IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

How much does playgroup cost? Its also everyday 1.5-2hrs?
Cos i will still be sahm so dont thk i need whole day childcare..
Panda, yes, can't imagine the terror 2 stage. My gal is already one, now very whiny, screams a lot, cries if she does not get what she wants. I bought her out in sling and she wanna get down to walk, but she was running all over so I had to put her back in sling, she cried big time, causing stares from onlookers.
Panda, I have the same worry. I wonder if they will gang up against other kids. But like u say, even if cost is high, surely need to send them somewhere so that they socialize with others. .

I'm also thinking where to send them next year for playgroup. Haven't checked out my area. Need to do that soon.
Ya.. My elder girl also super naughty lately.. If she dont get what she wants she will scream and bounce.. Kick her legs waves her arms... So small know how to throw tantrum liao.. Siao liao...

Me too... I still need a maid.. Send two girls to playground.. The cost is scary mann! Thats why dont thk i will send them to full day childcare... Maybe only playground... I wonder how much will playground cost.... Julia garbriel is play nest like playground?
Panda / mik mik, my gal would cried badly if she doesn't get to do what she wants...n recently the kiddy ride, she actually clenched her fist n i tot she shivered from anger coz I said no and she has to watch another kid takes the ride!

Today she is up at 2am.....oops hope I dun doze off during meeting later the day
Panda, this sat a bit tough for me la. Cos my bro is getting married on sunday so I need to get some things done on sat.

Next sat is ok.
u hv to scout ard for yr own play group. play group is less structured n controlled unlike child care n kindy.

there r cheap neighbourhood ones $100+ for 1.5hrs daily. there r enrichment centres like Julia Gabriel. some r daily, some 2-3 times a wk, some once a wk etc
u gotta go down, check out the environment, the teachers, the curriculum.

btw if u intend to send yr girls to kindergarten, do note tat for them, pre nursery will be 2013 which means u hv to register in mar 2012. if u're starting them at nursery, tat will be 2014 n u need to register in mar 2013
there is no subsidy for play group n kindergarten. way some mums do is enrol their kids in half day care. the difference is 1hr but can get subsidy.

my elder girl's kindy has a policy to separate multiples siblings into different classes precisely to avoid them forming clique n also to allow each child to develop n grow independently n make their own friends etc.
maybe can check if there's such thing at learning vision.
Gan, we must not give in to their crying and wailing, if not they will use this as a weapon to have it their way. I felt embarrassed in public places when my gal cried loudly, but have to ignore the stares and bring her away.

Grumpus, oh dear, thought only terrible 2 and after this is stage is ok... So every stage of their development is full of challenges for us, I have a lot to learn, haa.
Grumpus, yes..thts one of the thing I need to check. Dunno if they hv enuff class to split them. Kindy onwards shld easier. My pd oso says try to split them. Otherwise they only copy cat each other. If one bad behavior all bad! My eldest is the ring leader. He learns the fastest n the other two follows. Lately he throw tantrum the other 2 oso start bouncing up n down when they see him do it for no reason!

Does kindy have brand too?? Aiyoh suddenly so many thing need to find out n do! Pre kindy or child care better??
Another reason for me to put them in a school is for them to get into a daily routine. I can't seem to do that at home. They nap as n when they need. Eat their meals when they happy mood, not when hungry! Smtimes hungry Liao still refused food..only wants to drink milk.

Fruitree, my Hb saw u feeding ur bbs at fidgets, he was v impressed! He says ur bbs v guai n eats well!

Last night I was pondering over wat to cook today. He told me to cook the same food everyday! How can?? That food they don't wanna eat u must try smthing else mah. Aft 2 days of rice I went bk to cook porridge yest. Only my younger boy ate. The other two refused. My gal cried for her pasta..I so stress quickly go n steam for her. My eldest had rice cracker w salmon for his dinner...
Ya lor.. Suddenly need to think abt preschool... I clueless on this matter... Jialat... Got to go do some research...

Yr bbs still cant get into daily routine? Hmmm... Maybe cos u have 3 so more difficult..
My girls now aldry have their daily routine...
Wake up at 7am to make milk.
9am bath time
930am bfast
10am morning nap
12pm lunch
4pm afternoon nap
5pm evening bath
6pm dinner
9pm bed time

I will usually let them nap at the same time...
My ones some days k nap together some days cannot. Problem is they don't wake up the same time in the morning. Sometimes k b one whole hour difference. N their duration of naps oso not the same. My gal tend to do shorter naps n nap more x compared to the boys.

So feeding time oso not the same. I try to let them eat solids together coz these days they see one on highchair all wanna sit there. V kiasu..scared one eat they don't hv..lol!
Ur gals k eat before nap ? My ones must map first. So I let them nap then eat n bathe. But their nap earlier coz they wake up at 6am. 830-9 they nap... 10+ eat breakfast..lol
Baby, you dun give milk between lunch and dinner? My girl was down with fever, cough, runny nose since last Wednesday. She was 9.5kg before falling sick. Think now abt 9kg nia. I tried to give her milk in between lunch and dinner. But she can't finish.
. So I thought of your elder girl and want to ask you usually how many hours after lunch, you will give milk.
My elder can eat anytime whether nap or not.
My small girl needs to nap first and hungry enough to eat..
But cos now i aldry make it a routine so she agar agar knows after her morning bath will be her bfast... So very soon after she finish bfast.. She will be sleepy and nap...

