IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Sometimes when my bb dun kick much i also start to wonder is everything fine...guess most of MTB will be paranoid in this area. But i believe yr bbs are well, hee maybe just tired of kicking, wanna rest.

Dawn, Petals,
Ya i also heard some pple bought both cot n playpen but in the end bb dun sleep there. Dawn, why is playpen dangerous when bb can flip n stand up?...i thought can adjust the height and use till abt 1+ or 2 yrs old? I was thinking for playpens when the bb stand up and fall down at least lesser chance of hitting the head cos it's soft...whereas for cot the bb higher chance of knocking on the wood. The side cushion selling outside seems to be quite low.

I almost bought the mustela cream tat time, heard it is quite gd too...hopefully yr itciness will get better.

Seems like Dr Kwek is taking gd care of u. Will Dr Kwek or Dr Loh deliver yr bbs?

nano, the playpen more unstable. think i read the instructions, the baby can only sleep till a few months (think 6, if i remember correctly) then must shift it to a lower level liow. Think there is a weight limit. so if we want to put 2 babies....prob by 3 or 4 months cannot let both of them sleep there liow.

Deasy, so have u fixed a date for the c-section? one thing good about planned c-section is that u will be ready for it. wait for natural like any time must be ready, so scary! This morning had 8 contractions between 5-6am, I tot 'oh-o', is it today....but after that was ok liow. another false alarm!

thanks!! hav u fix a date fo ur c-section? do u hav any contraction?


wow, 8 times contraction, tat's a lot! hav u call dr loh? do u hav any anti-contraction meds with u? n do u hav to take e injection for maturing bbs lungs?


dr kwek does nt take care of private pts, he just help to see my scans only. dr loh wil do e delivery for me.
Yah, i couldn't sleep well last nite, kept putting my hand on tummy to feel and was worried as they were so quiet. This morn the little princess starting kicking quite a lot aft breakfast. She seems more active than her bro, even during the scans.

U must b quite excited now...all packed and ready to go? So good, both ur babies head-down? Mine were breech during my last detailed scan. Hope they'll change positions in the coming mths.
Hi Petals,

I've got 2 cots already (1 given by a friend), i was advised playpen is not so good as well as they don't come with good mattress which is very important for newborn. I've got both the mattress from Mothercare and it cost around Sin 200.00 here for each and is specially for newborn and can use until they are about 2.5 yrs, you can check it up. I have also thought of putting the 2 bb in the same cot for the 1st 2 mth but see how when the time comes.

I have only bought the basic stuff like milk bottles, clothes, bibs, towel, bb bag etc. Big items are only mattress and cots. Don't buy unnecessary stuff first as you might get them as gifts later on. My friend has given me a single pram and if i dont get a twin pram as gift then i get it later myself. I have saw Mcclaren has this model "Rally twins" and it weigh only 9.8kg, supposed to be the lightest twin pram in the market now and it can be used for newborn. It cost around Sin 600.00 here, maybe you can check that up too.
Thanks, Theresa. Yah, i visited the maclaren website. Think the Rally model is lighter than the Techno, but from the picture looks like the Techno has the additional padding to hold the newborns' heads in place. Good idea to get later, wait for it as a gift first...hee...
dawn, weiwei,
planned to do it on 2feb, but then my MIL looked at the date and "thongsu" book, and said date not good, etc etc.... made me so mad, and suddenly felt like the date hubby and i liked most being cursed, so, now dont feel like planning any dates, but the latest one will be 6feb. according to gynae's will be on feb 3, tht if i can stand for tht long. so, if i really do it on feb 3, then i'll be home exactly on the first day of chinese new year. hihihi.... until now, if MIL asks when to deliver, i'll answer anytime if babies are ready to come out, dont want her to see the book anymore.

mustela cream did work for the first time i applied, i slept so well last nite, today feel a slight itch only, hopefully will get better and better. dont care for the marks, its the itch tht really bugging.
hi gals,
went for my weekly check up yesterday evening, so many patients. My appt 4.25pm, only got to see Dr. Loh at 645pm! Did the CTG and they could pick up the contractions at 10 min interval but still mild so Dr Loh says still have to wait till interval shorter and more intense then means i m ready. Will induce after my next appt on 18/1 if the babies not out by then.

