IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Baby - if hv to be on drip, then its labor ward. I don't mind that, I find laabor ward quite exciting, lotsa things to hear then nurses always pop on to chit chat.

Yesterday I had shower! After like 5 days. Nurse was inside toilet w me, wash my hair. Now if condition permits, try to shower once in two days. Other days nurse wipe me down twice aa day.

Yalor only hubby can visit. But since so friend w the nurse and my labor ward usually quite empty, they allow my mother to come in bring lunch and chit chat with me for abt an hour. Not bad lah.

Dr Cheng see me so xinku, he told me... Remember if this is too much for u, let me know. Don't keep it bottled up. If u want them out just let me know. I said no way, I'll go on as long as my bbs can stay in.

What to do.. We wish to go home but seems like difficult le..
Instead of feeling miserable.. Got to keep up the positive attitude! Else it will make the hosp stay even more unbearable...

Really sick of hosp food... Lucky have my hb to buy me lunch before he goes work.. And buy me dnr/supper after he off work... See him shuttle here and there also heartpain.. But i think he see me in hosp even more heartpain hee...

Once the nurse helping me to change the iv port on my hand.. Cos need to change every 3 days.. The nurse not v good at it and cause me alot of pain and alot of blood came out... After she done... My hb say i v kelian... And i saw his eyes red red.. I was so touched at that moment... Hee...

Ya mann... Time flies... Without knowing i aldy stayed at hosp coming to 2 weeks liao... I think in abt 2 weeks more.. I will see my gals liao... Anxious and scare....
baby, wanbb
hv been talking to baby leh, stays head-down but face wrong way. will need to turn 180 degrees to get to correct position, not sure if that is possible at this stage

baby, yes its vaginal examination. ya dr f said will get a bit of bleeding. i still get a bit,but not fresh blood.
u did CTG? what exactly do u go thru? im supposed to go in to do CTG next wk. hope it wont cost too much

is it nurse just monitor baby heartbeat? wat will dr f do? actually how does he measure whether cervix dilated or not or how many cm?
baby, working wife,

i read both of ur post and felt like crying
compared to what you gals r going thru, my discomfort is nothing much. very well done and lets jia you together for our babies!

last night i experienced 2x of round ligament pain.. so painful that i cannot move and had to get my hb to help me move...

baby, i can understand how u feel about hb shuttling about. smtimes i see my hb so tired at night after helping me run errands, buy groceries and do household chores after work, i also feel bad. so as much as i can, i try to get out of bed for my pee trips myself.. so tht he can get enough rest.
but to them, they see us tummy so big and unable to move about much, pains them too...

gosh..how come the nurse not skillful... maybe u can request for more snr nurses to change ur IV port, its impt since u hv to change it so often?

yeah, sil very nice..apart from hb, she is the only person i can depend on to buy the weird foods i suddenly crave for..

wow, 3 hrs! u must be exhausted.. i m planning to order GOON online.. pay abit more.. no choice.. hb wanted to go expo..but i told him if drive all the way there from woodlands just to buy the diapers, abit waste time.
Aw Panda, don't feel sad. I just think each of us are journeying on the same road and ultimately heading for the same goal which is have healthy babies. The obstacles along the way may be different for some of us, soome hv bad 1st tri, some scares along the way, some issues like this at the end. But the strongest trait of human is resilience. We might feel overwhelmed at new situations at first, but we always are able to accept and live with it with time. Amazing right?

Baby - live to fight another day today! Hope things get better for u and me. I hope the contractions will miraculously disappear just like how they came!!
Baby how is your helper so far? She is learning how to cook at your MIL's place?

Just Faith, I like to have a dec baby coz my bday is in Feb, hubby in Jan....so if bb is Dec baby, Dec to Feb, we can have birthday celebration every month. Moreover Dec is festive season, everyone is in a happy mood. But anything earlier than 20 Dec, bb not full term, christmas week, dr loh not around, so i am hoping for 29 to 31 Dec. =P But ok lah, even if bb wants to be Jan bb also ok, we will have 2 celebrations in Jan then.
BTW I booked the delivery package last Friday le.

