IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

hi miss hae,
your DH condition same like mine. my hubby is the one going thru the MS. even til now. he often feels nauseous in the mornings and especially after he eats, he can't smell other food. and i agree with u. must share the pregnancy. hehe..

I think it was Josephine who asked you about the D5 transfer thing.

I also dont understand what the risks you are facing when 2 babies are sharing same placenta.
Hope everything will be fine, and you will not need to do any termination. All 3 may grow in normal range.

merlenna, ms hae,
how come your hubbies are the ones gg thru MS? So funny and unusual... heehee... Really got to do with your pregnancy?

you are gg overseas? For work or holidays?

Actually we have sorted it out financially... but now another problem...

My case falls in the 20% category and 2 of them share the placenta and hopefully in 2 water bag not 1 water bag as if they share 1 placenta and 1 water bag than i will fall into 1% category which in any case i should not even think about keeping them... The chances are slim now unless the 2 of them catch up in size with the individual one which is leading 1 week ahead in size...

Well, I have been praying everyday but have also made preparations for the worse.. I think I rather have a low risk and smooth pregnancy and save 1 instead of risking all 3 and lose all 3..If the twins can catch up by Jan i will definitely keep them.. but if they dun i cannot take the risk as it will be so unfair to the other individual sibling..
ya lor. anything goes now...

holiday, tagging on hubby's work trip. jus had a nice Viet dinner in a local restaurant. yummy & healthy!

now i understand. hope everything goes well & u manage to keep ur babies

you can see my earlier post... actually difficult to explain... that is a more simplified explanation..

It happens with twins... therfore some ple can lose one of their twins and worse case lose both..
understand now. Dont worry too much though it is not easy. Whatever the case is, to have all 3 or 1 or 2, hope that you will be able to carry your baby/babies smoothly throughout this time.
Praying for you. Must stay positive, tell your babies you want them to be your precious ones and you want to be their dear mummy, they will sense it and grow well inside you.

wow, so nice to go on holidays! Must be very enjoyable. You have fun!
Hi juju,
Seems like you are enjoying ur holiday

Hi Sam,
Tats why alot of pple think that its great to have multiples, but not many pple understand the worries we had to face eg premature birth, complications etc...
Let nature takes it course for now, you are a strong gal, I'm sure you'll get thru it, no matter wat happen, jia you!
hi sam,
i read up on the complications of multiples & can understand your situation now. ya...it's not easy to take it easy, but believe god only gives us the no. of babies our body can manage.
so whatever the no. that u eventually carry, hope they will be growing steadily & healthily till birth. stay positive!!
i see. i pray that whatever decision you make,it'd be the best for you n your husband. stay positive k!

lol! our husbands can bundle up together! even now, after he came back from his trip,he is the one feeling tired all the time when i am not. im only feeling heavy. he even said the 2weeks when he was away,he felt fine!! lol!! can't imagine how when im giving birth. hee3!

yes,i think so too bcos i really don't have any MS at all while he is the one busy puking, having headaches n cravings!
Hi Miss Hae n Merlenna
Haha,both hubbies are so cute to have experience 'MS'...

Hi Ladies
Anyone can recommend a stay in Confinement Lady to look after twins. Called up agencies and they are charging $2700 for a nanny! Is this the normal rate?
Dear mummies,

Just wanted to check: I just came back from my visit and Dr Loh is giving me the obimin. But now i still have duphaston and folic acid. So tomorrow, i will eat folic acid, duphaston and obimin? I forgot to ask just now. Today the clinic is so crowded. But i really admired Dr Loh. He can still be so smiley at 8plus in the evening.

Maykel: Do you know your babies position? Are they side by side or top and bottom? Is there a need for concern of their position?

Are you still having bad pain? I m thinking is it lack of calcium? You can try to buy coral weed. It is the "birdnest" for vegetarian with very high calcium. Let me find more info to share.

Juju: enjoy ur trip
Take good care of yourself.

Sam: I hope all will be well for you and with the best solutions surfacing by itself and you do not need to make any difficult decision. Yes, keep talking to the babies. From now till then, please eat well with lots of vege and fruits.

