IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

i know some mummies who went to check out the neurogym. it's not really a gym per se. they include flashcards and other stuff.
anyway, mummies feedback that other than the flashcards the rest are not very useful.
but if u want to go check it out yrself, it's a good deal to pay just $6

Panda, yes I'll be coming on Wed but with 2 babies la. Think I'll bring both my girls.

Yeah, the great world city place sounds good. Let me see when would be good. Now only got a few weekends left.

Panda, that day, after fitgets I went to my friend's place. My babies still kept playing until they cannot tahan. THen they slept at 430 and only woke up at 7! Longest afternoon nap ever!

Gan, thanks so much for your offer. I'll just bring 2 along la. My babies are not very good with strangers.
fruitree, ur bbs r fine! tht day all 3 playing n smiling at me leh... ur boy super cute! got such a nice big smile !

great world hv to go on weekdays..hmm....

baby, r u joining us on wed??
Panda, yah that day we were quite surprised that they were quite ok. They r quite curious with other kids and like to explore. And my boy likes to smile at pretty ladies. Ha ha!

Yah, great world seems to be tough huh.
actually i was also worried Linus will b scared to play..thts y i brought them there before our outing test water first. coz the last time went to this ball pit at United Square, he cried n cried when we put him in there to play.

ur boy so clever!hahaha..
Im still thinking... I shy lah... Heeee...

I went to see the gwc website.. Looks fun.. Hope to bring my girls there.. But only free on wkday.. Abit tough.. Cos hb working...
Haha..mummy of twins still shy? Ever since hv the 3 bbs I becOme super thick skin coz smtimes go out all 3 scream n fuss.. N we get curious stares n strangers coming up to us all the time!
Baby come come la.. I also shy!=)

Panda do pple come up to ask if the 3 babies are triplets?

I bot the happycall pan! But where do I get those receipes huh?
Cos so far we are virtual friends mah.. Then suddenly wana meet up i shy shy lah... Lol...

Panda, u bringing 2 maids with u?

So having lunch there or we eat first then go??
gan, i email u the recipes tmr..i hv the excel version...

baby, yup i hv to bring 2 maids..otherwise cant handle 3 bbs..
gan, the more polite ones will ask me directly if they r triplets. the not so polite ones will point at us stare n whisper whisper..hehe..

i put my boys in a twin stroller...n my maid carry my gal walk behind me. so the first qn pls usually ask is if the boys r twins..
Baby happycall pan is this cooking pan from Korea.... I kept seeing Singapoh posting yummy food on Facebook!! So I bot, panda has the pan too n she made char siew.

Thanks panda!
baby, u called amazonia? i was thinking if they go by number of bbs??? or i just need to spend $10 all 3 of them get to b there free??
Oh u mean the happy pan the one feature on the shopping channel is it?

The pan good and easy to use???

I didnt call.. I also dont knw the min spending of $10 is per bb or what...
aaahh..ok..then hv to date nancy go together.. so we k help each other jagar the bbs n take turns to eat... 5 bbs means both of us hv to eat $50!
baby i usually eat at home then bring them out. if not they fuss v hard to eat in peace outside. n i oso dont trust my maids to handle 3 of them while i eat...at home easier for me to watch them n eat..
So when u bring the bbs out u dont dine?
I always dine out when i bring them out during wkends.. But must go to less crowded restaurants... I will give them finger biscuit to entertain themslvs.. Usually when they start to fuss we are done with our meals liao... Heee...
Wkend we din out. Wkdays me n maids only I try not to eat out coz my bbs go out if fuss all want me to carry..I can't eat in peace..wkends my Hb ard we k take turns to eat.
Grumpus, thanks for the info! Trying to arrange for a date soon to check out the place, u wanna go there again?
mummies, i wanna surrender already..my bbs all anti solids.. cook until dunno what to cook liao. nowaways, spoon feed, hand feed, all they refuse! haiz.... smtimes taste 1 mouthful, then refuse the food..smtimes dont even wanna open mouth at all!