Pandawife, ya, drive all the way to expo for the diapers not very worth for the time spent. Moreover this weekend there is Sitex, the parking is scary. We were early so managed to park near the halls. but i think by 11am ish, all parkings there seem to be very full. and really alot of pple...to the sitex. Parenthood fair still ok. I only bought 1 packet coz not sure if baby likes Goon. I have got a huggies starter set from Cordlife, so will let bb try goon and huggies. Wonder what brand KKH gives us leh.

Happyhippo, CTG will check both contractions and bb heartbeat. The last couple of times I did took about 30 to 45mins. The nurse will strap the 2 "plates" that monitor bb heartbeat and contraction on your tummy with you lying on the bed. You can hear bb heartbeat too.
Working wife, must be really tough on you to stay in the labor ward for so long. Jia you! Jia you! Can your hubby stay overnight with you at the ward during weekends to keep you company?
Gan, hubby can stay over if he likes but I ask him to go home every night. Only a chair next to the bed v hard to sleep in. Weekend also ask him to sleep in and come around lunch time only. Poor hb, weekday gotta work, at night rush over to bring me dinner n accompany me till its time for me to sleep. Weekend is his recuperating time lor.
The twins are in T shape not side by side so dr suggested c sect. Actually I am afraid of natural birth worried I may freak out. Btw ur twins are getting more and more adorable each day. Is it easier to care for them the 0 -3months stage or at current 6 months ? U intending to bring ur girl back on weekdays ?

My cl lady is charging me $2900 for 28 days. But not many keen to do unless u got a helper.

Oh I see. Maybe yr bb will turn and head down
Tell yourself not to be afraid of labour. I did that for my first pregnancy. I had no fear
2nd round even more relaxing. Hehe..

Every stage is a new challenge when u hv 2 babies or more. But the first few weeks were really exhausting. I had to work hard to increase my milk supply, recovering, both colicky, spend time with my 3 year old, etc..

We are getting another maid and my 3 year old is going to PAP kindy and my gal will be back with us. My 3 year old is falling sick a lot and we think it's because he is attending full day CC. worst part is he pass to my bb boy and now he is on nebulizer. .Never get the chance to recover. Sigh..
Singapoh, Your girl staying hm? your mil not helping anymore??
I hope for the school to reopen soon then my elder girl will nt be confined at home with me. She is studying from 12 to 4pm. Then time pass faster. How abt your elder boy? Good that he don't have to go childcare.. Then won't fall sick so easily..
Panda-- Yeah, I told hubby about getting CL from Thomson but he said he prefers pte n when asked him for reason, he just mumbled something. Told him I will tried to ask around until Tues, if not I will just go ahead to get from Thomson. My hubby is always too calm, n no sense of urgency. Told myself not to be too stressed by him. If fact, not only that, we plan to custom made wardrobes in the 2 bedrooms n hope to do it in Dec, he said he will ask around n told me not to be too 'gan cheong' as there is ample time. Think I better source around first. I m v one of those who dislikes last minute rushing, so have to keep telling myself must stay calm with him, esp when he is buying my meals for me. Better be nice or else nothing to makan, haha.

Anyone has good contractor to make wardrobes?

Nancy, Gan n Singapoh-- If I m not wrong, u mentioned in previous postings that u are engaging CL right? Can recommend?

Gan-- Maybe if your baby is the first baby of 1 Jan 2011, then can see your in the news
Think can get one year free supply of milk powder or diapers too.

Baby n Working Wife-- Two of u jia you! Will keep your in prayer :)
I hvt see the maid yet but according to my hb she is not bad... At least she is v clean and detailed... Most of the time she is at my mil hse... Learning to cook but i guess cooking not so easy to learn... No rush on cooking for now..

