IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Let me know the date early in nov, coz I still have 1 day Childcare leave, if no meetings or major work, I can take off to

baby, today as usual my porridge no biz! haha..
macaroni wiped out. i gv the carrots sticks, corn cob n sweet potato pieces tht i used to make veg stock today... also wiped out... ;S

looks like really no fate w porridge..LOL...
Yr bbs ang mo taste... Heee...

Jus now make pumpkin cum avocado cum codfish for my small girl.. She gag on the first mouth and vomit milk!
In e end didnt give her anymore.. Give her rice oat cereal instead...

I dont dare to give my elder girl porridge for dnr.. Also dont dare to give any puree.. Only give her cereal.. Cos i realise when i give her fruit puree or porridge.. She will keep waking up at night.. I suspect is the food that cause gassy tummy tat make her uncomfy so she cry...
Yday night gjve her cereal only she sleep thru..
Yup, many of these indoor playgrounds hv an area for toddlers. As long as crawling age it will be quite fun for them. Ball pit, small slide, rocking horse etc all padded area.

Weekdays would be best cos not as crowded. I'm ok with late morning or afternoons.

Usually they'll ask u to fill up a form with bb details so it will be by birthdate, I suppose if u exceed by few weeks and u're willing to 'lie' on the form then u can still get in free :p

1) peek a boo (kallang leisure park) http://www.peekaboo.com.sg/
FREE up to 11mths, 12 to 23 mths $10 per entry

2) fidgets (turf city) http://www.fidgets.com.sg/
FREE for under one yr, under 2yrs $8 per entry

3) go go bambini (Dempsey) http://www.gogobambini.com/
FREE for <11mths, 2-11yrs $17 per entry

I'm ok with either 23 or 29 nov too!
I like the program at both jwt and Mygym. Never tried sky gym.
Unfortunately, Mygym only hv east side locations
Hmm..all the locations not very accessible by mrt? Challenging for me to take taxi w the twin stroller coz nobody to help open close it.

Nancy is ok on 23 nov.

My little ones will b 11mths on 21... Nancy ones already 11mths plus. So safest to go the turf city one??
Only peek a boo lor, near mrt. U won't be bringing yr maids? Can't help with the stroller?
Yeah, fidgets is not bad. Got cafe for mummies to hang out too so very self contained. Only thing is need to drive or cab
Grumpus, hv to bring the maids. Each of us hv to carry one bb. The stroller quite challenging to open n close unless not carrying bb. Nvmd, worse case I dun bring stroller. Just carrier bb..
Yr bbs at 11mths can qualify as toddlers already lei. During weekdays these places r fairly quiet. It's perfectly fine for bb to crawl ard the toddler area.
I've brought my girls many times
Actually shd be ok if u dun bring stroller cos u prob won't be walking ard much with the bbs.
The whole idea is to let them play while the adults sit ard. Unlike going shopping.
Wow, sounds like great fun you girls!! Wish I was there then can join. My babies, although have each other to play with everyday, always end up fighting over toys. And then very clever to snatch the one toy from each other and hide behind them. Or if my girl is playing a toy, the boy will 'cut queue' and plant himself between her and the toy. dunno where they learn all this... i had such big dreams of them loving each other and playing happily together as twins should... :S

Mummies with multiples, do your babies fight like that as well?
<font color="0000ff">PLAYDATE</font>

Date: 23 nov
Time: ???
Venue: Fidgets

Panda, Baby,

Wanted to check, you let your babies sleep in separate room right? So when they cry at night, you have to go into their room to pick them up and put them back to sleep? If one of them cry, will they wake the other up?

So far, my babies still sleep with us in the same room. I am trying to put them in their own room now, but wondered how if they wake up at night. Cuz if one cries, the other will also wake up. Now, if we hear one of them toss and turn and about to cry, will quickly pick them up and they will go back to sleep so won't wake the other one up.

Do your maids sleep with them in their room or they sleep on their own? And if one cries, then you pick them up and bring them outside to feed, or pacify until they fall asleep and then bring them back in again?
Oh ya Panda, what kind of fruit do you give as finger food?

For fruits, I currently give apple, pear, mango, watermelon, banana, sometimes avocado. What other fruits can I try? The problem is I can't really get good quality imported fruits here, or they are very expensive. So things like plum, prune, peach, very hard to find good one. And golden kiwi also very hard to find here. At a loss as to what other fruit I can let them try.