feel like just giving them their milk then i dont hv to spend time cooking n eating their foods everyday!

really at my wits end... going to try baked rice today.... my bil who is a nurse told me i shldnt giv them pasta everyday coz they will end up as obsese toddlers! too much carbo....
Now they dont even want to self feed?
Did u try to change the feeding time? For example, if u always feed them at 10am... Maybe can try 12pm etc.. Or feed when they woke up from their nap and its their usual milk time.. But dont feed milk... Give them solids.. Make sure they are hungry enough.... If still cannot, maybe its the food... Change the food for the next try... It works for my small girl..

Or is it cos the siblings is distracting each other?? Cos of the noise each other is making so they not concentrate in the food?

I tot u mention pasta is not carbo high as rice? Then if everyday feed porridge even worst??? Alamak.. I dont want my bbs to be obese leh... I feed them porridge or cereal
I dun mind going again
I can help u hit 'target' since I only need min spend $10 n if my elder n I eat lunch there we'll def exceed.
baby, the problem is i dont giv them rice pasta..coz v hard to cook. now they eat the wheat one... i checked w my PD, he says pasta high carbo, but if not eating rice, then no choice...hv to giv them some source of carbo.

they self feed pasta lor...n fruits.. other things like veg, meats or fish they dont really fancy... esp lately dunno why..

does teeting affect appetites too?? they r all cutting new tooth the past week....

i tried all kinds of timings, food everyday i cook different flavours or types for them to try...i think i m the only crazy mummy who cook so many types of foods...smtimes one meal i cook 3 sets of foods coz they like to eat different stuff.....

my gal likes pasta, my younger boy likes udon/noodles, my eldest one only wanna eat fruits...

distraction definitely...no choice.. i tried to feed all 3 together, but one scream all scream. so i hv to feed one by one. they dun let my maids feed...if they feed my bbs bully them...
Maybe they dun like to sit in high chair to eat? Not healthy la but sometimes no choice. My younger girl eats while climbing crawling everywhere.
She also very chow kuan, our food n jie jie's food she eat. Her own food dun eat.
Sometimes I feed her from my elder's bowl n from my own bowl
Just to share my experience. I feed my boy porridge everyday, but I put lots of ingredients to sweeten the porridge. I use brown rice and red rice everyday. Also alternate between cous cous, millet and quiona (so three types of carbo daily). Meat wise, I alternate between threadfin, beef and pork loin. Every twice to 3x a week, I'll add dried oysters, other days I add ikan billis powder. As for veg, I'll add 2 yellow veg and 1 green veg. The outcome is delicious and my coming 16m boy can take 2small bowls per meal. Some days, we coook mee suan with dried scallop and oysters, plus an egg with some veg. He loves it too. Hope this helps
grumpus, i tried let them eat in walkers... so i hv 3 bbs running about n mummy here trying to chase them w the spoon n bowl! haiz... din work out too well...

i tried the picnic mat too... now they r more active, they will run away when they see the spoon...:S

berrybaby, i get ur point... problem is my bbs anti spoon. my porridge is 80% fruits and 20% porridge... even then oso refuse to open mouth... for every 1 table spoon of uncook rice, i put one whole apple in there, with meat, one egg, n a veg..smtimes pumpkin or carrot or sweet corn. u name it i tried it.....

i dont use ikan bilis coz my PD says its unhealthy... esp when they r so young..
grumpus yeah they wanna eat my foods too..

i think later i try use my plate to put the food instead of using theirs....

yesterday i bought malay cake for them to try as snack.. n i was eating you tiao.. they threw the cake on the floor and tried to snatch my you tiao to eat! faint......
Cutting teeth surely affect appetite!!
My small girl refuse to eat anytin when she is teething.. Even her fav food she refuse to open her mouth.. Once she see the spoon near her mouth she will scream... But after a week or so.. She back to her normal self...

Wheat pasta v fattening ah?

