IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Pandawife, none of my mummy friends complain too. I guess thats because they dont handle their babies personally, unlike us. During my girl's birthday party, I noticed most of my friends or relatives let their maids (some brought their mum or MIL) to handle their babies. And poor me, still sit down feeding my girl. And I noticed one of my gf's baby only want maid to pat her to sleep. So Jia lud.

Having said that, I just applied for my ex maid to come singapore and work for me again. Hubby see me last two months, no day no night. Asked me if I want to "re-call" my ex maid, I said "yes". Hahahaha

Baby, handling one baby is definitely easier than handling two or three. But then hor, no short cut. Still need to boil water, wash her laundry, bathe her, shower her. When she nap, I catch up with housework. When she wake up, I carry her and cook together. Run out of food, I carry her to ntuc.

Bubbybear, thanks! I will explore. Yes, I love sesame oil. I am one of those few ones that like confinement food. Hahaha.

Wonder how it will be like when I have number 2 when my gal is in her terrible 2.=) especially she is very manja and sticky to me,

Grumpus, how do u cook millet? Together with rice?

Bubbly bear, sesame oil is high allergy stuff? Hmm I am also keen to try for my gal as she is pretty fussy with food.
i put the play yard on top of those foam mat, those white stickers doesn't stick on the foam material, so doesn't work for me.

yes need to childproof house but then i also lazy, dont knw where to start.
but like justfaith, the play yard is very useful. but i still try to keep on eye on my boy, cause can see he starting to put his feet on the panels, trying to climb out!
Just faith
Haha dont get me wrong... Of cos with 1 bb also not easy.. Esp when u have no helper... And i agree with u on the pt that alot mothers out there dont look aft bb themslvs unlike sahm... Sahm will face more challenges on bb tin due to the fact we face the bb whole day!

My always tell me if we only have 1 bb we may not even get a maid.. So end of the day i will also be v stress cos no helper to help me with hse wk... So its fate that i have 2 bb then i got no choice but to get a helper... Haha...
At least hsewk, laundry is being taken care of.. I only need to focus on bb and cooking for them...
my elder is very sticky n manja to me too but i still manage to hv #2. 船到桥头自然直

i mix millet into my raw rice n cook per normal in the rice cooker. same with quinoa.

just faith
one day u shd hang out with us sahm n no maids. then u'll hear all the complaints
Today lunch gg to try rice... Will use pre cooked tomato sauce and throw in fish and drizzle over steamed rice... Wonder will my girls like it..
Gan, grumpus is right! Will cross the bridge when we reach there. You go for FET, we support you all the way. For me, only one embbie survived after thawing. So I got no more frozen embbies le.

Mummies, btw, do you remember what to eat to improve quality of eggs? I want to try naturally. No time for IVF..... I have PCOS. I did SOIUI las time, and convert to IVF. 13 retrieved, 5 fertilized. 2 transferred, 1 survived. Left 3 to freeze but only one make it after thawing. So I "suspect" my quality of eggs no good. I didn't take any supplement prior to SOIUI. Any recommendations?

Brought my girl for MMR jab today. 1yr, 8days old. Weigh 9.42kg, 77cm. Btw, did you give chicken pox vaccinations?

Grumpus, now getting near to CNY. Alot of shopping and marketing. Will definitely find time to meet you and the rest of the mummies. Hehe.

Baby, no worries lah. I know what you mean. 1 or 2 all fated. Hehehe
Just faith, Gina v gd weight leh. Almost same as my boys Liao. My gal finally cross 8kg! Barely 8.1kg..... The boys r 9.9 & 9.7kg.

Baby, I gave mee sua lunch. Cook one bundle of handmade mee sua, three of them share.

V tired. Last night my boy 1am, 3am, 5am, 7am... Like clockwork ...n need to pat n walk for a while... I feel like running away check into a hotel n sleep now!!

Bubbly bear, yeah there r oso the happy side of being a mother..but it's alot alot of hardwOrk n fatigue.. Mayb coz it's x3, by the time I attend to their basic needs, I m already dead beat! No energy nor mood to enjoy their company sometimes...feel v guilty about this too....
Just faith ur gal tall n good weight! When is ur 2nd mmr jab? My gal only 9kg n 74.6cm, hope she grows taller!
For egg quality i think eat healthy n exercise helps.
I likely do FET with private.' if FET not successful n no more frozen embbies, will close shop leh Coz I am crossing the big 4 next month, energy level def not as good as u gals =)

Panda my baby wakes up once a night I already tired at work. If so many times I think I will take urgent leave!!
Pandawife, sometimes i really google on cheap hotel rooms. Although I didn't book anything, I felt better after that. Haha. Wake up so many times, can die leh. My hubby is at home today. He puts my girl to sleep in our bedroom. Other than bring her to clinic, I have no energy to do housework. I am still "Nua-ing" inside my girl's room. Aiyo! I am super lazy today.