What other types of veggies do you feed your girl? currently I give spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, butternut squash, sweet potato, peas, potato, carrot. Have tried zucchini, bell peppers once or twice. Can I give the diff types of leafy greens like kale, kailan, bak choy etc? We can also give celery, brinjals, french beans right?

Mummies who use tomato in the porridge, how do you prepare the tomato? Do you steam/boil it, then puree and add to porridge? Or you cook it together with the porridge? I suppose we don't serve it raw right? And also, need to peel the skin off before serving?
working wife, my boys fight everyday! haha.. my eldest always snatching toys from the younger one n throw away! super naughty boy.

i let my bbs zzzz by themselves. yes smtimes they do disturb each other, smtimes not. my maids zzz in another room. i keep tabs via bb monitor, so if i hear sounds i will go over n pat bb in the room...unless its those v bad n loud then i carry bb out of the room un til zzz then bring them back again.

now all my bbs no need night feeds...usually just pick up pat a short while they will zz again.. lately my eldest fuss quite abit coz he is teething again. almost every hour he will cry n needs to b comforted back to zzzzz..
grapes? yes, i giv prunes, plums too... u can try strawberries too .. i usually will giv what is available at the supermarket tht week..

i only use tomatoes in pasta sauce which i will only remove the seeds. everything else goes into the sauce.

u can try giving ur babies corn too... its v sweet n my bbs love it!
Hmm.. I love to go.. But i have not brought my girls out without my hubby.. Not confident leh..

Working wife
My girls sleep in separate rms.. Cos my small girl can sleep thru but my elder may wake up a few times at night so cant put them together...

My maid dont sleep with my girls... My small girl sleep on her own... My elder sleep with us... If she toss and cry.. I wont pick her up immediately.. Cos sometimes she only cry awhile and toss and will go bk to sleep on her own.. Will only carry her if she didnt stop crying...

For tomato.. I use cherry tomato.. Will use 2.. Rougly chopped and throw into porridge to cook.. I use whole tomato.. I didnt remove skin or seed...
baby, u start tmr! tmr bring ur gals out.. then next monday try again. if ok wed can meet us

can one lah.. i 3 bbs also can go out...ur 2 gals shld not b a problem. i hv 2 notti boys..haha
Baby this wld be the first time I bring my gal out alone! Hehehe...but think wld be fun for her to play with babies. So trying it out next week. =p

1pm is ok for me coz sometimes grace takes nap to around 12pm, depending what time she sleeps in the morning
Wow! Playdate sure sounds fun! I just brought my babies to fidgets on Sunday. They loved it. Hmmm, tough for me to come cos I only have 1 helper. Paiseh to ask mom to tag along as well.

Working wife, I use tomato in my porridge almost everyday. Just chop and cook together with the porridge.I don't remove the skin. Anyway, the skin is supposed to be nutritious too.

Panda, you let your babies zzz by themselves??? How? Won't they cry or disturb the other ones? Mine always disturb the other ones. I think only my 2nd girl is capable of zzzing herself. How do you do it? Gimme tips!
Fruitree, I totally understand how tough it is to go out ..last time I oso one helper n can't ask my mum to join. So for many mths just stay home w bbs. Now trying to make up for lost time!

Hmm..tips?? I just leave them in the room..hahah.. My eldest n youngest k zzz thru most nights. My middle boy is my pain. Since 4-5mths old wake up every hour cry from midnight to 5am...so for mths during this time I let him zzzz with me. Recently he start to zzzz better n only wakes up 2-3x a night. I will pat n try to put him bk in his cot. Sm nights he doesn't want to go back there too coz too used to zzzing w me. I m now training him ..lol.... No special tips..it's a matter of them getting used to each others noise. Of coz there r nights they disturb each other...just hv to pat all back to zzzzz...
Ok so it's 1pm? Grumpus, happy hippo ok?
Me n nancy ok.

So exciting!

Fruitree when u went w ur bbs on Sunday was it v crowded? I m thinking of bringing them there this Sunday coz going for my haircut nearby turf city.

Baby, join us lah. Just hope onto a cab. When u r there got many mummies to help if u need any help w ur gals. It's easier than if just u n ur helper tries to go out on ur own. Like me n nancy. We go buy clothes she go fitting room I will watch over her boys. I need to go toilet she watch over my babies.
Panda, yah lor. I think i must wait till they grow up a bit bigger to be able to bring them out on my own with one helper. Now when I go out, I bring my mom and helper along.

I tried leaving them in the room to sleep. They play for a while and then after sometime, my eldest gets bored and will start screaming and looking for us. I have not tried separating them.

