IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Happyhippo, I think maybe baby has given birth and busy with babies.. Anyway it's safe for her to deliver. I would be happy to cross 34 weeks.
Me taking extra pills to stop contractions. Although there is still contractions but it's not so painful anymore.. One thing got me worried is that i'm starting to leak milk! I find alot of residue when i shower today..
When are is your next appointment? My Edd should be 13th feb so full term should be 25th Jan. I'll be grateful for anything after 3rd Jan. I'm going for natural since I have given birth before so I think natural will be easier for me.

Singapoh, izzit normal to leak?? I clean it up but don't dare to express more cos I read that expressing milk during pregnancy will encourage contractions.

grumpus if i walk alot, it will become ache inside...if not the pain on my skin is like i have burnt the skin. I am also seeing my bb every 2 weeks since i am abt 24 weeks.
Seeing dr loh this fri, hopefully she has put on decent wt. =)
u mentioned strep b test, i had tested with group b streptoccus before with my pte gynae. i emailed dr loh about when to start taking antibiotics before delivery, but no reply yet. any gals know when to take, what if bb preterm, enough time for antibiotics to take effect? my next visit with dr loh is wk 35, another mth to go. if anyone seeing him soon, can ask and let us know? thanks.
Rose, i will check with Dr Loh when i see him this Friday. I will be 35 weeks 4 days when i see him. I was also tested with groub b streptoccus with my TMC gynae when I was 5 weeks pregnant and had spotting
Gan, wasn't in contact with her but she has been missing since weekend.. I hope she is okay.. our dr will only be back on Wednesday.. Hope she can at least wait til then to deliver.

Happyhippo, is your pd going to be yip yy? I don't like him. Very typical private dr and waiting time is real long. I hate going to clinic full of sick kids then your newborn have to wait for at least an hr to see him for 3 mins. He don't explain things too. I will register with kkh private children clinic once I deliver. They have much better service and dr.

No, Dr Loh didnt do a strep B test.... neither did he arrange any test for next visit. My next appt is 17th Dec, which is 2weeks away from my last appointment. My nx appt will still be attended by him. If we pop anytime he is on leave, then Dr Tee will deliver loh.... Already talked to my baby to hang on till 28th.. hehe. Hope she really listens to me.

My right back aches badly since my tummy lowered. Sitting or lying down still okay. When I walk, I need to take very small steps.


Dont worry about baby's weight. I also try to "kan kai" ever since my week 32 scan, when baby was only 1.7kg. 3 weeks later, she boomed to 2.5kg. After that, I start to wonder how accurate are those estimated weight.
Gan, i know how u feel... but have to let go leh... we cant possibly do everything ourselves.. i also close one eye.. coz i know i cannot do..n hv to depend on hb/mum/mil. Life will be easier that way.
U r right! I delivered my twins girls on sat!
It was very dramatic.. Cos my bp shot up nearly 200 and i was having fits... So dr kumar arrange for emergency c sect for me... My hubby was crying all the way.. He thought im gone.. Cos my eyes flip up and i cant orriente myself.. The whole floor nurses and resident drs attend to me...

Luckily my twins are fine.. They are still in the nicu.. Cos they cant well... They are so adorable.. I hvt got the chance to see them yet.. Only saw pictutes of them... Tml i will go see them...

Hmm... I wonder who is next... Hehe...
baby!!! So happy for you..finally popped.. phew.. good also lah.. i tink u hv been on drip too long already.. How do u feel now?

did u do c sect epi or GA? ur hb must be so happy to see the two princesses...

hey, upload photos of ur gals for us to see?

Hope you are resting well now
I tink the next ones to pop will be either me or nancy.. she is scheduled on 10 Dec..

i m dateless until i see dr Paul on 10th..or the babies choose to come out earlier. So i will pop either this week or latest next week bah...

