IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Grumpus, u mean spend an hr softening n msg e breasts b4 pump? It's so tiring m tryg pump 3 hrly but at times overslept. I used hot towel or jus hands to msg myself b4 pump.

I'll hv to try msg regularly aft msg lady clears my ducts. Quite stressful period, not pumping well n stil gota handle CL. We didn't give CL las min notice, duno y hb wan jus tel het in advance we do not need her svc. He didn't discuss w me else I would oso prefer to las min ask her go. Nw our attitudes towards ea other v tensed lo, I tk it 2 more days n I'm done w her.

Thanks for all your support n advice wich i really need at dis time.

But we msg b4 pumping/latching, alw alot milk leak out ma v wasteful??

Gan, no Leh nurse told me all nurses qualified to provide training on bf so I had a nurse to teach me hw to msg my breasts to prevent engorgement.
Hi eskimobaby,

You are back here too! hehe! Thinking of trying no.2?? Maybe we can be cycle buddies?? But then I'm still thinking if I should go for another one. Our gals about the same age...
no i mean i spent an hr softening n massaging and pumping. that's total time, not just b4 pumping. i massage, soften, pump then stop to massage and soften again then continue pumping.

yes it's extremely tiring and hardwork
last time i used to only wake up once at night to pump, but daytime i pump 3hrly. u can try that just so that u can get a little bit more rest. hot towel works too but i find the towel cools down too fast so the hot water bottle is a good substitute. this engorgement thing will only last abt a wk if u keep clearing it diligently, after that u shd hv a good supply going and u won't need an hr to massage and pump already. so hang in there.

u can place a clean bottle on the table n massage into it to catch the drips
Grumpus, gd suggestion to wake once to pump at nite but 3hrly during daytime.
I felt so obligated to pump 3 hrly n becoming quite stressful.

Oic total time 1hr! At times I pump or latch can last an hr due to inexperience too. Pump no milk, msg, pump again. Haha dats cos my flow pathetic nw
tot pump longer get more.

Btw, first few weeks like my case b4 bm kicks in fully, hw long required to pump or no fixed ala no milk pumped out can stop?
I just fed my elder girl rice cereal.. She seems to like it.. She had abt 3 tablespoon.. So she had that as a feed.. I did not feed her milk... Only water...
But my small girl dont seems to like it... Hvt really successfully feed her cereal yet...

Later i will go paragon firstfewyrs to check out the exersaucer... Cant find any preloved ones at wts leh..
U need to go by feel n by sight. If breasts still rock hard then u need to keep massaging till they get softer. U cannot finish a pumping session with breasts still rock hard, means the milk all still 'stuck' inside. They shd be softer than when u first started the session.
If breasts r semi soft or very soft already and u see no more milk coming out then u can stop.

So dun look at time but at how yr breasts feel. Of cos u need a limit also lah cos pure pumping sometimes very hard to get all the lumps out at one go. So if they feel softer n u're comfortable already then u can stop n wait till the next session to continue working out the lumps.

When yr supply establishes n stabilizes, u won't get engorgement so often anymore
grumpus, i have the reverse problem... am trying to stop pumping.. now down to 2 pumps a day...

i tried to go to once a day, but i get engorgement before the next pump.... end up no choice do hand express...coz if i keep pumping, the ss doesnt seem to get very much lesser... i m already pumping only 15mins... any faster way to do this?
baby, i stop giving my eldest boy cereal coz he doesnt seem to wanna eat more than 2 teaspoon.. like he still want his milk better.. going to check with PD this friday ...

i posted on WTB leh... n a few mummies email me that they hv sets to sell..
baby 3 tablespoon of cereals is alot?... actually how much are we suppose to feed?

Panda, my moo moo career is over sinde last week...i went to 2 pumps a day about 3 weeks ago and the supply drops alot!!! i am actually envious that ur supply can maintain though u cut down to twice aday, i thought mine can maintain. but drops alot and i was very tired waking up at 6 plus am to pump and get ready for work.
i think if u use cold cabbage, ur milk ss will drop faster.

In the initial weeks I also pump out air only. If u are using a dual electric pump, massage yr breasts pump for 10 minutes and massage again before u pump for another 10 minutes so total is 20 minutes only.

