IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Thought of it initially, but haven't seen any good promo from Cordlife. Usually they have roadshows and very good discounts like waiver of registration, etc. You know of any?
heard about stemcord from spore and cryocord from malaysia. dunno about the registration or what, but for initial fee, stemcord from spore will charge S$2740 for twins and annual fee of S$500. cryocord from msia will charge RM.8000 for twins and RM.600 for annual fee. the initial fee from spore is much cheaper compared to msia's but annual fee is almost double in my currency. thts why still confuse which one to take. and need to compare how much is the original price in spore. Heard tht if in spore, if u and your friends can sign it together, all will get discount e.
Hello Weiwei,

You seem to be my reference guide to triplets so am gonna ask some qns if you don't mind. :eek:)

How many weeks are your babies now?
Is your weight gain consistent?
How often and how much do you eat at each meal?
Are you prepared for their arrival? Cots? Pumps? Diapers?
How many bottles do you buy? How many mls version?
Baby clothes- how much have you had so far?

My babies are 24 weeks now, physically I look bigger but weight gain a little sluggish. But last scan at 23 weeks they weigh about 500g each so I was told that's alright.

I have poor appetite mostly but when I'm hungry I'm really hungry. I can drink 2 cups of milo within 3 minutes, and lucky for me I can eat a peanut butter sandwich when I'm hungry. I can't seem to eat cereals, and I don't eat much lunch and dinner either. I know I have to eat, but sometimes there is just no room in tummy for food. :eek:)
Wishing all IVF mummies to be
Merry Christmas

Merry X-mas


how r u? i remember there was a lady frm cord bld bank approched me when i was only 3 mth. then she said they dun accept for triplets so i din look up for anything after tat. did ur gyn say when wil b ur delivery yet?


hi. seldom see triplet buddy here.

my babies r going to 30wks til tis saturday. so far they r very active n the boys r healthy, only my gal has some prob with her lung. how many boys/gals r u having?

i lost abt 4kg in e first 4mth of pregnancy. body weight go back to my normal (b4 preg) during e 5th mth. weight gain only started when i start to rest at home, abt 22wks. tat's e time my mum came over n help me with e food. frm 22wks til now, i gain abt 10kg liao. e boys weight abt 930g n 910g, e gal was 670g at their 26wks. i was told e boys r at normal weight for those singleton n only e gal s a bit underweight. going for appt on 26th again, hope to see their improvements.

i eat 4 meals a day, hav to take sth b4 sleep if nt wil b very hungery in e night. but each meal i just eat my normal amount. mum s watching my diet. she wil make sure i got 2 eggs, 2 glasses of maternal milk, enough fish, protein, n vegs everyday. in between meals, i eat 2-3 times of fruits. oh, i hav been taking birdnest since 22wks til now.

we hav got most of e stuffs for e babies except for cots. breast pump, sterilizer, prams(2 single prams as e twin pram s nt so user-friendly), cloth diappers( to cut cost n also to prevent nappy rash), some clothes, milk bottles... for e mik bottles, i got 125mls n 250mls 2/2 each for every baby. for e clothes, din buy so much coz they always grow fast n friends going to giv me their used but stil in good condition ones.

r u taking any maternal milk? maybe next time when u hungery u can take e milk nt milo. u can get more nutrition for e babies. cant eat much at one time? can eat small but frequent meals mah. dun care others may say u always eat eat n eat, to get enough nutrition for e babies s more important. maybe u can work out a menu to break e 3 normal meals into 6-7 mini meals.


i wil b seeing Dr K. kwek on 26th dec for my gal. so dun knw i should follow-up with Dr Loh or Dr Kwek after tat. anyway both r very nice.