Gan, I also hope my girl will grow taller. 2nd MMR on 20 July 2012. Wrt playgroup, I just found out from my neighbour that there is tots house near my place. Walking distance. I will go n register later (baby, dun panic or kan cheong!!! My hubby is free today, so wanna make use of his off day to make enquiries and register if possible). My hubby don't want her to go Childcare. He only give approval for playgroup.

You going to follow Dr Loh?
Lunch give rice... My elder eats.. My small girl took 2 small mouths and refuse to eat again... No choice give her potato with mango and salmon as a replacement meal.

Both getting really boring with porridge... What other form of rice can i give other than fried rice??
Those timIngs exclude the ones before midnight!

Baby try baked rice? Mayb u k mix rice w porridge for ur small gal first...takes a few attempts for some bbs like a new food. Mine r like tht..must try a few times than they grow to like it. They r not the ones tht will immediately.
Where u buy handmake mee sua? I bot mine at ntuc... Those normal ones in a box... Actually i find mee sua v salty.. I think they use alot of salt in making mee sua.. So i will scald it in boiling water first to get rid some salt content..

Baked rice ah... Hmm... Sounds mafan.. Heeee..

Dnr today will be porridge again.. Mix white and brown rice..
Maybe just throw in tomato, spinach and pork...
baby, my mum bought from malacca leh.. i also dunno where to buy here. i m not a mee sua fan, but since she buy so i gave.. not v salty..

i m cooking brown rice lentils porridge for dinner. using red cabbage, sweet potato n zucchini. y dont u try add quinao or lentils to the porridge, creates a different taste..easy n convenient..
Im a mee sua fan myself! Heeee...

The quinoa and lentils just throw in with normal white rice to cooK? The consous still lying inside my cupboard... Heee

So far hvt try cabbage yet... Hmm.. Scare will be too liang for them.. Also cabbage will have "wind"... Hmm maybe i should try...

Feels so sleepy now.. Cant tahan.. Make myself a cup of coffee..
Panda, Grumpus,

I bought a packet of millet and quinoa but unsure how to cook? How do we cook it with porridge? Does it add any flavour to the porridge or must still add other vege/meat for flavor?
Panda, Grumpus,

I bought a packet of millet and quinoa but unsure how to cook? How do we cook it with porridge? Does it add any flavour to the porridge or must still add other vege/meat for flavor?
Working wife for quinoa I just cook together with the rice for the porridge. Quinoa gives a nutty flavor to the porridge. Millet I have yet try.
Quinoa is a grain so I will still let my gal eat with the vege
working wife
quinoa smells a bit like beans. some say ginseng. miller has no taste. both r under the grains category so I still give vege meat etc.
just throw into the porridge to cook or add to raw rice n cook rice as per normal
Ooo thanks! Then I will not give. My mum used white bait to cook porridge for her rEcently but I am afraid whitebait like ikan billis got preservative

Super long q to change new notes.=s
Just Faith
U are not alone, now on and off I still eat confinement dishes, we like it, even my hb..haha. PCOS can get pregnant naturally also, just abit harder, don't know which month have suitable egg. Don't really know what helps PCOS, those that do likely have to get prescription. I guess no harm taking supplements good for general health.

Just put some sesame oil in the porridge and try, those ingredients that u commonly need and use, just test. I tested most ingredients that I need and cook, don't know what else I haven't test. Recently tested nuts and honey also.

Why don't u go for a short holiday, just u and hb for a few days or just the weekend to recharge ? Just take your mind off the kids for a few days and pamper yourself. Am sure u will miss them lots during those few days.

No need to thank me, just suggesting, credit goes to you cos, u have to prepare the meals. Your bb just takes more time to adjust to solids, so got to think of ways to trick her, slowly u will get there.

Your rice is adult texture rice or soft rice ? What about make it like sushi or satay rice, see if they like the texture. My boy takes the type of satay rice. That day I made satay, he had 2 unsalted sticks with satay rice, cucumber, tomato and some peanut sauce.