weiwei, i am still on those anti-contraction medication (orange colour one, can't remember the name) 3x a day. originally dr loh wants me to stop the medication liow....but later he think think then say never mind, take one more week lah. I din take the injection to mature the twins' lungs, not sure why, will check with dr next week. you take care yah, good to see u still popping in the forum so we know u r ok!

petals, the twin nearest to the 'exit' is head down, in fact has engaged liow, the other twin is transverse, meaning lying across my tummy. Will try natural delivery first, if cannot then c-section lor. you r still in ur 2nd trimester right? babies can still turn around one....

deasy, sometimes old pple like that one. can dun tell them u r selecting date for c-section? just tell them that it is fixed by the doctor! hiaks!!!
Wow...one more week to go. So exciting for you. Maybe u don't need the injection cos you are almost full-term? So your babies will be little Golden Piggies since they r born before CNY. So I guess you won't be going out for CNY as u will be busy with babies and confinement. I went back for my re-scan to finish up my detailed scan for my princess and my babies already changed from breech to head-down, no wonder i felt the kicks in diff spots compared to a few days ago. Think they still have a lot of space to turn now.

R u thinking of getting b-pump and steam steriliser? Was looking at the Pigeon steriliser but seemed the prices have gone up even with the 20% off?

heehee.... my next appt wil b on 16th, wil do CTG on tat day also. maybe after e appt i cant leave e hospital liao. only can sit up for a while everyday, hubby so scared i wil drop e lower boy out if i sit too long...
u take care also, ya? maybe we wil meet each other in e ward after delivery...


enjoy e turning n changing of position frm ur bbs
definitely i will be banned from going out during CNY. Wow both head-down, that's good! I think i am going to miss all their kicking, punching and stretching in my womb. *sigh* oh, my frens have passed me some of their manual b pumps, until i sure i have bm, then i will buy those electric pumps.
also bought steam sterilizer liow.

weiwei, hee hee...maybe we really will deliver on the same day hor? Jia you, let's try to hold on a few more days! Did u read the newspaper about the triplets today? They also arrive about 34 weeks and their weight is about 1.5, 1.6 and 1.3kg doing well. So since ur boys about 1.9kg liow...should be ok, hopefully ur gal gal will catch up.
i already missed christmas & new year, one more CNY s nothing for me liao.... by e time of CNY, my boys should b able to come home, also dun want them to hav too many visitors, minimise e chance getting sick. heehee...it's funny i got some fluid coming out frm my both breast these few days. my mum said tat means i m ready to BF e bbs liao, milk production already started.

ya, in fact my boys should nt hav any prob, only e gal....for e past 3 days, e bbs became more stronger, including e gal. tat make me happy as i knw they r growing n my gal never giv up.

hor hor....wil u ask for A1 or B1 room when u admitted? i asked for B1. e bbs hav to follow mummy's status 1st after they r born. then if we want to downgrade e bbs to C or B2, must get letter frm neonatal dr or dr loh, if nt, bbs wil follow mummy's status n e bill size wil b sky high....hav to save $$ frm now on....
weiwei, wow milk production already started! so good! I have already signed up for B1 room liow, like u, I am also scared of complications due to multiples, then they have to spend some time in the NICU or the special care.
I am so happy for you that you are going to see your twins soon. I am sure you will enjoy them. 1 boy and 1 girl right?
Take care and hang on there.
If Dr Loh said there's possibility for you to deliver naturally, try it! Just push and push when they tell you to and you can make it. My boy was born face up and Dr Loh said at that time that many babies who were born face up, had to go through c-section as it is considered difficult labour but I managed to push him out fast. That's because the nurse told me that if I didn't push, I would have to go for c-section and I didn't want that as then, I might not be able to bf due to the pain and it takes about 6 months for the wound to be fully healed.

