IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

I think Stacy is only about 30 - 31 weeks gestation. I don't think it is time yet. Probably staying at mom's place or etc and has no access to internet??
I only know that Stacy supposed to give birth end aug or early sept, hope everything is fine for her.

Jeni, ok after my 1st trimester i get the list of things to prepare from u. now still too early, scared scared.

Cat, must be real tiring to and fro KK every day. Where do u stay? Did they say when both boys can be discharged? must express 8 to 10 times daily!!! *peng*...is that the normal freq? or is it becos twins?

had a scare last night n got a surprise this morning. had a veri bad cramp last night abt 2am, like someone twisting my lower abd like twisting bath tower. i woke up frm e pain. quickly went to e toilet n check, lucky no bleeding. but still cause me a lot of worries. so this morning i went down to 24 hrs clinic. e Dr there did a scan for me, he said i m carrying triplets!! he even show me e 3 sacs on e mornitor. however he said it's too early for heartbeat, so still hav to go back for checkup next week. he also mention tat e meds i m having now should b enough for me. unless i hav persistance cramps or bleeding, then should go back to them immediately. think i must tel my boss, no no heavy duty for me anymore. i must really take care of my 3 little ones. wow, triplets, cant imagine how difficult to birng them out for shopping......
wow weiwei, triplets, congrats! Did you put in 3 embies? Must be extra careful these few weeks, rest as much as possible ok?
dawn, thistle, jo

thanks. wil take care of myself n babies. ya, i put in 3 embryos. never think myself so lucky tat 3 of them stay. however, during 2ww i took almost all of my leave, now only left a few more days, dun want to waste as i m ok by now. think along e way still hav to b careful, so will keep e leave til then.
Wei Wei

I have been reading your post & very happy for you. However, if you are really carrying 3, can I suggest that you get a long term MC & bedrest.

One of the gals Chloe was also carrying triplets & rest throughout cos Triplets got higher chance of premature labour, cervix opening & etc, so do rest well!

thanks!! wil ask Dr Loh for a letter says tat no more heavy duty for me for e following 9mth. abt e mc, so far now stil can take it. wil mornitor myself closely n take mc once hav a bit unusual signs. hubby was asking me to take long leave frm 6mth onwards as by tat time my tummy wil b veri big, n mostly i wil hav difficulty in walking. just like wat u mention, got higher chance of premature labour...... as for now, i wil watch 1st.
Hi Wei Wei

Good that you have plans. Yah, at this stage, nothing more important than yor babies ya?

I have infertility problem & lost my baby last year due to incompetent cervix. It was v painful so I always remind pple to be careful cos actually you cant feel much when your cervix open and by the time realise, its like too late.

If you can, try to take long HL & MC by 16 weeks cos thats when the weight starts to build & etc.

But am really excited for you. 3 bao beis, thats really v nice

thanks again for ur important info.
indeed it's veri helpful for me, such a new mtb. sori for ur lost and if u dun mind i ask, how did u find out ur cervix open? wat s e cause? for my work commitment, i cant take much leave leh... understand i wil hav a lot of probs to face n so much risks to lose them. just do my best to keep myself healthy n pray tat they wil b strong n stay with me throughout e 9mth.
Congrats for carrying 3 little ones. I agrees with what Curl had said, rest more. I was carrying twins and doc gave me hospitalise leave to rest at home when I was in my 27 weeks gestation, both my babies were born at 33 weeks + 5 days. Premature though.

yeah, we have to express milk 8-10 times a day (24hr), tat's equals to every 3 hrly. Tat's also means the number of times yr baby to feed thru out the whole day. I really take my hat off those mummies that can maintain this system for their babies but personally i can't. :p

thanks! hav been reading ur post also. u r so brave n happy for ur twins arrival.
planning to ask for HL frm 24wks onwards til deliver date as triplets wil normally come out at abt 32wks old. however in between, wil take rest as much as i can during n after work.
Hi Wei Wei

Sure. I was having a singleton (thus mine is confirmed to be an incompetent cervix case) and the pregnancy was fine. No morning sickness, growth of baby is normal & etc. Thus sometime in my 19 week, I started having mucus discharge. Thick and like when you have flu & green in colour. It comes out when I pass motion (cos I was having constipation & its common for pregnant woman). I search in the net & realise that what I can be experiencing is muchus plug discharge which means cervix opening giving way. I saw my doctor immediately. However, he checked and the cervix was still close then (on a sat) but turning sofy (which is a sign of dilation).