If don't eat rice, they eat bread right ? Just make them sandwich as lunch sometimes.
bubblybear, how i wish i can get away! problem is nobody to help babysit the 3 of them. haiz...

how do you make satay? can share the recipe? hmm..wanna test allergy for peanuts.. how do u do tht?? ground the peanuts??
Panda wife I m thinking of trying peanut butter for nut allergy...hmmm coz peanut has high protein too.

Bubbly u r very fast in the food test for ur boy! Satay sounds interesting for bb.

Grumpus, the fresh whitebait like not very common..but saw them in isetan supermarket, will go buy this weekend,
Ask your mum to babysit, am sure she will not reject you ??

Testing for peanuts...hmmm If u have peanut oil just use some in their cooking. Peanut butter in a sandwich. Or ground some peanuts add to their meal. All this I use at home, so easy for me to test.

Satay marinate quite easy, ingredients : 1 tsp tumeric powder, 3-4 tbsp sugar, 12 shallots, 6 cloves garlic, pepper, 1 tsp coriander seeds, 2 tsp fennel seeds, 2 tsp cumin seeds, salt, soy sauce. This is for about 1/2kg of meat. All ground and marinate and leave for at least 8 hrs. Adjust the amount as you like it, I also aga aga.

For peanut sauce, I use the ready made ones sometimes, then add ingredients to my liking to make it more spicy or nutty. The Brahim brand peanut sauce is nice, can dilute with water or cocunut milk to make it lighter.
Yes, I want to have peace of mind when I give him outside food, so want to get the allergy out of the way. Actually, if family have no history of allergies, bbs should not have too, so I can quickly test also.
bubblybear, my mum cant even tahan the bbs for 1 hour! i run out buy groceries come back she complain like mad ! she is already in her late 60s with a bad knee, physically cant manage the active toddlers.. i go away also will not hv a peace of mind. now she is helping bbsit my nephew at her place w a maid.
baby, u can try my dinner combi today. even my supper fussy gal ate n v fast! finish in record time n kept opening her mouth... my maid ask me what i put in the porridge ..LOL
U mean brown rice with lentils.. Red cabbage, sweet potato and zuchhini? No meat? Did u use any stock?
U tasted it yrself? Is it tasty?
Those ingredient u just chopped finely and throw in to cook together?

Btw, heard frm friend that patschool hse is v good.. Kids frm there are v smart... Thinking whether i should invest.. Hmm.:
baby, yesterday i steam chicken, but forgot abt it n left it in the steamer! coz bbs fussing earlier for their dinner..so in a rush i just gav them the porridge.. i use veg stock for all my porridge..

errmm..aft eating so many mths of rejected porridge, any porridge puts me off!! hv u eaten lentils before?? the lentils taste overwhelms all the other ingredients .. yup..i just chop n throw the veg into the porridge to cook.
Today just went ntuc to stock up... Bot origins organic red lentils... Is this the one u bot?

Also bot one pack of sakura chicken breast with bone in to cook chicken stock...
Dnr i gave them kway tiao soup with spinach and minced pork.. As usual elder ate a bowl.. Mei mei ate some...

Today we lunch at sushi tei.. I let them tax our food.. Tamago sushi... Chawamushi...
2nd try give them four leaves rasin bread.. Now they begin to love it.. Love the rasins.. Last time give them both dont like and spilt it out...
Panda what did u prepare for lunch n dinner? Can't tell from the pic... The broccoli n tomatoes are finger food?
gan, lunch was pan fried macaroni w egg, yup the veg were finger foods.. minced chicken add to the macaroni to eat.

dinner ahh.. brown rice lentils porridge w pumpkin, red cabbage and broccoli.

my eldest n youngest likes lentils.. my younger one hates it.. haiz...
baby, yup red lentils is right..

i m thinking of bringing the bbs out tmr.. maybe go air port check out the free playgrounds there..

grumpus, u been to any of the playgrounds there??
I've only been to t3. there used to be 2 playgrounds but now only left 1. it's on the same floor as the food court n singkids. it's very small but good enuff for the bbs to roam if they can walk already.

I like t3 in general cos got lots of space for the bbs to roam
Yr food looks so yummy!!!!
All is mummy ai xin food!!!

The chopboard u using u buy from bp? U still have the link? I need to buy new chop boards too...
baby, my bbs go for looks..if the foods looks gross nobody will eat. they will giv me a disgusted look!! *stress*....

the chopping boards i got from BP. i dont hv their link anymore but they are on FB call misty moon.