Working wife
Ya we must jia you jia you! Now u on what dose? Im still on 25u... On off can still feel some tightening..

Dont feel sad ya... We are all doing our best for our bbs!
Try to rest more and dont walk too much ok... Im 3 days away from the golden 34 weeks! But dr seems like aiming for 35w plus to 36w... My hb went temple to ask for date.. Says 14th dec is a good day.. That will be my 35w6d...
I hvt see the maid yet but according to my hb she is not bad... At least she is v clean and detailed... Most of the time she is at my mil hse... Learning to cook but i guess cooking not so easy to learn... No rush on cooking for now..

Working wife
Ya we must jia you jia you! Now u on what dose? Im still on 25u... On off can still feel some tightening..

Dont feel sad ya... We are all doing our best for our bbs!
Try to rest more and dont walk too much ok... Im 3 days away from the golden 34 weeks! But dr seems like aiming for 35w plus to 36w... My hb went temple to ask for date.. Says 14th dec is a good day.. That will be my 35w6d...
Baby, today I'm on 10u. There is some tightening but irregular.

I told doc today as long as my bbs can tahan, then I can tahan. He said that's good but should be mentally prepared that something might happen that leaves us no choice eg. Water burst, bleeding, bb distress, my heart rate. So even if emotionally can tahan, must also see physically. I leave everything in God's hands now.
working wife,
you are right... our strength and courage is very amazing.. all of us are doing whts best for our babies against all odds.

i bought 2 more infant car seats from a forum mummy and she was so sweet to help me buy a packet of NB goon when she went to the expo fair earlier. only the NB size is cheaper... small size buy online cheaper.

yeah.. i bedresting alot.. only do slow walks in the house to go toilet and get foods.
i m also counting down to wk34 on sat...can go for my next checkup.
clercler when is ur due date? Yes i have engaged a confinement lady, hmmm but apparently she didn't do a good job for the earlier assignment but my hubby still want to give a try coz abit last min for us to engage another cl unless we go agency.
Urs is single or twins?
Let me go thru and see if ok....if no good better dun recommend.
Working wife
True... Theres alot of things beyond our control.. We got to be prepared..
Im still on 25u... But still can feel on off tightening..
Tml i will be 33w5d... Approaching the golden 34w...
Dr told me as long as im the drip.. Lasting till 35-36w is acheievable... How many weeks are u now?
My heartbeat is still high.. Today is above 130... Its quite uncomfy.. Its hard for me to sleep at night.. Can only catch up naps in the day...

Its good u are resting more... Yr bump must be v big now ya.. Hehe. With two inside me.. My bump is aldy v big... The nurses all commented that my tummy v big..
U are doing so well.. With 3 inside u.. U have no complications.. So fantastic mann! Dr paul is aiming 37w for u right? That is abt a mth frm now...

i hv to force rest... u r right..bump is huge now. my mum says my tummmy like a big big melon..n my helper who comes every 2 weeks went "wow!" yesterday morning when she saw my tummy..:S

Dr Paul wanna try to bring me full term.. but of coz, same as wht working wife's dr said, there can be unforeseen circumstances tht can happen anytime from now til 37weeks..

it would b good if u can deliver betw 35-36wks..of coz taking into consideration also ur own health conditions, esp when u hv been on drip for so long. ur well being is equally as impt as the babies.

i m counting down the days to xmas eve to motivate myself.. everynight listen to some nice xmas music before i sleep. hb says wanna put up xmas lightings in our bedroom for me to feel the atmosphere.... self comforting..

its also very difficult for me to sleep at night leh... smtimes i get night sleep phobia..coz come night time..it gets very uncomfortable to fall asleep..plus frequency of toilet trips increases.

i ask dr paul how come at night need to pee so much...he says its becoz our body is more relaxed...so will feel the urge more. day time usually we are doing smthing and will be distracted...
Anyone here experienced tightness of skin under the breast area? Its so umcomfortable that its feels like wearing a tight underwire bra even if you are not wearing anything...

its the stretching of the tummy thts causing the tightness. smtimes can get painful or even numbness... its normal.