Cos its so rare for pple to have incompetent cervix for singleton (only like 1-2% of woman) and I dont have history, so dr thought I may be having an infection that causes the discharge. He took some of it for lab and asked me to bedrest until the results are out on likely following tuesday. Then on Monday, when I was peeing, I suddenly felt something drop down & by evening, I had mucus discharge with blood. I called Dr immediately & was hospitalised. By then, I was 8 cm dilated (10 cm is full dilation) & waterbag bulging into my vagina, even my Dr was shocked. The infection results are not even out yet! I was hospitalised with head down position to stabilise for 3 days before the Dr attempted an emergency cerclage. As it was 'emergency' cerclage, it didnt hold for v long. I tahan for another 3 weeks before I bleed badly cos I was in delivery mode. I delivered my son at 23 weeks and he did survived with help. However, cos the odds against him are so high as he is extremely premature (born at 500 gram), we decided to let him go in peace. I think I shld not elaborate the rest as you are pregant and shld stay hear positive things.

The long & short is cervix opening can be quite silent though I had some fake contractions happening. For triplets, you see a higher chance of cervix dilation cos of the extra weight (instead of inborn incompetent cervix like me), so I suggest that at week 16 onwards, you need to be extra vigilant. Keep askingg gynae to check your cervix and if need be, a cervix cerclage can be put in place before any signs of dilation as such cerclages successs rates are much higher than 'emergency' ones when the cervix already dilated. The lady whom I mentioned to you Chloe, was carrying triplets & had a cerclage in place at 22-23 weeks to prevent any premature dilation. Of course, there after, take it slow & as much bedrest as possible. On the contrary, some pple are ok with multiples, so you just monitor and make sure you prompt doctors to look out for any possible complications cos they handle so many cases & they sometimes over look one case.

Another lady by the name of Pui Pui (she seldom post now) was under KK previous head of IVF & was successful with triplets. She also met with complications at 20 plus weeks cos of the cervix opening due to the weight. After that, she went for test & proven to not have incompetent cervix. It was purely due to that particular pregnancy. if you wanna find out more, you can go the the thread "incompetent cervix". Some sharing there.

Take care & keep us posted!

i m so sori for ur lost son. it must b veri veri painful for u to let him go. cant help but my tears come out as i read ur post. yes, carrying triplets s like carrying so many potential probs. next week wil b my appt with my gyn n he wil scan for BBs heartbeats n calculate for me e edd. for me, 20weeks seeems quite far away as i stil praying hard for e safty of my 1st trimister. wil ask gyn abt e cervix cerclage on my appt. think better play it safe to put in early. thanks for sharing!!
no worries, you can get the list from me at any time.
Recently, I just twisted my ankle on the way to work and fell. As I was afraid that I might fall flat on my tummy, I tried to break the fall with my right knee. Unfortunately, I was carrying a bag of worksheets and the bag made me lose my balance and I sat hard onto the floor. I felt the impact went right from the bottom up and I could feel my son jerked. I was scared and went to hospital to have a check.

Dr Loh ordered a CTG to check his heartbeats and did a scan and saw that his waterbag was still filled with lots of water. At first, his heart was beating a bit slow, so the nurse suspected that he might be sleeping. So, she gave hin a shake by shaking my tummy. Luckily, after a while, his heart was beating normally again. Eventually, Dr Loh said it was okay and told me to monitor if there is an decrease in movement.

I have been monitoring and felt that my son seemed to be less active and did not respond as well as before when we called him
But I will continue to monitor and the backache is getting unbearable.

So ladies out there, pls be careful when you are pregnant. Make sure you don't fall as the consequences may be very undesriable... and the stress after that is unbearable and worrying.

oh dear! must be really scary when you fell! Anybody around to help you then? But luckily after checking his heartbeat quite normal rite? hope he recovers from the shock. are you given mc to rest at home after the fall?

