IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

The sono took quite a while to scan my babes and it was a little painful when she pressed the probe hard into my tummy and dragged it across my belly. Ouch. Silly me, waited for a while for my turn, so decided to go toilet first as i was high-tide by then and worried it will leak if she pressed too hard during scan. Then first thing she commented was that i shldn't have done that, but she didn't want me to go out to drink water cos i think she had to go home after seeing me. Both babies fine, but I need to go back for rescan as tboth she and second sono couldn't check my second twin's heart properly due to her position, as baby's spine was blocking their view. So that's the only thing left. Just that i find their attitude not very good. They seem v aloof and in a rush to close our case to go home as it was already after 5pm.

When u go for ur detailed scan elsewhere, do u need a dr's letter? or just call up another hospital to book? I got a cream and a pessery (to insert) from dr for my discharge as it might be fungal when i told him it was yellowish. He said if watery n colourless shld be normal.

Me too, was 5pm that day and they were all in a hurry to go home. But my sono was quite diplomatic and nice still. When I went for my second scan, I was given priority to go first. Haha, overall feeling was not too good, sono v aloof, except for one, think her name is Yvonne.
When one of the other sono popped her head into my roon to say hi, my sono said in a grumbling tone "oh, i thot u want to give me another twins case"! can u imagine...in front of us somemore.

Don't worry, I'm sure ur baby is fine. Where will u be going for ur rescan?
Also, did ADC schedile a Wk 25 scan for u too?

didn't manage to see u...were u wearing a grey tee and black skirt?
LB, Petals,
Thanks for yr concern. I've done my detailed scan at a pte gynae yest. The gynae explained very clearly when he is checking on diff parts of the bb. Was glad tat the gynae confirmed nothing wrong with my bb. Imagined that day kk even told me if amnio needed it shd be done urgently as abortion is not allowed after 23 wks!..tat's y was abit worried after the 1st scan but try to be +ve so bb's sake.

While i was doing the scan, the sono also told another colleague tat she hope wun get twins or triplets case...so inappropriate to say it in front of patients!

My discharge is watery and not itchy so i guess ok. No, they did not schedule a wk 25 scan for me but was given an appt to see Dr 2 wks later based on the results of the 1st scan.
Nano & Petals,
Tell u something even worse, one of my friends found out her BB has no heartbeat on week 9, on the morning b4 D&C, she asked for another scan. Know what the sono told her in China Chinese "Scan Scan for what, already gone, still scan!!" in agitated voice

No, they did not schedule for 25 wk for me as well.

Sometimes, when I am angry with either ADC or 24 hour, I grumble to Dr Loh...haha, i know no use, but for fun see his reaction

no, i was wearing a light blue dress, like a pajamas, but tat's e only thing i can still fit in now. dun want to waste $$ buy clothes agagin as bbs coming soon. din see u also, so many pp down there, i was keep on looking which one could b u.heehee... i was sitting outside rm2&3. how abt u?

finally saw Dr Loh yesterday. he said acturally Dr kwek already told him abt my case while they were having lunch. he also said e bbs r ok to him n only my cervix make him worry. so i got some anti-contraction tabs taken home. he also said want to keep them til 34-35wks, tat's e best time to deliver e bbs. dr kwek n dr loh wil both follow up on my case. dr kwek wil see me every wk for e bbs scan n dr loh wil see me every 2 wks for delivery. wow,$$ gone so fast!! spent nearly $300 on scan n appt yesterday!!

abt e sono, i had bad experience also. last wk when i did my scan at ADC, e sono could nt get some data due to e bbs position, she "knock" very hard on my tummy n shake e bbs, trying to get them move a bit. but i think my bbs were so scared n dare nt to move. poor thing... in e end i hav to comfort bbs then they became better. surprisingly for yesterday, was e same sono, she s more polite n even explain to me abt e scan results. they also helped me in lying down n getting up. mum was so worry tat she may abuse my bbs again.haha... sometimes while they working, they just treat us as a subject but not human, tat's why anyhow say one... aiyo, dun care wat they say, as long as e scan went smoothly n bbs r ok.
Deasy, my babies longest stayed till 37 days. hmmm... refarding the cord blood thingy, if your gynae say ok then it should be ok.... my experience is that i lost so much blood on the operating table even without waiting for the stem cord to be collected... dr loh already did the delivery super fast already.
Nano, LB, Weiwei,
I see I'm not the only one w bad exp with them. Oh, I think the Wk 25 scan is scheduled only for twins then.