I did ga c sect cos its a emergency c sect...
I totally do not know what did i went thru.. I was still very disoriented... Only this morning my hb told what we have went thru.. All the nurses say i scare them haha...

Im glad i delivered my gals.. Else i dont know what will happen... Now im still in the hosp ward.. Hungry now.. Just ask milo and bread toast... Later my mil will cook ginger fish and brocoli for my bfast... Then afternoon she cook ginger liver, pork, black fungus and kidney... And long beans for my lunch...
My pd is dr yip yy... So far he is ok.. But after hearing what u say abt him.. I hv second tots... Hmm... Gng kkh Pte children clinic is better? Need to wait v long? Cheaper than pte?
baby congrats!! Glad u r fine too...maybe too much of the drip, that's why high blood pressure?

When can u be discharged?
Not sure abt my high bp thou... Cos the nite before im having speech problem.. I cant express myself clearly.. Tats y dr f came down to see me.. But the next morning sat i was ok.. But after lunch i start to have fits and high bp... Afterwhich i totally lost track...

Maybe can discharge in abt few days time ba... The pd just came.. Say twins are doing well.. Will be moving out from nicu few days time cos they are not sucking well...

I tried to pump milk yday nite.. But nothing come out.. Nurse say must stimulate first... Maybe later later try again... Not easy mann...
Just Faith,
i also try to kan kai on bbs weight lah. but abit more difficult for me cos i got bad track record liao. my risk of another low weight bb is 30% vs other mummies whose risk is only 3%
so i think i will be paranoid until my girl is delivered and actually weighed on the scale...hahaha
Dr just came to see me.. Will be removing my urine bag.. Iv drip... Tml most likely can go home tml but bbs cant go home yet.. So sad... Will come to see them everyday..
After removing urine bag.. I can go see my twin gals...

So excited to see them in real person... Haha...

I notice my lochia not alot leh... Even the nurses say not many.. Probably cos im lying down on the time.. Maybe after i start walking.. Blood will flow out.. But i think natural birth will have more lochia flow... I think c sect dr will clear most of the blood for u... My guess nia...

Hows yr gal? Discharge liao?
Manage to express milk for her?
so glad to finally hear from u! congrats!
now u must enjoy ur time with ur princesses after all the tough time u went thru. which flr r u on? single rm?

baby, wanbb
i'm going to induce tmrw. on one hand so glad my baby can wait till doc is back, on the other hand, am wondering if there is a real need to induce or can just wait abit more and let my baby decide when he is ready to come out.
getting a bit nervous this morn. dont know what to expect. hope doc can help turn baby into correct position for natural delivery.

ya, i'm also assigned to yy yip. wanbb,do u knw who is the good pd in kkh? we may want to consider also coz kkh is nearer to my home.
Thanks! Im at 5th flr.. 2 bedder... But beside nobody...
How come u wana induce since dr f is bk tml... Might as well wait till bb choose to come out?
After so many hurdles... Dr f still nvr deliver for me.. Really fated... But i find dr kumar is just as great.. My hb says dr f neglect my history of high bp.. That cause my fits that afternoon... Esp when i have speech problem the nite before...
Baby is there a lactation consultant in Glen E? Maybe can ask them how to massage to simulate the milk flow? You must be so excited to see your gals later....can you carry them later? Very soon, the gals will be home with you le.

Grumpus, i started taking more milk since Dr Loh mentioned that my bb growth has slowed down. I think it helps to fatten her up. Do you take beef? The lady who did my facial asked me take beef but i don't take beef so i drink milk.

Happyhippo how many weeks are you now? What position is your bb?
dr f feels that bb is ready to come out, he doesnt want to risk any placenta inefficiency, etc, also due to my age. hmm... my ctg also showed no contractions the past few days. just abit undecided now.
yes yes! after last checkup when bb was only 1.5kg i started drinking 3 cups of milk a day. we'll see the effect this fri. hopefully she will be close to 2kg then....
Baby, congrate!!! Glad babies and you are fine.. Must take care of yourself.. Your hubby must be scared stiff! Heee.. But everything is over so just do a good confinement and let your body recover.. Babies will be home with you soon.