Now I also afraid of going back to school, last week my colleague who is going to give birth soon was bumped into by a upper pri fat boy running at top speed. Luckily my fren was solid enough to withstand the bump, must be really be careful when we work around these little kids.

how r u now? r u resting at home? think better to hav some rest at home n mornitor ur son closely as when u work, sometimes cant feel much as when u relax on e bed. take care!!
Hi ladies,
thank you for your concern. As I have sprained my ankle, Dr Loh is kind to give me about a week of MC to recover as well as to monitor my son's movement. I think he has recovered from the shock more or less but I will continue to monitor closely till he is born.

that's right! It is quite dangerous to walk around the school with pupils running around at top speed. I always waited a while before I walked out of the classroom at the end of the day so that the path is more or less cleared but I am always very careful especially when I am near a corner. So, you will have to be very careful when you go back to school.

carrying 3 is not easy so I think you may have to rest as much as possible and as early as possible so that you will give your little ones a better chance to stay inside your womb longer. Do think about it as in US, the John Hopkins hospital even has a dept for multiple pregnancies like yours and the staff there are trained to take care multiple pregnancies like yours and the mothers are always resting. Think about it... ok?
hi mtb,

it has been some time since your IVF procedures, but was wondering if anyone can remember whether it's possible to extend the hospitalisation leave given by KKH IVF for egg retreival to 17 days to accomodate the 2www?
Hi Jeni,

good to take one week to rest at this stage. I am given another 3 weeks to rest at home as i am still spotting on and off, so will be oni back in sch during national day week.

Hi babymaking, i think KKH IVF standard is 5 days Hospitalisation Leave. If you still feel unwell after the 5 days, you may return to see their doc to ask for more MCs to rest. I was given another 3 day MC on top of the 5 days hospitalization leave.

Cat, how are your 2 boys doing?
good to rest as much as possible if there is a need. I am sure Dr Loh will know what to do... but refrain from exerting too much when you are back. I know ir is hard though. I couldn't help but scold my boys and when I was scolding them, my boy is very quiet in the tummy until I have to talk to him to soothe him... hahaha... he must be thinking how fierce my mummy is!

Hi babymaking, I think KKIVF will only extend when there is really a need. However, no harm asking as you never know...Anyway, good luck to you... Cross your fingers, ok?

ya, wil ask letter frm Dr Loh re my long HL n non-paid leave later on. but now seems too early for me as i m in week 6 n coming tuesday i wil only see my babies' heartbeat. kind of nervous coz dun knw whether 3 of them all ok or nt.
My boys still in hospital. They are currently learning how to suck bottles and hopefully their weight will increase fast and return home soon.
hi to all mtb,
its been quite some time since i last visit this thread cos had been busy since I resumed work after my first trimester... ;P i am at week 17 now and all is well. check my blog for the latest updates!

congrats on having triplets! I have a friend who had triplets too and they are now already 17 months! When I visited her recently, her house really looked like a mini-childcare... haha!

just rest well, esp during the first trimester which is very critical. you may want to check out my blog as I shared my experiences during the first trimester.
congrats on the delivery of your 2 boys! will pray for you that they will be able to return home soon... you take care too and rest well so that you'll have energy to take care of them when they are home!!
Thanks Dodo.

Hi ladies,
Doc has already given the green light for Izacz to come home this week. Yipee! Now still waiting for Kacey to get off from his oxygen tube and he too can join his brother in coming home together.

Sleepless night, here I come!
That is good news Cat!!!

Dodo, read your blog, very detailed.
Can check with you how long it took for the brown discharges to clear? I have been having brown discharges for more than 3 weeks liow, some times they turn into red clots.

Jeni, your boy learning language while u scolding lah. my colleague took a very notti class when she was having her 1st gal, now the gal can speak very well leh cos everyday listen to mummy scolding non-stop. hee hee.
cat, that is great! so happy for you!

according to my doc, the brown discharge was due to the earlier bleeding and vaginal infection i had... it is basically due to old blood which took some time to clear. my doc's advice to me was as long as there's no fresh blood, it's ok... for the brown discharge, it took more than a month to clear.

at what stage are you at? which week? if you are really worried, better check with your doc.

thanks, i am at 9wks, most of the time it is brown discharge lor, started about 6wks....so wondering when it will clear up. Today after resting whole day on bed, feel better liow.

You went back to work after your 1st trimester?
I am quite disappointed with some of the people in the school as they do not understand the pain, both emotional as well as physical, that we have to go through in order to have our babies. They pretend to be understanding towards the fact that I am pregnant but are in fact not as they feel that I am actually lazing around, using my pregnancy as an excuse not to work or go to school...What's worse is that they are from the management level. Imagine, even they don't have compassion towards teachers who have to juggle between work and their families, how can they expect us to perform to our best when we are faced with this kind of crap and teach the children the right values?
So, I wish you luck that you won't meet with such hypocrites in your school.