By the way, I think KK is the only local hospital which practised tuning off the supply of epidural when you are fully dilated. The nurse said it is to help you to know when to push so that can cut down the possibilty of forcep or vacuum birth. So, be mentally prepared.

how r u now? me feeling good coz can tahan til appt with dr loh tmr.
natural delivery, good for u n bbs!! only tahan e pain, but it's shorter than e pain frm c-section wound later on. ya, try natural. dear!! u can do it!!
Jeni and weiwei, really hope to try natural first, but if really cannot then must be prepared for c-section. ;) sometimes, things may go out of control one!
Thanks 4 all ur encouragment, will think of u all when i have no strength to push....hee hee....
then i will be motivated to push liow.

Jeni, how's ur boy doing? now school open liow....ur mum taking care of him? u must miss him alot!

weiwei, din see u yesterday online, tot u give birth liow!
U got appt with dr loh tmr ah? is it to discuss when give birth? mine will be this friday morning lor.....he will discuss with me the dates to induce. Jeni, is urs induce or natural? cos i heard induce much more painful leh!

Ask u all,how long do u intend to ask ur hubby to take leave to be with u after u deliver? My hubby was asking me this qn as he wants to inform his office.....hmmmm....some of my colleagues's hubby oni took 1 or 2 days to be with wife...others 1 or 2 weeks wor....very vast difference.

dun think about e pain la, each one tolerate e pain at different level. i got 2 friends, their delivery a lot different. both having bb gal, bb's weight about e same also. one mummy rest at home since 32 wks, took 20hours to deliver her bb. another mummy kept working until e date her waterbag burst, n she only took 2 hours to deliver her gal. just try ur best. ok?

heehee....yesterday a bit lazy la... tmr wil b a review lor. dun knw when he want to deliver for me, but he did say want to wait til 34 wks if possible. still hav to scan n do CTG then see how. but my appt is 8pm leh, by e time finish everything, wil b very late already....

for me just want hubby take 2 days paternal leave only. thinking if can choose e date, better choose thur n fri, then sat n sun he can accompany me also n no need to take extra leave. my mum wil help me with e confinement so hubby no need to worry too much. must save some leave as my gal may need op n hubby hav to go kkh visit bbs everyday...
How're things? You decided to change dr yet? Will you do a complete switch or maintain both drs for a while? Feeling babies kicks getting more obvious now. Think they change position again, cos the kicks are in diff places now.

weiwei, dawn & deasy,
All the best for your deliveries in the next few wks! Don't forget to visit this thread and share with us your experience ok?
wah, 2 hrs is fast leh. oh yah, my fren just told me can stand by those plastic bag/sheet at home to bring along in case our water bag burst and we may dirty our cars/taxi seats which we r travelling. ur appt v late tomolo hor...hmmm...but then, i think let them stay as long as possible inside our womb lah.

petals, thanks thanks. u enjoy ur 2nd trimester ok? it is the best part of pregnancy.
Went for my usual appt last wk..my nx appt will be 3wks time. Haven't make up my mind whether to chg partly already so used to current doc n environment. Also, *touch wood* if bb needs to stay in hospital, kk seems to be the best pl?

I also noticed mine always kick diff place..hee wondering does dd use their hands to knock? or just legs to kick? Mine seems to be more active at nite after my dinner...day time like dun kick so much leh...wondering issit she always sleep during day time.

Hee..last wkend, bought quite a few items fr JL sale...abit early but can't resist since got gd disc.

Weiwei, Dawn, Deasy,
Ya all the best! Can't wait to hear yr delivery experience.

waterbag burst? i wil call ambulance to bring me to kkh instead of taxi. kiasu a bit.... at least in e ambulance there are some medical staff tat can help u a bit. for taxi, some of them dun even want u to get on their car leh, scare we wil dirty their car. like last wk, once e taxi driver saw my big tummy, he ask me " dun tell me u r going to deliver now?" instead of "where r u going"
Oh, what did you buy at JL? Any gd offers? I went to Robinsons and was also very tempted...pigeon stuff 20% off. Yeah, somemore mine multiples so better stick w KK. Well, u can have 2 docs if u want to decide on hospital later for delivery, and while both are updated on your condition...only need to spend more $$. But urs singleton so usually will be quite smooth, so pte shld cost only a little more if u do a complete switch. They may charge for each scan (on top of consultn fee) and meds will be a little more exp than KK which may enjoy bulk disct.

