IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

My maid calls home every one or two months. I m using the service 1521. The most recent calls she talked more than an hr Coz she and hubby quarrel Coz her hub wants her to go back indo, she didn't want.

Ok I let her send money home...'Coz I kept thinking abt bank acct... Her eyes were red when I told her must keep some $ here in case she needs $. Like very bad of me.

U r good!! Really source for good cc. Made me alittle guilty

I hv budget constrain, so hv to source carefully. If no budget problem I will send all to Eton or Pat, no need source Liao !

The ccs here apart from learning vision n Mmi, the rest all smaller setups tht I hv never heard before. So hv to one by one go do visit to check out the place. Now we r looking at those tht r nearby first... Thank goodness my dad is free to send us ard this week. I thought its oso good for my trio to b in the centre to see if they like the place.

Now think of have to b away from them d whole day when they go cc feel v sad leh! I think the day I send them I will cry instead of them! Yesterday at little wonders they sat together w the older kids play Lego while I go talk to the principal n tour the place..never even look for me ...the 3 of them were having fun n forgotten about mummy..keke
If really no budget u will send them to pat or eton?
I heard eton very ang mo... Alot of expat kids there... Wonder will my girls english become v slang if i send them there..
And pat sold to another org.. Heard the standard drop.. Alot of experience teacher left.. Hmm.. Dont knw how true..

U heard of PMI? Is it also one of the branded exp cc?
Panda u made me abit worried I can't get my gal get into a cc ... Hahaha, I just called LV asking can I pay the deposit.=p they said pay only when confirmed. There are abt 6 kids in front of my gal. *sweat*

Actually sending Eton House is manageable for me, Coz compared to LV is extra $300 a month .. Hmm but never thought of sending her there Coz scared she
Mixed around too much with the rich kids, learnt to compare. I heard my friend said their kids will compare the hols they went etc at young age of 5 years old!!

Btw another friend advise always budget additional
20% of the school fees when sending private cc for extra activities like school trips. Enrichment classes by the cc
Wahh yr maid talk on the phone for an hr ah... Thats v long..
I let my maid call home every mth.. Each time 10mins..
I also pay for their calls...

The LV u want is aircon or non aircon?
Baby the lv I went oso fully ac.

I went Mmi n a small cc called bumble bee which is 2mins walk fRom my parents hse.
The Mmi here has many non Chinese teachers who r v young n p oso non chinese. I m abit concerned. Coz I noticed even the students oso same situation. Otherwise it's non ac, prog n food all v good.
Bumble bee is oso non ac, but the prog doesn't look great. N the p did not allow me to even enter the center! Ask me to call her to find out more over the phone. N she said the wait list is until next year! Ask me write letter to appeal. Faint.....

Bbs napping now. Later goIng kinderland. It's just opp my parents place..cross a road the mall is there. But heard from a Fren their food is catered.
There is no right time to send kids to cc. Actually, I feel the kids settle faster when u send them as young possible. I send my #1 to cc when she turned 2 and fully toilet trained as I feel she can communicate her needs better at that age.

But be it 18mths or 2 yrs they will still cry when u leave them, takes a while to settle and get used to a cc after all its a new envt and mummy's not going to be there for the whole day.

Actually, just a suggestion, what some of my friends do, u can start put your son there for a few hours a day, 2 or 3 times a week now since u are still at home and slowly let him get used to full day cc by the time u go back to work. You can also take the few hours as 'me' time to chill out before actually going back to work.
Ya i also thinking non aircon... Can reduce the chances of falling sick... Hmm.. But alot of cc is aircon...
I heard all pat is aircon except the one at sarangoon which is super hot... Heard the waiting list is over 1k...
I may just shortlist pat and pmi... Dont think can find time to see so many cc... Especially when im so late!
Most likely will send them for half day cc at 24m or 30m...
They got to spend half day at home with mummy.. Else mummy will miss them... Heeee
Baby, when i did my homework for CC, I found out that not many CC offers half day. And the fees between half day and full day is $100-$200 difference only. Sigh. That's why i didn't end up with any. And i am not keen to put her in full day either.
I already sign up for PG near my place - for left and right brain development. She will be starting her lesson on 2 May. 1.5hrs. 3 days a week.