I realised that my tummy getting lower today. my top doesnt feel so tight. wonder if little one is engaged head down or what.... my back, hips, everywhere are aching.

Seeing Dr Loh this wednesday. 5wk2days to go...
My hb went temple to ask for good date to c sect... Got two dates.. 9th and 14th dec... Ask my dr.. He say 9th to early cos only 35w... 14th is good.. 35w6d... Almost 36w... So we are counting down... Which is abt 2 weeks frm now..

Im getting more n more uncomfy.. Totally lost my appetite.. Didnt eat well these few days.. Getting v breathless due to the med.. Bump feels so huge and heavy... And i thk its affecting my gastric so dont feel like eating..: even hungry also no appetite.. Must force myself to eat cos scare bbs not getting nutrients...

Working wife
How are u? Didnt see u post here today...
Or u aldy went home to rest liao?
I can imagine ur discomfort...nt easy definitely! But u r doing well so far ..final stretch is an endurance game for us... I m sure all of us will brave thru all the difficulties..

U r aiming 14dec..mine is 10 more days after urs.

I was abit worried tht din hear from u n working wife today.

Is ur drip dosage still reducing?

My two boys causing pressure at my pelvic region ...Smtimes I worry they will wanna come out suddenly! Tried to bedrest most of today..

My MIL is on a 10 day trip to Taiwan so my gal is back home now.


I had a CL through agency for my twins. They gave me a lady in her 60s and very kaypoh. Sent her away after 1.5 weeks. She used to drive lorries until she injured herself. 2nd one ok la but after a week plus,her dad was dying so I told her to leave lo. Dun wanna stop her from seeing her dad for the last time. I didn't want another replacement coz fed up to start all over. My confinement only 3 weeks.

Better take CL from your close friends coz agent one can't be trusted unless u r super lucky.
My drip not reducing... Still at 30u... Tats y feels so breathless.. My pulse rate is above 130... Any slight movement will make me feel so breathless... Cant wait for the 2 more weeks to come...

I think yr boys are head down tats y u feel the pressure.. Ya try to lie down.. U will feel better.. Yr bump must be v big
now... Standing too long also heavy right...

I lie down on the bed whole day except to go shower.. Even pee also use bedpan... The fast pulse rate makes my hands shake... Today even my legs also shake... I just told my hb.. How to endure another two more weeks... Im getting so umcomfy... I even told my hb.. If only im expecting one bb.. Then i wont be so xinku now... But its only a moment of tot.. Of cos i would love two gals hehehe...

Today is really a bad day for me... Cant eat even hungry.. Breathless.. Aching.. Tummy feels crampy and heavy.. Feels like crying.. Getting abit emotional.. Guess stay in hosp too long liao... Its aldy 2 weeks stay... And another 2 more weeks... Arrghhhh...

oh dear...its sounds like the drip is giving u bad side effects, did u tell ur dr about this? how do u sleep now? on ur sides? with the drip, it must also be difficult for u to turn urself in bed? gosh....

after being in hospital for 2 weeks, its normal to feel emo! but u are hanging on for ur precious babies! jia you.. once u deliver them 2 weeks later, u will feel that its all very very worth the pain and suffering that we are going through..

yeah..my bump is getting v big n uncomfortable as well.. last night was another night of challenge trying to get to sleep ....i was struggling to turn n toss betw the bed n armchair again for 2 hrs..before i finally manage to fall asleep :S hb also din sleep until i did coz i need help to move myself.

everyday i hv to find new ways to motivate myself... yesterday i looked at all the cute baby photos in magazines n try to imagine how my babies will look like..hahaha.... n kept telling myself i wanna have healthy fat babies..so must tahan!!!!!
Baby, 14th is good! I will celebrate your babies birthday together.. Heee.. I have an appointment with dr that day too.. Then after that go for nice birthday dinner.. Hopefully still can move ard.. Btw, dr mention abt a lady in hospital and nw at 34weeks so I guess he is talking abt you.. He told my hubby if need to stay also no choice. Which means I have to stay in too???!!! Jia you! Another 2 more weeks only.