When you leave them in the room, do you close the door and what about the light? On or off?
Yes I m ok with 23nov. just wondering if u all want to consider morning when babies are more active. if not, I am also ok with 1pm.

Ya baby, come lah, want to meet u leh.
fruitree..hehe..my ones also cannot leave on their own to fall asleep! need to pat.. after zzz liao then put in the cot in bb room... :p

morning abit more challenging for me coz by the time my bbs wake up from their morning nap is 10ish..n i feed n bathe all 3, its like almost noon time :p
u talk about ah lian, i call my eldest boy baby ah beng! hahaha...he's got such an attitude n always bully di di... really like one..hahaha
Mummies, have u all had this prob before?

My eldest girl's poo always have undigested vegetables. Especially carrots, zucchini or spinach. Yesterday, I had french beans in the porridge. This morning it came out whole. I wonder if it is because she doesn't chew her food.

Should I just blend her food and give her?
I'm ok with 1pm. but like happyhippo prefer if in the morn.

do try n come along. like panda said many hands to help

working wife
my girls even though older n younger also fight with each other. my younger one is fearless, she even pushed my older one down before. when my elder snatch toys from her she will even hold on tight n scream no n shake her head.

my elder girl used to hv tat prob. think it's not cos she never chew cos she chewed well. it's more like the digestive system is still not so good. maybe u want to blend smaller for her. my elder as she grew older dun hv this prob already
U gals make me so excited mann.... Heeee...

I also has the same issue.. Can see bits of carrot and spinach in my girls poo... Find it so strange.. The spinach aldry cooked till v lan in the porridge liao le...

Today morning i blend mango with avocado.. V yummy... Both my girls love it... I thk cos mango itself is yummy and sweet.. So i guess whatever other food blend with it is yummy..
Tml gonna try mango with plum as recommended by u!
it's normal to see bits of carrot n spinach cos these vege r high in fiber n very hard to be totally digested.
if its a bit it's ok

Yes it was quite crowded on Sunday. Apparently weekends is crowded.Weekdays not so bad. But I've never been there on a weekday. Problem is, the bigger kids also come and play at the babies play area. By right, those below 4 cannot enter this zone. But their parents keep quiet so no choice. The management also never did anything. Becos there were big kids running and jumping around, we had to be around our babies all the time. There are 3 sections. The balls and slide one is the most packed.

Hmmm, maybe we come this Sunday too....

When you go, you park at the carpark near Giant. We parked on top of the used car showroom and it was quite a hassle to get to fidgets.
Grumpus, how long did your girl have this prob?

Yah, I'm going to try and blend the porridge for her. Sigh, that would mean our friend is going to take longer to get adjusted to chunky food. As it is, she doesn't like to chew.
hmm..i always see lotsa foods bites in my bbs poo! hehe..somehow it never bothered me..so long as hv input will hv output mah..LOL

fruitree, wanna meet this sunday?? i watsapp u ...
it would b nice to put 2 sets of triplets about the same age together to play!

baby, my eldest boy dont like mango taste..keke.. giv him as finger food he making puking action at me..i tried to make into mango yogurt..he did the same..LOL.. even add w plum n apple he dont like it. only the younger ones eat...

happyhippo, u ok for 1pm?? if morning tough for me..coz got to settle the 3 of them...my bbs wake up early betw 5-6.. so 9-1030 is their nap time. earliest for morning i can get out wld also b 1130....
Hmmm I dun really remember when my girl outgrew.. But by abt 1plus dun really hv this prob Liao. My elder girl hate blended food so I never did anything abt her poo. I still feed her chunky food n let her slowly outgrow.

I've been to fidgets on weekdays, it's quite ok. If there r older kids at the bbs area u shd raise to management! I will usually complain to the staff if I see such things cos its for the safety of our bbs. Some parents bring their kids to indoor playgrounds n totally bochap, let them run wild.
Grumpus, yes. Some parents were just sitting at the sofa and were happily chit-chatting. One girl twisted her wrist after jumping off a few stacked padded cushions. My friend brought her to her dad but her dad quite bo-chap.

Aiyoh, now I also feel like coming for this outing after seeing you all get so excited. A chance to put a face to all of you.
come along la. if u can manage to get to fidgets with juz u n maid, there'll be many hands to help u carry etc
Grumpus, i'm scared la. If my 3 start crying, then I die. Also, 12.30 - 1.00 is their lunch time. Then around 3-4, must feed milk. My maid also not expert enough to handle my babies yet la. Sometimes they don't want to go to her.

The other option is to bring only 2