They also sometimes wake up at different timing but usually is between 6-730am... So once my small girl sleepy aft bfast.. I will let her nap... Then will make milk for my elder girl to let her nap too... Cos i only let her take fruit puree for bfast.. No cereal.. Cos she will be having porridge for lunch...
Now daily bfast for my small girl will be cereal and fruit combo puree.. Today is vanilla cereal with egg yolk.. Followed by apple and peach puree... Elder only have apple peach puree.

Just faith
Hahaah... U think abt me.. I think abt u leh..
Cos i rem u dont give anytin in between porridge.. So i follow u! I give porrridge at abt 1pm. Then nothing else till porridge at 530pm. I think better cos the porridge can be quite filling so if i give milk between she may be too full...
kindy also hv brand. u check which r the ones near u then read their reviews online.
child care n kindy is the same in terms of teaching. just tat child care spread over the entire day n includes day to day care like food n baths
baby, hahaha... thanks! i really want to come in and drop you earlier message. then saw your posting regarding daily routine. i see her lost so much weight, very sim tia, i cut down her porridge during this period, so thought of replacing with more milk instead. hehe....
Baby my little ones ate the Quaker oatmeal n finish up. Thank god! All my bb cereal they refuse!!

Now their bf so late, I don't do lunch. Their dinner oso early at 430-5pm coz afte their nap. I tried 6-630 all grouchy coz tired refused to eat... So one day 2 solids, bf n dinner.

Last 3 days I manage to replace one milk feed. So now they r on 4 milk feeds a day...
Panda how much do ur babies drink for each milk feed? Mine still 5 to 6'feeds a day....

Mummies when u cut down the milk feed, how often do u feed baby water and what is the Amt each feed?
Got to take note of these indoor playgrounds, next time know where to go with the kids. Amazonia looks good and challenging enough for bigger kids. At least there is somewhere to spend the time, other than shopping centre.

Not only cc have waitlist, next time when the kid is ready for Pr school, many parents will have to be parent volunteer at the school before they even get in...hahaha

The separation anxiety will get better over time, he just needs to get used to not having u around. Now still young.
Baby u can buy this guide from bookstore or newsstand ,
Young parents preschool guide 2012.

Panda Julia called n the fees for my gal's playnest is $1270! There goes my bonus!!
Your #1 attend kindy right. Is it full 5 days and how many hrs a day ? Do you need to prepare her meals for her to bring to school ?
Usually after meals, roughly 30 ml sometimes more, just give until he doesn't want anymore. If I give porridge, I don't give water anymore until his milk feeds in between, cos the fruit will also have some water content.
Gan, my gal does 140ml, Linus 210ml n Lucas 170ml. Gal smtimes I need to dream feed her before midnight otherwise she wakes up at 4am..if dream feed she k zzz until 6ish. If dreamfeed she has one more feed than the boys whose last feed of the day is 7ish.

Water I feed every hour. Amount varies depends on how much they wanna drInk. If giv snacks aft snack they drink too. I time the water feeds otherwise my maids will forget to feed them water.

At least u hv bonus! I no income. Last night I showed my Hb the posting here about JG, he went what on earth is that?? So expensive!!! Lol.. I just got reply from JG ..haven't hv time to read the attachments. In the email she says must put them on wait list for next playnest starting 2012. Need to convince my hb! He thinks I m best teacher for them no need send out of our house ...faint..I told him I m not super mummy. After attending to their basic needs n some reading n singing I already wanna drop dead! Smtimes they bored I sing n sing non stop for 30mins !
U give the red quacker oats? What other food u add into the oats? This oats no need to cook right?

Haha.. I still do 3 meals.. Sometimes really shag out.. No energy whole day...

My girls love to drink water... Easily one day can drink abt 200ml... I give them mag cup.. So they will just feed themslvs.. Once they had enough they will just throw the mag cup on the floor.. Or if i feel they had enough i will take away the mag cup... I let them drink as and when.. But wont let them drink an hr to milk time..

My elder only having 3 milk feeds a day with 2 porridge meals.. Milk Each time 180ml..
My small girl having 4 milk feeds.. Each time 210ml... In between 1 bfast(cereal + fruit puree), snack (fruit/vege puree with fish), dnr (cereal with vege puree)
Panda u are a good mummy, at least u read to Ur babies... Many times I m so tired after working thru the week, weekend I just sit on the sofa n watched Grace play in the play yard... Only when she goes ma ma then I will go play with her for awhile... Somehow I just dun have the energy. She likes to watch my iPad. The fisher price laugh n learn app which I downloaded.. So I wld just play that when she is bored... Lazy mum.

