IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

my girl haven't done chickenpox. gonna take the mmrv at 15 mths. my pd always encourage doing together fever all one shot n get it over n done with
baby, pandawife
tks for info. i'm getting a indo maid. ya i definitely agree, its all about luck. sure hope i can get a decent one. otherwise u all will start hearing complaints abt maids from me.
My pd dont charge consultation fee for vacination...
Yr pd charge consultation per bb for japs.. V exp wor.. Bo hua... Should consider changing another pd or dr for vacination... Esp when its not even done by pd...
All my bb japs are done by pd herself... Not nurse...

That time u share a link on the one for one offer for zoo... Is it still available? Thinking to bring my girls to zoo this sat..
Gan, I think they r at the age tht they start to voice their like n dislikes. My girl start to wanna do things herself, like open her mag may cup; or close the toy chest etc. but when she can't get it done, she feels frustrated n screams. N if we try to do it for her she oso gets upset n screams! Even when she can't decide which book she wanna read she oso cry!! Coz I hv a big box of books for them to self help. I think too many she confuse. She will open the box, touch a few books can't decide which one to read, stand there n cry! Happens everytime.. Now whenever she opens d box, I will take out 2 books, close the box n ask her to choose. Then she is ok.
Baby, I check polyclinic , pox jab is $72 each. I thought ur pd charge consultation thts y u paid $200+.
Usually jab pd does development review n I oso hv alot of qns to ask. Thts y I don't mind paying. But now they r older, I don't see the need for such regular reviews.
Which pd do u go to?? Good?
The only thing I like abt mine is he has v gd experience w multiples...he always share alot information about behaviorial patterns of multiple bbs..
Anyway my bbs hv not done their pnemoccocus 3..I need to bring them back next week. Following mth then it's mmr...
I recall my pd mentioned the cost of jabs r pretty much similar betw clinics, whether gp, pd or polyclinic, only difference is the consultation fees. Mayb I shld ask him if can just do mmr 4 in 1 and don't see him next mth.
Hmm... I also ask qns during the visit... But the receipt didnt put consultation fee for vacinations... Only have consultation fee when we go see when they fall sick.
Polyclinic charge $70 bucks nia ah.. Alamak... I paid $100 over for each bb...

I went to kidslink clinic at sengkang area... Near compass pt..

Thinking to change pd also... She is good thou.. But too far from my house...

Any idea which pd is good at tmc or novena? I v scare those that are v popular and need to wait v long...
Baby u r staying very near me?? U are at novena? I go to dr ong at aglow @ united square and also dr Ang at tmc. Waiting time at tmc is slightly better
Panda but I dun like the screaming! My gal she will point at the books on the shelf she wants and go 'baby yao' and after a few times of 'baby yao' she doesn't get the Right book, she screams.... Sometimes I wonder is she practicing her vocals?? Coz like this morning I was cuddling her on bed and she suddenly screams .=s
My boy is 13 mths. The mee rebus is first time for him, I also don't know he wants to eat. But home cook, put very little chilli. It's convenient if they eat our food, just make sure everything low fat, low salt lor. Now I don't even bring hot water or milk powder out, he just drinks pack milk if he wants milk, really good for travelling cos no special requirement needed.

I always have cheese blocks in my fridge, everyday #1 will eat cheese, if nothing fancy her, she will happily eat cheese with bread for snack. Actually very easy if want her to quickly finish her meals, but can't always give her only the food she likes. #2 can definitely take spicy stuff better than #1, just now gave them spicy potato wedges, #1 so 'kua zhang', keep drinking water after every bite, #2 keep asking for more like nothing happen.

Pandawife, Gan
The tots are learning fast to reach T2, they learning how to manipulate us now. My #2, last few days learn how to fake cry to get my attention if I don't carry him or take things away from him. I'm so used to screaming kids, if #1 scream, #2 will respond with screaming, until I tell them to stop. They think it's fun, really terrible. I haven't gone fine dining with hb eversince we had the kids...I think have to wait long long....haha.
Gan, My girl screams but stop v fast coz I know she is frustrated, either trying to do smthing or toys got snatch by the gor gors. Overall still bearable ..
But Linus is different. He cries n wails until whole face full of tears n mucus all the time! I dunno when is fake when is real! Even cry until like tht k instantly stop n laugh! V scary leh.....

Bubblybear, u r right, I feel manipulated. He only does it to me.. I tried leaving him in the play yard to wail n I walk into my room...coz can't take it anymore. He stood at d corner of the play yard facing my room n wail even louder n to make sure I see him there once I step out of the room !!!! I hv no idea how to stop him. Coz he k throw a tantrum middle of a meal cry until start to choke type.....
Alamak only for wkday ah... Cos can only bring them on wkend when hubby not working..guess got to pay normal price then...

