IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Baby, yeah my eldest boy nightmare n cry.
I bought this vtech one couple of mths back n started to let them play w the activity panel. This kind of walker hv to use w adult close supervision cOz the wheels r slippery. Unlike those trasditional kind u k leave bb in there to walk.
Overall a nice walker. My bbs love the activity panel n v colorful too

Then i shall go get it for my girls! Dont knw taka fair still have stock not... Kiddy palace selling also?

Btw which nappy cream is effective for nappy rash? My elder girl below red red.. Dont knw is it nappy rash...
hi mummies,

how many solid feeds r ur bbs takin at 8mths old? n how many milk feeds? my bb is takin 4 milk feeds, 1 porridge for lunch n 1 fruit puree as snack, is that ok? shld i add in 1 breakfast to replace 1 milk feed? what breakfast is suitable? white bread?
I give 3 solids and 4 milk feeds. Actually they should gradually be taking 3 solids a day and 3-4 milk feeds. If your bb is taking solids well, can increase the number of solid feeds. How much milk vol your bb taking ? If not too much no need to reduce milk feeds. For breakfast, usually I give cereal, wholemeal bread, oats, bao, pancakes, scones, fruit, yoghurt combo etc.

my bb is takin 180ml fm, but usually there will be one or two feeds which she cant finish. wow! ur breakfast so much varieties? bao? can 8mths old take bao? not too dry? do you stil feed milk after d breakfast?
I feel these are all pretty healthy snacks for breakfast or teatime. If make ourselves we can use healthier and better ingredients. Up to individual but I still give bao although have sugar, h/e only once a while. If buy from outside I give the custard or the red bean ones. If I make I will make plain or with some meat and veg, reduce the sugar and salt. I did not give all the filling to bb cos maybe too tasty. Plain ones bb can eat with butter or dip in their milk if too dry. I still give milk after breakfast, if not bb will fuss. 180ml is a healthy level, no need to reduce, if your bb have small tank maybe just try to space out the solids and milk feeds and see how it goes.

I just use wet cloth. But there are special toothbrushes from Pigeon for different stages. No need toothpaste until they can understand and know how to spit out the toothpaste.
hi grumpus, pandawife
thks for sharing on how u read with your little ones.
i was just reading other forums on teaching kiddos to read.. some starts as early as 3mths and one kid could read 3 words at 7mths.. oh dear it really scares me... am i that behind teaching my boy? i just let him play play everyday, everyday tell him to call ma ma, pa pa, he also ignore. he has no interest in looking at me when we talk to him. i really don't want to be a kiasu mummy, but reading what everyone is doing really really freaking me out
really can't imagine when schooling starts.. competition everywhere.. sometimes really wonder if this is good for the child. certainly not for the parents, but if the parents don't teach early, the child will be the one suffering when they can't catch up. im seriously freaking out
happyhippo...relax and let your child enjoy baby-hood.....I am also very relaxed with my #1 who is coming 16mth soon.....till now, he still doesn't know how to really call pa pa n ma ma......and he is always talking baby language...
Happyhippo dun stress, every child develop at his/her pace. I m strong believer of learning thru play. So I let my daughter play too during weekends. I m more keen to let her develop her motor skills now. But to cultivate an interest in books , I let her flip books, point at pictures to read to her.

My baby shld be around same age as urs, she can't say 3 words too. Her mama, dada, are also not at us.
I think u shd stop reading those forums :p
Teaching kids to read at this age?? A bit kua zhang lei. Now we read to them is just to expose them to language n cultivate an interest in books. Actual reading is going to take a long while more.
My elder is almost 4 n she is only just learning to read.
soon-to-be, gan, grumpus
thks! sorry, it was just my outburst immediately after reading that forum. out of sight, out of mind, now i don't feel that pressure liao...hhaha grumpus, ya i shd stop reading that forum...coincidentally, it was the kiasu parents website :p
will let my boy play as much as he wants

btw, my boy keep making that vomit sound but not during meal time.. doesnt look like he is not feeling well leh.. wondering if it is a new sound he discovered thats why he keep doing it or he really got thgs tickling his throat. any mummies come across such thg?
Mummies im running out of ideas what vege puree to add to my girls porridge/cereal...
Im giving the below:
- cauliflower
- broccoli
- carrot
- potato
- zuccchhi
- brinjal
- apple
- pumpkin
- butternut squash
- sweet potato
- spinach

I always give different vege combi.. Any more new vege idea? I will add salmon or cod fish or threadfin into the porridge on top of the vege puree...