Hmm I m actually thinking of bringing her to the zoo in dec when I m off since she is recognizing some animals... bring her to see her favorite monkey. Maybe can have a playdate at the zoo.... Heeee

Grumpus our babies too young to go to
Gan u not alone.. Im also one lazy mummy... I dont read to my girls also... Taking care of their basic needs and preparing their meals i totally no energy! I worst still.. I on baby channel and entertain them... I know tv no good for them.. But thats the only way they dont fuss and keep looking for me...
gan not too early! grumpus already went with hers! haha.. she is the super mummy!

i m not super keen in outdoor..esp w our hot weather..hehe..but if there is a group outing, i will go lah...

i read that for multiple bbs their language development has tendency to b delayed. coz they tend to baby talk each other..n mummies are also usually too tired to read or make much conversation with them due to the stress of taking care of more than 1 bb! so i die die try to read to them... smtimes they run ard in walkers, i just take a book sit there n read out loud.. duno if they r listening...but better than nothing.. coz no energy to read one to one w 3 of them. or they play in the play yard, i sit there n read too....
baby, i use to let them hv tv time too.. but now i cut down to almost none. only on rare days they fuss to much and we dont go out, i wil let them watch 5-10mins. PD says its bad for their eyes lor....
baby, yes the red can quaker. i just add hot milk. nothing else. feed w fruits... today i use avocado, and plum.

tmr will try cook apple w raisins n serve w the oatmeal.. will make it more tasty bah...
hi mummies
reading all ur post abt cc,kindy,etc..is making me stress & kancheong hahhaha.. looks like the first year is the best. only need to take care of their feeds, sleep, play!
for cc, I'm can't decide between cherie hearts and our junior schoolhouse - any mummies here heard anythg abt these 2 cc?

I'm pm you. let me know what time u free on sat & sun. thks !
Panda i m actually excited to bring grace for some outdoor activity... Will bring her for a short visit to the zoo when I m on leave. Must do some activities with her these 2 weeks leave .
ladies, the next outing:

Date: 5 Dec
Time: 1230-1pm???
Venue: Amazonia (since the last one was at Fidgets)

Mummies going:

Anyone else keen?
amazonia is challenging for older kids. lots of climbing. my hb followed my elder into the playground n he was exhausted after tat! lol

my elder goes to kindy, 5 days a wk, 3hrs a day. follows moe school term n school holidays. she goes to morn session so only breakfast is provided. very simple snack. I pack a snack for my girl from home too cos she's fussy n will not always eat the snack provided. for afternoon session it crosses over lunch n the sch provides lunch. but same thing parents can pack their own lunch if they want.

it's not too early to bring grace to the zoo. it's free for them, only adults need to pay

in my opinion, zoo is somewhere u can go multiple times. the kids learn different things each time. n not forgetting the water play area hehehe

oh mummies, instead of indoor playground next time can also bring them for water play. there r several free ones in
different shopping malls

Your boys last feed at 7pm and then all the way till morning 6am no need to drink? So good! Now, my kids sleep at 7-8pm after milk, but still wake up once in the middle of the night to drink and then sleep till 6-7am.

I'm trying to drop the night feed... i wonder how can I do that? Any tips mummies? Is it normal for 11 month old babies to still have one night feed (as in between 7pm to 6am)?

Actually, I feed them 3 meals a day, cereal for bf, porridge for lunch and dinner. And I still try to feed them 5 milk feeds a day (sometimes 6 plus the night feed). too much ah? Hmm... but I worry about their milk intake dunno enough or not. At 11 months, how much should they be drinking a day? Must exceed 500ml? I target 600ml at least a day... is that too much with the 3 meals?

Now their daily routine is this:

6-7am Wake up, milk 150ml
8am Morning bath
8.30am Breakfast - cereal/bread/cheese
9-10am Milk 100-120ml
10-11am Nap
11.30am Lunch - 1 bowl porridge
1.30pm - Milk 140ml
1.30-3.30pm Nap
3.30pm Milk 120ml (sometimes skip this feed if they are sleeping)
5.30pm Dinner - 1 bowl porridge
6.45pm Evening bath
7.30pm Milk - 150-200ml
8.00pm Sleep
12.30-2.00am (boy) - Night feed 100-120ml
4.00-5.00am (girl) - Night feed 100-150ml

Too much ah?
working wife, yes..7pm until next morning 6am. i do night training when they were 6 mths old.. coz my PD says they r waking up to drink out of habit..not becoz they r hungry. if they wake up to drink, i just pat them back to zzz again.. do it for continous nights until they kick the habit. it took less than 1 week for Linus n Charlotte and almost 3 weeks to train lucas! I almost gave up...coz everynight cant zzz..he kept waking up every hour cry for his milk!

i used to dream feed all 3 at 10pm. but after a while the boys refused to drink... so now it bcame last feed at 7pm.

when u stop the night feeds u will notice tht they drink more during the day.