Merry X-mas


how r u? i remember there was a lady frm cord bld bank approched me when i was only 3 mth. then she said they dun accept for triplets so i din look up for anything after tat. did ur gyn say when wil b ur delivery yet?


hi. seldom see triplet buddy here.

my babies r going to 30wks til tis saturday. so far they r very active n the boys r healthy, only my gal has some prob with her lung. how many boys/gals r u having?

i lost abt 4kg in e first 4mth of pregnancy. body weight go back to my normal (b4 preg) during e 5th mth. weight gain only started when i start to rest at home, abt 22wks. tat's e time my mum came over n help me with e food. frm 22wks til now, i gain abt 10kg liao. e boys weight abt 930g n 910g, e gal was 670g at their 26wks. i was told e boys r at normal weight for those singleton n only e gal s a bit underweight. going for appt on 26th again, hope to see their improvements.

i eat 4 meals a day, hav to take sth b4 sleep if nt wil b very hungery in e night. but each meal i just eat my normal amount. mum s watching my diet. she wil make sure i got 2 eggs, 2 glasses of maternal milk, enough fish, protein, n vegs everyday. in between meals, i eat 2-3 times of fruits. oh, i hav been taking birdnest since 22wks til now.

we hav got most of e stuffs for e babies except for cots. breast pump, sterilizer, prams(2 single prams as e twin pram s nt so user-friendly), cloth diappers( to cut cost n also to prevent nappy rash), some clothes, milk bottles... for e mik bottles, i got 125mls n 250mls 2/2 each for every baby. for e clothes, din buy so much coz they always grow fast n friends going to giv me their used but stil in good condition ones.

r u taking any maternal milk? maybe next time when u hungery u can take e milk nt milo. u can get more nutrition for e babies. cant eat much at one time? can eat small but frequent meals mah. dun care others may say u always eat eat n eat, to get enough nutrition for e babies s more important. maybe u can work out a menu to break e 3 normal meals into 6-7 mini meals.


i wil b seeing Dr K. kwek on 26th dec for my gal. so dun knw i should follow-up with Dr Loh or Dr Kwek after tat. anyway both r very nice.

Merry X-mas


how r u? i remember there was a lady frm cord bld bank approched me when i was only 3 mth. then she said they dun accept for triplets so i din look up for anything after tat. did ur gyn say when wil b ur delivery yet?


hi. seldom see triplet buddy here.

my babies r going to 30wks til tis saturday. so far they r very active n the boys r healthy, only my gal has some prob with her lung. how many boys/gals r u having?

i lost abt 4kg in e first 4mth of pregnancy. body weight go back to my normal (b4 preg) during e 5th mth. weight gain only started when i start to rest at home, abt 22wks. tat's e time my mum came over n help me with e food. frm 22wks til now, i gain abt 10kg liao. e boys weight abt 930g n 910g, e gal was 670g at their 26wks. i was told e boys r at normal weight for those singleton n only e gal s a bit underweight. going for appt on 26th again, hope to see their improvements.

i eat 4 meals a day, hav to take sth b4 sleep if nt wil b very hungery in e night. but each meal i just eat my normal amount. mum s watching my diet. she wil make sure i got 2 eggs, 2 glasses of maternal milk, enough fish, protein, n vegs everyday. in between meals, i eat 2-3 times of fruits. oh, i hav been taking birdnest since 22wks til now.

we hav got most of e stuffs for e babies except for cots. breast pump, sterilizer, prams(2 single prams as e twin pram s nt so user-friendly), cloth diappers( to cut cost n also to prevent nappy rash), some clothes, milk bottles... for e mik bottles, i got 125mls n 250mls 2/2 each for every baby. for e clothes, din buy so much coz they always grow fast n friends going to giv me their used but stil in good condition ones.

r u taking any maternal milk? maybe next time when u hungery u can take e milk nt milo. u can get more nutrition for e babies. cant eat much at one time? can eat small but frequent meals mah. dun care others may say u always eat eat n eat, to get enough nutrition for e babies s more important. maybe u can work out a menu to break e 3 normal meals into 6-7 mini meals.


i wil b seeing Dr K. kwek on 26th dec for my gal. so dun knw i should follow-up with Dr Loh or Dr Kwek after tat. anyway both r very nice.
happy christmas eve everybody..

now in my week31. waistline 103cm, hehehe, 67kg, cannot eat much nowadays, have heartburn or gastric acid sometimes at nite, mostly midnite, cannot differenciate them anymore. will go to gynae this thursday. last two weeks babies weight 1,5kg each. i tried to avoid taking my anti-contraction medicine, wondering if it is the one tht cause my heartburn, other than that, i'm feeling ok. cannot tahan to sleep on my back when i go to gynae, wondering gynae can scan babies if i lay on my side or sitting, will ask him this thursday, silly me, cause gynae is hubby's old classmate, so we can joke around a lot.

as the weeks pass by, i just feel more tired now, and hard to sleep for long hour, but try to enjoy them for another weeks. when can we feel the way we feel rite now, rite? hihihi... hubby and mommy spoil me so much now, i guess i still can work until 2nd week of january and must complete bed rest liao. we try to keep the baby until early feb, around 1-5 feb. gynae approve but will see whether i can tahan until tht time.

