IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Morning gals, think most books take it that each trimester has 13 weeks lor, 39 weeks total for 3 trimesters, so if wk 13 it is still considered 1st trimester.

Yes, doc will stop giving you progesterone tablets once u enter into the 2nd trimester as the placenta would have fully taken over the production of that hormones. Don't worry, i really felt very different the moment i entered into my 2nd trimester. The bleeding suddenly stopped, i suddenly had more energy and appetite.

All sisters,
thk u for yr wishes, my bleeding stopped this morning but still stayg in kk jus to be safe. As my hubby outstn and no one @ home.
yes, dr stopped my duphaston on 4th thinkg i had stablised, but bleeding starts on 7th. They immediately put me back on double duphaston and had injected me twice. Now tight v sore, cannot walk, must be quite potent.
thk u for yr assurance and sharg of experieence. I screamed so loud when found blood, thot gone case, must hv frigthen my HB.
me thot of gg HK one, but think this is a msg fm god to not go, for my case, so i better listen.
Hi All,
so much to catch up
Nano and Petal,
I'll be 14 weeks this wed. Officially turning into 2nd trimester. After reading the posts, quite worry still...
Tot of travelling to japan this coming CNY. Will be then in my 6th month. Safe to go??
Also, haven't been visiting hair and beauty saloons, can anyone advise if its ok to do colour and rebonding? Maybe a facial will be great to.

I actually stopped taking duphaston after 11th weeks. Doc Loh did not give me anymore prescription, so i stop lor.Now my stomach is quite big. when i go out in casual clothes, pp will wonder if i am fat or preggy. V uncomfortable stage.
Did dor loh explain the reasons for the heavy bleeding? If it's placenta taking over hormones, then why should he be so worried??
Hi sisters,
Ya i think some books classified wk 13 differently cos i just read one it grouped wk 13 under 2nd trim. Actually when i see Dr Loh during end of Oct he told me can stop my Prog tablets so i stopped taking it since ard 1st Nov. For the wk 20 detailed scan, will they be checking our placenta?

Ya i think u better stay in hospital till everything is stablised. I was quite shocked when i heard abt yr bleeding yest but gd thing that yr bleeding has stopped. Did doc tell u exactly what caused the bleeding?

Petals, LB,
After reading the sharings here, i think i rather dun take the risk to travel now. Told DH abt wat you all share and he also feel better dun take the risk. Maybe i will consider later when preg is more stablilised.
Hi Needle,
Actually I thought of travelling to Japan nx mth but abit freak off when i read abt Twin Star's friend experience. Read tat after 5th mth more stablilised but must see whether u can tahan the weather..is it still very cold?

I think it is not so advisable to do colour n rebonding now. Facial is fine as long as u avoid those chemical peels and electronic stimulation etc. Went for mine last wk.
Glad to hear ur bleeding's stopped...phew. As long as ur baby is ok, shld not impact ur pregnancy. Did Dr say how long do u need to continue ur progesterone?

Hi there! My tummy also showing liao. Quite hard to hide it.
I think normal facials are ok, just let them know u r preggy as ur skin may be more sensitive. i think I'll do my facial next mth. Maybe hold off on any chemical hair treatments for now.

I guess there'll be both gd n bad stories abt travelling. I had a friend who travelled to the US in her 1st tri, and didn't have any prob. But for me, i'm more KS so prefer to play safe and stay put.
guess there r many causes for bleedg, so doc can get a bit worried.
doc loh did not explain why bleedg, jus told me scan result showed baby ok, cervix still closed. Can go home
no one mention abt wat happen after i discharge yet, find the info v lacking, need to keep askg nurses
during pregnancy, it is advisable to cut down sugar intake, even those from fruits, as we can develop gestational diabetes if we are not careful. Then when one gets it, she will have to do the pricking of her fingers daily to do the monitoring of her sugar level. Baby will have a risk of being too big and complications may develop during birth. The poor baby also will have to be pricked on his foot daily during his stay in the hospital when he's born as the PD needs to monitor his sugar level as the PD is concerned about the fact whether the baby has a high level of sugar in his body.