Btw cod fish is super exp!! One small piece cost me $14!
But i like cod fish.. The meat is v fine and soft aft steaming.. I also like salmon... Now i seldom give threadfin...

same same, apart fr d above, i also added sweet corn.
hav also tried addin pork, but think will just use it to add flavour coz i used minced meat (mei rou) n my girl has prob chewin it.

thanks, bubblybear! wil try breakfast for my girl later!
u can try the different leafy vege like xiao bai chai, chye sim etc.
also can try peppers, red, green, yellow
parsnips, radish, asparagus, peas, lentils
Sweet corn u buy frozen ones or those maize form? Steam and blend?

Chye sim xiao bai cai wont be too hard? Im using those baby spinach.. I use only the leaves...

Peppers not hot? Bb can take bell peppers?
Can bb take yam?
chye sim, xiao bai cai just use the leaves shd be ok. i tried peppers, my younger girl likes them. my elder will not eat them.
i know many mothers who give yam, but i hv never tried. my mum said yam will cause itch. dunno how true.

can try tomatoes too.
i have given my babies tomatos too.. i use it to cook salmon with carrots and blend... also put in the veg stock tht i use to make porridge.

asparagus is a good finger food too..just steam until very soft..
u can try tomatoes at abt 7-8 mths although some books say to wait till 10mths. just try abit for a start cos tomatoes is acidic and some bbs get tummy upset after eating tomatoes.
grumpus, how do u serve the peppers? just steam n give as finger foods?

my boy down so many days i hv no time to go grocery shopping. have only been giving fruits last 2 days.... :S tonight when bbs zzz i need to zoom out n buy ...

i use knife n cut d corn out, den steam d corn n blend. d stem i put inside porridge to add flavour.

can oso try beetroot for porridge.

btw, mummies, i tried babybel yellow packagin cheese today. not salty, i find. i fed my ger tiny bits of white bread n cheese, ard d size of my small finger, she can chew n loves it!
Thks rose..

I just bot organic pasar corn today frm ntuc... Bot sukara purple brinjal, nectarine, baby spinach, bak choy, pear...

d sweetcorn blend more thorough till without d seeds, coz bb cannot chew well may find it difficult to swallow. with sweetcorn, porridge smells nice. but i read tat d nutritional value of sweetcorn for bb is not as fantastic as other veg.
Hows tins? Yr boy recovers liao?
Eating improve with yr 3 little ones?

My small girl been v fussy lately on food and milk... Refuse to eat cereal... Only certain puree she eats.. And also yogurt..

Tried to let her drink from straw for the first time.. She actually knows how to suck frm straw!
I just steam and blend the corn... Still have the corn skins aft blending leh.. Would it be hard for bb to digest?
These few nights been busy cooking bb food... Last night cooked purple brinjal and cauliflower... Tonight cooking corn and pear... Still have nectarine in the fridge waiting for me..

How to cook pork and chicken? I bot minced pork and chicken... Do i steam and add into porridge or cook together?
I bot the meat at ntuc finest.. Initially wanted to buy the soft exp pork fillet but the staff says not econimical.. Cos if i buy and minced.. Only abit will come out.. The rest will be stuck inside the machine... He ask me to buy the ready minced lean pork.. He say they went thru 2 rounds of mincing so will be soft... But chicken only minced once...

a lot corn skin? try to blend more thorough. a little bit is ok.

i oso tried minced pork before, not really successful, d pork like too hard to chew...i guess mayb shredded chicken may b easier. havent try yet. just bot brinjal, asparagus n cherry tomatoes to try.
bsby, i blend the pork to giv w porridge leh.. unless ur bbs k chew well then u can try the minced pork direct..

my boy cough better but still hv phlegm. pd says nebulize for one more week ..next sat review again.... bb sick v expensive affair..just these few visits we have spent over $600 on his medical expenses...

i have food battle everyday... this morning i gv toast w avocado spread and scramble eggs.. nobody wanna eat...then i changed to plain toast they ate abit.....

afternoon i tried apple cereal and strawberry yogurt. my gal refused to open her golden mouth. my eldest ate 1/4 cup of cereal and 3/4 bottle of the yogurt... then start crying for his milk....

evening i made pasta w steam carrots. my gal happily ate up all the carrots n some pasta herself...my boy dump all the foods on the floor... faint.....