Ponytail: I am also planning my leave. I thot of taking leave from mid mar. And thereafter ML, i wanted to take another 3 mths. But i also scare come back dun noe still got job for me anot.

Bliss: You can try soya milk, instead of milk. I think soya milk taste better than milk if you dun like.
hopefully - hi, long time no see. i forgot, how many are you expecting and when is your EDD ? if plan to take leave from mid mar isnt it a bit early ? on your meds, i think docs never forget what you are currently taking, cos they have records of your meds, so i think should be safe to take all 3. if you're not sure can call 24 hr clinic. i'm also on folic and duphaston, but also jabs 2 times a week.
Hello Ponytail, I am having twins!
EDD on 3 Jul 09. I intending to take hospitalization leave from Apr to June (clearing my leave from mid Mar) and starting ML from Jul – Sep and No pay leave from Oct – Dec.

Thinking to start early bcos I scare too much for me to cope during work and I like to take it easy during the last trim. Heehee... What is your planning?
obimin is given to be taken from week 12 onwards. I was told to take folic acid and duphaston for the 1st 12 weeks, then start taking obimin after finishing duphaston and can finish taking the remaining folic acid at the same time.

Thanks, I have been taking fresh warm soya bean milk but cant take those refrigerated packet soyo bean milk cos I get bloating after taking. I also take cheese and fish. Just went to Chow House with hubby to have Japanese food last evening, took lots of fish. But think my baby doesnt like salmon, so I somehow dislike the smell of salmon. Salmon may contain mercury, maybe that's why baby is stopping me from taking.

$2700 might be a bit expensive leh. Those agencies normally take around at least $300 of commission from the salary of confinement lady. If you can, it is better to get a good confinement lady thru recommendation and so can contact her directly, can save up on the commission for agency.
My sis got her CL this March last minute from an agency as her first CL was horrible and was sent away. The agency charged her $1800, but the CL only got $1500 for that.

Ms Hae,
really envy you not having MS at all, despite having triplets.
It is always said that most guys normally gain alot of weight throughout their wivies' pregnancy, coz they have to finish up the food that the wivies cant finish due to MS. Then after babies are given birth, the husbands will lost weight and even have dark circles, coz must help to take care of babies in the nights and busy working in the days. Hahaha! Sounded very poor thing.

good good, glad to hear that you are enjoying yourself!
Very good for development of baby when mummy is feeling happy.

you see lah, Ms hae is having triplets but she has no MS at all and her babies are growing very well. So you actually dont have to worry too much about having MS or not.
Hi Bliss,

Aiyo, I just took everything this morning. Think should be ok right? From yesterday scan, my 1 bb is like 12 week already and 1 bb in 11 week 5 days. So now I also dun know if I considered as 12 weeks already?

Are you still having sinus? I also now kana blocked nose. Dun noe why suddenly got blocked nose
yes, I do胎教. Heeheehee. Foetus starts to use the various senses since 4th month. The touch sense is the first to start all along. That is why baby can feel everything mother is feeling, seeing and hearing through the brain frequency connection. Next will be the hearing, so I talk to my baby alot since 4 month.
Yes, I read that baby likes soothing music and sounds of soft breeze and water waves. My hubby brings me to seaside often lately to listen to sea waves and sea breeze. I myself like to go seaside very much, so I guess when mother feels happy and relax, baby will sense the same too. Baby loves mother's voice the most, so we should take to baby as much as possible in a loving way.

I also read that baby is able to differentiate day and night through what mother sees. When mother sees light, the brain waves will send signals to baby too, so baby knows that it is daytime. And when mother sleeps, the dark sensation mother is having will also be sent to baby and this is how baby knows when is day and night time. At around 7th month, when baby can open own eyes, then baby can see the light shine thru mother's tummy, and thus feel the day and night thru own eyes.
Classical music is good. Just avoid too noisy and loud music, baby does not like it by nature and this will mess up the proper development of baby's brain especially.
I also read that for baby boy, it is especially important for mother not to feel nervous, panic and worked up when baby boy has to produce their own male hormones(since mother cannot help produce male hormones) after the male gential organs is formed in 3rd month. If mother is not feeling calm and having disruptive moods, the production of male hormones in the baby boy may be affected which may cause insufficient male hormones produced and making the boy to be very female after born. This is why there are more cases on males wanting to change sex into females when grown up due to hormonal facters, rather than more females wanting to change sex into males. This is becoz for baby girl, if the female hormones production is not sufficient, the mother is still able to provide the baby with female hormones.