For the steriliser u bought, is it avent or pigeon? Wondering if the pigeon sterliser bundle at $149 is worth it and whether we will really need the bottle warmer. How many milk bottles u standby? Aiyo, so many brands and types of bottles avail.

all the best for ur checkup today. Hee...maybe ur taxi driver said that cos he scared he not qualified enough to be hero if u show signs of labour.

haha.... ya, maybe he was more nervous than me.

i bought most of e products frm avent: breast pump, steriliser, milk bottles, and nipple cream. galfriend said it's products r quite good quality so i din check other brand also. why we need e bottle warmer? issit to warm up milk? for me no need la, just pour some hot water into a big bowl then put e whole bottle into e bowl, e milk wil b warm up also. u only need to boil hot water each time. we prepared 3 small bottle(125mls) and 3 midium(250mls) for each baby.
Haa...the taxi driver so funny. Yr tummy must be very very big now, think the taxi driver also will be extra careful if you sit in his car.

I very kiasu...bought alot of things areadi cos quite gd offer..for member at least 20 +5 % disc. Bought milk bottles, pacificers, rattles, bath tub, play pen etc.. Other big items like sterilizer, breast pump someone will pass to me so i need not buy.

Ya i think for multiples better stick wif kkh..singleton not so much diff. Not sure whether did Needle changed her gynae oredi..

Hmn..today afternoon my bb seems to kick more compared to pass 2 afternoons.
weiwei, u should scare the taxi driver n say u going to deliver in a few mins time!!! and then watch his reaction. ;)

petals, my fren bought 2 avent sterilser, so i bought over one Brand new one from her. I have 4 small avent bottle (90ml) and 4 medium bottles (125ml). My fren going to pass me another 4 small avent bottles. She says very mafan to keep washing the bottles leh, so she wash and sterilise 6 at one go. i also kiasu, bought 2 Nuk NB bottles to standby cos heard that some babies do not like Avent's teats cos too hard.

I think hor, with multiples, should stay with KK as they will be more equipped to handle the complications.
wow seems like a lot of u bought lots of things from the sale! so good...i haven't been shopping for ages liow!
Oh, seems like Weiwei and Dawn, both of u going the avent route. Cos i read on one of the threads that once u use avent b-pump, everything else also must be avent to be compatible? So I thought I'll stick to pigeon steriliser & bottles instead, as it fits the medela b-pump, which my friends are recommending. Anyway, will buy all this later. Hopefully still on sale then.

So lucky ur friends can give u the steriliser n pump...will save a lot of money. Is it avent too? Do u know which has the bigger nursery section (JL or Robinsons)? Cos so far haven't been to JL in a long while....also did u go to the Orchard JL or the Marina Sq one?
Mine is the Medela "pump-in-style" electric b-pump. Steriliser is pigeon one. Actually for milk bottle i quite confused cos got quite a few types...i have avent, pigeon, some are given by friends. In addition i bought 2 NUK bottles(1 big, 1 small) for standby cos like wat Dawn said some babies may reject the Avent's teats..tat's wat i heard too.

For JL, i prefer the nursery section at Marina sq. Think for Robinson, the centrepoint one is still better.
dawn, petals

went for appt last night. well, dr loh said i still can wait for about 2 wks more.
but e clerk at TPS s really blur lor. last wk b4 i went back, never tell me need to go delivery suite for CTG for about 1 hr b4 appt, yesterday when we reach there also never mention anything about e CTG. lucky i saw it on my booklet, hubby asked them then only they bring me to e delivery suite. by e time finish CTG n see dr loh, already 9.30pm liao. there was nobody at TPS except us!!