Your menu is really very interesting... You are so dedicated even though your bbs have different taste! When u try the self feeding now, are they eating a full solid meal? So are they considered on 3 meals now n u reduce milk feed to how many times?

R u still feeding yr eldest porridge on top of the self feeding food? Thanks!
Ya lor alot of skin leh... I blend longer but still have skin.. Maybe i didnt steam long enough? I steam for 15mins.

Really interesting menu... U give whole scramble eggs? Can give egg white now? Im gg to intro egg yolks soon.. Bot the sukara egg...

The bread toast u give is plain bread and u go toast it? Just toast lightly is it?

I also bot the kiri cream cheese to let my girls try...
Baby, I never blend the pork since day 1. I usually steam the porridge first. Abt 30mins later, I will add the meat and cook for another 45mins to an hr. I will add vege before I serve porridge.

Before feeding, u can use the spoon to smash the pork further. Your girls are older than mine. They should know how to chew too.
working wife, they cannot eat full meal on self feed yet. i just started..so its more of them exploring, tasting and feeling foods texture on their own.. aka playing w food! hahahaha..... so what i do is let them play w food then feed milk. but over the short duration i observe improvements in their ability to grab, hold and stuff foods into their mouth without letting the foods drop most of the time.... n they will only eat what they like.. if they taste smthing they dont like, they will not touch that food again..very interesting.. unlike when we feed, they basically hv no choice. coz we stuff the food into their mouth..

my eldest anti porridge until now. its worse now coz he also anti spoon. mouth like zip lock tight....

baby, yes..plain bread lightly toasted n cut into long fingers shape...

today i tried bread spread w heinz egg custard for breakfast..they were v busy licking the custard off the bread! haha..

i giv yolk only. PD says try yolk..if ok then try whites...
u can try bread with the organic pasta sauce and cheese. toast till the cheese melts.
like mini pizza
Grumpus that's a good idea! This morning I let my gal self feed white bread, thinks she enjoyed as she ate it together with my parents, so it's like breakfast together.

Which organic pasta sauce do you recommend?
actually i never buy organic pasta sauce, i make my own :p
but if u go to those organic shops like four seasons organic market, the usual brand is peter rabbit

heinz also has bb pasta sauce, but not organic lah
abt pasta - does the baby need to chew or will just swallow? not too big to swallow? can we use adult pasta or must get the baby ones?
just faith,

which part of meat u use? i tried mei rou coz my mil said its soft for bb, but still a bit hard.
grumpus, thts a cool idea! haha.. will try it next week. i tink this week i can forget about feeding solids. nobody wanna eat... my eldest caught the bug too... coughing n running nose. later going to bring him see doctor too.... haiz.. last night i had 2 crying boys the whole night.. me n hb take turns carry them..whole night cant zzzz...

gan, i bought from vita kids paragon. yup, the brand is peter rabbit. ohhh...bbs just love it when they think they are eating adult foods! hee..... so i always eat together with them....
Grumpus: Thanks for advice. Anyway last weekend also didn't have much time to try new items for her. Only tried fish, but feel she doesn't really like the taste. She still prefer her fruit puree.
Just faith
I also nvr blend porridge before... The fish i use fork to mash up.. Pork i hvt try yet...

Just now for bfast i give them bread bits smear with the kiri cheese... They love it... I tasted the cheese myself.. Creamy and not as salty as laughing cow... Give them pear puree to complete their bfast...

The heiz custard is it the valila custurd? I also give them add with rice cereal as a meal.. Aldry finishing 2nd pack liao...
I should try yr method.. Use toasted breas strip and smear with custard to let them self feed..
Panda my gal is lazy, yesterday I cut pieces of plum to let her self feed, she suck awhile and pass the piece to me n expect me to feed her but I ate that up myself. Gave her another piece when she screamed for the fruit... Hehehe want her to know mama not feeding her , pass to me I eat it up.=p

Oh dear 2 boys falling sick? Will be tough.... Better separate ur gal from them.

I just found my gal's first word at the right subject is not papa, mama but hua!! Flower in Chinese..... Faintz
n i usually blend along with other veg, like pumpkin, potato...
easier to blend with more veg. my veg bef blendin is usually ard d size of one small rice bowl. today my bb had zucchini, carrot, pumpkin n cherry tomatoes with threadfin porridge. taste sweet n yummy.

Rose, her hua was at this pot of orchid at my mum's place!

Ever since my gal threw out a few times last Monday due to indigestion , I dun dare feed her too many things now. Keeping to 2 vege n 1 fruit now for her slowly get used.
