IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

I usually add banana/ papaya/ mango to half or 3/4 of an avocado, mash together and add about 20ml of milk. It tastes really yummy. Even my girl who's a fussy eater loves eating it.

I'm like an aunty always looking out for offer at ntuc/ cold storage/ carrefour on ST every weekend too. Before having babies, all the groceries are taken care of by my hubby and I've not step into the wet market for years. But he's working overseas now and I have to run the household. So many things to buy for such a big family which used to be only 2 of us.

Thanks for the contacts for the 2 PDs. I just want to standby a good PD for emergency. Dr Chan seems to be quite experienced. She is able to detect the heart problem at the first visit.
Anyway, the PD my twins have been seeing always prescribes a lot of medicine unnecessarily at their checkups which I didn't want to get. I ended up throwing away the medicine without using. I think she just wants to earn more by prescribing a lot of medicine which I find it not very ethical.

I didn't know that there are different types of brown rice. How do you know that the brown rice you bought is short grain? DO they look different or it's stated on their packaging? Which brand of brown rice did you get? Sorry for asking so many question cos I seldom eat brown rice and don't know much about it.

I never intro bell peppers. I dun eat them n till now my elder has never tried them :p

U're most welcome

I use this brand if brown rice http://www.sukhahouse.com/shop/
Can get at any ntuc finest, organic shops n the best part even some neighborhood medical shop n grocery shop carry.
As a general rule of thumb, the 'browner' the rice, the coarser it will be.
The normal type of rice we eat is usually jasmine rice n it is long grain. Short grain rice turns out sticky like Japanese rice.
bing, i m no brown rice expert either! haha.. just happen to shop at CS n they hv so many types..bo bian started reading the packages to pick a suitable one.

grumpus is the guru..keke..

grumpus, does the color of the brown rice gives an indication of the nutritional value? more brown more nutritious?

short grain suitable for porridge right??
i would think that the browner the rice, the more nutrients. cos the rice gets whiter as more of the hull gets milled off. and the nutrients are in the hull.

short grain also suitable for porridge, but may turn out sticker than regular rice.

if yr brown rice is the very brown type, i suggest not using 100% brown rice, but mix half brown and half white.
So whats the conclusion on cheese? Which one is the better choice? I been holding on giving cheese to my girls.. Waiting for the answer here heee...
Grumpus, I think nt v brown. Quite light color. Later I take photo. Bing, will tag u too...

Baby, u hv to try n decide ..haha. Depends on bb too.. My gal likes the baby bel one coz it's harder she k chew. My boy prefer the creamy one. I will mix to giv since I bought so many types. Let them try different types. Now I start to gv it w bread.
The kiri cheese u buy frm where? So far i didnt see it at ntuc and cs... What color is the pkg?
Its less salty than laughing cow cube?
Baby, I bought from cs. Blue packaging too. Bigger Ntuc outlets shld oso hv.

Blur me. Just realized the brown rice I bought is not organic. It's Eco farmed. Faints. Not enuff zzz always blur blur when buying things!

My younger boy down w a cough w lotsa phlegm. Last night went tmc 24hrs. He kept coughing n throwing out his milk. Can't zzz well too... Think tmr morning need to bring him go see pd Liao.
Grumpus when do you give ur elder ikan billis?

Panda rice must buy organic? I have been having an allergy cough since June...cough alot, see doc 3 times also never recover. Now stress coz my gal imitate me coughing! Each time after I cough she coughs too... Now I stress dunno when is she really coughng
gan, normal white rice i dun use organic. brown rice alot of pple buy organic ones..so i just follow. but tht day so blur.. n read so many labels until sotong..hahaha...

grace so cute..hehehe.. copycat mummy...

if real cough u will know..they will fuss.. my one started like dry cough on n off.. i thought throat dry giv water..then yesterday during the day he started to hv phlegm kind of cough.. so at night quickly bring him see doctor. since the phlegm came he has been fussing non stop...

just now he cough in his zzz n puke milk! luckily sleep on tummy.. he cried n when i ran into the room his face covered w puke....haiz.. now i m watching him zzzz like a hawk....

grumpus, thanks! hmm..is ok to giv non organic? or i shld go buy another pack?
Me kiasu.. I bot organic for brown and white rice...
Brown rice i buy elephant brand.. The one grumpus had..
White rice i buy frm ntuc.. Thai organic white rice..