I actually went to Bangkok when I just passsed 1st trimester. I consulted Dr Loh and he said sure, no problem. So I went but thinking back, I actually felt that I shouldn't have as the pressure was a bit too great. I count my blessings that my boy was ok then and now he is a healthy baby. However, I will not do it again next time I am pregnant as I do not want to risk it again.
It really gd to hear tat yr baby is well, that is the most impt. Well, u try to have a gd rest, dun walk too much now k.

Petals, Jeni,
Actually i thought 2nd trim best time to go cos after gave birth lesser time to go..at least for the 1st yr? That y very tempted to go but i got to weigh the pros n cons. Actually tat time my sis also went bbk when she abt 7mths.
sounds scary...will try to cut down. During my last appmt when I did the routine urine test, it was the 1st time tt some sugar was detected, but the nurse said it could be bcos i ate dessert abt an hr bfore my appmt. I was thinking, huh can even detect my dessert ah?? Hope my next urine test is normal.

well, every preg diff i guess...so really up to the indiv to decide. Ask u, for the FTS, what happens? Did they really use the full half hr slot to scan for ur baby? Do we still go thru the usual routine tests (urine, BP) b4 our consultation?
During my 1st visit, i also got some sugar detected, shd be also due to the breakfast n drink which i took before tat. But funny..During subsequent visit I always take my meals before appt and my urine always normal..so dunno whether it really affect or not.

My FTS is done at the Breast Ctr, they will take the height n weight, no urine test. U will then see the doc for consultation. Dr will first use some time to explain wat is Down Synd. Afterwhich, he will do a detailsed scan for u..think my scan abt 10mins. But think yrs will be longer cos twins and yr bbs must turn to the right position. After scanning, he/she analyse the risk for you. You will know your risk assesement based on the scan. By the time i left the rm, at most 25mins. After tat, nurse will tell u to go for yr blood test.
ok,thx. Mine will be at tps n they booked 2 slots for me. Will be after mealtime too, hope it doesn't affect if they ask me to do urine test.
Hi all,
my amnio changed to 5th dec, will be done by prof tee. Saw fm other thread that he is not too gd...any sisters know him? Read he quite impatient
this morning, dr loh came to see me and went to my previous ward, cause i changed. Funny why the hospital never tell him one...
if i remember correctly, yours is dr june tan. She is a wonderful lady, u are in safe hands. Ya, as for urine test, do not eat too sweet b4 test.
don't be too worry about the diabetes thingy... as long as you don't over indulge yourselves in sweet stuff. Dr Loh will advise you to have a check if he suspects anything. Usually if your baby is overweight. That's what happened to me.
hi ladies,

went for check-up today @35 weeks and D-day by c-section has been fixed on 23 Nov! quite excited just thinking abt it... ;P

also, as i had been having contractions (hardening of the whole tummy, may not be painful) now and then, my gynae also says that I'll need to stand by cos may go into labour anytime!! if the contractions are at regular intervals for a few hours, i'll need to contact him immediately.

see my blog for details... ;)
Happy for u...35wks already!! Wow, ur c-sect is next wk! Better rest now, let ur hubby do the shopping if u need to buy anything. So exciting!

wow, 35 wks already!! ur tummy must b very big huh? read frm ur blog tat ur babies r so actice n in good condition, really happy for u!! must must take care, so exciting!!

ur c-section wil b next wk? hav u pack ur bag already? must b ready anytime frm now, right? one of my friend also mention we hav to bring our marriage cert along so e hospital can do babies' birth cert while u still in hospital n no need to come back again just for e cert.

one thing i want to ask, does hardening of e whole tummy always means contraction? coz i m having tat sometimes. thought it was babies moving or curl up, so i massage e tummy n speak to them for a while, e tummy wil b softer. told my gyn last wk during appt, he said it was contraction leh, also he said i must nt walk too much already n to inform him if having regular contractions. sounds so scary, i m only 24 wks n babies nt mature enough yet!! abt e pubic pain u mention in ur blog, i m having it now also... really dun want to deliver so early... hopefully i can pass new yr safely with babies inside...
rest well for this week cause after the bb come out will be a lot of restless hour.