Your side effects really sounds very bad. Did you share with your doctor during his morning visits? Better let him know, cos I really dunno if these side effects are okay for you.

With you lying in bed for another two weeks, and no appetite, can baby still get enough nutrients inside? Must Jia You okay?? You have come so far liao.... All of us here will be rooting for you!!!
Hi girls, didn't post yesterday cuz it was activity filled. By that I mean I took a shower and afternoon went for scan (that's my level of activity!)

Still in labor ward. My dose hover around 5 to 10u, doc still trying to drive down to zero.

Yesterday was 31wk 4d, my boy is 2kg! Girl still petite leh, 1.4kg. Doc said that both are growing well since last time, and blood flow all ok. So no worry abt girl starving or not getting the nutrients. She's just genetically smaller. Looks like will take another 3 weeks for girl to reach 2kg so now I target 35 weeks. Dunno if it means staying in hospital all the way. Today is my day 11 here.

Past 2 nites cannot sleep well cuz both side ribcage hurts so much. Every movement cause it to be painful. Well, just another thing I need to tahan.

I keep telling my bbs Christmas birthday very fun one! Must wait till then before coming out!
working wife,

i know it is not easy for you... but u still maintain such positive thoughts. hehe.

ya, tahan till christmas and have a blast!!!!
working wife, your babies are very guai.. they know mummy is working hard, so they also grow well
good babies!

looks like quite many of us will be having xmas mth babies.. hee... tomorrow we will officially cross over to Dec... then we can start counting down the days for the mth together.

do u lie on ur sides during the day also? thts y ribcage hurts so much?

for me, need to alternate betw left, right and also sitting recline .... every hour or so...will hv to change position.. so sleep is always v interrupted..but thts the best way for me to minimise the physical pains...
Singapoh-- I very tired of finding Cl. Think likely to get from Thomson Medical. Hubby still hopes for pte. But think I will just go ahead as I do not want to waste any more time.

BTW, Do you put the babies in same or separate clots? Where did u get the clots?

working wife-- My friend recently also went to specialist cos she complained about pain in ribcage. The specialist then disagnosed that actually she had muscle tear and prescribed some medicine. She was ok now. You can check with doctor. Take care.

Baby-- Jia You, 2 more weeks! You are a strong mother

Panda-- Can imagine you with triplets, must be difficult to get the ideal positin, haha. For me, although I am coming to 24 weeks, tummy still not big. Every time, when someone commented about the size, I feel v sad and stressed. Think I am so obsessed that I keep looking at the mirror. Trying to stay positive and tell babies must grow well. Also consoling myself that it is cos I know how to dress well so can hide the tummy, haha. Actually I have gained 8 kg plus but think it is still not big enough.
So what did dr f says abt the lady at 34w in hosp? He must be refering to me la..

Just faith
Ya the drip is no good for my heart.. Tats y dr always wanted to reduce the dose for me... But seems like cant... So no choice for the bbs sake... The side effects really bad.. Hands shake.. Legs shake when standing.. Breathless... Even taking a meal make me so breathless...