I think it is alright for this morning. Just finish your duphaston first before you start on obimin then.
My running nose is better now, not as often le.
Perhaps this is becoz I dont sleep in aircon room lately at night since the weather is cooler now. I will get blocked nose when it gets too cold.
bliss - yar lor, i should have asked more abt MS when i didnt have any. after hearing ms hae got triplets and no MS, its such a relief. yesterday still had nausea and threw up a little.my boobs are now only slightly sore. is it ok ?

hopefully - i'm having twins too, edd 27 jul. your leave plan looks tempting, i feel ilke doing the same, but dont know whether doc will give HL for 2 months or not. is your leave policy lax ? my office policy say strongly discourage NPL, so i dare not even ask my boss leh. how ?
hi bliss,
haha, i dunno how come, but its quite a phenomenon.. i've heard it happen to some of my friends before. they also no MS, hubby go thru for them. as for me, i only had nausea during the 1st tri.. but after that nothing. hubby is the one feeling the MS.. haha.. cannot be feeling nausea over a long period right, for nothing? hehe.. must be pregnancy hormones for him too lah!

just an update from me, my skin rash has subside considerably. at the moment, what's left are the pigmentation marks on my body. not too worried about those i can hide. but my arms still got the marks left by the rash.. and funny, i can't wear long sleeves as the seems to trigger the itch more. so i had to stick to wearing shawls now.. have to wear short sleeves no matter wat..

doc at skin center said its confirm a drug allergy. she said it could be something prescribed by my doc. and i think its either the obimin tablet that i was given.. or the itch tablet. but can't be the itch tablet right? i was only given that after the rash started. haha.. ok hope the final 2 weeks b4 sch reopens is enough for the skin to go back to normal. wish me luck..
at least the MS has taught him that it's not easy to be pregnant mah. hee3! he's my merlion at home!

i wish he will gain weight! He has been thin throughout and until now also the same. He is like 30kg heavier than me now you know. LOL! I told him if anything happens, don't ever think of carrying me, just drag can liao! i think our husbands will surely have more dark circles than us cos we need the rest after giving birth so all the other night duty,he die2 must do lor! LOL!

Ya don't worry if you don't have MS. Previously, i was also worried when i don't have MS but i discovered some women will have and some will not. So, don't worry, always share with your gynae your queries and enjoy the pregnancy.

when i was given obimin last time, i had very bad case of constipation. try any drink also cannot until they switched to another medicine.

i am so going to miss being pregnant later but at the same time, can't wait to see my 3 angels!
Hi ladies,
Sorry i didn't update after my scan on wed. I wasn't feeling good lately, feeling feverish, lethargy and got very bad headache....

My tummy still feels sore after my scan on wed, my scan lasted nearly 2 hrs and gotta keep getting up and down from the couch, cos the 1st sonographer can't see 1 of the twin clearly. She very rough, press very hard on my tummy, its very painful. Then 1 of the baby nvr turn and she keep rubbing the scan stick on my tummy, so painful, now think of scanning, very scared....After tat i got a real scare cos she say want another sonographer to re-scan cos 1 of them may have problem with the heart. The other sonographer was better, but oni scan heart and like rushing for time like tat cos late liao...

By the time it was done, it was already 6pm....and my appt to see dr loh supposed to be 5.10pm. When i managed to get down to TPS, it was very crowded cos dr loh went to do delivery. Was eventually seen by dr Marienne. She's very nice and reassuring. Told me that the white dots in the heart is no cause for worry cos it could be part of the muscle and they do not have to re-scan agin. She say it would oni be worrying if the dots are found in the stomach or brain.