Merry X-mas


how r u? i remember there was a lady frm cord bld bank approched me when i was only 3 mth. then she said they dun accept for triplets so i din look up for anything after tat. did ur gyn say when wil b ur delivery yet?


hi. seldom see triplet buddy here.

my babies r going to 30wks til tis saturday. so far they r very active n the boys r healthy, only my gal has some prob with her lung. how many boys/gals r u having?

i lost abt 4kg in e first 4mth of pregnancy. body weight go back to my normal (b4 preg) during e 5th mth. weight gain only started when i start to rest at home, abt 22wks. tat's e time my mum came over n help me with e food. frm 22wks til now, i gain abt 10kg liao. e boys weight abt 930g n 910g, e gal was 670g at their 26wks. i was told e boys r at normal weight for those singleton n only e gal s a bit underweight. going for appt on 26th again, hope to see their improvements.

i eat 4 meals a day, hav to take sth b4 sleep if nt wil b very hungery in e night. but each meal i just eat my normal amount. mum s watching my diet. she wil make sure i got 2 eggs, 2 glasses of maternal milk, enough fish, protein, n vegs everyday. in between meals, i eat 2-3 times of fruits. oh, i hav been taking birdnest since 22wks til now.

we hav got most of e stuffs for e babies except for cots. breast pump, sterilizer, prams(2 single prams as e twin pram s nt so user-friendly), cloth diappers( to cut cost n also to prevent nappy rash), some clothes, milk bottles... for e mik bottles, i got 125mls n 250mls 2/2 each for every baby. for e clothes, din buy so much coz they always grow fast n friends going to giv me their used but stil in good condition ones.

r u taking any maternal milk? maybe next time when u hungery u can take e milk nt milo. u can get more nutrition for e babies. cant eat much at one time? can eat small but frequent meals mah. dun care others may say u always eat eat n eat, to get enough nutrition for e babies s more important. maybe u can work out a menu to break e 3 normal meals into 6-7 mini meals.


i wil b seeing Dr K. kwek on 26th dec for my gal. so dun knw i should follow-up with Dr Loh or Dr Kwek after tat. anyway both r very nice.
sorry, ladies!! sth wrong with my pc n i keep posting e same message. :p


haha, my tummy s bigger than urs,waistline 106cm n 70kg now. dun knw babies' weight yet, but according to e book, they should b 1500g by 30wks. now just wait for another 2 days more, i wil b seeing them again.

last few days i got more contraction but luckily nt regular ones. din go out unless for appts. for e heartburn, my mum said it's a good sign as e babies growing hair now. u may see ur babies with strong healthy hair when they come out.

envy u, can tahan til feb. for me, just hope i can hold them til mid jan wil b very happy liao. as 3 of them already take up a lot of space, dun knw how much my tummy still can stretch....
Merry Christmas everyone!

Yah, maybe u can ask dr K if u still need to f/up w dr Loh again, cos anyway his team already deals w things like DS screening n the more complicated cases. So maybe no need. Jia you...only a couple more wks to go b4 u see ur babies.
116cm, ck..ck..ck..ck..ck... cannot imagine... mine only 103cm feel so big liao ler. just came back from christmas eve service tonite, sitting for 3 hours, my butt so sore, i took my sofa pillow with me for sitting on, hahaha... still, my butt cannot tahan. my friends all surprise to see me and big belly cause i havent been to church for almost 2months. they all rubbing my belly, saying so big liao, asking due date. and i made fun by putting my sofa pillow inside my shirt tht make my belly much bigger... hehehe.. i'm known as merry maker amongst church friends. too bad tht i cannot join the choir this year, but hearing them singing is fun also. anyway, need to lay down now. butt really cannot tahan liao. hahahaha...

