IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Nancy popping tml! Suddenly so many pop ahhaha...
I tell u... My tummy still look like i hvt deliver yet... Dont know when will it comes down... I know it wont subside so soon..

Btw.. The avent bp is v user friendly... I use medela pump at hosp but dont find it good... Luckily i got the avent brand.. But now i use one side only cos two sides quite painful to manage and also not much milk to use for both sides.. I now use one side at a time so to combine both sides of milk...
Now the milk seems whiter.. More like milk.. No more colostrum liao...

Btw anyone here took herbs to drink to expel blood clots from womb? I heard my auntie say got one tcm herbs is to drink so that body can expel those stale blood clots.. Dont know should i drink not... Cos now the lochia flow is not many...

Hi ladies, today is day 20 in hospital. Hanging on. Had my scan today, girl 1.7kg, boy 2.1 kg. Doc said ok, continue to monitor and try to cross 34 weeks. -'m 33 wks today, really praying for another 2 weeks. Meanwhile I will continue to stay positive for my darling bbs sake. I'm so proud of them for doing well so far!
Working wife
We are proud of u too for hanging there!!
Let yr bbs decide when they want to come out... My case is a proof that bbs make the decision.. Not dr or us...

I know how hard it is to stay in hosp for so long... Everything will be worth it once u see yr bbs!

u mean the tummy has not gone smaller even for a little bit? cant be exactly the same as before delivery rite? coz mine is huge now leh..if after delivery still this huge.. i blur..hahaha.... already ran out of tops tht can fit.. just now hb went out to buy a new one coz he says dun wear so fitting... last week visit to tmc, pple kept staring at my tummy :S

u r the first one among us to test the avent bp! hee..glad to hear tht its good...

working wife, you r almost there! just 1 more week to 34wk.. u can do it! the positive spirit that u and baby held on to during this period also kept me going...
Today is Nancy's c-sec at 8am! She was staying here last night but not in my labour ward. Maybe I can visit her and her boys later, give me something to do today!

Panda - update us yr appt w doctor. Is it back home to wait or to labour ward?!!
either way, you and bbs will be fine!
No lah... Tummy got become smaller... But still look like 4mths preggy... My whole body bloated after op.. But now look better.. Legs still swollen thou...

Im excited on yr delivery leh... Cant wait to hear yr 3 ones...
Im sure the whole labour ward and yr family must be so excited!!

Nancy not having natural? She also gng for c sect?
Gals...dr says "see u one week later!"
He says all is well, no hurry to bring the babies out. The little ones r 2.3,2.5&2.6kg today. But I hv to stop my nifed medication.
The wait at home continues............
Thats good!!
Yr bbs have v good weight! They can most likely go home with u... U did great!!
Next week u will be 36 weeks right? Did u guys fix a date?
Did he check yr cervix? Cos that time u are 1cm dilated?
WOW so many pops... Congrats to all new mommies...

Pandawife, i admire ur endurance...

baby , wow u really scared me when i saw the post.. and was glad everything went on well.... i always read the IVF MTB threads.. and follow dilegently..

i think this IVF journey makes everyone so strong..

iam just 13 weeks. still long way to go.. all new mommies, dec and jan mommies please do pop in whenever u guys find time to share your experiences .. i hope the thread will be as active as it is now even after jan... all are in the delivery stage...

is anyone there who wil be active in the thread .. and EDD after Jan...

did anyone attend Wongs class? if so can you tell me what they cover ? - it includes even exercises ?? or just lessons on delivery and breast feeding etc.. when should i go and register ..
No date leh..he says see me next week then fix date at wk37!I blur ... No cervix check today.. He says my frequent bowels is caused by the weight pressure from the babies. I asked abt mature bb lungs jab..he says no need..safe to pop anytime already. So now wait n see if babies can wait anot...