She oso mentioned tat the babies are slightly on the smaller side. Furthermore, i gain 4kg for the past 1mth plus! Oh, forgot to mention, i got 2 gals
Hi Emma,
When are you due? Cos i just met up with a CL recommended by my mum's fren. She's a very nice lady, thou no experience with twins, she is very experienced with confinement. My mum ask her alot of things and is eventually convinced tat she can do a good job. If the timing ok, maybe can ask if she can do for you 1st? I booked her for early Apr liao.

I've ask a few b4 her, the market price for twins is $2800-3000. Actually got 1 auntie from muar say 'maybe' can charge me $2600. But she very unsure of alot of things and quit old, so i nvr confirm her.

Hi Hopefully,
oh, ur appt same day as me ar...me reach clinic at 6plus, left oni at 8plus, so tiring....i didn't get to see him thou....and yes, the clinic is so crowded. Usually dr loh advise us to finish watever folic or duphaston we have left. Obimin can start when we are 12wks.

Oh ya, the sonographer told me both babies head are facing down now. I was so worried abt the heart tat i forgot to ask, in detailed, i guess they must be side by side bah...Now i remembered, i am very concern if both heads are down, cos usually pple say head down means they are ready for delivery right? But now its too early, so i'm scared now....dun know who can i check with...
Oh yes, my back still pain. Had asked for calcium already on wed. Wat is coral weed? Thanks, let me know when you have more info

BTW, you confident of getting HL from Apr to june meh? Me due in Apr, thot if i can get HL from Mar very good already...if dr can give early better still, then i dun waste my leave....cos had planned to take leave from early feb too. Cos now so heavy i can't tahan already....
Hi ladies,
I forgot to mention this earlier on until Hopeful ask.
The sonographer told me both babies head are facing down now. Understand that if head down means they are ready for delivery is it? But now its too early, so i'm scared now leh....is there a chance the gals might still turn and change position even thou the space is limited?
Oh Maykel, congrats on the gals
Sometime the staffs are like that. Hope you are feeling much better already. How big is ur twins when scanning? Ya, wed was super crowded. At least with Dr Marienne's words, i think you can put your heart at ease.

I am waiting for my detailed scan scheduled on feb. Still long to go.
Hi Maykel,

Babies face down or updside down? If face down is it like they are in crawling position? Dun worry 1st. Let me see if i can search for more info. Relax relax. Mayb babies are playing sommersult. Since the sonographer didnt mention much about the head down, i think it should be still ok. But you do not feel anything at the moment right?

With regards to the HL, that's my planning lah. I thot hosp leave is 60 days ma. So thinking if i can get 2 mths will be very good. Bcos i can imagine how heavy we can get.
dont worry. they will still change their position. 2 of my consective visits, both of them are head down side by side. but the next visit, one beome breech and another tranverse.
<table border=1><tr><td>Nickname</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>No. of Baby</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Clinic / Delivery Hospital</TD><TD>Baby Gender </TD></TR><TR><TD>yck</TD><TD>05 Mar 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>L C Cheng</TD><TD>TMC </TD><TD>1 Boy 1 Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Emma</TD><TD>25 Mar 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>Prof. Ng Soon Chye</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD><TD>1 Boy 1 Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>babywee</TD><TD>25 Mar 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>Benjamin Tham</TD><TD>KKH </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Merlenna</TD><TD>04 Apr 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>Sadhana</TD><TD>KKH </TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Imel</TD><TD>21 Apr 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>MaybeBaby</TD><TD>02 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>Cheng</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>mikojade</TD><TD>03 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Maykel</TD><TD>03 May 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>2 Girls </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cale</TD><TD>03 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>juju78</TD><TD>07 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Josephine</TD><TD>12 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bliss Tan</TD><TD>27 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>Sadhana</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sam</TD><TD>09 Jun 09</TD><TD>Triplets</TD><TD>Dr Hema</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>pleasance</TD><TD>03 Jul 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hopefully</TD><TD>03 Jul 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ponytail</TD><TD>27 Jul 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>Prof Wong</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

congrats on having 2 girls!

