IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

baby now my milk feeds all haywire...coz hv to see how much they k eat .. i dunno when i shld reduce milk or when to giv full feed smtimes.....

i try to do a routine for them..so tht its easier for me too.....

everyday after morning nap we will go downstairs for walk... i let them walk ard w shoes.... come back will b lunch time.. after lunch will b music time or reading...if i m tired i just play music n sing along..if i m not tired i will read a story n act clown... then afternoon nap. after tht either free play time or we go out to the nearby mall.....

Panda I just got the book, ordered online from kinokuniya coz n time to go town to buy, first thing I read is feeding, hahahaha coz my gal is so fussy when comes to eating. Today. Made potato, carrot, cai xin and pumpkin patty, she ate one mouth n refuse to eat. Play with the food, ended up I eat, but guess I have to take it slow and not force her, else she thinks makan is a toture.

If u cook ur porridge till very thick, I think no diff from cooked rice leh. =)

Anyway today I told pd about her being fussy when comes to food, she said her wt is good, maybe she doesn't need much but is still growing well. I dun feel so bad after hearing that.
Your girl really very westernised leh. My girl eats everything. During a xmas party over the weekend, my friend commented that my girl never stop eating at all. Everytime she looks at her, she is always eating. LOL. Very greedy.
the MMR jab got how many dose to take? any idea must take by what age?
your gal took both the last dose of pneumococcal & MMR, she ok after 2 jabs? any side effects?
my boy is also due for his last pneummococcal, i think my pd will probably tell us to take the measles jab also.
Dont worry abt the milk.. If they eat enough then u give lesser milk or even drop the milk feed. Or if they eat v little then give full milk...

This morning bfast i give some bread and make fruit blend for them.. One apple, half avocado and few pcs of mango.. V nice! Both like it alot!
Lunch will be boring porridge again heee... Tomato and broccoli with minced chicken cooked in vege stock.

These few day dnrs i didnt give my elder porridge.. I gave her cereal.. I notice she sleep better when i dont give porridge for dnr. I wonder is it cos she too full... Maybe i give too much.. I definetely give her more than her fist... Hmmm... I should reduce her portion....
Happy, there r 2 dose. Based on the original vaccination schedule, 1st dose is between 1-2 years but recently mOH has recommended that MMR shld be given to babies after their 1 year old bday. The Kkh pd told us recently they see an increase in measles cases in children. There is
Now a jab that combines both mmr n chicken
Pox together.
Side effects fever, rashes.
Dnr menu.... Mushroom, butternut squash, spinach and pork porridge... Simmering in slow cooker while my girls take their afternoom nap...
baby, grumpus
thks on advice on minced meat.

so ur gal took the mmr only jab, not the mmr combined with chicken pox right? just now my pd said to take the first mmr at 15mth.
i just back from pd, not for jab but coz my boy kena running nose, fever, etc, given antibiotic...

any of your little given antibiotics before? i worry not good to take antibiotics so young leh.
has yr boy been having runny nose etc for a long time already? usually if just started flu pd will just give meds for the symptoms n let bb fight it off themselves. unless very prolonged flu already then sometimes pd do prescribe antibiotics. so far both my girls hv not taken antibiotics before
You mean even your elder girl have not taken antibiotics before? Wa, thats very good. Means the body immunity strong enuf to fight it off. Both of girls have taken before already. My younger one took it as early as 2m old cos that time hospitalised. Then pd prescribe, so I also didnt say dun eat.
yup my elder girl has never taken antibiotics. her immunity is not tat strong actually, she has sensitive airways making her very susceptible to running nose n coughs. yr younger girl was hospitalized so no choice antibiotics would hv been necessary.

antibiotics works only if it's a bacterial infection. most of the flu nowadays r due to virus.
Tickles so medicated fET will be more? Is CARE still at paragon? Wonder they can help transfer my embbies from Kkh to CARE