speaking of contractions and hardening of tummy, my gynae also said it is contraction but he prescribed m a medicine called hystolan, not harmful to babies, he suggested me to take it if i cant stand the pain to avoid premature labour.

to other mommies,
me also experienced bleeding in my 9th week, the day i wanted to fly back to my hometown, and i rushed to Emergency, scanning showed babies still intact, and thx God I was then relieved. no need for admission whatsoever. then i rested at home. I was still on my progesterone jab at tht time, 4days later i went to gynae and he gave me a green light to fly home. during my 12 week i had spotting again, gynae gave me back my jab dosis tht supposed to stop according to spore gynae, and then nothing happened anymore. I'm now in my 25 week, my waist line is now 94cm, feeling quite big, still working, and walking here and there, tht make ppl around me so nervous, hahahaha...

I think most IVF mommies can experience this, so if tht happend to anyone (touch wood, dont), just rest after u come back from gynae, and have positive thinking, thts the most important cause we shouldnt be stressed much.
Is it Prof John Tee? If is he, heard he a very experienced doc so shd be able to do a gd job...but not to sure whether i talking abt the right person.

Do update us abt yr FTS, all the best!

I have been reading yr blog on and off. All the best for yr coming c-section! You are going to see yr baby soon!

i m nt on any meds for e contraction leh. my gyn just said call him anytime if e hardening become regular or whenever i experience pain. so far so good, only when i walk too much n they feel tired, then i wil hav e hardening feeling, after rest for a while, it wil b ok. oh, guess wat s my waist line s now? it's 105cm!!! lucky i m on HL now n no need to walk too much, if nt, think my babies really cant wait til 28 wks liao. read frm books, a 28 wks baby wil hav a estimate weight of 1kg only, 32 wks baby wil then weight abt 2kg. hopefully my babies wil stay with me as long as possible, best more than 32 wks....

pls take care as u r still working. did ur gyn tell u when to hav bed rest? think for us carrying multiples should rest early.
dear wei wei,
please check your e-mail... i sent something related to your current experience... ignore my earlier message... kekekeke
yes, we r talkg abt the same person. Thx for sharg the info.

rest is v impt, after 1 wk rest in hospital, i felt so much better. U r a strong girl, yr babies will be strong too, sure will carry after the new yr. Remember, don't wlk too much
yesterday talking about bleeding, this morning i had spotting liao, haiyaa... and yesterday just went to buy hystolan for precaution, and today must use liao. hhh.... doc suggested me to take it twice 2day and bed rest, if the spotting goes on till late noon, i can see him at nite.
our doctors here mostly practise at nite, they have their own place.
now must relax, take a day off, watching movie, sleeping, eating, hehehe, reminds me of my first 3 month.

LB said rite, rest is very important, dont stress over 28 week, surely babies will come out healthy e, who knows urs will be until 36week le. then our babies will b d same age lor. cause mine will be on 37week, couple days before chinese new year. wekekekeke.... my mom, my sis, my mother in law will be my confinement lady.

just checked my email box, i dun hav any email frm u leh? do u mind send it again? so sori.


thanks!! yeah, rest s important. wil try to rest as much as i can.


oh my, how come u hav spotting again? how r u now? only my mum with me now n MIL wil come once i deliever. i wil hav them together later on.
hystolan is a medicine my gynae prescribed to avoid premature labor, if like we are having contraction or tightness of tummy or tummy pain, if cant tahan then eat the medicine lor.

dunno why the spotting came again, hehehe, found out in the morning, and i'm just lazying on bed, try to get rid of negative thinking by sleeping but there's always phone from office asking bout works to be done. hahahaha... i think i'm ok, babies are moving very active today, or perhaps they are in stress condition hor?
dear all,
thanks for your well-wishes! your turn will come soon; meanwhile, rest well, eat well and think positive!! ;P

today, just went to fetch new maid to my mil's place. she'll just have 1 week to adjust before the real work comes in!! well, anyway, the main caregiver for the twins will be my mil and myself. The maid is to handle the household chores and stuff. and hubby and i will be doing confinement at mil's place so shifting over this weekend liaoz...