Pandawife, u sure u wanna send yr trio to CC? Abit siong when I calculate the school fees etc.
Just faith
Really ah... Hmm... But i think pat and pmi do offer half day..
I know the price diff for half and full day v similar.. But since im a sahm.. Doesnt make sense to put them for full day...
The things playgroup does is it the same as the circulum in cc? The idea for me to put them to cc is for them to learn more rather than to stay at home with mummy... And also to learn to be away from me... Playgroup doesnt fit right? Else i dont mind sending them to playgroup...
playgroup is usually 1.5-2hrs whereas half day cc is 4 hrs
in terms of academic learning they're abt the same. but cc include mealtime, toilet time, bath time etc so if u want yr girls to be independent in these areas then u prob need cc
Just faith, I want them to go cc coz I need to get back to work .. I get v frustrated staying home everyday w maids n bbs. Most times I m too tired to teach the kids.. I think it's gd for them to go there learn to b independent n how to interact w other pple. My eldest already start to scold my maids leh. If they don't do what he wants, he scolds them! V soon all 3 will bossing the maids ard if I continue to b at home w them. My maids r oso not the best caregivers.
Gan, he will stare at her, use finger point n v loud talk to her like scolding her! ESP if my maids leave the umbrella or bb bag on the floor when we go out, he will scold her until she picks it up then he will stop! My mum says he is mimicking me coz I scold my maids smtimes.. Faint...

Grumpus, my bbs now still poo many x leh.... They r eating 3 decent meals. Issit coz I gav too much veg n fruits?? Today number 1 n 2 poo 3x, number 3 2x! My dad joke says poo 3x coz eat 3x..input then output!
Panda I wish my gal poos like urs! mine a few times but it is constipation so each time little... We making her drink more water now.

Baby picks up things fast. Like that day my mum called my dad by his name n my gal called my dad his names instead of yeye.=s
She quite funny when u ask her to sing, she will sing a song...'but of course funny tune and baby language. =p my stress relief after work!
it's possible u give a lot of fruits n veges it possibly teething. I remember my elder girl poo many times a day for the longest time n then she became constipated after 2
Gan, linus was constipated too for the last few days... i gav him diluted prune juice.. 140ml of water mix w 4 teaspoon of prune juice. after tht he poos easily...

this boy drinks alot of water, each meal he can drink like 200ml, so 3 meals is 600ml of water! yet still constipate! but 1 bottle of the prune juice a day solves d problem.

grumpus, no issue w too much fruits n veg apart from mummy having to wash backside many x right?
Baby, same like you. I don't want my girl to rot with me at home. Sometimes I get so busy with my work at home, I can only attend to her basic needs like napping, sleeping, feeding and preparing her food. I leave the playing time to my maid. I have no time to read to her which i feel guilty. PG is usually 1.5 - 2hrs. For CC, will include meal n bath time. It's different. When I see you mummies discussing abt CC, I also wish I could send her there but I don't want her to be away from me for too long. Still in dilemma. But good for me to start with PG...

Pandawife, if I have 3, I really don't mind staying at home and look after them. More wu-hua compared to me. I know it's easier said than done in yr case. Hai... Babies pick up things very fast hor? When I call my maid "Wati", Gina will follow "ah-Ti" and repeat "kak-Kak" many times. Really faint.
Panda Linus drinks alot!! Maybe more than me! Coz I sometimes forget to drink !

U will start the trio with full day immediately or 1/2 day first for 1 or 2 mths as a transition for u n the bbs to be away from each other?

