as eating permises. If any of the twins fall sick, I can also just bring 1 pram out and leave the other twin for my PIL to look after. I got a Combi brand for my pram.

Wow Cat, ur twins look fantastic! Looks like u or ur HB?

am glad your twins and yourself are fine now
Hi Jeni,

Here's my email address [email protected]
Many Thanks to your kind infos. I will really need to made more research on the double breast pump.


WOW! That's a lot of money for the babies.
You mean there are diff class even for the babies' ICU ward? I thought all ICU wards are the same, and they are fully covered by the insurance when they are in the ICU for treatments. I think I have to find out more on the policy.

Many Thanks.
The room and facilities is the same regardless of what class in the ICU. The charges is based according to the mother's class. As for the insurance, only $300 is claimable per day per child.
Rebekah and Dodo,
don't mention it. Just hope that the list does help.

just asking for opinion. Dr Loh told me yesterday that my Jr is already 3.2kg and that's consider big. So, he said we will have to see how next week, whether I need an induction to give birth to my son. My husband is in favour of it as he feels that Jr is big enough to be born and he can't wait to meet him but my colleague was telling me not to as it will not be good for both me and the baby. As for me, I just want to avoid c-section. If Jr is too big, then I will have to go under the knife.
What should I do?
Jeni, how many weeks r u now? See what dr loh recommends, he is the expert right? Many of my frens their children arrive 2 to 3 weeks b4 their EDD and all of the babies turn out ok.

I had a bad scare last weekend. Suddenly had very heavy bleeding with large blood clots on friday night which din't stop on sat, so rushed down to KKH 24hr. Checked that both twins r ok, given a jab n asked to rest. Doc also can't explain why like this....i tot 12wk liow should be quite stable....

Cat, really must prepare alot of $$$ to set aside for the juniors huh? So in cash, how much did u have to pay in the end for your 2 boys?
My hubby medisave just came in today and $14000 was deducted from his account for the stay for the twins. If I'm not wrong $20k was deducted including my medical bill. Cash I think he fork out nearly $10k
i encouter this when 12 weeks.waiting for bus then suddely bleed like pee in interchange. warded in kkh 5 days no doc can tell me y like that
Cat, 10K!!! tat is a hefty sum.....i better make sure i dun any how spend money.

Hui, must be very scary also hor? I went to check the net and realise overseas quite a number of them also bleed around 11 to 12 wks. One of their gynaes explain that this is the time the placenta is taking over the production of progesterone instead of by our own body. think bleeding caused something like confusion of the body over the passing of this role...not sure if it is true, but feels better after reading about it. how is your boy now?
ya..so scared to lose the baby..somemore the ambulance came "yi orh yi orh" so many ppl looking @ me..AFter that i cahnge to private gynae so after discharge from KKH i went to see him, he look inside my virigina n straight tell me my bleeding due to infection..i was like simple things like that took KKH 5 days and somemore cant tell me the reason why?! My boy is fine..coming
Hi everyone,
I have given birth to a healthy boy on last Friday. I found out that I was bleeding at around 10 plus to 11 plus in the morning without any contraction. By the time I reached KK Delivery Suite at about 12 (due to shower and jam at CTE), I was put on CTG to monitor the heartbeat of my boy. Then, the contractions started at about 12.30 and the relief doctor of Dr Loh came to check on me (as Dr Loh was on leave). She told me that I was already 4cm dilated. At about 2 plus, sent me to delivery room, checked the cervix again and it stayed at 4cm. So Dr Loh told the relief Dr to break my waterbag and gave me oxytocin to hasten the process. Didn't want to ask for epidural as wanted to experience the contractions but the contractions came fast and furious. Buay tahan so quickly asked for epidural. By 4.35pm, I was alreayd fully dilated and they cut off my epidural supply as they said I needed to feek the cintractions in order to push. Pushed for 1.5 hr and my son was born at 6 plus... Stayed at KK till this afternoon...
Jeni, congrats congrats!!!!
Wow your delivery is fast man!!! keep us updated on how ur boy doing ok?

Hui, really ah? due to infection? KK usu do ultra scan and say baby ok, dunno why u bleed. *sigh* u even went by ambulance? that is scary!

Today first day back at work....really tired. very long never climb the stairs up and down liow. went home legs ache!
ya, coz bleeding heavily..stain the intercahnge floor with my blood somemore..they nvr check my virginal onli do scan..Today i 1st day back to work
Jeni, must post ur prince's photo when u have settled down!

Hui, u mean u back to work after ur maternity leave liow? Can adjust or not?

Cat, just went to see ur blog. Cute! The twins have grown quite a bit hor ,
How long maternity leave will u be taking?
thanks for telling me that. I will definately go to the thread once I settle down with my baby.


thank you for all the well wishings.
It has been tough and I have my hands full. Feeding, washing, sterilising the bottles and the whole cycle repeats again and again.

One thing though, I haven't been able to breastfeed yet as not much milk at all. Quite disappointed but I am not giving up for my little darling's sake.