Sorry to hear about the fright you had during the scan, can understand how worrying you were that time. Glad that everything is fine.

Dont worry about babies' positions, they will move and change positions alot at this stage.

glad to hear that your skin itch has subsided.

I am still having the itch so far, so I apply the moisturiser everyday as usual.

Hi ladies,
I have a bad time since last night. My right hand was accidentally injured after I swept the floor yesterday noon. I didnt exert much force while sweeping, dont know why my hand hurts so much since last night 11pm. My hubby massaged and applied some oil for me, but it doesnt have much effect. I got to see a doc later. Not sure to see a GP or a sinseh. Have been bearing with the pain for whole day, so painful...
Hi Ladies,
Just done my detail scan today and baby is doing well. Confirmed it's a baby boy
. Baby is of medium size and in breech position. Wanna ask usually by when baby head should move down?
Doctor also said my placenta is low. I need to have more rest and less walking, was given hospitalisation leave to rest till my next appointment. Hopefully it will shift up later.

Hi Maykel,
Sorry to hear about your scary scanning experience. Hope your tummy is not sore anymore. I also need to scan twice, coz baby did not turn, can't see the spine. Luckily after i walked a while and came back, baby turned liao
. Overall took about half an hour for the scan. Suprisingly today clinic not that crowded, but becos doctor went out for delivery, also waited about an hour. I mentioned the hardness on the abdominal to him again, he said it's the contraction le. A bit worry. Did you check with Dr Marienne on this?

Please don't worry about the white spot since doctor already said it's not an issue. Must stay happy, ok. I will see you tomorrow in the antenal class

Hi Juju,
Enjoy your holiday and happy shopping

Hi Bliss,
I am doing well. Thanks. How about you? Time flies, you are at how many weeks already? When are you doing your detail scan?

Hi yck,
Can you please update my baby gender for me. Thanks!
maykel - congrats on 2 girls. cld you have asked the sonographer to be more gentle ? next time maybe try to make some noise.

bliss - is it your wrist that hurts ? my SIL had swollen wrist in her 3rd tri, and it was very painful. she massaged by herself but later when she check with gynae and sinseh, she should not have done that cos relocate the nerves. so you better see both gynae and sinseh. i heard its q common for preg women.

btw, i have peeling skin around my mouth for 2 weeks already, and still red and painful and peeling. i was on HL past 2 weeks so stay at home hope it goes away. but mon start work, and my face still like that. how ah ?
Hi gals, had my detailed scan last week, and everything is good. I'm having a girl!

Maykel - congrats on your 2 girls!
I've been window shopping for baby clothes, and there are so many cute things! But still not bought anything yet! I hope your tummy is feeling better.

Cale - congrats on your boy!
My placenta is still lying low, my dr. noticed during my 12 week scan, it has moved up a bit when they scanned at 20 weeks, but still considered low. They say 90% of low lying placenta at 20 weeks will move up by the time of delivery, so I suppose there is no need to worry.... but true we really need to take it easy. I found out because I had bleeding at 12 weeks.
<table border=1><tr><td>Nickname</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>No. of Baby</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Clinic / Delivery Hospital</TD><TD>Baby Gender </TD></TR><TR><TD>yck</TD><TD>05 Mar 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>L C Cheng</TD><TD>TMC </TD><TD>1 Boy 1 Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Emma</TD><TD>25 Mar 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>Prof. Ng Soon Chye</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD><TD>1 Boy 1 Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>babywee</TD><TD>25 Mar 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>Benjamin Tham</TD><TD>KKH </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Merlenna</TD><TD>04 Apr 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>Sadhana</TD><TD>KKH </TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Imel</TD><TD>21 Apr 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>BabyOnBoard</TD><TD>02 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>Cheng</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>mikojade</TD><TD>03 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Maykel</TD><TD>03 May 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>2 Girls </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cale</TD><TD>03 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>juju78</TD><TD>07 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Josephine</TD><TD>12 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bliss Tan</TD><TD>27 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>Sadhana</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sam</TD><TD>09 Jun 09</TD><TD>Triplets</TD><TD>Dr Hema</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>pleasance</TD><TD>03 Jul 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hopefully</TD><TD>03 Jul 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ponytail</TD><TD>27 Jul 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>Prof Wong</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Hi BabyOnBoard,
Long time never see your post. Glad that both yourself and baby are doing fine
Did doctor ask you to rest at home and minimise walking? Are you working now? How about your baby position? Her head turn down already? Do you experience any Braxtons Hicks contraction as of now, the feeling is like tightness at the lower abs then slowly become hard and a bit bulging on that part, it become soft after a few seconds?
Congrates on your baby boy !!Doc also say one of my twin's placenta is lying low, will have easy bleeding. i was so worried ..afraid that bleeding will cause easy miscarriage. Am i supposed to rest in bed?