Happyhippo, the pd at kkh take their time to explain to you about your baby but yip yy always hurry his consultation. Maybe cos he has too many patients. My shortest waiting time for him is 1 hr and longest is almost 2 hrs with appointment!!! Kkh is real fast, shortest waiting time is 5 mins and longest is 20 mins. Moreover the private clinic only do appointment so no sick children ard. After birth you can just call kkh and they will arrange appointment for your next visit. I heard my cousin say all the pd there very nice. Depends on you want boy or girl. Every appointment the pd will check their reflex and development which yip yy nv did. He only inject then send you out. So kkh can take 20 mins for check up and injections plus if you have questions they will slowly explain.. Price is almost the same or maybe kkh is cheaper by abit only. I nv compare that. Service is definately best in kkh. With one price but so many nurses attending to your baby.

Baby you must ask your hubby to call kkh and make appointment for 3rd mth injection. The appointment is quite full there.
Happyhippo, dr can adjust the baby's head during birth so don't worry abt it. I remember my girl also same position as your boy then when I'm dilated enough, dr turn the baby to the side with his hand!!! Don't know how he do it cos I don't feel a thing anyway.. Hee
Congrats !!!
After the hospital ordeal and the emergency c sect, ur girls and urself are all well. Must be relieved. Ur hubby must have scared to his wits ..

Take good care of urself and soon ur lovely princessess will be in your arms
Congrats again.
Baby, Great to hear that babies and you are ok. Must journal your experience and share with your princesses when they are older
Take care!
Congrats.. Seeing your first post really scare me lor. Glad that u and babies are alright. You must have scared the hell out of your hubb too..

My girl arh.. She's home for more than 1 week le.. Now doing well and drinking 100ml per feed k..

Yes, she's on total breastfeed. I express out the milk anf freeze then cl just take and feed her. At times, I latch her on too..

Initially stage will have less milk de. But hor the lactation lady who came, taught me to hand express the colestrum into a syringe and the nurses in the NICU will feed the baby. You can request for the lactation lady to come and teach you how to collect. Pumping now is no use de, cos nothing comes out de. But stimulating it abit is good la.. But rem to collect that little bit of first milk for the girls to drink. They will actually just put inside their mouth de.. You ss will come on ard day 3..
Hi Panda,

Yes I am ok. Been resting more. Didn't have any cramps after the last time. But my feet are swelling alot. Been drinking barley water to reduce that.

How are you? All geared up for the Big day? Have you booked your date or you will wait for your babies to give you the cue?

My feet also just started swelling...i guess for me its a sign tht i m about to explode already..hahaha....

i wish i can go to bed now, and wake up on THE DAY.... no need to go thru sleepless nights..

have not booked a date..will be seeing dr this friday to discuss... most likely will go for wk36..
Panda, wow! Reaching week 36 is good.

Me too having difficulty sleeping at night. For me, difficult to fall asleep, but once asleep, I'm ok, can sleep through unless got cramps like last week. But so difficult to fall asleep cos at night, stomach becomes so bloated, rib cage will be sore and aches alot and my pelvic bones also ache so difficult to turn to sides. Last night had to remind myself again that it's just another 4 weeks. Am aiming for 36 weeks too. Hope I can reach it. But like you said, feel like exploding already. Ha ha!

Try drinking barley water to reduce your swelling. It helps for me.
Fruitree..I hope k tahan until then.. Hb, mum n mil all ask me to opt for earlier dates...they see my tummy v scared!

Yes..v challenging to find comfortable position to sleep... I oso hv to turn n toss alot. N I cant last more than an hour on each side. So night time I dun get decent rest..hv to make up for it during the day.