wei wei,
ya, hospital bag packed!

regarding contractions, if its irregular, its probably false contractions, what they call Braxton Hicks contractions. My gynae told me to alert him if the contractions happen on a regular basis (eg. every 15 or 20 mins) over 3 to 4 hours.

regarding the pain at the pelvic area, i did heard that the pelvic belt would help to support the weight so that there's less pressure on the pubic area. i think you can get it from the pharmacy at the hospital. other than that, try to lie down more and not walk so much lor... oh, btw, my waistline is abt 45 inches liaoz!

pls take care and hv more bedrest!
Just check with you, I started to apply stretch mark cream for prevention. Where do stretch marks usually appear? Shld I apply around our baby bump or over it as well? Also, do stretch marks also appear on our bum, our breasts and on the tops of our thighs? Hmm, if yes, my tube won't last very long. :p

i hav receiced n replied ur email. pls check.


did u see gyn yesterday? thought u wil go down n see in e evening. yes, when babies r much more active than usual, u should check with e Dr whether they r under stress. aiyo, dun wori abt ur work la, if i were u, i would hav ask them to get help frm others or just tell them frm wat time til wat time i wil b sleeping, they can call after i wake up. heehee... nothing s important except my babies...


it's good to hear tat u hav everything in place now. exciting....

my hardening of tummy has been better for these few days. guess my mood was down in those days n e babies felt it, too. so for now, i try to b a happy mtb n rest more at e same time.

abt e pelvic belt, i saw it near my place also. but was wondering whether i should put on or nt as one of e boy lying just on top of e pelvic bone at my lower abd.scared wil giv him extra stress if i put on e belt. no choice, i wil b a good mtb n try to lie down as much as i can.


i think u should apply to nt only tummy, but also back, bum, breasts, n both thighs. for me, i m using e tonic oil frm clarins. mum wil apply oil for me over those areas n same time massage for me every night for abt 1 hour. tat relieves me frm a lot of back pain, leg pain n babies enjoy it as well. when it's time for massage, they wil kick n turn, remind me for e massage. hee hee... fyi, i m going to use up 2nd bottle of oil liao... KS mah, dun want to hav a ugly tummy n still want to wear bikini after giv birth...

Just want to share my experience with you. I was using Palmer cream from my 22 weeks onwards to prevent stretchmarks. (Acutally I didn't have any mark before that although my tummy is quite big even Dr Loh also a bit surprise).

After using the cream for 3 weeks, I didn't realise that my tummy become more and more itchy, at first I thought was normal cos due to the heat in my body, but after one week I suddenly got very very bad outbreak of rashes and look like enzema around my belly button and it happened just within a nite.... and it is getting worst cos it started to spread to the sides of my tummy, my breasts area, my neck, my legs and my hands...

It was very very itchy until I couldn't sleep at nite and if I streched it, I can see it start to spread again. I have seen 2 GP before I went back to see Dr Loh and Dr Loh suspected all these caused by the stretchmark cream and asked me to stop it immediately. I was told that not everybody can take this brand and I am belong to the group that will only see the side effect of the cream in longer time.

It took me more than a month to cure my rashes and it was a nightmare for me and after that I dare not put on any cream even I have strechmarks like "watermelon"lines.