Or possible to feed one at one time.. Then the other two stay in the rm with yr maid so no distraction? When im feeding, i usually put the other in the rm with my maid.. Cos if the other play toy or cry.. Will distract the one eating...

Ya also grumpus idea.. Feed when they are on the floor.. Works for my small girl.. She will open her mouth while watching tv or playing toy...
Panda I have ame problem w grace n it doesn't help I m working so I can't try all sorts of food for her... She is anti meat. So her only protien is from tofu... But we dun feed her everyday. Tomorrow I will try chicken blend with sweet potato n carrot n hope she eats that...
baby, i dun trust my maids to b in room alone w bb. the problem w 2 maids is they end up talking n not watching my bbs. so i always make sure they r in the hall w me when i m feeding baby.

once i left them alone, they put my younger boy in the cot n let him fall n knock his face onto the railing..he ended up w blue black at the eye! n recently they let him eat tissue..he was chewing happily n the 2 of them din even noticed! i came out of toilet first thing i saw was he was chewing away, n when i asked the maids if they fed him anything, they said nothing. then i dig his mouth n found tissues in there...
Gan, at least Grace eats other foods. mine is totally anti foods.. only stuff they eat these days are cheerios n all those baby junk foods. proper foods mouth super zip tight.....
I dun feed with spoon. N I dun bring the bowl near my girl. I juz hold a bit of food in my hand n when she's distracted I juz push the food into her mouth. Sometimes she will use her tongue to push the food back out but I will juz push it back again n tell her firmly no.
So far ok, it's getting easier to feed her. But we juz came back from pd n she has lost weight
now only 7.8kg. At one pt she was 8+ almost 9kg
Grumpus mine doesn't put on weight... Since end sept she is only 8.5kg.=(

Panda but my gal is like eating broccoli , pumpkin , cauliflower every week...... No other vege she likes
I also dont give ikan billies to my girls... Its a form of salted fish... So unhealthy i feel... High in salt content as well...
I rather use fresh ingredients to sweeten the porridge.. Actually if use pork, tomato and root vege.. The porridge usually taste good...

Gan, 8.5kg is ok what... My small girl only 9kg last mth...

Maybe u wana stop feeding junk food for awhile.. Those puffs, cheerios, biscuit... Cos if they used to the junk food.. They may reject main meals.. Cos those finger food usually more tasty.. So when they taste main meals.. They dont like.
And also finger foods can be quite filling...
Just now i cooked tomato, spinach, caulifower and pork porridge... I find it tasty... But when i feed my small girl.. She only took abt 6-7 mouths then dont want liao... And its aldry her milk time after her morning nap.. But she still dont like.. I thk becos of the minced pork inside...
Morning bfast gave her oat cereal and pear/avocado... She finish all... So when feeding my small girl.. Got to think hard what to give her... Lol..

Btw for pear.. U leave it at room temp to ripen it? I just blend it unripe leh... Cos when i buy from ntuc its cold.. So i thk they put it in fridge.. So not sure if i leave it again at rm temp will it ripen...
To reduce the salt, I washed and sun the ikan bilis. Then I bake them in the oven and grind into powder. Even then I only use about 1/2 teaspoon for the whole pot of porridge (good for 2meals).

Just to give variety.
Dear mummies, I hardly come into this thread ever since I gave birth but occasionally I still read it when I have a little time before sleep. Many mummies here may not know or remember me since I am not active here. Today I was reading up on the thread and learnt of the struggle of feeding babies experienced by mummies like pandawife and Gan.

I just wanna share my experience with u. My gal was born in June 2010 and is now 17 months old. I had a tough time feeding her solid since 7th month old. She dislike cereal and porridge and despite having sprout 4 teeth at 6-7 months, she resisted these food. I tried daily for another 5 months, every day feeding her cereal and porridge, lunch and dinner respectively. She would refuse after a mouthful. Very tedious and disheartened, worse she did not like any fruits given. So every day she was on milk feed throughout. 