BabyOnBoard + Maykel
congrats on your girls!

Thanks for your tips on 胎教. How r u doing? When i woke up this morning , my whole tummy like muscle ache...wahhah maybe my babies fighting in me.
congrats on having a boy!

I am in my 17 weeks plus now. Still a few weeks to have my detailed scan on 20 weeks plus.
So you must rest more and dont walk too much then. Dont worry about low placenta, sure will get higher.

I have seen a GP last evening. Was given only some gel to apply on my palm and panadol for painkilling. Strange that I was feeling alright when seeing the GP, but then after dinner, my right hand was pain like hell! Then my hubby gently massaged for me. I felt better after taking the painkillers. This morning was a bit better, but the muscles and joints on my right palm is still aching and painful at times. Really hope I will get well soon, the pain was really terrible, felt like broken hand.
I cried in tears when it was so painful yesterday. Haiz... what a luck after just sweeping the floor. My hubby forbids me to do housework from now on. Think he was tortured also by having to massage for me so many times yesterday. :p

thanks, I am ok. Just bit suay to have injured my right hand. When I was enduring the pain, I felt so sorry that my baby was feeling the same as me.
I also have tummy aches very early in the mornings. I do not know what it is actually, but the timing is almost the same and it can be quite uncomfortable and disturb me alot when sleeping. But the twinges and aching is gone when I woke up after a few hours. I was quite worried at first, but now used to it le. Should be ok one right? :p
congrats on having girl!

So nice to hear from many of you knowing about the gender of your babies. Me getting a bit more curious to know mine too. Still got to wait for another 3 weeks. I have a feeling mine is a girl. Heehee...
hi maykel,
congrats on having girls! your experience with the sonographer is like mine. i had my scan done a few times too.. after the 3rd time the sonographer told me that they have to reschedule me coz baby still dun wanna turn. my baby was insistent on looking downwards.. she dun wanna turn. the sonographer also did the tap,tap with the scanner on my tummy.. not painful lah but it was rough.. and uncomfortable.

they detected a block tube connecting my baby's left kidney to her bladder. so her left kidney is swollen. its not totally blocked but it could be a potentially risky situation and she could require surgery after she's born to correct the tube. that's the reason for the many scans. i'm quite sad that she has to go thru such pain, but i pray she's strong and fight to stay healthy..

hi miss hae,
oh it seems obimin has some side effects too huh. i can't really say its the cause for my rash but i've stopped taking it so far.. and my itch ease.. just the marks..

hi bliss,
yeah i still apply moisturiser too. its just that when the skin dries it tends to itch. so i can't leave home without the moisturisers.. hehe.. and yeah, i think u have to go easy on the housework. let that hand heal first.. maybe its a ligament strain or a sprained wrist of something.. just rest more k?

hi cale,
congrats on your boy!! just take more rests yeah.. and i hope your placenta moves up..

hi babyonboard,
congrats on your girl!!
dear mummies to be,

got my official hcg beta at 295.3 on Fri 19 Dec, ET was on 4 Dec.

Can anyone tell me how to calculate the number of weeks or days?
Hi Ladies,
Got this info from other MTB thread that there is a warehouse sales for the baby clothes as below. Tomorrow is the last day already. See if you like to go shop shop

Gimmill - manufacturer of Carters, Oshkosh, The Childrens Place, Kmart, Walmart, Sears, etc..