Baby yes thinking of doing sometime next yr, but want to
Settle the house first. Told hub we need to buy a bigger place n sell the current one. Dun think i can climb 5 storey with a football tummy when i m 40
i oso thinkin of doin again nxt yr, oso aft movin hse. lol.
but dr loh no longer at kkh, dun noe which doc is gd. thinkin of changin to a female gynae at kkh. btw, if just FET, bef tat needs any jab? which day bef or aft period den do? i cant really recall...
CARE has move to novena medical center. they will help to transfer embbies from kkh to their clinic. I dunno when I'll do FET, hope can strike naturally
Rose FET in Kkh no jab. D4 starts progynova for the lining I'd u do medicated FET. If
Natural, no med just scan and confirm ovulation then can transfer
Gan, Angela came to my trio bd party n was sharing that the cost of ivf at pte centers will go up. Aft the Thomson episode MOH imposed alot of new licensing of ivf lab equipment on pte clinics. So their operating cost will go up n all this will go directly or indirectly to patients.
U might need to buffer abit more based on what tickles shared.
baby, how was ur meals today? i cut milk feed again... both bf n lunch easy to feed coz they were hungry... until now they all only had 1.5 full feeds of milk...

dinner i m trying couscous w chicken and veg... smthing different.. dunno if they wanna eat...

just now went bread talk buy the steam cake.. tmr breakfast they can eat that... today i gav them cheerios w yogurt for breakfast..all happily dig in.. haiz...
Hows the couscous? Bbs like it? I also feel like cooking something different.. Else always boring porridge.. I didnt even try lentils... Im a lazy mummy.. Hehe..

Today i went out to go shopping.. My mil came over to help look aft my girls... So morning i cooked the porridge i put inside thermos... Potato, carrot with pork porridge for my elder girl... For my small girl i prepare potato, carrot, peach and mango with minced chicken blend for her lunch.. Makes abt one avent cup. Both finished.

Dnr no time to cook... So just let them eat cereal mix with strawberry and blueberry... Steamed a egg for them too... Both finished also.. My small girl still want somemore.. So gave her 2nd serving.. Lately her appetite gets better... Maybe cos i reduce her milk vol... And also i drop one milk feed. So now both of them take 3 milk feeds only..
My small girl morning and bedtime milk is 210ml. Afternoon i gave her 180ml...
The breadtalk steamed cake i gave my girls before.. I bot the orange flavour.. Only my elder eats.. Small girl puke out. Maybe she not used to the texture.. Today morning i let them try the organix cereal bar... Same tin.. My small girl puke it out.. Only eat when i give her bits of it.. My elder girl eats happily.. My small girl slower is accepting new food and texture... And the bar make a whole mess!! Haha... The whole highchair and floor is the crumbs...
Just now forgot to buy bread for their bfast tml... Alamak
baby, this is the first time i m cooking it. at first was abit wet, then i left it to cool for 10 mins, it turn dry n abit hard.. i had to add hot water to make it abit more wet...

i silly follow the recipe cooked 6 tablespoons of the uncooked grain. too much.. they ate about half of it..

wow, nice to hv me time! u deserve a break.. what did u buy?? CNY clothes for urself?

my bbs today full from the meals, not keen in milk... younger boy the milk monster total less than 500ml... elder one slightly better..about 500ml. my gal also about there....

the steam cake its also first time i am giving..hehe.. try so many new foods in a day. they ate half of the strawberry flavour one as tea break. now they hv promo 4 flavours in one pack for $4.60.. all 3 of them liked it..even my most fussy gal opened her mouth for more..

oh yes..the cereal bar v crumbly..hehe.. my eldest boy now get the hang of it..can hold it n eat without much mess.. the other 2 will still drop all over the floor n chair..keke.....
Haha.. Ya.. Finally get to have me time...
Didnt buy much tins... Bot some more cotton on clothes for my girls... Only bot one legging and a jacket for myself...

Its good yr ones is taking more solids and lesser milk! They get more nutrients in food than milk...
Haha.. Ya.. Finally get to have me time...
Didnt buy much tins... Bot some more cotton on clothes for my girls... Only bot one legging and a jacket for myself...

Its good yr ones is taking more solids and lesser milk! They get more nutrients in food than milk...
I oso went cotton on kids, bought 2 cardi for my gal, n a pair of shorts tht cost only $7.50..

Last night my younger boy kept waking up, think day time milk intake not enuff. Today I will giv more milk.

Just pop lunch into the shuttle chef, oat n rice porridge w pumpkin, sweet potato n choy sim serve w minced chicken.

Dinner will cook brown rice porridge w quinao porridge. Also cooking stock in the slow cooker. My ones love to eat corn! Then poo got all the corn bits...