I really take my hat off you as I can't imagine how you manage but I suppose when there's a need, one will do it.

take care of yourself. Your babies are your primary concern, not the school.

How are you? Have you given birth yet?
Hi, no need to take yr hats off me. I have my parents in law to help me to look after.

Every morning, they will come up to my house to "kidnapped" the 2 rascals to their house. After that, I'm free to do whatever I like. I only "claim" them back after dinner. As for washing, my mother-in-law do the washing for them and bathing too. I don;t dare to bath them as they are still very soft. I'm a lazy mum.

Yeah, my twins has grown quite a bit. My ML will be until 13th Sept, returning back to work on the 14th Sept. Getting abit "luan" already.

u very hao ming hor..so the rascals will e out of ur side from morning till nite..

yes, am back to work.. can adjust.. no problem
HI Catherine,

Great updates of your boys. Looking at them, remind me of my 2 boys inside me. I am in my 21 weeks now, and they are already doing all the mighty kicks inside me. I start to worry if I can cope when they are out. Mummy have no experience at all. Maybe I'll cry with them.

By he way, I was rushed into the KKH women's clinic few days ago, as I was suffering from hyperventilation. When I was in there, the doctor and 3 other nurses seems so lost. The inexperience nurse had to poked me at least 3 times inorder to draw some blood for testing. Now I've a big patch of 'BRUISE' on my hand measuring 8x4cm wide. There's another nurse even answered her mobile phone with one hand and have a needle on me with the other hand. SCARY!!

Now, I am very worry if I shld stay on to deliver in KKH. Esp, on the recent news regards to the women delivered in KKH with a left over placenta in her womb.

Anyone were delivered by KKH, Dr Loh and his team? I would like to have some feed back on that.


You have to be careful and do take care!

I had my delivery at KKH last Friday by Dr Loh and his team. In fact, Dr Loh was on leave but I had an appointment with him on last Wednesday and he promised that if I deliver during that time, he would go back to KK and help me to deliver my baby and he did.

I am quite happy with the nurse who helped me at the delivery suite. She is quite helpful and offered practical advice. The relief dr who monitored me on behalf of Dr Loh was a senior consultant too and she is a very nice lady. She even came to see how I was on the day that I was supposed to be discharged. She was of course, doing it on Dr Loh's behalf.

All in all, during my delivery, the team consisted of 1 nurse who took care of me throughout the whole process and one midwife who came in to check on me when the relief dr was not available. Of course the dr who administered epidural, also came in to check on me after about 4 hours she gave me the epidural but I had already given birth. Dr Loh came in early to monitor my progress despite his leave and waited patiently for the arrival of my boy and sewed the tear up. All in all, I am quite happy with their professionalism. Then while staying there, I was given a room on level 7 but my boy was on level 8. As I requested for my boy to be with me all the time, they eventually offered to transfer me to level 8 when there was a room available so that I could be closer to my boy...

So, I don't have much complain...

Hope this helps.
Dear Jeni,

Thanks for your comforting advice. Wow, you are already back on the net so soon. You must be recovering well. Congrats to your baby Boy.

I guess getting the right nurse, is always depends very much on luck too!
I also hope that DR Loh will be around for my delivery.

Cat, one more month to treasure with ur boys.
wah ur in-laws so good, kidnap away the whole day. won't u miss them?

Jeni, yes, taking things very slowing at school.

Rebeka, ur experience at KKH 24 hr clinic sounds terrible, were they very short handed? I went there twice, they were quite ok, except have to wait quite long.

Gals, do u have any recommendations for good confinement ladies who can take care of twins? I am looking for one.
don't think i can cope with twins on my own and my parents and in laws are getting on in age.
I do miss them but they are only 1 floor away from me, can go down any time. My in-laws do that partly because I look after them in the nite, in that way, i could rest more in the day. My boys still wake up every 4 hourly for milk.

How I envy u that u could go thru a natural delivery. Yr delivery sound pretty good too.
yes, I think that I am blessed to go through a relatively fast natural delivery instead of c-section. However, I am also going through some pain at you know where as . It is still healing and it is still painful... I can't do all the natural excretion properly as the pain got in the way and I can't even cough properly as I could feel the pain even doing that. But I guess c-section wound is as bad if not worse as I have heard that it would take about 6 months to be fully healed. So, you are terrific to go through c-section. Trust me, you didn't miss anything as it is the parenting that comes after matters the most.
Hi Dawn,

I dun think they are short handed, as there were 4 staffs attending on me alone. Is just the way they handle the situation. Besides that, they are rather nice. I just have no confidence on the nurses when they perform any kind of injections.

You are having twins too? How many months are you in now? and you'r with Dr LOH?
Cat, I am scared i will be very possessive and wun let my in-laws take the babies away. Don't really like them....