Date: 19 dec - 21 dec
Location: 43, Tampines St. 92

I am thinking may be tomorrow i will go to the warehouse sales and have a look. Are you interested?

Yes, for low placenta, it's at increase risk of bleeding, that's why must have lots of rest and can't walk too much. Besides, cannot lift heavy things too. I think still don't have to be total bed rest, unless it's bleeding. Light walking at home should be fine
. Please take care too. Did you doctor give you hospitalisation leave to rest?

I also pray that the placenta will go higher later. Sorry to hear about your injured hand. Hope you are all right now. It's good that now you don't have to do housework. It's the only time you can instruct him to do the housework

Sorry to hear about the partial block tube. Pray that she is strong after birth and don't have to go through the surgery. Is this detected during the detail scan?

Congrats on your BPF! You can calculate the number of weeks or days and EDD based on the following website.
http://www.ivf.ca/duedate.php (assuming that you do a day 3 embryo transfer). If you are transferring the embryo at day 2, just minus 1 day from the day given and increase 1 day to the proposed EDD date.
Hi Ladies,
Regarding the warehouse sales, i re-post again, missed out some info in the previous post.

Gimmill - manufacturer of Carters, Oshkosh, The Childrens Place, Kmart, Walmart, Sears, etc..

Date: 19 dec - 21 dec
Location: 43, Tampines St. 92
Operating hour: 9.00am - 8.00pm
Cash Only

Price range from $1.50 - $10/pc.
yo Babymaking,
congrats! finally ur efforts had reaped rewards! very happy for u!

dear all,
back frm trip alrdy. very bad shopping, i think.
only bought 3 tops for myself &amp; the rest are things for baby! lol... think i'm going crazy liao
oh ya,
wanna ask if any of u ladies experience the following recently:
1) bad lower abdominal cramps in the morning when waking up?
2) persistent tugging in lower abdominal area on &amp; off, lasting several minutes each time?
pls advise if i shld go to KK to chk if anything is wrong.

oh, anyone going for the warehouse sale in Tampines on Sunday?
hi cale

thanks for the calculator, any idea why it calculates from date of retrival instead from transfer date?

hi juju
yes, after 4 yrs of IVF-ing, finally a positive and fingers crossed a healthy positive, with the embroyo/s growing healthily at the right place.

with my history of miscarriage and ectopic, the worry at the back of my mind is it will happen again.

SF Loh is on leave and will only be back 2 Jan, my next appt is on 6 Jan, in the meantime, feel like there is no support.

thinking of seeing another gynae for regular HCG and progesterone blood test to make sure that HCG is doubling nicely and progesterone support is sufficient - do anyone think that is a good idea?
Hi Maykel
Congrats on having 2 Missus... Ya, I didn't know enaging a confinement lady can be that ex... My edd will be in mar. Would be great if you could give me the no. of the cl. Thanks in advance, ya.
Btw, like wat yck mentioned, babies will still be moving around.1 of my bbs's head was breeching(down) and 3 wks later, both their heads are cephalic(up).

Hi Merlenna
Be strong and am sure ur baby girl will be too!
need your advice. After confirm the +ve result from IVF, how long should we continue seeing the IVF dr? after 1st trimester that we can request to shift to other gynea? I am seeing Dr Loh for IVF also.
I am not sure if Dr Loh is good choice as gynea as he is busy. BTW, i am not sure how expensive he charged for delivery? Same as other senior consultant in KK?
Thanks for your sharing.
babymaking - congrats on BFP. think if possible you should see doc asap, as my 1st appt after BFP is just chit chat with doc to see how i'm coming along, so not nec be your own gynae i think. do u know when is your edd ?

counting from ER cos the fertilisation shld have taken place on day of ER &amp; started growing. cos embryos &amp; sperms are placed together after both had been retrieved.
right, Cale?

dun worry too much. if u hv an alternative regular gynae, maybe can chk wif the gynae whether this is do-able or may cause u unnecessary stress.

now, ample rest shld be very important.

congrats on both gals.