Working wife
Finally u got to bathe.. Shiok right haha...
Are u taking oral ventolin? If u can rely on oral ventolin then can off drip and go home.. Thats what happen in my first hosp stay at 28w... But now cannot... Im doing ctg now.. Show contractions again at 30u... So now up to 35u... Still monitoring...
Baby, he say he send one lady to kkh and the other stayed from 30 weeks until nw 34weeks still here in hospital.. Should be you.. I think he preparing me for it. Cos he say anything before 34weeks he will send me to kkh. Sounds very scary as he say If under an appointed dr at kkh, hospital bill will almost be the same as private. So if go there we cannot chose.
Baby, have you thought of letting them come early since the drip is bad for you.. I can't sleep for that one day of drip so I can imagine how bad it was for you.. Dr say 34 is rather safe already. So you are in safe zone.. Although babies well being is important but your health is important too. Your heart has been running a marathon for so long, will it affect you in future?? Got to ask dr this. Cos babies come, you need alot of energy for them too.. Do take good care of yourself.

i understand the feeling of looking for CL. tht time i tried and was so stressed over it tht i broke up a few times. in the end decided not to...get helper instead. i was also too late to go TMC...coz they bookings are very much in advanced.

dont worry about tummy size.. small tummy means u hv strong abdominal muscles..nothing to do w babies' size ...dr paul will tell u this!

during ur last tri, the tummy will grow so fast tht u will hv difficulty being too active..haha..so enjoy ur "freedom" while it lasts!

baby, i also agree with wan leh... tht ur well being is also v impt.. 34wks is considered safe to deliver... maybe discuss with ur dr again?

wan, i agree w u tht going kkh is scary. under subsidy, we cannot select dr..the delivery could b done by either the MO or specialist on duty tht day....depending on situation. so u must hv alot of rest...try to clear the safety zone..
I think its not be leh.. I only stay frm 32w till now 34w...
I heard the nurses say alot dr f patients are hospitalised cos he has many patients..
Dr f always ask me whether staying in hosp for a mth cost wise is ok for me not.. But i heard him say if go kkh.. To downgrade need to go thru means test.. If dont pass means also pay pte cost??

Now u how many weeks liao? Still got experience contractions? Cos u did have early contractions.. Even it has stop now.. It might cum bk later.. Like what happen to me.. So maybe dr f wants u to think abt it when the time comes.

If i will to deliver now.. Bb needs to stay long in hosp... So its either i xinku now.. Or its bbs xinku.. So i rather i xinku.. Cant bear to see my bbs all tube up.. In the incubator.. I hope bbs can go home with me...

Dr quite concern abt my pulse rate.. He always check my pulse.. And its always fast.. Tats y he want to reduce dose everytime but always fail... So i have to tahan... My hb also concern abt my heart.. Scare it will strain it too much... No wonder people say mothers are v noble.. Haha..

I intend to deliver ard 35w but dr f say too early le.. Ask me to aim for 36w... He say no need to wait for 37w...
At times when i feel v miserable.. I told my hb just get the gers out.. I really cant tahan... But after the bad times pass.. I will still wana aim for 36w..: heee... Too emotional..
Baby, I think u shld talk to yr doctor abt being on the drip for so long since he is so concerned abt yr heart. Ultimately, doctor will always act in the best interest of the mother... I hope yr doc keep pushing the delivery date further (frm 34 to 36 wks now) has considered your well-being.

That's why my doc keep insisting to reduce drip foen to zero and when I ask him can I just stay on drips for another 3 wks, he said no... Need to ensure my wellbeing n health too. I'm also on ventolin and adalat meds now. He did say too much drip not good for bbs too... Sugar level high for bbs. Maybe check with yr doctor all these?
Panda, I've pass most of the duties to the helper. Lucky she came early, I can't imagine how it would be if I'm alone then hubby has to bring my child to work and we have to eat outside food everyday. Now I teaching helper to cook. When is yours coming? Yours have experiences so easier.. Mine is brand new..