merry christmas all...
Forgot to tell u about Cordlife. They told me there's a $200 off promo this mth. So now instead of $1400+$600 for both twins, it's $1200+$600=$1800 to be paid upfront. At end of the first yr, then need to pay the $250x2 annual storage charges. Anyway, I'll wait and see later if there's a better promo.

wow, u still can go church for 3 hrs, u r a superwoman!! my only outing s appts for now. longer than 100m i walk, i hav to take abt 10mins rest, n wil miss my bed soooooo much... i m a pig now.... hubby make fun of me, he say only a pig wil deliver 3 little pigs, so i should become a pig.

BTW, hav u got names for ur twins? we've been study very hard to get my babies good names, not only english ones, but also chinese ones. want to hav good meaning, want to link e english n chinese ones together, want to remember easily but nt so common..... headache....


yeah, think i cont to see Dr kwek s better for e babies...
thank you for the info. how many weeks are you in now? u carry twin or single? sorry i forgot liao, always forget e.

yup, got english names for babies liao, but chinese one will depend on our folks, afraid they might be angry if we dont let them participate.

me resting since dec 20 until 23, then waste on my 3hours church service. hahaha. today so exhausted, woke up at 0930, had a piece of cake then slept again until 1430.

weiwei, have u pack ur bag for hospital? wht should we bring actually? do your hubby get inside the operation theatre?

i have permission from my gynae for letting hubby in and shooting the process. must be so exciting.

lately i often get dizzy ler, do you gals experience the same? anyone giving birth soon?
weiwei will be another 3 weeks, rite? how about the other?
deasy, petals

went to see Dr kwek yesterday. wow, i had 3 types of scan n took me almost 3 hrs for e scans. e babies gorwing quite well, boys r 1.4kg, 1.3kg and e gal s 900+gram. good news s e gal's lung mass din grow so her condition nt as bad as we thought. e bad news s my cervix s shorten to 1.3cm due to e pressure by babies' weight. Dr Kwek indeed s a very nice Dr also. he draw diagrams for me to explain abt e lung mass n cervix length. he said normally at 29wks, e cervix should b 2-2.5cm long. but as for me, e babies put a lot of pressure on my pubic area n e cervix was push shorter. if it shorten some more, it wil open n i wil hav to deliver my babies earlier. another words, i may go into delivery phase any time from now!


yeah, i already pack my bag n ready to go anytime. dun knw wat other pp brought to hospital, but i just pack a small one. toothbrush, face towel, slipper, underwears, pads, mud, i/c or passport, medical reports if any... tat's for my admission. din pack for babies discharge yet as they wil b in e hospital longer than me, at least must stay til 35-36wks, i think. anyway if i need anything, my family can always bring for me, so nt too worry abt tat.

i wil b seeing Dr Loh next wednesday only. so dun knw wat's my delivery plan yet. want to hav epidural c-section with hubby around. dun knw they allow or nt n dun knw hubby wil faint inside e theatre or nt.haha.... but if my cervix decide to open early, i may need GA n urgent operation. just hope tat wont happen.

i hav giddiness also. think it's bcoz nt enough bld supply to our brain n also e tummy pushing e lungs up, we may hav difficulty in breathing. just take a good rest when u feel giddy. if u really feel unwell, then must go hospital liao. if u dun hav enough bld n oxygen, how can e babies survive. right?
Those are good weights and glad to hear ur gal's mass didn't grow! Hopefully u can hold on as long as possible so your gal can also catch up to at least 1kg mark like her kor-kors. Did Dr K ask u to have bedrest now to keep the pressure off the cervix? Will they also give u the jabs to mature babies' lungs?

Oh, not sure if u will still bleed if u undergo c-sect instead of natural delivery, but u may want to prepare a pack of disposable undies too, then no need to wash. Later you can get more if u decide to use them during confinement.

He sounds like a very nice and reassuring doc. Take care!