Grumpus how do u solve the constipation for ur elder?? Grace's constipation is my biggest worry..... I wish I m breastfeeding Coz she never has this issue with bm
thks for the sugg. yes i intend to start my boy of half day cc then continue to full day. i also hope to start him one mth earlier, ie 17mth, but need to apply to mcys first.

which PG u sending your gal to?
seems like all your little ones are talking so much and can say probably words already.
my boy till now can only say papa and is not directed to my hubby.
hmmm... getting abit worried abt his speech devt.
no issue unless it's making yr kids uncomfortable or tummy upset.

till now I'm still struggling with constipation with my elder! she needs ALOT of fruits n water n even then she will only clear out once every few days. once too many days past n she still haven't poo properly I will give barley, more papaya etc etc

I've tried everything. probiotic supplements, yoghurt, flaxseed, prune juice etc all dun work. we always joke tat she got iron stomach
Just faith
Me too.. I didnt read to my girls... Worst still i on the baby channel tv for them.. I know its not good but thats one way to stop them from seeking attention from me...
Everyday take care of their basic needs mummy aldry shag out.. No energy in teaching them... Feels so guilty.. Probably the reason why my girls still not talking proper words yet...
Whole day busy changing their diaper... Let them nap.. Cook for them... Play with them... Sometimes low energy till can nearly doze off while i play with them...

I rem there is a period when my girls poo many times a day.. Then it stop.. Back to normal.. Once a day or at most twice a day... Probably cos starting to eat solids so tummy trying to get used to the food? I also give lots of vege and fruits... Maybe also the reason...
Grumpus I also tried all sorts llike probiotics, flaxseeds now barley ...seen 3 pd but no cure... Really worried n heartache when I see her struggle to poo.

Happy dun worry, every baby takes his or her time to reach their mile stones. Just keep talking to ur boy, he will pick up. I thank my parents Coz they talk to my gal alot so she learn to speak fast. But she is slower in her motor skills, can only walk a few steps unsupported n still refuse to hd her bottle!! But guess she will learn eventually
just faith, if i hv energy to teach them i dont mind keep them at home w me. but the problem is i dont. like baby, only attend to the basic needs, i surrender liao. the only good thing i see if i keep them at home is i bring them out for play v often. in cc they will b enclosed in the centre most of the day. in terms of actual teaching, i m not doing much. my trio until now cant sit still to listen to me read.. most of the time i read to myself..they are off running chasing after a ball or playing w the remote controls when i read. :S

i just had a lengthy discussion w my hb. he knows i cant bear to let them go cc..but he feels its better for the kids. let them learn to b independent. he can see that my bbs are bullying me n my maids..he calls them the kings n queen! hahahaha... once they scream we all surrender. sad to say until now i still cant tahan bbs wailing... it just drives me crazy.
oh I even tried giving lactulose on daily basis. also didn't help. pd said some kids system is like tat. sometimes is due to cows milk. drastic measure is switch to soy.

one of my friend brought her 3 yr old to dr ang at tmc. after ruling out any medical reason for the constipation, he put her son on a detox tea to clear out his system. then from there he hv to follow a very strict diet. many things cannot take even fm until he n his digestive system get used to pooing regularly
Grumpus, actually this has been bugging me... Ie any underlying medical reasons.. Do u know what the pd check? I went to see both dr ang at Thomson med, given probiotics n lactulose ...I gave lactulos once day for 2 days no use... Stopped. The lady dr ang even gave me baby fleet
my friend saw the male dr ang. did blood test n x ray.
I guess hv to wait until bb is older n has a longer history of constipation before can do thorough investigation?
Grumpus hmm ok.. Initially I was worried it's thyroid issue coz when she is borned her thyroid level at 1st bt slightly off but 2nd bt few days later ok. Kkh pd said it's ok first test off cld be due to stress during birth. I read thyroid can cause constipation issues but the rest of symptoms she doesn't have. Hmm.. Yea maybe wait till bigger n see. Really stressing out over this. I call my mum a few times a day to ask if she poo, what kind of poo etc. She poos daily but is hard stools
gan, try prune juice? yes i buy the normal ones tht we drink n dilute it. seems to work..
he has been taking for about close to 1 week n the poo is all nice n soft again. prior to that everyday scream when he poos coz hard stools.

my tcm doc suggest giving honey, it din work... then he says try almond water.. i din try coz got to buy almond n brew..very ma fan... n almond has v strong smell....

linus loves the prune water.. can drink the whole bottle at one shot! haha
Maybe thats the reason why they bully u and maids... Cos they know they scream they will get what they want...
We are trying to "educate" our girls... Dont give in to their tantrums... Now they will throw their tantrum when they dont get what they want... Will scream and scream then lie on the floor face down... Cry till we carry them or give it to them...