e good thing s tat all bbs r growing well, even gal gal also put on weight.
so i hav to tahan somemore....
weiwei, that is indeed good news!!!!
tahan 2 more weeks, so that easier to take care of them when they come out! jia you jia you! your ctg got pick up any contractions? mine picked up mild contractions every 10 min.....dr loh says not intense enough yet,ha ha....must wait till got pain then go down to delivery suit! nowadays my contractions are more painful early in the morning between 4 to 6am, 30s strong tightening with slight pain like stomachache/menses cramp at 10 min interval ...but always disappear after i wake up around 8am leh.....so not time yet.

nano, i also heard Nuk teats must change more often like at most can use 1 month it will decolourise or disintegrate liow...

petals, yah lor, cos my fren gave me avent manual pump and sold me the avent sterilizer, so most of the things i also buy avent....quite expensive leh, always must wait for sale then I buy.

he din say anything about e ctg leh, but i saw 2 big waves o n e paper e rest r about e same small waves. so guess should hav 2 only. oh, ya, u wil try natural 1st hor, then must wait pain n contraction at 5 mins interval then they wil keep u. jiayou!! ur darlings r coming on their way
dr loh said wil deliver for me b4 cny, so they should still be "piggy bbs"


ya, gov hospital, u cant expect much frm them. as long as bbs ok. how about u? ur bbs kicking well?
Yah, me looking at the medela pump in style too. My friend said if you breastfeed for a few mths, can recover the cost from the formula milk saved.

I think manual pump will be very tiring for u leh, esp with twins. You will get very strong arms...hee... Never mind, u can try first then buy an electric one if need to.

ya, both kicking a lot harder now.
but today my tummy uncomfortable even when lying down...feels a little hard when i poke, but i think could be be the skin too stretched. Hope it's not contraction.
choco_latte...ur name is yummy!
yah, trying out manual in case no milk, then wun waste $$$. Have told hubby which model and where to buy if really need!
A couple of my friends with singletons also bought medela double electric pumps, didn't ask them why last time...I guess last time i wasn't preggy yet so didn't ask that much. Maybe u can try the manual pump first and let us know if useful. Anyway, KK pharmacy and the outside shops also selling the pumps, but i haven't compared prices yet.
Also, I heard for NUK if u using steriliser better to use the silicone teat cos the other type the teat may bcome abit sticky after sterilised.. Not too sure whether true or not but i bought the one with silicone teat just in case.

Dawn, Petals,
My friend used the manual pump last time and find it very tiring n difficult to pump out the milk. In the end, she bought electric ones which according to her easier to get the milk out.

Hi Choco_latte,
When r u due? Which hospital are you with now?

according to my friend who`has manual n electric pump both, manual pump s not so painful as it wont pull ur breast too hard but u need to relax n longer time to pump out e milk. also breast can maintain better shape with manual pump. while for electric one, it's faster, only need 10mins to do it, so it suitable for working mums. she find it a bit painful while using as e power s much stronger. u need to find powerpoint for e pump each time, tat may be a bit difficult for some pp. think for those having multiples, we really dun hav much time to relax down n pump slowly. so i bought electric pump, single one. dun think it's necessary to buy duo pump. compare e price i got frm babykingdom last time, one uno pump(single) s 240, duo pump s 600+, if i wil need a 2nd pump, then just buy another uno wil do, still cheaper than duo pump. heehee.... hav to calculate n save every single cent....
Hee, how come the duo pump pricing so funny. You can try to latch on 2 babies first...quite interesting the various holds shown in the books...then can latch on 3rd baby and use pump at same time. I read that breasts may leak while one baby is latched on. Oh, some of the pumps can adjust the suction power rite?

dun knw abt other brand, but for avent uno, it wil let u try manual with e pump, u can adjust e power using ur own hands. once e power s fine with u, e pump wil remember tat power n next time it wil follow.
hi ladies,

can seek some advice from you.
after the pregnancy blood test, when should we schedule for the scan? Can it be earlier than 2 weeks time? Did your doctor monitor your status/progress after blood test?
I feel a little uncomfortable to wait for 2 weeks as I am not sure abt if my homos etc is ok now.
Any advice is much appreciated.