I didn't realise stemcord so exp. I'm carrying twins too.

yes, Dr kwek ask me to hav more bedrest but also no need to lie down 24hrs a day. stil must walk a little bit, maybe within e house to prevent DVT. he din giv me any meds or jabs. guess i wil get e jab only when i admitted to hospital. e boys r safe now, only worry for e gal. her amnio fluid n cord bld supply r just borderline, tat affect her growth as well. hopefully she can grow 2wks more, then wil b a little stronger.

we wil stil hav bleed even if go through c-section. coz e womb wil need to clear a lot of waste after e babies r out. i bought some antie antie underwears, made of cotton, but quite cheap n also comfortable. dun like e disposable ones, nt comfortable.
R u going for ur detailed scan at ADC today? Finally get to see ur baby aft so long hor? I wonder if we can bring camera...hubby shld be able to enter too, right? Do update us later how it goes.

Oh i c.... Yah, whatever is more comfortable for u...
i think bcause stemcord is expensive here bcause they need to pay for blood transportion and give commission here and there if done overseas.

if they are not taking blood for triple, u can keep blood from two of them. its an optional, rite? bsides, like u said, if the girl has prob with lungs, mayb can be cured from the stemblood? or i think not yet, can only cure disease from blood. anyway, give it a thot lor.

saw from national geographic ch tonite, about giving birth to twin, triple, and quad. waahhh.. so amazing, the quad ones each is 1kg each baby in week 29 and they are delivererd. the triple is 2kg each and delivered at week 32. the twin was 2,5kg and delivered normally in week 38. and yesterday i searched on youtube and saw the caesarean of twin and triple.
Hi all,
Thanks for all your wishes. Just did my detailed scan at week 20, all normal. KK charge me twice, 1st round 70+ and cause bb not co-operative needed 2nd round and charged 40+, on 2nd round found 2 white dots on lungs but dr loh said ok.

So happy for you, soon u will be able to see your bbs. 116cm and 70kg is a good size, me only 20weeks and already 100cm and 70kg, haha think I will hv a hard time sliming down later.

Went robinson, thot of getting bb stuff, but after walkg for abt 1 hr, got nothing. Any sisters got a list/advise on what to buy like nappies, milk bottles (how big), clothes, pump...etc

wil they take 2 cord bld frm e triplets? hav to ask them if got chance. anyway, for e gals lung mass, Dr said it maybe getting smaller n smaller later on, so no need to do anything abt it. it may remain e same size but does nt affect her growth too much, then no need immediate op. all depends on her condition on birth. dun think e cord bld can help her leh...

me also always search on youtube for triplets delivery n premature babies' care in nicu. they were so tiny n so poor thing, so many tubes around their small body... but they all made it!! now i hav more confident on my babies liao....
i m counting my days for delivery now, every single day s a big success to me n e babies. i kept on warning them, if u dun want to b trapped by so many tubes for so 2mth, then guaiguai stay inside mummy's tummy. haha....


r u having boy or gal? how can they charge u twice? e 1st time s nt successful so shouldnt b counted. usually they should do until get a good pic but nt charging twice. dun worri too much abt e white dots on e lungs if Dr Loh said ok. i believe he wil cont to monitor ur baby closely.

ya, i din gain too much weight but thank God my babies' weight r ok. should giv my mum a super star reward as she cooked a lot of nice food for me in e last 2mth so my babies grow very well.
weiwei, happen to see your post. are u a triplets mtb? dr told me before , no point collecting cord blood for triplets, cos the delivery need to be done very fast and there will be alot of blood loss. to waste time collecting the stem cord blood will jeopardise the mummy and the babies' lives.... better u check with your dr on this. i also wanted to do it for my triplets, researched so much, then 1 day b4 delivery, i told dr i want to do it, and then he told me dun bother. and i'm glad i listened to his advice cos i had so MUCH blood loss that i almost need blood transfusion..... sorry not to scare u.

hi. thanks on e info
yes, i m having triplets n wil due soon. saw frm youtube e delivery r all so fast n each of them hav one pool of bld lost during delivery...u r right, better check with Dr 1st.

seldom see triplet seinor here, so i got some questions if u dun mind:
in which wk u deliver ur triplets? was it under GA or epidural? emergency op or planned op? did ur babies stay in nicu n how long they stay? sorry if i ask too many questions. :p BTW, how r ur babies? must b really busy with them...
ohdear u dun accept pm

anyway.... its ok i'd post here. u can pm me if u want to know more

weiwei congrats!

np, i was nervous when it was my turn too. go with the flow. :)

i delivered mine at 34 wks. mine was elective csection under epi. yes they sttayed in nicu, and moved to scn when they stabilised.
don't worry too much and dun see too much... hehe... sometimes ignorance is bliss.