I try to give organic where possible..
Cereal i buy all organic... But most fruit and vege i buy normal ones... Cos difficult to get all organic raw food...

Today i order from agape again... Spent $100!!!
Stock up on cereal, bottled food... Bellamy baby rice and baby porridge i bot total 5 pkts! My girls finish these cereals so fast!

I give up giving porridge to my small girl.. She simply dont like.. So now i give her cereal mix with vege/fruit puree inside.. Add salmon fish inside also... And i have to give her lots of water and additional vege and fruit puree to prevent constipation... Cos i realise cereal will give constipation problem...
white rice i use the pearl rice coz easier to cook ..v fast mashed..

baby, i hv a whole cupboard of baby foods n cereals..haha.. n only my eldest boy is eating cereal...the other 2 not keen... i noticed my boy dont like veg... he used to eat them.. n now i try to feed even carrots or pumpkin he refuse! he only wanna eat fruits..... faint... even carrot mix apple he can tell n dont wanna eat...
i started giving them fresh strawberries already.. both my eldest boy n gal likes it... next food to target will be egg yolks... after my boy recovers i will make some yolk dishes...
Personally I think ok to give lor. But I've never been one to purposely buy organic stuff.

Phlegmy cough sucks. My younger got it few mths back. At night she will wake crying, cough n then puke. But actually it's better for them to puke cos tat's the only way for them to get the phlegm out since they dunno how to cough it out. Better than the phlegm all stuck inside.

For my elder girl I made ikan bills powder when she was 7+mths. But after she reject porridge I never give already. Abt one yr plus I started noodle soup then I used to boil stock. I also give those fresh silver fish in her noodles.
grumpus wht med did ur gal take for the cough? the dr at tmc gv ventolin mucus solvent but it doesnt seem to b improving much. he says other types of meds are v strong n makes bb drowsy...he doesnt wanna start w tht for such young bbs wor..... dunno if its right or he just kiasi coz he abit like those scary cat doctor...

how many days did ur little one take to recover from the cough?

this little boy is already usually fussy..now unwell even worse.. can cry whole n fuss non stop whole day... very challenging for me to care for him n still hv to attend to the other two...

for mummy who wanna try dried scallops. i check w my PD. he says shell fish best to wait until after 1yo n giv fresh scallops instead of dried ones.
Panda ur boy's cough sounds quite bad. Better bring him see pd tomorrow.

I wish my gal imitate me when time to sleep. Not sure if Coz of teething she was fussing for an hour before she finally sleeps. Think her gums uncomfie, biting her sleeves as she cry. What do u do to make the babies feel comfie?

Baby vege normally I give organic especially root vege lie carrots
Pd gave terbutaline for cough n rhinathiol for phlegm. Tat time my gal just hit 6mths n pd told me these meds ok for above 6mths.
My gal vomit cos of phlegm for abt 3 days. Took abt a wk to fully recover.

Throw yr little one into the carrier n carry him ard while u tend to the other 2. I do tat a lot
Gan, i bought some all natural herbal teething help from paragon. let me upload the pics on fb. one is powder form can add to milk, i giv my gal this during her last feed of the night coz she dun like to let me put my fingers into her mouth to apply stuff... will cry non stop..

the other one is liquid form to apply direct to the gums.. i find it works better than teething gel and most impt all natural.. it seems to soothe the gums after about 10mins...
Grumpus are silver fish less sodium compared to ikan billis?
Where do. Buy those less salty ikan billis?

Panda ur doc says anything about ikan billis? U giving them ?
grumpus, thanks! does the med makes ur gal drowsy??

i try not to use carrier leh... coz this little boy gets into habits very fast! lately coz of the dry cough he fusses during feeds..so i started to let him watch brainy baby peekaboo during feeds to distract him. after 3 days he refused to drink without the tv!! even last night after come home from TMC, at the 10pm feed before he zzz..he wanted to watch n drink!!

i will cry if he everyday wants me to carrier him. now i try to rotate him ard the toys..if he whines, i will change toys. only real cry than i carry...
gan, i din ask about ikan bilis. not keen to give too... sorry, i hv this thing against such dried foods..haha... dunno whats being down in the process of it... find it 'dirty' for babies to eat.. many other kinds of healthier foods to give them..

but i can ask him tmr when i bring linus there..
let u know again..
I give fresh silver fish which I feel is better cos no added sodium for preservation. There's natural saltiness from the sea. But can only get from wet market.
Go wet market can see many types of ikan bilis. Choose the big whole ones. But anyway I wash n soak many times until not salty at all.
Thanks grumpus maybe will try silver fish first.