Packet milk? Which type? Which brand?

Clinic gives me cerealac banana milk pack sample...

I also dont bring milk powder out cos afternoon they no need to drink milk... Will let them drink before gg out.. Then the next milk is bedtime...
Now there is another option to let them drink packet milk when travelling.. So convenient! Somemore packet milk got different flavour somemore...
U are right man.. They now really know how to manipulate us.. Fake cry to get our attention...
I notice they will look at us when crying to get our attention.. I purposely dont look at them.. Simply ignore them... They will keep on screaming... I will either walk away from them or continue to do my chores... Most of the times they will stop and stand up and continue playing..
Thou sometimes can go on and on... Mummy surrender and "pacify" them.. Haha...

Just now tea break give them yogurt with chopped raspberry...
Each has a pot... Both slurp it up... Nice to have in a hot afternoon... Cos i usually give yogurt for bfast in the morning... Now i give for tea break... Let them have some bite before taking their afternoon nap... Now both napping...
Mummy simmering porridge again... Everyday do like robot..
Im staying near thomson/balestier area.. So v near to tmc and novena.. thinking to switch pd.. More convenient for us..
Any recommendation which one to see? Good and no need to wait v long.. Heee...

I got an indo transfer maid. So I get to meet face to face with her. Though I get to see her personally, I still got cheated by her real age.. LOL. Besides, the application fees to MOM and maid insurance, I only paid $280 to the agency.
Baby, can share which cereal yr girl is taking now? The brand? Thanks. I m sick of preparing her porridge. Only for dinner, I will give her adult food like steam fish, steam egg, steam veg. Lol.
Just faith
Now i seldom give cereals to my girls... Only occasionally when my small girl reject porridge then i make dilute cereal and mix in the porridge...
Usually i give Heiz organic vanilla custard cereal...
And sometimes if no time to cook.. Then i give cereal.. I have various different kinds of cereal... These are the few.. Organix seven grain, Bellamy baby porridge and the above heiz cereal... I usually mix 2... If its for dnr, i will make this cereal and add in steamed egg, steamed fish and some vege puree..

For bfast i give quaker oat cereal...

U intend to give cereal for lunch instead of cooking porridge?
Yr girl eating rice liao? For her dnr u give her yr own dnr food? No need to cook specially for her?

Dr chan is good ah? If walk in no need to wait long? Usually how long is the waiting time?
usually I will still call ahead even if walk in. I'll call at say 830 n tell them I'll be there by 9-930
usually I can get there, see dr chan n get out within the hr. waiting time usually not more than 2-3 patients ahead of me. but of cos tat also means dr chan is not the super chatty type. U must hv yr qns ready n u ask she ans that's it.

Check with you, how to you cook lentils with your porridge? Do you just put the rice and lentils in from the start and cook together? Something like the quinoa? Thanks.

Also, have any of u fed your babies adult yoghurt? I'm wondering if I should give the baby yoghurt because its usually flavored and sweet, or should I just give the adult yoghurt natural flavor which is less sweet?

My girl hates cereal and then recently I decided to try Nestle Cerelac for her and she finally take it! I guess cuz its sweet compared to the organic ones I used to give her. Is it ok to give her Cerelac, is it too sweet? After she took it for a week, I started to mix the cereal with organic so its not so sweet... so far, she is still taking.

Panda, Grumpus,

Recall you mentioned that black beans is good for baby. I found black turtle beans in the supermarket... is it that one? How to cook ah? Put together with rice and cook like porridge?
I can't remember which is the mummy based in Australia... Bubbybear, is it you?

We're planning a trip to Melbourne, wanna bring the kids go enjoy cold weather and visit farm... hee
I'm sure Aussie has a lot of baby food... do they have Enfapro milk? What brand of packet milk do they have for toddlers? They should have those ready to drink type of milk right? Anyone can advise?

When I was in SG, I also see Dr. Ong at United Sq. His waiting time might be a little longer (about half hr to 45 mins) but because its in a shopping mall, so can go shopping and the nurse will call u when its your turn.

For the times when I want quick in out, I also go to Mt Alvernia, Dr Chan Kit Yee, same as Grumpus. She is a heart specialist, and when my boy had murmur when he was 3 months old, I went to see her.
working wife, u can cook lentils just like quinoa.. add to porridge.

black beans i cook as soup/stock. i use black beans, peanuts and pork ribs.. will get a v sweet tasting soup.

yup..black turtle beans

babies can take adult yogurt. just get those full fat plain ones.. i usually buy paul's brand here..
Working wife
Panda has answer all yr qns liao.. Hee...
The lentils just add into rice from the start and cook as per normal... Should try lentils.. V good variation to the porridge.. Has a v nice fragnant bean smell.. No need to use any stock the porridge taste good with the rest of vege u throw in..