Most of my gal friends are fine with this brand but what am I trying to say is please be careful and more observant with the results of what we put on esp when we are preggie....
oh dear, koala,
you seems to be having the same problem as me! i am feeling itchy all over esp the shin area and its causing me sleepless nights too! come to think of it, it happened recently too when i switch from clarins tonic oil to palmer cream when stretch marks started appearing... i think i better stop using it!!
Huh! Oh dear, my friend recommended it to me too. She used it for all her pregnancies and didn't get any marks. I guess I'll finish up then switch. For me, so far, ok. not itchy or anything.
went to see gynae on thursday, given a warrant to bed rest, otherwise must opname. given one shot of proluton and prescribed duphaston for 5 days and must eat my hystolan, but i think this medicine mae me feel sick, i'll feel like nausea and vomiting, this morning after breakfast, took the 1/2 tablet of hystolan and 10 minutes after tht i threw up all my breakfast, drank warm water, threw up all the water. called the gynae and he gave me another medicine. haiyaa.... our doctors here like to prescribe medicine e. in total i ate 6 types of tablets. duphaston, calcium, prolacta DHA (kinda fish oil), calcium, hystolan for my tummy stiffness, one complete supplement, and one is vit B complex to relieve my tiredness because of my throwing up. heeyy, thts 7. phew, i hate swallowing tablet. yuckss..

other than tht, i lie down most of the time cause i cant sit, feel dizzy. and now must lie down again.

about stretch marks, me too using palmer cocoa butter. bought the clarins oil but havent use it yet, i let my mom use it cause she's having dry skin and itchiness. hiihihi.. now feeling a little bit dizzy liao. talk to u gals other time.

have a nice weekend.
if you had been using for some time and no problem, then it should be ok to continue. my itchy symptoms happened about one week after i started using it. haiz, i should have continue with clarins ... *slap forehead*
Hi Deasy, think our EDD is about the same time, i am 27 weeks now. Did ur gynae explain why got spotting at this time? tot 2nd trimester will be quite stable. I am also given medical leave to rest at home since 25 weeks even though i feel perfectly fine. Now getting too heavy to walk around, looks more like duck waddling.....always breathless after walking awhile.

Stretch mark oil
i started applying since i was 5wk preggie, kiasu hor, interchange betw palmer oil and clarins every 2 days, so far ok. Have a bit of red dots, not itchy, so i continue applying lah, hope the stretch mark don't suddenly appear 1 or 2 months later.
petals, dodo, dawn and koala

i also hav itchy and pinky tummy, but it's due to over stretch of e skin. whenever our skin s over stretched, it wil become more dry than usual and, more irritable.slight icth n small amt of red dots should b fine. but if ur skin become very red n icthy with rashs,expecially spreading to other area of e body, u should stop using e cream n observe. worse come to worse, if u experience swelling eyes, difficulty in breathing or chest discomfort after using e cream, then stop using it n seek for medical help immediately. as preggies, we should take extra precaution in whatever we use as anything may appear to b a small matter to us, but it's a big issue to our dear darling inside. pls take care!!


wow, u r taking so many tablets!!! my gyn only prescribe multi vit for me n tell me no need to take everyday as iron n cacium wil cause constipation, which nt good for us also. i hav been taking anmum milk everyday n my multi vit every other day, so far e babies r ok leh. better kill me 1st b4 asking me to take so many tablets. hee hee......
Oh, i've been using Palmers on my tummy, bum and thighs for a few wks already, no problem. Anyway, the itchy areas for me are usually below my knees and it started when I got preggy during 2ww, no rash just itch...so I think definitely caused by preggie hormones there cos at that time i wasn't applying anything. But anyway, will finish up my palmers then maybe try the clarins u gals mentioned.
was wondering whether we can take the Neurogain vagicaps (DHA) too? Now I'm only prescribed folic, Obimin multivit and calcium.

Also I just finished my duphaston. Did u have any problems when u stopped ur progesterone after 1st tri?
Got my FTS results. After scan, my calc risk level was 1:1600 and 1:2000 for my babes. But after blood test, I think I heard the nurse telling me it's now 1:7000+. Was quite surprised and happy, but don't know if I heard wrongly cos I was napping when she called. Will clarify with Dr Loh next time. She said Dr Loh will pass us the report. When's ur next appmt with him after ur FTS?