Panda ya ask ur pd. Btw can pm me the clinic contact details, maybe I shod change to him since near my home n he seems very detailed. United square doc is good bu he has so many patients, he kinda rush thru n when he is rushed I dun remember what to ask. Maybe shld write down next time
Hmmmm can't remember whether it made my gal drowsy but I dun remember her sleeping more than usual. Anyway, drowsy also not a bad thing cos if they're uncomfy hard for them to sleep, if med make them drowsy hopefully they sleep better.
The more natural cough med tat pd tend to give is prospan. My elder used to take but dun fine it very effective.
Gan, can give u here. 6258 3353
i write down the qns in my iphone notepad. go there just take out phone n run thru the list. he does detailed explaination when u ask qns... if not will be brief session too....
I bot organic potato once... Those pre packed.. But in e end i throw all away cos the potato all have those small growth sputs.. Cannot eat liao cos toxic.. So now i buy normal russet potatos... I used to buy organic baby carrots.. But hard to soften.. So buy australia thinner carrots..
I also have a whole cupboard of baby food... But the fastest to get snap out is cereals... Cos my small girl take 2 solids with cereal everyday.. My elder girl will take once... The other time is porridge...

Only yr elder boy take cereal.. Then the other two dont take cereal and porridge? So no form of carbo? U can give potato as an alternative.. Add in meat and vege puree to make it a full meal...
baby, i give my gal bread, cheese, potatoes, rarely she takes cereals n must make it very thick. but all as snacks. i m not able to replace a full feed yet coz she doesnt eat alot of solids..... so she is still taking 7 milk feeds a day!

my youngest boy is like beginning to wean kind of stage. can only eat a few spoons of solids.. hv to wait for him to outgrown the sensitive throat before can go full swing.. n he can drink alot of milk..hahah...
weaning 3 bbs who are at different stages v challenging.. there are many days i cant find time to make food for all 3...end up one or two hv to take bottled foods...
Panda must be tough for u... I one already find I got no time to make food for her..weekend seems to zap past so fast like F1... Before I know it's over, tomorrow back to work n impossible to make puree or food during weekdays unless I wake up very early but many times my mind is willing body is weak... Especially after the 1 or 2 night feeds daily.

Baby I find the organic baby carrot ok leh... This weekend I chopped them to small pieces n cook porridge for my gal, she seems ok with it. I ate the left over, the carrots are soft after cooking for 20 mins
Dont feel bad... U are aldry doing a great job!
So many mummies out there are aldry struggling with only one bb... Imagine u have 3!

Totally understand how tough it it to start feeding solids with more than one bb to handle... I started v tough with my small girl.. Can spend so much time to coax her... In e end will neglect my elder girl... Now finally can see some light... My small girl begins to be more receptive on solids.. Can take a full bowl of cereal with puree and fish... But still dont like porridge... I tried giving small amt of porridge with more puree but can see she also dont quite like althou she finish it... But only 1/4 bowl...

At home i dont give bottled food or biscuit... Unless im outside... I usually give vege or fruit puree as snack.. Or yogurt.. Banana... I give banana to let them bite.. Both love it... But im one lazy mummy who seldom intro new food... Always give same food.. Pear, apple, peach, banana for fruits... Pumpkin, butternut, zuccchhi, carrot are those frequent vege i give them... Running out of ideas... Must really go buy recipe book...
back from PD. boy has mild bronchitis n needs to use nebulizer...

gan, my PD says 3 reasons ikan bilis are no no. 1) too salty 2)before u can grind it, hv to fry or bake at high heat, that kills the omega 2 in the fish 3) when cooked at high heat the fish turns brown.. toxins are generated...
Pandawife oh dear hope linus recover soon. Do u need to separate him from the other 2?

Thanks for the info on ikan billis. My sil was asking me to put in Grace's porridge yesterday as she do that for every meal of my nephew's porridge but I was not sure. Will stick to normal fish for her.
thanks thanks...

he had 1 dose of nebulizer at the clinic, came back home much better.