Nestle cereal is sweeter... I dont give.. But like what u do.. Mix it with other less sweet cereal.. I usually mix two kinds of cereal to give my girls.. Try Heiz organic vanilla custard... A nice cereal... Thats my small girl fav!

Im still giving yoplait yogurt... Didnt try adult yogurt yet..
Cos the yoplait comes in small pot so easier... But natural yogurt will be better cos not flavoured... Can add in fruits to sweeten it... Hmm.. Will try it soon...

Dr ong at united sq good? Approachable with loads of qns??
working wife
bubbybear is the one based in aust. anyway aust doesn't have many fm brands. n much less for >1 yr old. so u either bring fm with u or intro fresh milk to them here first then u can just buy any brand fresh milk off the supermarket shelf when in melb. I would do a combi meaning bring some fm n give fm for say night and/or morn feeds n give fresh milk for mid day feeds

I prefer to give the type of fresh milk tat needs to be chilled rather than the packet uht type.
diapers wise pretty much only huggies available there
Any reason why chilled fresh milk is better than those unchilled packet milk? Is it cos the chilled ones are fresh and packet ones are not??
If gives chilled milk.. Must warm it up first? Or leave it to room temp and serve? Or give chilled?
Thinking to intro to my girls... Heeee
hmmmm more of personal preference. those chilled fresh milk hv shorter expiry date than the packet ones so seems 'fresher' to me?

I warm up slightly by soaking in some hot water. same like warming up ebm
I wanna avoid cold weather and u want cold weather...haha. Actually, grumpus is right, AU does not have many brands of baby food. Spore we are spoilt for choice ! We do not have Enfapro here. In the supermarket, the only global brands of FM milk is S26, NAN, Bellamy, and then there are only like 3 other local brands. Tots here usually take fresh milk. Then UHT pack milk are all AU local brands and also not many options. Makes shopping easy...haha. If they are used to Enfapro, just bring some here, avoid the problems of allergies and being sick and spoil the holiday.

Disposable diapers is really exp. here, so if you can, bring your own. Huggies is readily available while Pampers can only get from Coles supermarket, the rest are mostly local brands which I think is only good for day wear.

I use both UHT and fresh milk. If u drink it cold, I find fresh milk taste better. But if u heat it up, I find they taste about the same. I use UHT when I go on long road trips, cos no need to heat up and keeps better. At home or short trip, I use fresh milk, cos its cheaper than UHT..haha. Can drink it cold, my #1 drinks it cold on hot days but #2 don't drink cold milk.
Its ok to give cold milk straight from the fridge? Wont hurt tummy or give cough?
I been giving my girls cold yogurt straight from fridge and also fruits... Scare im doing them no good... Hmm...

U still giving plum to y trio? I find it so sour... Both dont like it..
There is once i blend mango with it.. I put 2 plums and some mango.. End result is still sour cos didnt put enough mango.. My small girl refuse to eat even when mango is her fav!

My first pack of lentils finishing soon... Wonder should i buy another pack or try quinoa... How does the porridge taste like with quinoa?
Any new porridge combi recipe to share?
Baby, I stop plums, u r right it's sour! Now they eat mostly apples, conference pears, bananas, strawberries, kiwi, papaya n avocado.

Now I alternate betw millet, quinao n lentils ... My first pack of lentils not yet finish! Lol... I don't cook porridge so much .. Not exactly v excited about it too. Hehe..my bbs more Ang mohs. Yesterday I tried cream based pasta sauce instead of the usual tomato one. Quite nice.

Going to make shepherd pie for dinner again tonight. The last round my potatoes too mashy.. will add peas n replace the chickEn with salmon. I hv not given peas as finger foods before.

What's ur programme this wkend? Suppose to attend a Fren boy first bd party this afternoon but my eldest developed mouth inflammation coz he fell n bite himself. Kanna an ulcer n sWollen gums. Started fever yesterday too.... Hv to giv panadol 4 hrly round d clock until d inflammation is gone. Otherwise the fever keeps coming back. I havent had much zzz the whOle week.. Living on 3-4 hrs each night... Body feels like its no longer mine..
Quinao is quite fragrance...it has a nutty taste...or like what grumpus describe a slight ginseng smell...n after cooking from grain like become little short strings... V interesting one
Haha.. That show how often i cook porridge.. U bought lentils before me and mine is finishing soon... Im a lazy mummy!
Now still cooking porridge.. Rice lentils with potato, tomato, mushroom and pork.

No interesting program to share leh... Initially wana go zoo today but my girls down with allergy.. So cant go... Somemore today weather not too good...