There is another triplet mummy oso under his care..scheduled for c sect next week... Full term 37wks
One of my boys turn himself..no longer head down. His head now side by side w ger ger.. Dr says they r having a conversation..haha...so funny
Fancy..u k get the programme for mrs Wong classes off tmc website. Her sessions r v popular..u can call now to book. They recommend to attend at 20wks ..but u k go earlier if u want....
Pandawife .. thanks .. is it child birth eductaional course ??

i daily see the forum in the moring like a suspends movie.. u popped ?? after ur visit to ur hospital last week.. he he... all the best.. u must be so thrilled...

and do visit the thread after delivery sometimes to give us some tips...
Gd mrn ladies, been a long time since i post here!! Silent reader so quite awhile. Congrats to all mummies who have pop, be it singleton, twin or triplet, carryin our little one in our arm, safety is the end result of our long IVF journey. I am v sure i will be tearing alot when i carry my little one.
Panda-- Maybe u can really reach your target of Christmas eve
That will be a bonus Christmas gift for the thread here

Working wife-- You take care. Must be quite bored staying in the hospital. Will pray for you

fancy-- My EDD is March. Yeah, I also noticed that most mummies here will b giving birth by Jan. Wonder where did the others who have later EDD go? May be they are in the other thread.

Yeah, they will still come to the thread to share their expertises at times. They have shared so many valuable tips and encouragement.

Congrats! Hahaha...one boy one girl, perfect combination. Did Dr Loh give you mc on his own or need to ask? I am thinking of asking him for mc for next year jan after my no paid leave ends this year... U think got chance he will give? Or will he ask me to take my maternity leave in advance? ...
rose i think dr loh will give u mc if u ask but ur company policy if u take mc 1 mth before edd do they consider as maternity leave? For mine they do consider as maternity leave. That's why will be taking my own leave later this mth if i dun pop.

Pandawife, u r doing great!! Else dr paul won't say see u next wk. =) and bb good weight too. U mean now bb still have space to turn?
fancy, yes childbirth education course. when u call, u hv to let them know u want mrs wong's classes.. she only conduct classes at AMK Hub.

Clercler, I am counting down day by day.. since i m off the support med...it is possible to pop anytime...

Gan, i was surprised too! inside so cramp now still can turn leh... no wonder lately i feel tht the pubic bone area not so aching.... coz now only 1 bb head down....
Dr Paul trying to keep the babies as close to full term as possible... the nurse just now complain to me, he always very last minute then ask them to book OT..haha...coz wanna prolong the pregnancy term. :p

oho so there are mum to be after jan .. he he..
Rose and clercler .. thanks.. hang in the thread.. iam the last one EDD June 2011.
i guess many are still in IVF support thread..

I started packing after 16 weeks. 2 to 3 boxes a day. There's 1 stage I pack till belly hardening :s

The day I moved house, my foot swelled up and pelvic bone pain. Lucky lasted for 1 week only.
I just had BT and found out I am preg, now in wk 4 day 6. I have experience very little brown spotting these 2 days with no cramps. The blood is the dark brown type, no pink bld. Called kkivf, nurse says to moniter, if got cramps or pink blood to go down kk 24hr clinic. Anyway had spotting like this in early pregnancy? Pls help!!
i had spotting right from 4th week .. but it was little but went to KK 24hr clinic and demanded a progestrone injection. after that it stopped but i emailed Dr.Loh and he increased the duphaston support , but still i again spotted in 5th week and 7th week .. very little.. but i was on bed rest. now iam ok.. baby is doing fine. currently completed 13 weeks.. so don't call KKIVF.. just go to 24hrs clinic.. or nearby GP. take care don't worry. many sisters had during early pregnnacy . Syrah sis or Gan sis can pitch in explain more.
thks fancy for ur quick reply, was very worried. Was ur spotting brown too? Increase duphaston, does it mean taking 2 tab twice a day?

Have to monitor closely, if its brownish, its old blood. If it turns to redish, have to go down to 24hrs clinic straight. Best is to lie down sideway to rest, minimize walking.
dosb, fancy is right go to kk 24 hrs. I had brownish spotting on my BT day..little but still will stain my undie. I emailed dr loh before i go for BT and he asked kkivf to increase my duphaston to 3 times a day. But spotting didn't stop, so i went kk 24 hrs to ask for a progesterone jab. Ignore the dr in charge if they dun sound too 'encouraging', insist on the jab. Mine got a bit complicated coz despite jabs i was bleeding later from wk 5 plus to 8....so dr loh put me on weekly proluton jab till i am abt 11 weeks.