Baby, actually 35 weeks also very safe.. I mean at least they only stay in nursery. And might nt need nicu right.. Then no need tubes all that.. Babies can claim insurance but we cannot.. Hee.. Of cos if can stay inside better but have to measure the pros and cons.. Heart is a very important organ... Must make sure it's nt going to harm your heart if nt, just let babies come out.. As long as they will grow up healthy, then one week don't make much differences for them. I'm sure one week of 130 per second heartbeat is really harmful..
Baby, I think dr is saying you cos 30 weeks you admitted for the first time then nw still in hospital, maybe he skip the middle part of discharge and admitting again.
I think need to see what house we stay in and how much joint income then can get maximum subsidies.. Quite troublesome..
I'm 29 weeks and 2 days. Still a long way to go for me. So starting contractions is a tell tale sign I'll go into preterm labour. Dr already aim 36 weeks for me.. I guess he feels I won't hold in for full term. Moreover this is my second birth. And I experience bratons hicks from 20 weeks! If nt for the stomach cramps, I don't think I will send myself into hospital that day. Til nw still contractions, yesterday I even have 4 tightening in an hr.. But today it has calm down a little. Only one an hr.. I realise I get more contractions when I'm hungry or warm.

we are waiting for the helper's passport to be mailed over. then we can proceed w the necessary paperwork.
our plan is for her to help out mainly w the household chores.. will not include cooking for a start. so shld b quite easy.

another way to get into kkh as subsidised patient is to get referral from polyclinic before u go kkh. i did this beforehand... means testing is quite troublesome..n can be stressful esp during times of emergency.

r u on oral medication now to relax the uterus?
Working wife & Baby, just read that you r both in hospital. Hang in there. All will be fine. Really salute u both for going through so much.

Wan, the means testing in KK is quite stringent. They will look at household income, type of house u live in, your monthly expenditure and also maternal parents CPF and the type of house they own. If u live in pte property, confirm cannot get. Parents also cannot live in pte prop. Dunno why they look at parents income and house type. They actually expect our parents to help us pay the medical bills. Apparently can use their medisave to pay also. But since they r old, shouldn't they be keeping the money intheir medisave for themselves?

Panda, just read abt your babies good weight too. U r doing very well, keep it up. As for me, I had my last check up last wed at week 30, my babies weight were only 1.34, 1.28 & 1.28. Doc said they are within normal range but not fantastic weight. Said they r on the smaller side. Now I'm so worried. Wondering what I can do to help them grow.
Dr f just came say i have urine infection which is resistant to the earlier on antibiotics.. He give me another stronger med.. Hopefully the urine infection clear my contractions will go away.. Cos he say it might be the infection that irriate the uterus... But of cos also my bump getting bigger so having tightening is common...

Im 34w tml! Dr says 34 is good... 35 is better.. 36 better still.. Duh... Haha... So lets see bah... See whether the urine infection clear and how is my contractions...
Fruitree..I think lotsa sleep n milk help the babies grow for me. Coz can't really eat alot now..I drink plenty of milk . Of coz when we sleep more..we r conserving the energy to grow the little ones. Hope this works for u too.

Baby..u hv v persistent urine infection..r u drinking lotsa water? Staying hydrated will also prevent contractions.
I also dont know leh... Im trying to drink more water..
But i thk im prone to having urine infection.. Somemore i dont have any symptoms like burning sensation... And i have drug allergy.. And cos pregnant.. Alot antibiotics i cant take.. Tats y the previous antibiotics dont work..
Hey guys
Long time never post but Singapoh told me to come take a look. Wan are u in hosp already? What're the twins' weights?

I delivered twins at 30weeks. Managed to get downgraded to B2 despite living in pte property and hubby is a professional. And parents live in a house. It all depends on a case by case basis. Because my twins have to stay in kkh for 5 weeks ( they only discharge upon reaching 35 weeks + 2kg), they granted us the downgrade. It's not c class but good enuff. Any qns pls ask ok. Please take care.

On my discharge day, a staff presented me vouchers and asked if my bbs were staying bk in kkh. She told me that I can apply for downgrading. I own a private property. My ward was B1.

My gal stayed for 4 nights. Bill was $2k +. we didn't apply for downgrading.