We just ignore... Dont give attention to her.. Dont even talk or scold her...
Then surprising.. After crying awhile.. They will stand up and continue to play...
I guess we are that few "heartless" parents that can tahan their cries... Heeeee
Baby, I am also one of those "heartless" parents. If genuine crying, I will give full attention. If those fake crying, like demanding an adult item on the table, like her daddy's key holders, my keys, or small items on the table, I will ignore. For me, I used to rely on babytv channel when my girl was still crawling in the play yard. Since she turned 1, I will limit the hours on the tv. Usually after her morning nap, nap at 1030am. Up by 12+, I will turn on okto channel to let her watch high-5 at 1230pm. She seemed to enjoy d dancing segment, and that's the best time to give her lunch. Will wipe off all the food I give her. By 1pm+, will carry her to her room to read to her. Sometimes she refuse but will bring me the books that she want me to read. Her reading time usually lasts abt 15mins nia, which I feel guilty. only once or twice in a week, I can extend her reading time to 30mins. When I see her walking ard her room, I will stop.
(. At dinner time, no tv. She will sit on her high chair and eat with daddy n mummy.

Gan, I also give prune to my girl whenever she constipates. Later I will take a pic n send to yr email. Papaya and whatever junk I tried don't work on her.
Actually u can adjust the ratio to what works for ur bb. I started w 3 teaspoon to 140ml. No effect. So I increase one more spoon n it works!
saw your post about eating habits. I think if I use it on my elder and say no food if she gets off the table she will be more than happy, she don't need to eat...LOL. But if she is hungry or likes the food, she will finish fast, on bad days esp. eating rice, 1hr for her to finish. Hb told me not to give her any snacks in between but got no heart to do it. Just patiently waiting for her to outgrow this phase.

If the tv program is educational, its ok, I feel, don't feel guilty. Just like the other day, tv teach the animals 'dromedary', 'bison' or the word 'compost' etc. Just have to be selective about the programs they watch and they learn alot faster from tv also.
Actually same for my elder girl, she can dun eat n will be happy to leave the table. but I hv really withheld food n snacks when she does tat n now she knows I mean it. also she is very scared to make me angry so this tactic works on her cos she will get an angry face from me for the rest of the day.

typically she takes 45min to 1 hr to finish her food too
Went buffet with my girls... Gave them lots of adult food... Basically had everything we had except seafood and spicy food... Had icecream, mashmallow, choc, cheese cake, fish slice, crepe, nan... I brought along their cereal.. Make them cereal and add in the buffet fish slice in it...

Brought them to the beach also.. Let them play with sand.. They even wana eat the sand and drink the sea water... Faint..
Baby, wow! Sounds like an exciting day! Where did u go for the buffet? Hv to pay for the bbs anot huh?
I m planning to bring them to bishan park for sandplay first before heading for the beach.
buffet no need to pay for bbs. even my elder girl is still free! think child price starts from ard 6-7 yrs old

thanks! I will try oatmeal
u can try amk park too. there's a very big playground there with sand. within walking dist to macs so after playing can go there to wash up n cool down
Grumpus, thanks!! Any good suggestion which is a good child friendly buffet place to bring them? I haven't been to one in the last 2 years!!
Baby, u brought ur maid along for the buffet too?
Amk park is the one opposite national library?
ermm think most buffet places quite child friendly cos the setting is quite casual. I usually ask for a seat away from the main action so the kids hv space to roam n won't be at risk of banging into anybody carrying food.

I like merchant court ellenborough market cafe cos can sit alfresco n the kids dun feel so cooped up
oh yes. amk park is the one opp the library. with the stand alone macs. I usually park at macs then walk over then lunch at macs. it's the one with the bucket swings, I posted photos on my fb before. only thing is its VERY hot in the afternoon so I usually go early at 9ish and leave by 11 before it gets too hot.

Just Faith

Only plain oatmeal a few table spoon as long as she wants and not everyday. Give when baby shows sign of indigestion or constipation. I don't add milk as my baby rejects formula milk. You can add some healthy food inside if your baby can take it.