went for my scan today. saw 3 tiny babies with heartbeats!! however, Dr Loh was nt veri happy to take care another set of triplets... he said he just delivered one set triplets n it's tiring... also mention tat having triplets got high risk for miscarrige n preterm labour. i understand his wori, but since i already got 3, i wil take care of them n myself. he mention to me can consider abort 1 or 2 of e 3 babies to reduce e risk. i said dun want. i dun want to kill any of my babies. hopefully i wil b e lucky mtb tat wil carry them as long as i can n they r all healthy.


thanks. actually hav been following through ur blog ever since u got preg.
it's veri detail n happy for ur twins tat they r so active.
Jeni, some pple won't understand cos they conceive their kids too easily and have no problem at all during their pregnancy. To them,if they can come and work every single day right to the day they deliver, they don't understand why you must take so many leaves to stay at home. I also had some colleagues who said they also had spotting also come to work what, but they so young, and din go thro IVF, so wun worry as much as us one. Only colleagues who have lost or nearly babies thro miscarriage came to talk to me and encouraged me. you don't think too much about management ok, now just focus on resting and making sure your boy is ok. Both my principal and VP are male, so i think the more they won't understand, but since i am covered with MC, they can't say anything i suppose. I am prepared to be ranked lower this year of course and receive less PB next yr.

weiwei, congrats on your triplets. I thought it is illegal in Singapore to abort one of the multiples? I understand the stress of carrying multiples but we just have be strong and go through it i suppose. My hubby and I also quite worried about carrying twins and delivering, taking care of twins. Originally he tried to avoid talking about it, but recently he sort of accepted it and we talked about planning for the twins liow.
Heard about yr fall and u must really take good care of yrself. Don't worry about the management, as long as u are being covered by MC, they have no way to do anything with u.

When I was classified as high risk pregnancy and started to take mc from 26 weeks onwards, my management also gave a very 'fed-up' face. Although he keep telling me that I have to take good care of myself and babies but I think it's all craps. I'm also prepared to be ranked last this year and no PB too.

Guess Dr Loh has his concern cos of the recent case of mutilple pregnancy and the mother died while giving birth to the twins. But as long as both mummy & babies are healthy and u are closely monitored thru-out yr pregnancy, u are well under control. Don't worry so much.

1 of my twin came home on Mon and I'm so busy taking care of him thru-out the night. I have to feed him 3 hourly and the timing he has while in the hospital was at 2am and 5am. That's the worse time of all. Luckily, my boy didn't cry when he woke up for milk, he just stay in his cot and wait for mummy's alarm clock to ring before making the milk for him.
yes, i went back to work after 1st trimester.. after my doc gave the green light. He checked that the placenta is fully formed for both my twinnies before allowing me to go back to work. pls take care there and listen to doc's advice. what's most important now is your twinnies, not work.
Cat, your boy so good, wake up and yet wun cry, how to train one?
Must be a real tiring period for you, pl take care. Do u get confinement lady or maid to help u?

dodo, thanks, will guai guai stay on bed to rest these 2 more weeks. When will our tummy start showing har? Now i dunno the buldge was from my previous tummy or pregnancy...haha.

Jeni, are u feeling better today?
Hi ladies, thank you for all your concern. I am quite alright now and have been back to work since Monday.

Cat and Dawn,
I have been telling myself not to be bothered by the mouths of others and I think sometimes, it just gets to me but I won't let it affect the happiness I get while waiting for my little darling to arrive. I am also prepeared to be ranked last this year and will not get any PB next March... what to do? The system sucks!!

your boy is well-behaved... lucky for you. You must be enjoying motherhod now... how wonderful!!

jia you jia you!! Soon, you will reach 2nd trimester...

I think I have been experiencing what they call Braxton Hicks Contractions but I don't know for sure. My tummy became very hard on off and I could feel cramp around the vaginal area. Of course, the infamous backache... Arghhhh... On top of that, I have been experiencing yellowish discharge, with no itch. Hence I believe that it is not infection... I think recently, someone here has mentioned that it could be due to the softening of the cervix and my boy has been kicking and stretching diligently and hard! Probably not enough room as all my friends, colleagues and relatives said that although my boy is overweight, my tummy is not really that big. It looks like I am only 6 months pregnant. I also don't have that last trimester tell tale signs like water retention. I think I may give birth earlier than expected but I hope he will at least hang on another 3 weeks till he is at least 37 weeks old.
When do we have to test for Strep B and RH positve or negative? My hubby and I are not from the same blood group. Is it necessary?

