IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Baby you might like to use manual pump for the time being cos manual pump you can adjust strength to your liking. Electrical pump is not for everyone. My Sis has more milk after using manual pump. It's cheaper too if you get from avent. Let me know if you intend to get one. I tell you the details.


I am feeling very tired.. yesterday had alot more bed rest coz hb is at home.... starting to lose my appetite... ended up drinking milk most of the day...

baby, you can adjust the speed of the pumping from the handle control on one side of the pump. check out how to do it from the instruction manual..

i remember my gf also had this problem when she was breastfeeding, start to bleed.. she was using a manual medela pump...
Pumping shouldn't hurt the nipples. Sounds like maybe the breast shield is too small n yr nipples are scrapping the sides. Is the avent one a soft shield or hard plastic shield? For medela I find the soft shield more comfortable. Also medela has different sizes for their plastic shields, not sure abt avent.
pandawife, i think coz babies grew bigger, we dun have much space for food. I used to finish 1 bowl of rice for meals but lately i wld manage 1/2 but will take tea in between. I am like in some kind of shopping craze? Been walking around different shopping malls since last weekend. Yesterday i spent 3 hrs at centrepoint, of course in between break for tea and dinner. Was shopping for some items for bb. Later going to try NEX to buy the confinement stuff. I hope all these walking will get my bb engaged. Till now she is not.
Gan, yeah..tink so.. the space for food is very limited now. but still must try to eat... but in smaller portions..

wow... u very happening leh...i feel so "cut off" from the outside world..hahaha..

hee.. u trying to walk to get baby engaged..i trying to bed rest to let babies stay in there longer :p
working wife,

how r u? drip dosage going down nicely?

did u hv chance to go and visit nancy? her boys are so adorable!

Cause you are scheduled for c-sect mah... so your only aim now is to keep the babies for as long as you can.

Just like Gan, I also walked to get baby engaged. Aiming for natural delivery if possible. But realised whenever I walk/shop, I need to rest for at least 3 days.

Now at night times, I feel menstrual like cramps... usually at night. But this morning, I kena too.
Just faith..moderate the walking each time? Dun chiong too much leh..

I m counting down 11days..so near yet so far....
I realise i use the wrong method for the pump...
I press on my pump to the max thats y so pain... I didnt know can adjust the press... Now my whole breast is so sore and pain... It become hard and lumpy... The whole breast is v full... Till it drip out milk.. So i reuse the pump.. Use the smallest speed to pump out milk to relieve the pain...

Confinement period really not easy to handle... U feel tired..smelly... Untidy...so warm...painful at the wound...sometimes lost of energy when wana feed bb...feel so restless..
Hard and lumpy means engorged already. U hv to pump out all the milk or latch otherwise can get infection. milk supply will drop also if u dun pump out properly. When all the milk is pumped out properly, boobs will feel soft and lighter.
Hello girls,

Been hovering around 4-8u daily. The nurses here say its negligible cuz ppl usually use 25-40u range but I still do have tightening and irregular contractions. Worst thing is bowel movement not good and each time after bm, it irritates the uterus and intestines and causes contraction again.

Dr Cheng on leave already but his back up TC Chang is really nice too. In fact, he is a very careful doctor and a fetal specialist so I do feel in good hands. But I still told Dr Cheng we will be waiting for him to come back

Now I have to wear special stockings to prevent deep vein thrombosis cuz too much bed rest.

Yah Nancy's bbs are really cute. She told me she is still groggy and nauseous frm the GA and painkillers even after 2 days. So won't visit her until she feels better to receive visitors lah. Today she will be busy start bf already
Thks for all ur help gals, I managed to get dr loh on gmail. He says if fresh blding, choy, then go down for proluton jab. Ask me to rest more. I also up my duphaston to two tablets, twice a day
baby, i read about massaging the breast while pumping...to help clear the engorgement.. or most effective way is like wht grumpus suggested, latch baby to clear it.. they have the best "suction"....

ur girls' are back home already?

maybe u wanna call in an LC to help u ? they can do home visits...

working wife, u can't be off the drip since the contractions are irregular? u hv to total bed rest? cannot get off bed for light walking?

i messaged nancy, she is oozing with joy n bliss from the boys! hee... i kept looking at her boys' photos last night to motivate myself
too bad i dun have facebook acct else can see nancy's bundles of joy!!

pandawife u feeling better today? Not so tired? 11 days will pass very soon. Jia you! Nex is scary....so many pple and the layout of the shops are quite messy.i had my haircut as my stylist is relocated there. hopefully can last me till after confinement when i can go for next hair cut.