However, shortly after she turned one, one day she became receptive to porridge. There was no change to the ingredients I put, so it was amazing when she took almost a full bowl. I was encouraged and gave her for dinner as well. Since then, she has been eating her porridge (mainly cooked with sweet corn, thread fin, spinach, tomato, carrot and pork). She also loves bread, wholegrain type. 

So panda wife and gan, dun despair, I am sure your babies will come to accept food/meat one day. At least, they are drinking milk well and this is still the most importance source of food for them in their first year. 

My gal is already a toddler but she is eating just one type of fruit, kiwi. She refused apple, banana and papaya. I just hope she will accept more type of fruits one day. 

I hope to join u mummies in this thread more frequently as ever since I became SAHM, I have been facing my gal and the walls at home, feel quite lonely at times. Hope I am welcome to chat with u gals.
Mik mik
Of cos u are welcome here!!

Yr experience is sooooo encouraging... I will hope one day my small girl can eat a bowl of porridge...

U can try giving other types of fruit like pear, mango, plum, peach, avocado... All these are my small girl fave fruit.. I usually will mix and match two type of fruits... Some combo is v yummy compared to giving fruit as it is...
Baby, thanks for the welcome

I am sure your younger gal will like her food one day. It takes time and patience and we just do not give up, in fact, I must salute u mummies for being so adventurous in trying new ingredients and food combo for your babies. My gal is eating the same porridge day after day, except I interchange between cod fish and thread fin,

I tried pears, grapes, mangos and she is not keen too. I have never used a blender in my food or fruit preparation, so I just cut into small cubes for her, but she just pushes out. Only loves kiwi, both green and gold one.

Now my gal is on 3 milk feed, 2 porridge feed and snack time will be yoghurt, kiwi, whole grain bread, boiled egg mashed and feed with bread or gerber puffs.

I am impressed by panda wife for her perseverance in trying out all kinds of recipes for her triplets. It is no mean feat. Salute her.
Mik mik,
just keep trying different fruits. it helps if yr girl sees u and/or hb always eats fruits too.
my elder girl also didn't like fruits when bb up until abt 2yrs plus.
we always hv fruits after dinner so we always offer to my girl but she will refuse. at ard 2 yrs old she agreed to try and from there she slowly became receptive to different fruits. we also keep telling her must eat more fruits then can poo :p
now she eats at least 2 different types of fruits a day.
Grumpus, I agree with u, I must keep trying, especially knowing kiwifruit is seasonal so once out of season, then she will have no fruit to eat. One thing is my hubby is not a fruit person, his diet does not include fruits. My gal even when I am eating water melon, strawberries or mango, all bright colored fruits, she just gives yucky look after tasting a wee bit. I hope she will like fruits, just like ur elder gal one day. 

Is it a concern if my gal does not take rice at 17th month old? She seems not to like chewing, so when give her rice, she doesn't want either. 
Mik Mik,

Your experience is very encouraging! And you are also a very determined mummy to keep trying! I only cook on Mon-Fri ...wkends I don't cook, they will drink their milk. I swear they totally LOVE milk..hahaha....

When I bring them out many mummies ask me what i feed them how come 3 all so good size... I tell them credit goes to Enfapro!

Its really not easy feeding fussy eaters..

Mummies, I really have ang moh babies! My eldest boy wiped out the cod fish baked rice today! faint... but the other two hates it! end up they only eat fruits.... coz i din hv time to prepare noodles or pasta for them. :S
baby, i leave at room temp to ripe. If its unripe n i need to give pear i will steam.. i read somewhere pear should b given ripe....

grumpus, i think all my 3 hv also lost weight from the last PD checkup coz now they r alot more active, but not taking much solids. Their milk intake also did not increase. The last checkup PD says I shld b replacing at least 2 milk feeds w solids. Until today i cant even replace one!

mik mik
if its just rice that ur gal dun like is ok. but if all hard foods she dun like n can't really chew then is more of a concern. cos chewing n eating hard foods is closely related to speech.