Now feed 3 meals so hard to go out! In betw meals they nap n I cook, by the time they wake up left not much time to the next meal. We only go nearby mall or library for short trips. Today weather v good, mAyb later bring them go to the market buy new year decorations .. My Xmas n their bd decor still hanging in the house...this wkend wanna take down...
I bot tank tops for only $4.50... And long sleeve cotton top for $10... Heeee... Great for us that need to buy more than 1 bb.. Lol...

I finally know the reason for my elder waking up at night.. She eat too much!!! These few nights she sleep thru cos i reduce her dnr portion... And i make sure there is at least a 4hr gap from dnr to bedtime milk... So she can digest her dnr before having her bedtime milk... Last time i believe her tummy feels too uncomfy with her full stomach... So keep waking up and cry... Mummy fault...

Today lunch is butternut squash, tomato, spinach with pork porridge. Running out of ingredient... Got to go ntuc tonight to stock up...
Squash, tomato, spinach and pork combi makes yummy porridge... I like it myself... A full thermos shared among my girls.. Left abt half tb spoonful....

Hmm... Wondering what combi for dnr..
Maybe... Mushroom, zuucchhi, tofu and salmon.
I read somewhere that cod fish and salmon is high in mercury... Should not consume too much for bbs... Maybe only abt once a week... Threadfin also??
I cook salmon and cod fish pretty often leh... Hmm.. Or should i cut down and give more pork and chicken?
tickles, your younger gal eating potato chips?? :0

How i wish my gal eats like urs! i just found out she likes pasta becoz of the sauce! i added the sauce to her porridge n she also happily eats!

baby, yeah lor..buy for more than 1 bb v siong.. everytime shop hv to buy 3 shares...

wow! now both ur gals can zzzz thru! you will hv sleep thru nights...so envy! my younger boy still some nights not ok... some nights he can sleep thru... its esp challenging when they r teething.. one after another..so its like forever no peaceful nights for me.

i also need to run out get the kiri cheese later..
I also thinking to cook a simple tomato sauce. Saw a recipe from a blog.. Seems v easy. Just need to use canned tomato paste, fresh tomato, bell pepper, onion, garlic and balsamic vinegar seasoning. Can use to drizzle over rice or pasta.

Haha ya.. Finally some sleep thru nights for mummy! My elder some nights will cry.. But we didnt carry her.. She will cry awhile then stop and went bk to sleep... We didnt even get up to pat her. But usually she will wake up abt 5plus to 6plus.. Then i give milk to let her continue to sleep till 7plus..
Teething really nightmare for mummies... Cranky bbs and sleepless nights!!
Cuz that time the jie jie feed her a few mouth without asking me... So she knows that in that box there are chips. So that day she actually tried to open and eat herself. Then I quickly snap a pic and stop her from eating. She throw tantrums when I took it away from her. Haha! My girl is aways eating. My friends say they never see her not eating. Haha! At a xmas party last weekend, she was spotted eating macaroni, pasta, egg mayo, mango cake and even turkey..
U mean those tibits potato chips?
How old is yr girl? U give her all kinds of adult food?
I wondering when can i really give them our food... And also when can we intro seafood like prawn?
after one yr old can intro seafood. the qn is more whether they can chew or not.
I give my younger girl all sorts of adult food. after she finishes her meal she will tax everything we eat.

sometimes when I hv no time to cook I let my girl eat outside food. rice with steam egg or fish plus stir fried vege from those 菜饭 stall.
my elder girl after 18mths eat out when we eat out. but at home i still ok separately no salt for her. occasionally lazy to cook separate then eat wat we eat.
How old is yr young girl now? She can eat those caifan stall? Cos those dish are left at room temp for quite long.. Scare its not so good to let them eat...
I see... So when bb reach 18mths they can eat whatever we eat outside right? Even for fried food like fish and chips?

Hows yr meals today?
My small girl good appetite.. Had a big bowl of cereal cum porridge. I scoop abt 4 tb into 50ml of liquid cereal... Add up abt a bowl... She finished... Still want somemore but i stop.. Cos i scare she too full... I wonder 4 tb of porridge is it sufficent??
My porridge is quite thick.. So i add it into v liquid cereal... So the texture is just nice... Really run out of ideas what combi for porridge.