Has anyone seen or heard anything about Stacy?
She has MIA for a long time already... I am concerned about what's going on as the last time she posted here, she was supposed to see Dr Loh soon.
Hi Jeni

Did you mention you have the Braxton Hicks Contractions to Dr Loh? I had a short discussion with him on BH on my last visit, he was concerned and said must monitor BH closely if I have such symptoms and if experiencing more than 1 hours, we will have to be admitted to Hospital immediately as this is a pre-mature labor signal.

My colleague was having BH contraction since her 30 weeks. Her pte gynae gave her uterus relaxing medication (which has the side effects of headache) to control BH, but must not exceed certain dosage per day. After that, she gave birth to her gal on 35 weeks with C-Section.

The symptom of BH includes feeling cramps akin to mild menstruation cramp and virgina hurts a little too at times.

The gynae has to check the cervix for dilation and use ECG to see if the contraction are real. Cos the normal ultra scan cant tell. Infor on BH:-

hi dawn,
my tummy started showing around week 13 or so... well, this really depends on individual, some tummies only started showing around week 16 or after! just rest well, eat well and enjoy being queen for a while! ;P
Hi Jeni,
Sorry to make you worried.I've been recovering tha pain of loss and may not been posting too often. My HB and I were heart-broken to receive bad news when we went for our appt, at the early stage of 3rd trimester. No sign and symptoms at all, we were not mentally prepared to accept the fact. We learnt a valued lesson that never take things for granted, tot our process has always been so smooth and safe, we are the lucky and blessed ones until........

I dun wish to elaborate my case and afraid it may cause unneccessary anxiety to others.

Dun worry! All my buddies here. I think time can heal my pain and I will pull thru it. Now, I just hope that my only baby will give me strength to live and come to this world safely.
I am sorry for your loss and believe that your strength and positiveness will help you to be strong to wait for the arrival of your baby. Be sure that we are all here for you. Should you want to talk to someone, we can msn chat. My email address is [email protected]

Meanwhile, just rest well and concentrate on nurturing the life in your womb, ok?
jia you! do be strong for the sake of the little one in you... just rest and eat well and I believe everything will work out fine!
just to check, when did you feet starts to get swollen? I am at week 18 and already experiencing swollen feet, normally at my left feet. I suppose this is a case of water retention right? How to relieve such symptoms?
Stacy, sorry to hear abt the loss. Do take care and will pray for your baby to arrive safely.

Dodo, i tot carrying twins will show earlier, so quite worried when i still look quite "unpregnant" at week 10.
Clarin has a product on water retention which I had used without knowing that it is not for prevention of stretchmarks. Maybe you can try that. Check with the counter sales rep and they will be of help. I am in my 34 weeks now and I still don'r have any sign of water retention. Maybe is because of it but unfortunately, I have stretchmarks appearing already and they are freaking me out!!

Dawn and Stacy,
my dear forum mates, we started this journey almost at the same time, together with Cat, and we are going to finish it one after another with flying colours I am sure... I am sure!
Jeni, wow 34 weeks liow!
You will see your boy in about a month's time!!! Are you excited?
I think for the sake of our bb, have stretch marks also no choice lah.
dun worry about the "tummy showing" part, that should be the least of your worries...
for single pregancies some are not even obvious at their 5th month! ya.. we may be more obvious earlier than single pregancies but that depends too... probably by 4th month, should see your "tummy" la... just be patient!!

clarins has a product called huile tonic body treatment oil tat is good for stretch marks... thanks for your advice regarding water retention!
and jia you! you will see your darlings very soon.. when is the expected due? your doc should be monitoring very closely now right? take care there and rest well!!
Dawn and Dodo,

yes, pretty soon I will get to see my junior... both hubby and I are excited! My EDD is around 2/9//07 but based on detail scan date, it is about 27/08/07. Hence, I am confused.... Dr Loh only sees me once every 2 weeks, so not as frequent as I think it would be.


I am using that too but it doesn't seems to prevent them from appearing at all... probably before, I used the wrong one and hence now suffer from the consequences...

don't worry about the show of your tummy. It will be soon.

do come here often and chat with us, ok?

hi gals, i have a colleague who used Clarin Tonic oil who also finds it not very effective. She started in her 2nd month, but switched to Palmer Cocoa something after 7 months cos lots of stretch marks. She finds that more effective leh....so she bought one for me. heh heh. I also bought the Clarin Tonic oil when I just found out preggie, have been applying recently.

Jeni, usu towards the last month of pregnancy then the appt with gynae becomes weekly right?

Koala, how's ur boy doing? Starting his karate kicks yet? ;)