34wks, tat's perfect!! wish i can hold til 34wks, too. i m currently in 30wks n already feel sooooooo tired n tummy soooooooooo heavy. heehee..... wat r ur babies' birth weight?

sorry, i dun knw how to use pm leh....
Hubby can go in during the scan. Not too sure whether ok to bring camera. Ya the appt is at level 2 ADC. Haiz..i got to go for further scan to chk bb..will keep u updated.

Very happy for you..finally u can start buying things for bb
mmm... heard from mesh about the blood loss if stemcord taken, now reconsider whether to keep or not, will ask my gynae later.

how long ur babies stayed in nicu?

frm wat i understand, Drs r more consent abt mummy's bld lost due to e op, so hav no time to collect cord bld while e time s so limited at tat point. also just by collecting e cord bld, wont cause any harm or bld lost to mum n babies. it's just they hav no time to borther. especially for premature labour, to save mum n babies' lives s e most important thing than others. think babies hav to stay til formal 36wks or more than 2.5kg then can go home. also depends on their condition.
hello gals,
been busy getting ready for the twins arrival....finished washing all their stuff, so haven't logged in for quite a while.....wah, thread has been busy!

weiwei, i just saw Dr. Loh on friday, blood pressure was v high 149/90, retook 3 times also about the same so had to take blood test. Yesterday Dr. Loh called my hp personally and told me to monitor my blood pressure, if still high on monday, to go down to A & E. The babies weight were each about 2.3kg at 33wk, hope they stay in there for another 2 more weeks....will induce if they not out by 37 weeks. But i think hor, will come out these 2 weeks cos i am getting more contractions during the nights, but not at regular interval yet, scaring my hubby!!! haha

Deasy, i also heard that for multiples, it is quite dangerous to collect cord blood. They must deliver the twins/triplets fast or there will be too much loss of blood, can't spend time collecting the cord blood for the 1st baby who comes out as it will pose risk for the 2nd/3rd baby still inside.

u scared me also, thought u giv birth liao... lucky u did nt...

me also getting more n more contractions during e nights. heehee, now we just wait n see who giv birth 1st.
wil b seeing Dr Loh on 2nd jan, so far dun hav any plan for delivery yet. hoping they can stay longer n grow bigger so e boys wil reach 2kg n e gal can reach 1.5kg.

ur bld pressure quite high hor. better take care n try nt to eat too salty food.
Hmm, ur BP looks quite high...but gd thing ur babies' weights are good. Do take care...don't do too much heavy housework now. Jia you!

Can I ask if ur lower-back and pelvic bones creak when u change to lie on the other side? I seem to get that, esp when I try to move after sleeping in one position for a few hrs. Belly seems heavy and i'm only halfway thru my preg... :p
weiwei, I also scared i give birth anytime, cos can feel the contractions increasing in intensity and frequency esp at night. Did Dr. Loh tell u the position of your babies? any of the babies head down? He told me my gal's head is down, so prob can try for natural. Hopefully can deliver naturally, but oredi mentally prepared for C-section also. One more day and it is 2008!!!!! Hope your babies cross the 2kg mark, so that they dun have to stay in the NICU.

Are u all getting confinement lady to help u?

Petals, yah lor , the BP is high this time....was normal all along till recently. Think also cos starting to feel stressed about giving birth, about whether all the things are prepared.....about when the kids are coming out n are they ok.....*sigh* Think mothers never stop worrying. my lower back had a very sharp pain during the 5th and 7th month, when i get out of bed or turn in the bed, takes 3 to 4 weeks to recover, think it is ligament pull or hormones relaxing our muscles/bones? move about slowly like old woman n dun have sudden movement....:p
Detailed scan abt 20 minutes, did not ask the size nor the weight of BB, cause the sonographer seemed so focused, so did not want to disturb her. Yes, all detailed scan are done at ADC.