Just faith mensus cramps is contraction? i haven't felt that yet...but now bladder is weak, whenever i sneeze , will leak....hmmmmmm
Working wife,
I saw dr Cheng after 2hrs of wait at wcca on Friday. My little bb is doing well and he let us hear the pounding heart beat of the bb. It's amazing...he scanned and confirmed that there wasnt sac#2 too. Considered graduated from TFC and will be back to see him in a months time at wcca. Aiyo, one month seemed so long away and I will miss seeing my bb! Was told that either dr tc chang or dr Benjamin tham will be dr Cheng's backup while he is away on hols.

Meanwhile please stay positive and trust that u n ur babies will hang on till dr c is back.
Gan..go set up fb account leh. We oso wanna see ur princess when u pop.
Today ate slightly better... But energy level v low..babies start playing..I will need to lie down.
Heard nex is v v crowded! Human jam there...
Bladder leak not cos weak. Bb weight is pushing on the bladder that's why more pressure.
Dun worry, deliver already will be back to norm
LC can do home visit? Need to pay?
Only tmc patient?

I dont know how to pump out all the milk... Nw im trying to pump every 1-2hrs.. Each side abt 10mins to relieve my breast... But after each pump.. Thou feels better but the breast still feel sore and hard le...
Baby..yes..hv to pay for home visits..but worth it if u plan to bf plus u hv two babies. Get it right from the start. Glen e shld hv a group of LC support for such..Mayb giv hospital a call? Tmc is parentcraft...bt I dunno if they provide for non tmc patients though..u k try calling too.

I m oso prepared to call in LC if the need arises. Learning n reading about bf is not the same as the real thing. Hv read in many threads tht first time mummies usually face alot of challenges n give up.

Massage yr breast with yr fingers in a circular motion as u pump/latch on. If u can't ease yr engorgement u will need LC's help.
Baby..u tried latching ur gals directly ? LC usually encourage lotsa latching for the first mth..to stimulate the milk supply...
But hor..u try not to feel stressed out trying to bf...ur well being n sufficient rest is v impt too... Can always do partial bm n fm.. Ur gals r v lucky tht u r trying ur best

I think so too.... otherwise, I also dunno why I am getting cramps like this. I used to get it every 24hrs, especially at night. But now, the interval is every 12hrs... just now, after dinner, I feel it again.

Mum teased whether my baby wants to eat all birthday cakes for this december before she decides to come out... btw, both my parents and two nieces birthday fall in December.

Pandawife, I dun dare to cheong lah.. I just trying to catch up with family times. My aunties they all so cute, keep calling my mum if my baby deliver already.. and how much weight I put on. One aunty purposely came over to my house to check on my tummy.. and she keep laughing n laughing. She also gave me red packet for baby smooth delivery. Today, went another aunty's place at jurong. Also to let her see my tummy....she keep touching n touching... can see from her eyes, she yearning for another grandchild loh.. hehe.
now that yr milk supply has kicked in u cannot base on 10mins to pump already. u need to pump until empty, when breast is empty it will feel soft and 'flat'. but now that it is engorged it will take a few pumps to clear out all the lumps.
before pumping, fill a small bottle with hot water and apply to the breast first. this will help soften the lumps. then while pumping massage the lumps in a circular motion.
i find it's better to get someone to help u massage cos when we massage ourselves it will hurt then we tend to not do such a thorough job.

keep applying hot water bottle and pumping and massaging. it's ok if u can't get ALL the lumps out at the first pump but u need to get at least some of the lumps out. then over the next few pumps slowly clear out the rest of the lumps.

do keep at it. engorged means got milk, u just need to clear the blocked ducts then the milk will flow nicely.
Pandawife, i will set up the facebook account when i deliver bah, now nothing to update but with my bb, i think got more to update.

Grumpus, i hope after deliver, back to normal...else really abit paiseh about the leaking especially when i am working. now i have wear panty liner.