PD says very slight wheezing occasionally, but he wants to clear it.

gan, PD says he is pass the infection stage. no need to separate. but i m keeping him away from the other 2 just in case. he is quarantined in my bedroom w his own set of toys..
Panda: hope your bb is fine now.

Very busy these few days as decided to look for a job instead to be SAHM.

Btw, wanted to introduce Zucchini to my girl, may i know whether should I peel and also whether need to remove the seeds? Thaks
Dun peel, the nutrients r in the skin. If u're pureeing, remove the seeds. The only concern for seeds is choking but actually no issue if they eat it either. It'll just pass out undigested.
wow everyone is so busy preparing all kinds of food... cant catch up with all the posts..hahah

mummies, can i ask if you read books to your baby? now that my boy is able to crawl, he can't sit still to listen to me read him any books. always moving around or want to play with thgs.
how do u manage huh?
happyhippo, i read when they move ard... or playing toys.. even though they dun appear to b paying attention to us..they are listening..

after a while, they start to show interest in the books...my bbs hv their own fav stories..n when i read, they actually stop n stare at me...
oh ok, means i shd just read even though they are playing their toys... altho when he quietly sit to play his toys, tat my free time to read forum and surf net....hahaha.
before my boy started crawling, he lies down and i can read to him, it was so much easier. he also gets very excited & starts kicking his leg... now no more liao... so sad.
Hi everyone! Haven't been here in so long. Busy with work (back to the world of number crunching, presentations, management meetings, trying to get promotion!) and aft 6pm, rush home to the kids, cartoons, bath time, evening feed, story time and bedtime. Life is hectic, but I find that I really look forward to going home every evening and see the huge smile on their faces and kicking their legs excitedly when they see me
and weekends will always be family outing, so something different for them too.

The downside is I don't have much time to experiment with so much food like u mummies! My boy is eating 3 meals a day of porridge and cereal, whilst my girl is eating 1-2 meals a day (she is the fussy eater). Both have sprouted 2 bottom teeth, and I have just started feeding them finger food like rice cakes, biscuits and bread. I have moved on to lumpier and textured cereals and purees and have introduced chicken and fish. That's about it, I do hope I'm on the right track.

U mummies are so advanced though! Cheese, french toast, fish fingers, DRUMSTiCKS??? Wow! Well, the only way I comfort myself is that they have a whole life ahead of them to eat drumsticks and cheese and what not.... So at 8 months, it's ok if I don't introduce these things right?!!
i do get stressed sometimes when they refuse to eat, or can't really eat finger food yet cuz they can 't chew very well... But then i also think, is there ever any person in this world who don't know how to eat? They will at some point learn the right way to, so dont have to feel so pressured. And for someone who grew up eating porridge for years, I quite enjoy all sorts of food now (too much of u ask me!)

but really, hats off to you devoted mummies!! Just wanted to share my thoughts with those who might feel frustrated or pressured abt feeding solids to their babies
Panda, when my twins were sick, they had to use nebulizer every 4 hours for 3-4 days! They had bronchitis too ar that time. One way to make it easier for them to drink milk when they have phlegm is to dilute the milk... That's what my pd advised... So reduce one scoop eg 4 scoops for 150ml. I found that it helped. And because my girl kept coughing and puking, and then refuse to drink milk, had to put her on drips
their cough med was Rhinatiol. Hope Linus is getting better.

For those who have intro brown rice, do u make brown rice porridge,or add brown rice to the porridge or just feed steam rice? And when u feed steam rice, u just feed them the rice grains and then vege separately?
I sit my gal in my lap, wrap my arms ard her with the book in front of us. So I'm reading with her rather than to her. Usually the colorful pics will catch her attention. I also make it interactive by holding her hand n pointing to pictures in the book to go along with the story.
Working wife,
U can make 100% brown rice porridge or half brown half white rice porridge. No hard n fast rule. same for steam rice. All depends on wat yr bbs can handle.

I feed steam rice like how we would eat rice. One spoon rice with some vege on top. Next spoon rice with some fish/meat. Next spoon maybe juz vege/fish/meat and so on. Sometimes I just mix everything up like fried rice
Baby, I saw the walker there. But not sure if still hv stock. U k google for the fair dates. Last I heard it's until end of month.

Bbs woke u up again ah... Me too mann... My elder girl cry at 3plus am...

Which walker u bot? How much?
Is this vtech walker good?