I can imagine what u mean by yr body dont feels yrs... The period when i dont have enough sleep when my elder keep waking up i also have the same feeling.. Feels whole body hot and aching.. Mind and body becomes separate self...

Last night both my girls slept thru.. Elder woke up at 6am to have milk then continue to sleep till 8am.. Small girl woke up at 730am... Feels so shiok when i have uninterupted sleep!

Yr menu getting more interesting leh.. Cream based sauce and sheperd pie... Wow...
I wana intro rice but scare failure leh.. Cos my small girl sure dont wana eat.. Hmmm...

Guess gonna stop plums as well... I always use these few fruits... Strawberry, apple, pear, banana, peach, mango, kiwi, avocado, raspberry, blueberry... This morning i gave avocado, peach and pear blend. I also made french toast... I use egg with milk...
Thanks Bubbybear.

Can you recommend a good brand of UHT milk?

Well, I am looking forward to the different fruits they can try there though. Strawberries, peaches, apricots... over here, these fruits are so expensive and hard to find good and really fresh ones cuz by the time they are imported here... not so good already.

I will be going in Apr during Easter break.. weather should be 15-25c?

You're not the only one... my ones the meals everyday very standard one. Cereal and fruit for brekkie, porridge for lunch and dinner. Haha, they don't like also have to eat. Sometimes can see my boy don't really like but he will still eat. Hopefully can train them not to be fussy eaters and eat whatever we give them.

Recently, I started giving them ABC chicken soup with rice... they love it. They really love the soup, slurp slurp it all up! Can try that first so that the rice is a bit wet, before serving the rice as it is. Maybe a good transition.
working wife, u just reminded me smthing! i havent tried cream based soups with rice ...
tmr will make creamy carrot, pumpkin and zucchini soup. serve w rice and chicken

baby, now i dont blend fruits, no way to cover sour fruits leh.. smtimes the kiwi abit sour they also not very keen to eat..end up mummy eat lor. ohhh.. i also give oranges too.. my ones loves to suck on the juice..

u can start w soft rice.. cook the rice longer.. and use the pearl grains.. or u mix half rice half porridge like what u used to do w cereal?

ur elder girl shld b ready for rice since she handle chucky foods better...

my ones loves pasta, so when we eat out, i just need to go to any place tht serves pasta, they can eat w us.. no need to bring their food..
share this:

General information:
•Avoid buying mushrooms that have “bruises”. Select those with dry and smooth appearance.
•Do not wash them until you are ready to cook or eat them.
•Do not soak fresh mushrooms as they absorb moisture.
•Mushrooms should be used within 3-5 days of purchase.
•Don’t discard mushroom stems. Trim and freeze them to use in making soups and stocks.
•To maintain its freshness, stored them inside a paper bag in the refrigerator. Alternatively, you could put them in a plastic container with a paper towel both under and on top of them to ensure they remain dry.
Need advise here:

My small girl since yday hands and legs v cold... Esp the palms... Never happen before... Sometimes even have cold sweat.. Body got abit of red rash... Gave her warm bath.. Done liao still cold....No fever... My elder dont have all these symptoms...

Should i be concern??
baby, does the cold hands n legs happen when she is asleep?? i asked my tcm doc about this before. he says so long as its not when bb is asleep not a concern. its sweating thru the hands n legs. but if at night also like tht, then shld go see doctor..
I just use Devondale or Pauls for UHT milk. Actually the time u come is Autumn end of season for those summer fruits u mentioned, so u might not get such good quality.

Sounds like reaction from it's the chicken-pox jab. Just keep the temp down if there is, for the rash, u may not need anything if they are not discomfort by it. Otherwise can try calamine lotion.
Bingo ! I'm in Sydney. U coming free n easy ?

Forgot your question about drinking cold milk. I think it's ok, good to train the tummy to get used to cold food, but if cough then don't give lor.
yeah free n easy. my sil stays in syd n we're headed there to celebrate her son's bday, let the cousins spend time together n also a short family hol.
we'll be staying at Hilton in the cbd
I may just be in Sydney for work for a few days, but not confirmed yet.

Panda how did Lucas fall?? The fall sounds bad he bit himself
Gan, he ran n fell lor. both my boys learning to run..always give me heart attack! i got to really watch them like a hawk! :S

Now your kids can run, need to have eyes onthe back of your head! My boy n girl both can run very fast now and I always lose them if I just look away. Today, it finally happened. My boy ran to the next room, and pulled down my wooden rack. He fell down and got cut on his cheek by the glass displayed on the rack... Sigh. Gotta really childproof n remove all glass displays and standalone shelves now.

working wife, yes..need to childproof. i already fixed child proof locks for all the drawers in bb room.. and all my racks r wall mount. safety gate also in place so they hv no access to the rooms when in the living room....