Just Faith, oo u better let dr loh knows about ur cramps when u see him next week. I didn't feel anything like that yet. But i think my tummy is big coz pple see me would ask am i delivering soon. And there are pple asking if this is my first bb! like yesterday the sales at robinson. I am now thinking of pushing back my leave by another week...i.e. take when i am 38 weeks coz i am afraid if i stay at home i would be anxious daily if i will be delivering soon. but yet when i work, i do feel more tired coz of big tummy and also poor sleeping patterns at night.
Hi girls
My boys arrived on Friday at 2.7kg n 2.4kg. I wasn't actually scared or nervous UNTIL I was pushed into the super huge operating theatre with 10 super bright rounds lights above u. Haha.. Only then I started to feel " oh this is it !!!"
very soon I was knocked out...

When I was awake but still in recovery area, I started to ask " how's my babies ? How is my babies " like mad woman looking for lost kids in mall but in a voice so weak they didn't hear me ...
When they push me upstairs to my ward, I saw my hubby and he said " babies are very good in nursery "
only then I felt relieved n only then realized I was in such pain ... The painkiller drip was up and the pain was much in control but still painful.
after a few hrs, I get to see my babies. Life is amazing. How did they squeezed into my tummy n pop out like that ?
So ladies out there still doing endurance test holding on to every previous one, two or three babies ... It's all worth it.

I was super drowsy for first two days so babies on fm and managed to latch them today. So looking forward to bring them home tomorrow once I get clearance from pd n gynae

For all these months I wish to thank all ladies here to share their moments and experiences w me
not forgetting the support n encoragement u have given me during those " down" times... If not for u ladies, I might not have made it full term. Xie xie ni, mama men
Congrats nancy!! Welcome to motherhood!!
Wondering who will be next to pop...

Just now i apply cold cabbage to both my breast for 10mins before i start to pump...
I pump 5mins each breast... Total 15mins each side...
I feel better now.... Thou not totally pain free.. At least breast feels softer and more touchable... I was told to continue pump every 3hrs even at night time... I think by tml i will be much better...

Nancy, yr wound still v pain? When they remove the painkiller drip... They will give u oral painkiller... But i only took for abt a few days... Cos i feel its useless... Take liao also pain so might as well dont take cos i dont want the med to goes into my bm..
Its aldy abt 8 days since i delivered... My wound still pain.. Esp when i walk... Going to see dr on friday to check on the wound. Its amazing the wound is covered from the op till the next dr visit.. No need to change dressing or clean the wound... Hmm... Is yrs the same?
congrats! your boys are so cute!

wa.. shopping arh? ok la.. enjoy now while u can... else when bb comes will be very busy le.. ya.. get a fb account then we can see your bb ma...

lost appetite arh.. aiyo.. think really coming soon le... i saw your baby room pics.. u are really very ready for bb's arrival le...

u are really the lactation consultant here.. haha! have u tried sacred tea or mother's milk tea to boost milk ss? my fren gave me 1 pkt of each to try.. will see which one taste better then i'll get it to try n see if it works.. my girl drinking more now n i'm not pumping as much now leh...

pump till bleeding? oh my.. the LC can do home visits de. just give them a call. but must pay de. glen e n mt e under the same group so they should also have the same service. the LC who came to teach me told me not to set the pump too strong in the beginning else will "injure" the nipples. go slow, but maybe pump longer.

Congrats!!! Your boys are lovely. hehe.. Do take care of yourself.


You are really good at bf eh? Everytime I read your post, I will try to remember all these steps and hopefully, I will not forget by the time I need to bf.... thanks!!
Gan, I will be seeing Dr Loh this friday. I am worried that he may admit me when I see him.. so I am trying to clear my T2D list these few days. Has your tummy lowered? Mine has lowered since week 34.
Nancy, congrats again! Looking forward to more photos of ur adorable boys

Tickles, me and hb like trying to do alot of last minute stuff leh.. dunno why every wkend will have smthing else to prepare.. its like neverending prep work!!

i dunno if i will b the next one to pop..hehe.. still hv one more appointment w dr coming friday... just now me n hb discuss.. either 21st or 24th Dec... but of coz, before that, babies might just wanna come out....

lately i always feel very thirsty..esp during bedtime or early morning....body like dehydrated at night...coz keep peeing..but cant drink water..coz will pee even more!
Cold cabbage is another way to relieve engorgement. But last time I dare not use cos ppl say it relieves engorgement by cutting down on ss.