Nano, glad that u r now reassured by a 2nd opinion. How can they scare u like that during ur 1st scan, talking abt abortion! No wonder u were so worried...

Weiwei, looks like u r in 2 good pairs of hands. I was sitting o/s rm 2...was also looking out for u.
I think for these cheaper prices compared to pvte, have to put up with bad service. So just grin and bear it....like what u said, as long as babies r ok.
Hi Weiwei,

Wow, it's good that you manage to hold your babies till now! Don't worry, God will protect them and count every extra day that they are inside your tummy as a blessing. I agreed that $$$ spent these few months are like water running, IVF till now is all $$$.....

So who will be taking care of them on long term basis after you resume back to work? I'm also like you staying in a foreign land with not much family members to help out. MIL will be probably staying for about 3 months and after that is the maid and myself for 24 hrs..... DH always travelling, hope to get some relieve when he is in on weekend only.

Hi Petals,

Looks like you are doing well with your babies as well. My tummy also grow very big and fast, now measuring 95cm at week 25. So far i put on only about 7kg, how about you. So what is sex of your twins?

So who will be taking care of your babies when they are out? I feel quite stress thinking about taking care of them as i don't know whether i will handle it well or not. Praying hard that they will be good and easy babies to take care.

cheap price doesnt mean we should get bad service. it's just their own attitude. i've met some sono who r very nice n friendly also. sometimes pp just dun understand wat we went through n how much their words can hurt others. not sensitive enough...


hi, there!! how r u? miss u a lot
haha, ur tummy wil grow even bigger later. me reaching 120cm soon...

ya, everyday s a blessing for me n i really pray they wil stay til 34wks. now as e bbs grow, their movements became less but my legs r more painful. even just lying on e bed, as long as i move e legs, it wil cause sharp pain to e pubic area. if i sit longer than 1hr, legs wil numb. wat to do? i dun suffer now e bbs wil suffer even more later if they come out early.

mum was here since 2mth ago. MIL wil come over once i deliver e bbs. both of them wil then stay with us to take care of e bbs. if they can cope i wil go back to work. if they cant cope with e little naughty ones, i wil take no pay leave til they turn one yr old. by then still can nt, i wil quit n stay at home lor. mum say my bbs r all very active n naughty, 10 times worse than me!! wil nt b easy ones to handle leh......

dun stress urself for taking care of e bbs. tat's 3mth later story liao. now u need to hav a peaceful n cheerful mind, so ur bbs wil b easy to take care later.
Hi Theresa,
Long time no hear from u! Hi hi! What have u been up to all this while? Um, I've also put on 7kg leh. Sigh...must be the recent ice-cream phase. I'm carrying LFT...

Ya, what to do...they need to revamp their cust svc attitude.
Hi Weiwei,

I have also thought of going back to work cause i'm the active type that can't just stay home to look after babies but can't plan so far now.....
I just missed my working life so much that sometime i cry when i think of it..... sight!
Like what you say, if my maid can handle it well and my MIL willing to stay long term then probably i will start looking for a job end of this year. I have also been praying that i will have 2 "angel babies" that are easy to take care and a good helper.

I dont know whether you have read about putting babies on a structured routine so they will "feel" organised and know what to expect what's going on with their daily routine. As i've read, babies that cry alot because they are not in routine and as they don't know what to expect for their daily activities, then they tend to get frustrated. I've this book that called "The Baby Whisperer" by Tracy Hogg which i find that it's really a wonderful guide which they tells you in details of every single things what to expect and how to deal with different babies and they also include how to handle low-birth weight and premature babies.

Hi Petals,

Congrats on your LFT!