i had my 1st scan at 6th wk, tat s about 2 wks after e bld test. e reason they scan u at 6th wk s because they can mornitor e sac n see e little heartbeat at e same time. it's more assuring. u can see e sac at 5th wk, but cant detect e heartbeat yet, so still hav to go for another scan for e heartbeat. they dun consider it's a good pregnancy until can see e bb's heartbeat. can understand ur anxiety but u really need to wait patiently as long as u dun hav any spotting or bleeding. did ur dr giv u any meds to stablise ur bb? if hav, just take e meds n be patient, u wil b able to see ur bb in e scan soon. if dun hav any meds, maybe u want to call up dr n ask whether u need anything to make sure hormone s ok? relax, bb can feel ur emotions also
Hi weiwei,

thanks so much for your advice and sharing. will try to be relax.
Yes, i am really anxious because i had some problems with my homos during the last pregnancy.

I have not met the doctor, the nurses just gave me folic acid and duphaston.
How do i know how many weeks I am currently at in the case of IVF/ICSI? Is it based on the date of ET?

Thanks again.

u r most welcome

my bld test was done on 17th day post ET, tat day they counted as wk4day3. but ur edd wil b calculated later when bb more than 8wks, more accurate. duphaston n folic acid r good enough for 1st trimester, just talk to ur bb everyday. he/she has been waiting to wave at u on e screen as well.
Hello gals, I have popped last Friday! Went for appt on 18/1 at 11am and Dr Loh said I was oredi 4cm dilated but din feel anything, so was sent to the delivery suite immediately. Called hubby to come quickly in case the babies suddenly arrivce. Wanted to try natural so water bag was burst about 12noon, and started on drip. Contractions became stronger and v painful but couldn't take epidural as I had taken my asprin medication in the morning. After 5 hours, the cervix was still 4cm dilated so decided to go for emer c section after discussion with dr loh. Twins born at 1806 and 1807. Both are ok weight and placed in normals wards. Babies and I were discharged last night, very tiring, will update u all soon when I am more rested.

Weiwei, soon will be ur turn!

wow, u really popped!! congrats
was talking to hubby last night maybe u delivered liao, u really did! u must b very tired right now. take good rest n enjoy ur time with ur little angels. how s ur wound, still painful? so happy for u, finally u get to hold ur babies in ur arm. u started BF already? did u managed to collect e cord bld? it's great tat ur babies no need to stay in SCN or NICU.

sorry i've been "lorsor", wil see`dr loh tmr again, dun knw wat wil happen n when wil i pop. u take good rest, ya?
i wil b joining u soon... heehee....
Congratulations on your new arrivals Dawn!

Wow...that was speedy! UNexpectedly speedy indeed. Didn't like the bit where you can't get epidural becos of aspirin... but it's all over now, new chapter begins!

You'll be 33 or 34 weeks this week? How are you getting along now? I hope you'll continue staying positive and when the time comes you'll have a smooth delivery.
I have found this other forum where there are more twins&triplets "seniors" and they have been very helpful and supportive. And yes a couple more other triplet carriers like us. Even the lady that has natural triplets that was in the news was from that forum! It's at
If the link don't work then try
A Singapore Motherhood Portal for the Singapore Parents>>> Year 2008 and later Mums>>> 2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

I find the whole calculation very confusing too when I was at the initial stage. I had my pregnancy blood test done on Week4... so I counted backwards and it still didn't make sense to me. Hahahahaha... somehow I figured conception date is the day before I start Gonal F.(I know I'm making you more confuse now...) I need to know the conception date so that I could "see" my baby at http://yourembryo.blogspot.com/search/label/early%20pregnancy%20sign.
Try it- it's interesting and has a calming effect on me when I see the stage where my baby's at.
I know this few weeks would be very tough on you- must stay positive, don't over-exert yourself and eat well.

Stay healthy ladies.....


i m going to 34wks this friday. so far hav been very veyr tired, but wil try to hold them longer as i can.
visited e forum u mentioned, very nice, think i wil keep track on tat. just for ur info, ivf MTBs r not allowed to take b2 n c class ward according to moh, we must at least take up b1. but in kkh, after e bbs r born, u can ask dr to write a memo to downgrade ur bbs to b2 or c, but tat's all depends on e hospital whether approve e downgrading or not.