U gg for 2nd scan too...not to worry too much, everything will be fine

The lady at the recep told me as the second scan was to check for abnormalities, so must charge again (her explanation not clear)...hubby actually wanted to complain but told him for $41, found that BB ok, don't make too much fuss.
happy new year, ladies!! we r pregnant for one year liao(2007-2008)!! haha....


one of my boy's head already can b felt in e pubic area n his only toy s my bladder. also he's e biggest n most heavy one. e other 2 all head up, sitting on top of e big brother. heehee... lucky he s a good boy n dint kick so hard as didi n meimei, if nt, my cervix should hav open liao...wil b seeing Dr Loh tis wednesday only. surely c-section for me la,natural birth for 3 at 1 go? very funny...

my mum n MIL r helping me everything, so no plan to get a confinement lady. guess during CNY time n for multiples, e price wil b sky high. :p


i also got back pain n pelvic pain since ard 5mth. like wat dawn say, ur pain s due to uterus pulling e ligament n losening of e joints due to hormone changes. getting ur hubby massage e back, groin n legs b4 sleep every night wil help a bit. of coz, if u can get a malay massage lady(those specialise in pre n post natal) wil b even better. when u turn on e bed, try to support ur tummy at e same time n move slowly, maybe can reduce e pain as well.


oh, kkh so strick abt charging! when i did my detail scan in sgh, they did for me twice to confirm e results by diff pp, even including a 3D scan, but for all charge once only. did u ask Dr Loh for ur baby's weight? u can actually ask for a full report for e detail scan. u should b able to get.
LB, can ask the sonographer the baby's weight one....they usually quite willing to tell u.
wait until they finishing and just ask them....

weiwei, ur boy near ur bladder means u have to keep going to the toilet lor. my gal also loves to punch the bladder. ;)

Will be confinement lady cos scared cannot cope, but confinement lady requested to be back in malaysia during CYN leh....sigh.

ya lor, hubby said i waste a lot of toilet paper these few wks. heehee... then how r u going to cope during tat time? think CNY s e 1st few wks tat bb get home, hav a alot to do leh.
Happy New Year, my friends!!

Nano, LB,
Seems like the sonographers need a second scan for both ur cases...wonder if they r experienced enuff. Don't worry, i think everything will turn out fine or ur nxt scan, Nano. Oh Nano, did u manage to check w Dr on the wet discharge?

Dawn, Weiwei,
Oh, so u gals started having this in 5th mth too...sometimes my bones sound like someone cracking their knuckles.
Happy New Year everybody... wish all of us more happiness and blessings throughout the year, especially with the coming of our babies.

just called my gynae about cordblood, he said no prob cause it will be very fast, only bout 1min can settle liao. will ask further next week when see him.

wht is the interval of u seeing your gynae now? once a week or once in two weeks?

my friends ask me to eat more ice cream to boost babies weight, mmm, ever heard bout tht? another month to go and can see babies liao.

weiwei, jia you jia you, hold on as long as you can.

wanna head for mall for awhile, been at house since sunday. hihihi... must see other people's faces, or an excuse for ice-cream and babies shopping. whatever lar, talk to u gals later.
Happy New Year..

me seeing gyn every wk now. in fact, i want to see his face everyday. heehee.... he s more handsome than hubby for now.

as long as u take high sugar food, it wil increase babies' weight. but be careful dun take too much, u dun want to hav high BP or overweight bbs tat wil cause u early delivery. as long as they stay inside u long enough, no need to worry abt their weight.

wow, u can stil go out shopping, so nice!!!! already confine to home for e past 2wks. watever i want to eat or buy, hubby wil buy for me n bring home. i just eat n sleep......

Petals, LB,
During my 1st scan, the sono spotted a white spot on bb n was told may need amnio. However during the 2nd scan by a snr sono on mon was told nothing detected and baby is ok. They did not charge me for the 2nd scan. But i'm not taking any chance so going for another detailed scan elsewhere.

My consultation was very rush as Dr Loh seems very busy tat day...forgot to ask abt the discharge thingy. but i read fr bk tat it is normal so i assumed so. Btw, u going for yr detailed scan today rite? All the best!