Have been so busy since i return to HK. Got to find hospital and new place to move as our current place is just too small for 2 babies. Also been going round to get cheap and good babies stuff..... got to do it myself before i gets too big to walk around. What to do, got to do everything myself cause no family members around and no car to move around like in Sin.

heard abt setting routine for bbs. but dun think i can b so firm with e routine... especialy when they cry loudly, mostly i wil giv up b4 they understand e routine. heehee.... one of my friend wil giv her bb only plain water in e night no matter how she cry. sometimes later, e bb knows tat she wont get milk but just water, she wont cry so much. i cant do tat leh, my heart wil ache n i wil feel bad if purposly dun giv them milk.
Thanks. Do remember to rest more, since u r the only one doing all the shopping. Good thing their MTR network is v convenient, only thing is u might have to stand. Do they give up their seats for u? Is the baby stuff cheaper there?
Yalor was worried at first. Btw so told my amniotic fluid slightly abit high but doc said not a course for concern cos just a bit more.
Congrats for having LFT! You can close shop leow after this. Me having a girl
Did u know the weight of yr babies?
A princess! How sweet! Wonder how they check amnio fluid vol. She didn't say anything, so I assume ok. I asked her abt weight, but she said not measured now. I thot auto calc from the measurements? Do u know the weight? Not in report leh.
The sono also never tell me abt the wt. When i asked her abt placenta, she said just said ok. However, the other gynae said abit low but ok cos will shift up later. BB is 340g. Have u started buying bb's stuff?

congrats on ur little princess!!


dun worri abt e bbs weight. they wil estimate frm e bbs head, arm, leg n tummy size then calculate e bbs weight. maybe she focus on other parts of e scan. maybe u ccan ask dr loh during next visit when they check ur fetus growth.
don't worry about the position of the placenta too much as last time, Dr Loh said mine was low too but by the time I gave birth, it moved up. I remembered he told me he would assess me constantly and as long as by 37th week it moves up, it will be ok.
Is anyone here experiencing tummy tightening/hardening thingy??
I have it all time until last sat afternoon, i couldn't tahan and decided to see a private gynae for help. He did a contraction test and the test indicated 2 contractions within 1/2 hour.He seemed very concerned and adviced me to get warded as early contraction may indicate premature labour which is far too early for a 21 weeker. I was confused at the time as i dun even know how a contraction feels like, and i dun get the kind of feeling the nurses there described to me.
I went straight to KK ADC with the pte gynae's referal letter. KK did another contraction test and it showed mild contraction. I requested to see Dc Loh but he was off duty apparently.I was warded for that night. They did nothing besides giving me something to lower my blood pressure. But my BP is always below 110. As it was prescribe by Doc Loh, i took it anyway.
They did another test the next day but this time shows no contraction.Was ordered to rest at home until i see doc loh next which is 3 wks away.
Now i'm dead worried at home. Can't go to work, can't go out.... Juz email doc loh but no reply yet. Haiz. Was a bad expereince throughout the hospital stay. No one seemed to do anything.
contraction pain is like tummy pain wan poo poo kind..and ur tummy will go very hard. Have you get the doc to check if u have dilate? Now pls monitor if bb move 10 times a day..any weight losee or decrease in bb movement call doc immeidately. How many week u in now?
Hi Hui,
Thanks for responding.
I am going 22 wks this wed.
I don't experience any pain or poo poo feeling. juz that my tummy is very hard especially after each meal.And it is not randomly but persistant. Usually better in the morning when i get out of bed. The doc inserted something below but did not say anything. Bb moves very frequently. No weight loss but din gain as i can't swallow much food.
22 weeks abit early leh..tink u email Dr Loh better..that time i sudden bleeding when am 3 mths preggie, quite heavy bleeding. i was warded in KKH for 5 days for nothing..juz bed rest n keep doin scan..so in the end hubby suggest my ex gynae he used to be from KKH but now private. so i discharge that day go see my ex gynae he do a pap smear and have a look at my cervix area..he tell striaght is infection that cause my bleeding. i nearly went crazy during my stay in KKH..feel loss n nurses cannot ans my quries..
i did ask dr b4 how to tell when contraction, he said ur tummy will b v hard n feels like a clenched muscle when u gently press on the uterus w ur fingertips to test. You can lie down n gently press. Sometimes when i stand, i find my tummy harder but it's gravity, cos when i lie down it's soft. Ask dr to give u anti-contraction pills. He shld be there whole day consultn on wed.