U r doing well so far..shld b able to reach 36wk....final weeks r the longest n most hard to tahan... But i keep telling myself it's for the best of the babies!
Panda, you are so right. I am really feeling the strains of the final weeks. It's really like an endurance test la. Must tahan.

My next check up is tomorrow. Hope that babies are growing well and have put on a decent amount of weight.
Baby, congrats! U made it!! So proud of you
am glad yr little girls are ok too. Are they feeding thru tube now? When did they say yr girls can go home? So when did you pop, 34+ weeks?

Did doc said why bp so high n fits? I told my doc today aabt u and asked him issit becos of the ventolin? He said no, yrs was prob pre-eclampsia.
Me now continuing the battle on my own... Hope to get good outcome like u. This thurs going for scan, hope bbs growing well!

You have made it and I am so proud of you. Reading your earlier posts really scared me leh. Lucky dr kumar did emergency c-sect for u. I cannot imagine having super high bp @ 200! U were unconscious then!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and enjoy your motherhood!! Btw, you didn't update us on baby's weight. Hehe

Working wife, I am sure you can do it too. I know it is not easy for u and babies. Stay zen!!!
Congrats!! *phew* was really scared by ur earlier postings. Glad to know that ur princesses and u are safe. Rest well and take care.any idea wat causes the fits? do share ur lovely princess pics with us

wats ur baby weight now? remember u have about the same edd as me :p drink more chicken soup, it will help fatten ur baby.

its almost full term for ur triplets. So exciting . Rest well and have a smooth delivery
Mummies, no one interested in the placenta thing? I just found a company processing them at $200 which I find is reasonable. They will process both my placentas at $360. The other company quote me $300 per placenta..
pleasance my gal was 2.1kg when i was 33 weeks plus. I didn't drink much chicken soup....coz dun really like. When r u starting ur maternity leave?
Thanks for all the well wishes!
Bbs need to stay in hosp for a week plus.. Means cant go hm with me...
Bbs weight are now abt 2.1kg.... They drop weight after delivery... But they are off feeding tube.. Today they took their first bottle feed...

Nurses give me electronic single breast pump to stimulate my breast... So far nothing le... Hand express can express colostrum? I see nothing... Sat is my c sect day... Today aldy the 4th day... I scare im to late leh... Cos the first two days im in the ICU..

ur gals are doing well since they are off feeding tube. Maybe can go home earlier than 1 week plus
Meanwhile, its important that u rest well and prepare to bring them home.

i read alot of websites, if u kept on pumping to stimulate, the supply will kick in... you can't use the 3rd day guide since only started today... don't give up.. jia you!
The first two days u were in icu ? Thanks goodness u are alright now
no wonder I was counting the days doesn't seem right. U mentioned u gave birth on sat and only today then ur hubby told u what had happened. In between u were in icu... U were not awake in icu ? There due to high bp?

Now u must rest and eat well
fruitree, ur babies will grow well, dont worry too much. esp so if u hv been getting more rest
the last 4-6 weeks is when they put on more fats ...

i m trying to eat more these few days.. coz left not much time to popping.. my mum laughing at me.. say i not scared of growing fat.. LOL.. i told her last chance to grow fat babies... :p

working wife, u r not on ur own. we are all rooting for you and your little ones. Am sure they are also growing well since mummy has been very good in getting lotsa rest

pleasance, thanks! i m counting down n wish time would pass faster everyday....smtimes hv urge to just call dr and ask if i can deliver tomorrow..hahahaha...

Congrats on your new borns.

Anyway you can take this time and try to rest well coz when the babies are home, you will have less time to rest.
just keep pumping regularly to stimulate yr breasts, yr supply will kick in soon. my cousin only started pumping one wk after she delivered cos initially she said she didn't want to bf then changed her mind.
she still managed to build up her supply to successfully bf her girl for one yr.

Mummies..is it true tht more frequent bowel movements cld b a sign of going to pop? Past two weeks I need to poo 2-3 times a day..... Anyone w similar symptom?