U can also cook lotus roots with glut rice to help stop spotting. Use 5 slices of lotus root cook with glutinous rice like porridge,
If have spotting, best is to bed rest and minimise movement coz cld be initial stage ur placenta is still low. I was on 3 weeks HL in my 1st trimester.
I had pinkish spotting followed by red blood sometime in my wk 20. Doc gave me a jab on my thigh then utrogestan medication till now. I am in my wk 30 already.

brownish spotting is not uncommon during pregnancy, but have to monitor, if it changes to pinkish or red colour, better let the doc at the 24hrs clinic to check.
rose - I request frm dr loh one he said can give me 2-3wks but for now I'm just asking for yesterday & today only.
ya have to see yr coy accept the mc's or not.

my Edd is 27 April if can tong until 35wks it would be 24 Mar. dr loh said best if hit 37wks. he mentioned the placenta, waterbags all look fine so he encourage natural birth.
Singapoh, u were v active n running about with ur 5kg leh..hee.. my 7kg, i m bed resting most of the time.. no need pei fu!

today nurse also comment luckily this is my first pregnancy..so abdominal muscles are stronger... otherwise i could b feeling worse off coz i m not very tall nor big build.
Dosb, i had 2 tablets twice in the morning and evening .. total 4 tablets each day till 10 weeks.. and reduced to normal dosage after 10 weeks..if u r fet .. then they will increase the progyonova also and continue till 12 weeks.
mine was brownish and pinkish..

Gan, u too even i took 3 weeks HL in first timester... when i had spotting a day after BT .. i thought of ur case.. and told myself all is well.. so remember u well. :).. u take care

Rose.. at 20 weeks ... so scary.. good that u r ok now.. Thought crossed 13 weeks.. never having peace of mind.. always scary.. and pray for healthy baby... i think i should be ok as weeks passes..

JJ.. wow another one after Jan.. u having twins rite.. trying natural birth??.. i always want to .. ...
he is online in gmail now.. i can see... and he replies through iphone.. sometimes. always mention ur name and your ID and IVF patient in the subject.
he responds within few hours..
Tot u supposed to hv check up today?
Just got back from mine. Bb at 34wks only 1.87kg and 1/5 engaged liao. Dr said can definitely see the slow down in growth already but slightly better than my elder girl who was 1.86kg at 37wks. hopefully at 37wks she'll cross the 2kg mark.
Haiz, ppl aim for 3kg bb I aim for 2kg bb.
grumpus, now 34wks only.. by 37wks, sure cross over 2kg leh! no need to worry too much... mayb this time u can aim for 2.5kg bb
grumpus leaving office soon....my appt is 430pm. Wonder how's my gal now, she is alittle quiet today...realise she is always less active when i am seeing dr loh....hahaaha

dosb....dr loh on leave?? I suppose to see him today leh.

Fancy, just talk to bb and take care, everything will be fine. =)
difficult leh....last check at 31wks+5 was 1.5kg, 2 wks, lots of durians and milk later only put on 370g.
if she can keep up the same growth rate then she'll cross 2kg at 36wks but the worrying part is the downward trend so she may not be able to put on 300+g in the next 2wks. then jia lat liao....
eh my one singleton is even less than one of yr triplets lor....cannot imagine if i had gotten multiples man....
Hang in there Grumpus.... Me also aiming for 2kg baby. As long as healthy, that's important to me. Hopefully at that weight, they will be.

You're doing well... By 37 weeks the weight will surely be good! Jia you!
grumpus the slow down is not because of high blood right? Actually 2 weeks 370g is quite good.
My gal slow down abit last checkup, 2 weeks only put on 200g....
nope my bp is still very good at abt 130. last time with my elder girl at this stage my bp was already climbing up and up.
so i can only hope she keeps up the same growth rate and not slow to a stop like my elder girl.
working wife,
thanks!! u r doing very well with yr twins too and after spending so many days in hospital. u r still so positive!!
i'm like ms grumpy everyday already.
grumpus continue with the milk diet, ur gal will catch, if she maintain this wt increase, she will be more than 2kg by 37 weeks.

Really ah? Wah my MIL had her triplets after 3 babies. Can't imagine how's for her but she told me she popped like pooping! Wahaha..