were u given "adalat"? tis med for normal pp s to lower down BP but for us it's to reduce contraction. my contraction started around 22wks also. it was just urs, no pain, just hardening of e tummy n i was still working. saw my gyn at wk 23, he order HL for me til delivery as my work environment s super stressful n dun even hav time to eat. i took e HL n rest til now.

dun worry about ur work, sb. can always do it for u. how many bb/bbs u carrying? yes, u need to mornitor bb movement, too little or too frequent all nt good signs. watch out for sudden changes in it's movement. u need to relax a bit, my dear. bb can feel ur anxious n become restless also. u can call kk appt center to change appt with dr loh to a earlier date, then no need to wait so long already.
i'm carrying 1.

sometimes when i was lying down, i could feel a "raising" sensation, and my left tummy will be enlarged.I thought its BB stretching. But usually last for only a few seconds. No pain, nothing.How to tell if bb movement is normal?
Will doc Loh entertain walk-in tomorrow. i am given calcigard three times a day.
already emailed doc loh but no reply yet.

i also fell tummy softer when i lie down

"normal bb movement" really depends on individual. it's usually ur own feeling abt e bb move more or less than it's usual.

at 1st i din knw i was having contractions til e dr ask me. he said for early contractions most of e pp just feel hardening of tummy n some pp may not feel it even. dr din do any test as my contraction was only 3-4 times a day, they may nt catch it on time.

try to call dr loh early morning n tell e his assisstant it's emergency when they put u through e line.
Yah, like what weiwei said, better call clinic d in the morning and ask to speak to his assistant and tell her ur condition so he is aware. You may still have to wait a while when u go down without an appmt tmrw, but keep reminding them that u r having contractions so they don't make u wait too long.
Have not bought yet, but have taken note of prices & pointed out things to hubby so that he can buy later on. Decided not to buy anything major until 1-2 mths later. You bought anything yet?

weiwei, theresa, dawn,
How do u intend to let ur babies sleep - in same cot for 1st mth or u getting one cot for each? How abt playpens that can be used as a cot? Still quite blur abt this aspect. Think my fren can pass me a cot.

Oh, u know how we r not supposed to be doing renovation in the house when preggy... Do i need to leave the house when it's our neighbours who r the ones renovating? Very noisy and i don't know how long it's going to last.

we intend to let them sleep together in a single bed for e 1st 2mths as they dun knw how to turn yet n it's easier to take care in e night. after tat maybe my friends wil pass me 2-3 cots.

for e renovation, not sure leh. for me as long as e noise does nt affect my mood, i wont bother. anyway, we cant stop them frm renovation just because we r pregnant.
Thks, hopefully it will move up as the pregnancy progress.

My tummy seems abit hard also, I'm dunno whether does it mean anything. Also, reg the tummy raising thing..sometimes when i lie quite flat i see one side of my tummy abit raised and after i put my hand and massage it lightly..it goes away so i thought shd be the bb?? Not too sure though..
I only bought some small items after the last sale. For the big items like cot or playpen prob will also buy 1 to 2 mths later.
petals, i going to let the twins share a cot for the first 2 months but i also bought a play pen to put in the maid's room cos scared that when they sick, they pass the virus to one another or at night they wake each other up?

renovation, we can't do anything rite? I was staying at my mum's place and the whole block was undergoing upgrading, every day knocking and drilling leh....only in ur own house u can avoid.

needle, how's ur contractions? They will allow u to do a walk in one...i had severe bleeding during 1st trimester, also went TPS and plead with them to let me see Dr. Loh. week 22 quite a critical period, i am sure Dr. Loh will take it quite seriously too. take care and rest a lot.

weiwei, how's ur triplets doing? I am telling my twins to hold on another week at least!
last nite started to have contractions that came with pain....but this morning ok liow. hopefully it is false alarm.
Dawn, Weiwei,
Thanks. Any brand of playpens to recommend or avoid? Which types r good? Dawn, have u bought ur Maclaren twin stroller, and how much did u pay?