Rebekah, also having twins, 14wk plus and with Dr. Loh too.
How r u feeling now? u r 21 wk right? can feel the babies oredi? I have not bought a single thing yet. Prob will start after 16wk.

went for my appt wif Dr Loh today. so touched to see my babies "dancing n waving" inside. Dr Loh said they r all healthy n veri active.

sad thing s i hav lost 2 kgs in a mth. my appetite became veri bad n my nose veri sensitive now. only eating less than half of my usual share. now worri can nt giv them enough nutrition so must try to eat more frequent with small amount.

next week wil b going for DS scan. but forgot to ask how much does that cost? since i m having triplets, they should scan all of them, so, i must pay triple e price? anybody can advice? thanks!!
weiwei, i think it is the same price.
I having twins paying about $300 for package B. It also depends whether u doing the scan + the blood test or not. Dun worry, 1st trimester many pple can't eat much, the babies only grow faster in 2nd and 3rd trimester, hopefully by then u feel better liow.
Hi weiwei,
not to worry about your weight loss as long as your babies are growing fine and put on weight as they grow. That's what happened to me. I put on 9kg during my first trimester and lost about 3kg in my 2nd but my boy was growing well. Then eventually, I stabilised at a gain of 7kg with my boy growing and growing in my tummy healthily and Dr Loh said it was okay as long as the baby is grwoing fine.
Hi Dawn,
I am in my 22nd week now. My babies already started kicking when they were 18 weeks, now it just get stronger.

I've been looking around for babies stuff, but have not yet buy anything. The biggest headache is to choose between single or double prams. To get breast pump before or after their birth..etc.

Hi weiwei,
The ladies advice are right. Infact, I didn't gain any weight in my 1st trimester and I was worried too as I am rather petit myself. Now, I am in my 5th month, with Twins, and I've put on 5kg. I still look the same like before, just that I've a much bigger tummy now. You'll tends to grow real fast when you are in your 5th mth, so no worries.

I can't wait to see Dr Loh in 2 weeks time for my babies' 6 month scan.

Take care.
had a terrible morning sickness dat been in n out of hospital twice.been vomiting non stop n couldn't eat. lost 4 kg since then.feel so terrible n torture esp now i only 7wks.doc said it will persist till 4mths.OMG!
mika, jia you. It will be worth all the torture when u see y our baby.
try to eat small portion but many times a day?

Rebekah, i am looking foward to feel my babies kick! must be so exciting!

Jeni, how are u and your boy doing?
I am doing okay... very stressed as I do not have any confinement lady to help me except for my hubby. My parents cook my dinner for me. Other than that, I have to do everything else by myself. Luckily, my hubby steps up and have been a great help. My baby is following his routine when he was in my tummy... i.e. waking up at 5 plus in the morning!! Hope he will change his sleeping habit soon!!!!!
Hello Jeni, Catherine, Dawn and all buddies,

I have given birth(C-section) on last Monday 13/8. I was admitted on Sunday due to some mucus discharge and found to have dilution of 3cm and some contractions. I 'm happy with my stay in delivery suite, ward 82 and all the staff ( including Dr Loh).My boy is only 34wks and need to stay at SCN for another 6 days.He was back last Sat and now my hb and I are struggling with milk feeding every 2 hourly and learning new ropes from my mother on how to take care of my Precious Only boy.

Life is so different with the new arrival.
Hi Stacy,
I am very happy to hear that everything is fine. Actually I was discharged on the Sunday that you were admitted and I stayed at ward 82 too!
Yup, life is very different now that we have our precious...
Hi Jeni,
Congrats to you too! Have not come to this thread for a while and just saw that you had given birth. Enjoy motherhood!

we are very close! I am going at 23rd weeks and also feeling the kicks more! My hubby also felt it and he was really thrilled by the experience! So, what's the gender of your twins? As for me, I am expecting long feng tai...

Regarding shopping, you can check out Taka Baby Fair (till 2nd Sep, I think). I just went today and it really has everything under one roof! Some of the discount are also very genuine and I am sure you'll find some good bargains there. btw, I went pretty early at 10+am to beat the crowd... keke...
Hi Stacy, Congrats congrats!!!!!
I am so happy to hear that u have given birth and glad that u and your boy are well. Could u use your insurance to claim that 6days stay at SCN? Do keep us updated on how u n ur boy are doing!

Dodo, what r some of the good buys there? I just started looking around and went to the fair, it is overwhelming looking at so many types of products that i also dunno what to look at!
Congrats to you.

Have you received your final bill yet? I was admitted to delivery suite on the day you discharged and I was under observation for 24 hrs there before the ops on Monday. I was given to chose 1bedded under classic package and the price is much more cheaper. Initially, TPS only allow me to sign for Premier. Anyway , I have not received any bill yet. Hope my bb's SCN and my hospitalization bill will not exceed the budget I set. Same as you, I dun have CL and my hb is doing night feeding. There is no routine established yet, we have to follow the baby's demand. Are you giving breastfeeding? My baby has problem latching as I did not have chance to let him try on in his first few days as he was warded SCN. So I have to use pump and feed him with bottle.

Dawn & Dodo,
Thanks! Thanks!
My HB called up the insurance co. and they said no problem in claiming, but still have to wait for final billing. If not wrong the claim is $100 per day stay. Besides, KKH also help to downgrade my bb from A1 to C class rate. It has helped us alot.