Panda, u tried turnip and parsip? Is it nice??
it's really yr decision. i know some mummies, by 1 already let bb eat everything outside. i choose 18mths, some mummies wait till 2.

even though eat outside food, i still try to choose healthier food like steamed or boiled stuff and dun give too much of the gravy.

my elder girl only ate fried stuff like fish and chips (for a entire meal, not just taxing) at almost 3
baby, my meals today ok.. i cook 3.5 tablespoon of uncooked rice for both meals, all finish..

no leh, i m not a turnop or parsip fan... so never give them..:p

tmr i will try bake rice again.. last time i cook only my eldest wanna eat..

i took my bbs to ikea n let them tax on nuggets and fries.. i tink its alright coz they dont eat much.. only play w it and take small bites.. and i gav it to them after their milk...hehe...

tickles, ur gal really amazing! my one so fussy tht when u offer her any food, she will stare at it, then touch it, and consider for a long time before she decides if she wanna eat!
I already made appt with my dr for FET in Jan after his return from hols. My one and only embie left, hope for the best but at the same time don't carry high hopes.

I only give bb fish twice a week, he eats a combo of other protein food for the week.

My boy already tax our after dinner chocolate ! Now when we say whoever is eating chocolate, he will go find that person.
Same same.. My small girl will stare at the spoon and smell it.. Then will take a very small taste.. She will decide whether to open her mouth aft she tasted it... So funny... Unlike my elder.. She will auto open her mouth when the spoon or food near her mouth..

U aldry expose them to fried food ah... I hvt.. I think i will hold on to it first... Rather let try other type of adult food first.

3.5 spoons of rice all finished! Thats v good!
Finally see light in feeding solids... Heeee
bubblybear, when did u start letting ur boy tax chocolate???

i was so tempted to let them try a brownie yesterday! but stopped myself :p
Bubbly bear wow all the best to ur FET. =) I still have 6 embbies but hope to do a D5 transfer n will put 1 embbie coz dun think I have the energy to manage multiples.
Mummies, my younger boy has been extra clingy n whining the past few days. Last night was the worst! He cried from 130-4am..refused to get off me nor let anyone else carry him. The past few weeks he has been sleeping on his own in bb room, dunno y suddenly like that. My maids or Hb carry he scream like been abused even though he is sleeping ! Could it b separation anxiety? Or he is unwell?? I m really puzzled ..n exhausted!
Aldry one yr old shouldnt have separation anxiety i think... More likely is maybe he is teething and yr touch and smell comforts him? How many teeths does he has now?

I bot a pack of organic cousous yday... Thinking to try..
The cooked result is it dry like rice or can be like porridge?
Its tastless or got taste on its own?

Today lunch porridge is boring potato, carrot, choy sim and minced chicken. Morning let them have gardenia rasin bread.. Both loves it... I guess cos its sweet... And a tub of yogurt with chopped apricot and strawberry each...
I only let him try chocolate in the few weeks, test for nut allergy at the same time, cos, xmas, got alot of chocolate, other times I rarely buy chocolate. But I give him tiny bites after his dinner and not everyday.

Why can't give brownie ? Just that some brownie has nuts, if they don't have nut allergy should be alright. I don't think they will take much. My boy already eaten chocolate cake before, but he doesn't really like it, prefer plain cakes. Even mango so nice smelling, he don't like, smell the fruit only, keeping shaking his head.

Your younger boy probably misses you, since its not his usual sleep routine that he is used to. He may be unwell or maybe now that is is more mature, he realises there are 3 of them vying for your attention. If only they can talk, otherwise, just have to pacify, figure out and wait for it to go away. But definitely, only you can comfort him.

U have good chance. My FET will be cancelled if the embie does not survive the thaw. But I don't intend to put more than 1 also, less complications and better for mother and baby.

Hows the day? Younger boy still clingy to u? Maybe bubbybear is right... Now they are getting older.. They will show their likes and dislikes... So probably he miss u.. Whole day u are with him so when night time he wants u also...
Does u always carry him during the day? If yes maybe thats why...

Both my girls also clingy to me when they see me... When i leave their sight they will cry... Even when my maid also with them everyday they will not do the same to her... I wonder do they really know im their mother... If they knows... Hmm.. I wonder how they will know... So strange....