You gals are going on strong...when r u both scheduled to deliver? In abt 2 wks time?

Yah, i read that the placenta will sometimes 'move' up as the uterus is still growing at this stage. Can u feel ur baby kicking? now the kicks r more obvious and usually after my meals.
I started to feel the mild movement since 2 wks ago..however, since yesterday the kicks(like knocking) suddenly seems stronger. Haa..yr bbs must be very satisfied and energised after yr meals.

Dawn, WeiWei,
Seems like both of u hanging on very well, 'jia you'! Reg the playpens, I'm interested to find out more too, heard it will be useful to buy one wif a Bassinet(not sure i got the name correct?)
Nano, petals,

I am now one more day to week 35, so if deliver after next week, twins will be full term.
You all jia you, i also never tot I will be able to go so far....kept expecting the babies to pop during the 2nd trimester or some problems to pop up.

I din buy any strollers yet leh....cos we think that can wait till the babies about 3 or 4 months then buy or some frens may give as gift leh? Think can carry them around first 6 months plus dun want to bring them out too much as their immunity will be low. More urgent to buy cot/playpen.
Bought my cot from Baby Hypermart ($299) and the playpen (think most playpens come with bassinet) from the JL sale( about $70-80 after disc). oh, btw the Baby Kingdom also sells cot at $299 but we realise the mattress they provide is normal foam while BH 's mattress is latex+foam which is supposed to better.
dawn, petals, nano

thanks, gals!!

went for weekly scan today n they found out my cervix s only 0.4cm long, tat's about to open liao!! e sono dare not to let me go home n arrange an urgent force-in appt with dr loh in tps. dr loh said bbs wil pop out anytime n gav me injection to mature bbs' lungs. also my anti-contraction meds hav to take double e dose frm now. in fact he said if i scare wil deliver anytime, can admit me today. but if i admit, they only can mornitor me n do nothing. so i came back home, at least i feel more comfortable at home.

now i m 2 more days to 32 weeks. e boys r growing well, both abt 1.9kg. e gal s still small, only 1kg plus. dr loh said it seems tat e gal wont grow much even we keep them longer. he s ready to op for me anytime but still hoping i can tahan some more. i hav to complete rest in bed frm now on.
So u'll be the next to deliver!! soon you'll be holding all 3 babies... 32 wks is good for triplets rite? Jia you!

Thanks for sharing. Good to know abt the playpens...will see if i have time to check out both stores.
how does contraction feel actually? i asked my friends, some said its like we're about to poo stomach ache, some said its like we're having menstrual pain, some said sore back pain, some said tummy very hard one and baby twisting inside.

weiwei, jia you, hope you can stand for another 2 weeks. your boys weight are good, my boy is now 2,1kg and girl is 2kg. now in week 33. gynae said will give me injection for maturing babies lungs next week.

my tummy is now very itchy, all kinds of oils and creams cannot help, i have used palmers cocoa butter, happy event, clarins oil, baby oil, and 2day my gynae prescribed me mustella double action, hvnt bought it yet. tummy just stretch and stretch, dont care about the marks but really cannot stand the itch ler. any suggestion from you gals?
Nano, Dawn,petals, weiwei
Doc Loh replied my email yesterday to see him at clinic D. He did a scan and said smthing like cervix is 4cm and so far still ok??? dun quite catch what he meant. Ask him if the condition is threatening, he juz said the medicine seems to work well for now and ask me to look out for abnormal discharge. Nano, regarding the Raising tummy, doc said its bb buttock sticking out, no worry. But i got it all the time when i lie down flat. How often does you bb move?
Weiwei and dawn,
have a smooth delivery
As long as ur contractions have stopped after taking the meds, then shld be ok. I think he means ur cervix is still closed nice n tight at 4cm thick, meaning there's no signs of thinning or dilating which is what happens before labour. Just monitor ur contractions and let him know.

i can't lie down flat now. Tummy will press on spine and will be uncomfortable, so I will twist a little to the side and use pillows to prop up my tummy and support my back.
My sis kept asking me to consider changing gynae after my hospital stay. I would like to stay with doc Loh, but KKH is not giving me much confidence in handling cases.
Glad to know tat things are fine for you after the chkup, at least u can be more relax now.
Oh...it's the buttock ah..so funny. Some days my bb seems more quiet but some days seems more active. This few days the kicks suddenly seems stronger. Reg changing of gynae, i'm also thinking.If chg, likely will switch soon.
Dawn, weiwei,
Seems like both of you will 'pop' anytime...must be quite exciting that you can hold yr bbs in yr arms soon.