Weiwei, dawn,
did u go for the Nuchal translucency scan? Did ur doc also look for the presence of the nasal bone?

think we can still take neurogain. but anything u take should consult ur gyn 1st. cos some of e supplements r actually having e same nutritions inside. our body can only absorb certain amt of different nutritions per day. any excess wil just pass out through urine. for certain vitamins or minerals, too much accumulated in our body wil cause harm sometimes.

for duphaston, i dont hav any prob after stopping it. how abt u?

yes, i went for e scan but not e bld test. Dr K. Kwek did e scan for me. he took 1-2 hrs in scanning n explaining e results to me tat day. according to him, my risk was low also. n for multiple pregnancy, e bld results wont b accurate so no point doing it.
my itchy problem is especially bad during these 2 to 3 weeks at the shin area, i.e. below the knees. hmmm, so you are saying that it might be due to hormones? haiz... having sleepless nights due to the itch!! I put the snake powder which helps to relieve the itch somewhat, which only solves the problem temporarily.

think i will check with my gynae if he has any meds to solve this problem during my next check-up coming tue.
doctor just said i might be overwork, and he heard stories from my mom and hubby saying tht i couldnt stay still to see work undone, hahaha...

how much is the clarins tonic oil sold in spore? if counting from the current rate, mine here costs about S$70, if its cheaper in spore, i'll ask my friend to get me some. hihihi...

i couldnt take milk since i came back, but milo can do,
, thts why gynae prescribed me prolactaDHA for mother, kind like substitute for milk and fish oil, i heard neurogain is good for preggie also, but i've taken so much tablets liao, dont want to bother buying tht. as for me, so far no constipation by taking my supplements cause since early pregnant i consume a lot of fruits and veggies, cant really take meat cause they make me so uncomfortable.
Read the postings on stretch mark cream. I'm also using Palmer's. So far only abit itchy once a while..for me prob due to skin stretching rather than the cream. But i did read elsewhere that some ladies got very itchy tummy after using it. Think i'll moniter if more itchy might switch. My sis used it during her preg and din get any stretchmark. Btw, Palmer got an oil stretch mark lotion, wondering whether anyone used it before?

Yr FTS bld test very gd..1:7000+. Ya can get a copy of the results fr Dr Loh. My nx appt will be 1st wk of Dec...seems quite long, haven't see the baby for 2 wks already. When is yr nx appt?

I've been prescribed NeuroGain during my last visit, so I've been taking it since then. I was not given calcium though.
Hi gals,

I find the clarins tonic oil too oily leh and the smell v strong, will make your clothing smell, it is sold for $78 in sg. This year, clarins has come out with a new stretch mark cream which i find more effective leh, it is creamy and gets absorb very quickly into the skin, for the same price $78 also. I got 2 tubes of samples from them and find it quite good, but still got 1/2 bottle of tonic oil, so i better finish using it first b4 buying the cream. My fren told me clarins going to have 20% next week 28,29Nov, so if you want to buy, wait till the sale! hee hee.

petals, yah, i was also quite scared to stop the duphaston pill so i slowly reduce the dosage lor. Din stop suddenly, me kia su lah. but 2nd trimester, really ok liow, dun worry.

Deasy, can stop working liow? You dun work so hard lah, last time i also workaholic and perfectionist, now i completely let go liow for the sake of the babies. You also carrying twins? usu doc will give ML starting 3rd trimester right?

i hav e cream frm clarins also. it's good when u r rushing out in e morning or whenever u feel skin tight. but for e oil, i m also using it as a massage oil. through applying e oil, babies can feel daddy's touch n they enjoy e communication session every night. i find e combination of oil n cream s good for me. maybe u want to try.
if u dun like to b too oily, can wipe off e excessive oil after a while b4 u sleep.


maybe u want to try soya milk? it has a lot of iron, cacium, protein n other nutritions n fiber as well, good for us.

stop working but worrying other staff wont do good, so keep worrying. hehehe, try to let go a bit by bit. yup i'm carrying twins, one boy and one girl. our doc here is different from spore's, they dont give ML, its our business to deal with, if we are working, then we write to company that we will be on holiday (thts the official)otherwise, u just tell your boss and have your leave.

yup, soya milk is good, drink it quite often and consuming beans.