I never tried any of the tea before but I know ppl who swear by it. The other thing u can try is fenugreek supplement. The tincture form is supposed to be more effective than the pills or powder. Just pump wat u're comfortable with. It's not easy handling 2 kids, if u can only partial bf tat's still better than none.

Just faith,
Hehe I'm not good at bf I'm only good at pumping. I know nuts abt direct latching. Dun worry, when the time comes u can always come back here n ask again
just faith i dunno if my tummy has lowered.....dun really know how to tell. But my colleagues who r mummy whenever i ask them am i delivering soon, they will tell me, no not so soon, tummy still high. Even dr loh also said up to me to take leave as he didn't think i will deliver soon when i asked him. I think dr loh thinks i will still see him when he is back fr hols coz he asked me see prof tee on 22nd and mentioned he wld be back after that.

Tickles, r u going to do a full mth celebration for ur gal? U planning that now?

Grumpus, will definitely ask u for breatsfeeding tips when my turn comes....hehehehe i am so lazy to read up...bot a book, read few chapters on bf and stopped. =p

Before pump, put a warm towel, a hot shower or a hot drink. If u use cold cabbage/towel, it will slow down yr flow.

U can use cold compress after pumping to relieve soreness.
U also use full pumping instead of direct latch on?
I never try latch on till now leh... Cos i dont know how and becos my bbs has been bottle feed since they are born so i dont dare to try latching them...

I call parentcraft... The lc told me to use pump every 3hrs.. 5mins each side... Total 15mins each side... Before pump use cold cabbage to apply for 10mins...

But i notice my bm qty like nvr increase leh.. Sometimes 20ml... Sometimes can get 40ml... So far the most is 40ml...
My two girl aldy drinking 60ml now... One pump not even enough for one....

I aldy drinking fish payaya soup... Eat lots of fish... Drink hot beverage when pumping... Not much use le...
I tot engorgement means lots of milk? After each pump breast still abit pain and sore le... I also massage my breast before pump...
Nancy ,

I need help.. iam having discomfort in my wisdom tooth .. slight pain as well.. i emailed Dr.Loh whetehr it is safe to take any dental treatment. Can anyone suggest me a good dentist . iam so scared to get treated. iam in 14th week now.
Nancy-- Congratulations!! Wow, your babies are of very good weight. Hope my 2 girls will
be like yours.

If I m not wrong, it is important to have dental check up during pregnancy. However, I am not sure of wisdom tooth. I do not have any regular dentist to recommend. You take care.

I am surprise that the LC ask u to use cold cabbage before pumping. It should hot compress lei.

I took more than 2 months to build my supply. Don't give up yeah. Are you drinking enough fluid?
Ladies - any of you wanna sell off your maternity support belly belt ?
I'm a L size.
Cos back really getting more pain, my fren suggest to get this belt to help
I think its becos i told her i hv engorged breast... So ask me to use cold cabbage to relieve my pain before pump...

Hot towel is to build up more milk is it?
U took 2mths to build up yr supply... Enough to feed two?
Whats yr bm ml in the initial phase?
Im only 9 days post delivery... But only started to pump abt 4-5 days ago....
jj i got the L size maternity belt from mothercare, which i hardly use....use a few times when i am 5 mths plus than stop. But i can't remember how much i pay for it and i dun have the original packaging, the box.

Pandawife do u remember how much is the belt?
yes i full pump to bf cos my girl stayed in hospital for a wk and got use to bottle feeding also.
engorge means got milk, but if u can't pump until breast empty then yr milk supply will slowly drop cos body will get the signal that u dun need so much milk since always get balance left in the breast.
if u always pump until empty then body will get the signal to produce more and more.

before pumping use a hot towel like wat singapoh suggested or a hot water bottle like wat i suggested. the heat helps to soften the lumps and makes it easier to massage the lumps out.

continue to pump every 3 hrs but dun go by timing 15mins each pump anymore, go by how the breast feels. when i got engorgement i spent almost 40-45 mins each time applying heat, massaging and pumping then repeating heat, massage, pump until all the lumps are out.

jj, u can also try doing stretching taught in antenatal class. i got terrible tailbone n pelvis pain and the exercise helps to ease the ache. best is to lie sideway on bed, never sleep face up.