Seems like most of you get both playpens n cots. Thks for sharing. Me prob will buy either one of them only...can't decide which one though.

I got quite bad outbreak not too long ago. Luckily, after i switched fr Palmer's to Clarins oil n cream, the rashes are gone. Now hoping it will not come bk as my tummy grows.

I still can lie flat cos singleton not so heavy yet but i try to avoid tat lor, not too gd..usually sleep on my sides. Do u still go facial? I stopped for now cos if go got to lie flat for quite some time.
weiwei, do rest more on bed.
hopefully the babies put on more weight these few days while u rest and then come out will be easier to take care of them. how come the sonographer got measure the cervix har? so far, nobody has measure the cervix for me yet?

petals n nano, must also see your space constraint in your house, cot is usually much bigger but they last longer lah, cos can convert to toddler's bed. play pen can only sleep for awhile until the baby can flip and sit up will be dangerous liow. but heard from some frens that their babies dun like cot/play pen, prefer the mattress/dilum on floors, so their cots/playpens are all wasted.

Deasy, my contractions so far is those BH, my tummy will go very very hard for about 1 min then after a while will soften then i can move about easily. I checked with Dr telling him that i have no pain with the contractions...he says if got pain with the contractions means the baby may be coming soon liow...
btw, did ur gynae tell u the position of babies? did he suggest natural or c-section?

re: itchiness
recently cos the tummy expanding too fast, lots of stretch marks and v v itchy. I switch to Clarins cream which makes me feel better. I have some clarins oil left which i still use on some days, but the moment i used, tummy starts to be itchy and i scratched like crazy again. So now only clarins cream 4 me these 2 weeks and i have used 1/3 to 1/2 tubes of it already!

dun knw i can hold til next week or nt coz myself also feel tummy very heavy n my lower boy tend to knock knock e door(cervix) more often n much stronger. really dun knw how long i can hold on. counting hours n days now...


ya, as long as ur cervix stil close nicely should nt b a prob. u can play with ur bb when it moves, very interesting.


thanks!! too anxious n bbs kept moving, cant slept well.


i think it's because i m having triplets so they expect i wil deliver earlier. it's dr kwek who ordered e scan, he also order another scan to check e cord bld flow, see whether bbs having enough supply or not. maybe next time u can ask dr loh whether u need to check on tat.
I thot of going, but in the end didn't go for any facials. Yah, lying 2 hrs on back is no joke. Since last nite, babies seem to be kicking less. Dunno if i'm paranoid.

I think cots/playpen will be easier height for us to pick them up esp in first few mths, compared to mattress on floor which can be used later. Moreover if c-sec wound needs to heal, might not be so gd to keep bending too low? Are u going for natural or c-sec?
weiwei, jia you, even can keep them inside one day longer is an achievement!

petals, dr loh says can try natural cos baby head down but must be prepared for c-sec if complication occurs, haven't really decided yet. agree that the cot/playpen will be at the correct height, otherwise we sure pain like anything when bending over to put them down or pick them up. ;)

clarins oil can do for temporary only for me, after 2 hours must apply back, still with a little bit of scratching here and there, hehee..

last visit on wednesday, gynae said both babies head-up position, will go for c-section, gynae in spore and medan said so to me. hubby will go in opt theatre with me to shoot video.

today bought mustela cream double action, first apply my skin felt so itchy and burning, but afterwards felt better, it felt like it had some kind of creamy essence to cover up the itchiness. smell nice oso. no scratching so far. will see for couple days ahead.

hang on there, u can do it!!