For yr baby's age, she still needs her usual feeds. Cereal and other purée are for testing allergy and let her get used to new textures, not to fill her up.
gan, i tink its becoz i hv been taking fish soup everyday. i din tell my mum i reduced my pumpings..coz she kept asking me to continue.. so i hv to take the fish soups she make everyday while i reduce my pumps...

i only told her last week about the intention to stop bfing.. surprisely she is supportive! shld hv told her earlier to save the agony of drinking fish soups ....
nope no easy way to do this. some ppl say eat all the liang things like cabbage, beansprouts etc will make milk ss drop.
wat i did was just 'ren' and dun pump. when get super hard and engorged then just pump out abit to relieve the discomfort. then 'ren' again. it took me a wk to not get engorged anymore then i totally stop pumping.

and yes, u shd stop taking all the fish soup, fenugreek and wat not :p
grumpus, when u pump abit, the breasts is still hard?? just now i cannot tahan hand express until breasts no longer hard...but if i continue to keep doing this.. ss will still come back right?

already stop fenugreek weeks ago.... maybe i shld try cabbage n beansprouts...

hb ask me to go get med from doctor.. i told him i cant afford to hv the boobs shrink in size!
if can avoid the meds, best is dun take lah.
when i pump abit is really just to relieve the discomfort, same as when u hand express. but i leave the breasts still lumpy, as long as not rock hard and painful i leave it.
if u hand express until breasts no longer hard, ss will drop cos u're not emptying yr breasts, but it may take longer to fully stop.
the key is to express out as little as possible.
Hmm i thk for a start.. 3 tablespoons is quite alot bah.. Its only the 3rd time i give her cereal...

Oh is it??? I didint know.. Cos i tot i aldry give her quite alot of cereal she shd be quite full.. I tot she wont have stomach for milk liao...
Then when can i give her cereal as a feed?
Ic.. So go w feel n c hw long we shld pump. I stil get lumps there aft pumps but def feels much beta Dan b4 pumping. I stop after feeling tired n felt beta but stil got lumps. Ala not rock hard pain, m ok.

Singapoh, I hv unsteady milk flow like 20-30ml nw. But beta than my 1st pump wich is columstrum only.

Pandawife, u considering stopping bf? V tiring isit or some other reason?
Ogy talked abt u whilst we hv our msg session. She said ur tummy flat immed aft delvy Leh. Mine stil mini tummy wich ppl gave up seat to me in polyc! Omg..
Ic.. So go w feel n c hw long we shld pump. I stil get lumps there aft pumps but def feels much beta Dan b4 pumping. I stop after feeling tired n felt beta but stil got lumps. Ala not rock hard pain, m ok.

Singapoh, I hv unsteady milk flow like 20-30ml nw. But beta than my 1st pump wich is columstrum only.

Pandawife, u considering stopping bf? V tiring isit or some other reason?
Ogy talked abt u whilst we hv our msg session. She said ur tummy flat immed aft delvy Leh. Mine stil mini tummy wich ppl gave up seat to me in polyc! Omg..
Any mummies here with 3 kids?? What's your experience and how do you cope with 3 children physically and financially??? Is your hubby very involved / hands on with the kids?? Care to share? Thanks.
I am already on the way to stopping. Too tiring to be pumping and I m planning to start the bbs on solids very soon. Need to conserve the energy to prepare their foods, feed them. As they grow they are also sleeping less during the day, so more exhausting for me.

Besides my ss nt enuff to total bf.. Bbs were still taking mostly FM. Hb has been asking me to stop n cursing my pump to spoil mths ago. He rather I rest during the pumping time so tht I have good energy to look after the bbs.
Hee..no lah! Not immediately! When I went bk to my gynae for the first checkup after delivery, the nurse still giv me the urine test stick lor!! Ogy saw me coming to 6 weeks after popping, by then tummy went down already. Don't worry abt tummy, bfing will bring it down very fast!
Imp, the more u pump n try to clear ur breasts, the better will b ur ss. The initial weeks r challenging coz ss not established yet.. Keep using the warm water bottle to massage ..it worked wonders for me. Massage before pump..half way thru massage again n pump. Helps clear the lumps faster.
Grumpus, thanks for the tips!
I try to "ren" as much. Think i hand express too much just now. Hmmm..but hor if dun get the milk out..keep getting accumulated in there, it will disappear on it's on eventually?
Yes, the milk will absorb back into yr body. It's the reverse principle, if u dun remove the milk, yr body will get the signal tat milk not required n stop producing. Dun worry, u won't be stuck with lumpy boobs forever

Btw, it can take 3-6mths for ss to fully stop although it might seem like it has stopped. So after u stop getting engorged n dun need to express anymore, dun go n itchy fingers massage to check if still hv milk.
Wah..stop bf oso got so many things to learn! U r truly the expert! Thanks so much ...hopefully follow the tips k stop soon. Last night bbs almost killed me..I was awake from 2am to 5am ...one after another wake up to terror mummy..
Really not easy being a mummy huh... Esp for mummies like us who has more than one bb.. My hb and i really getting sleep deprieved!
But time really flies pass.. Remember those times when we are chatting over whether our ivf results are positive... Anticipating our little ones arrival... Till now our bbs are almost 6mths old... Each day pass by very fast when taking care of our bbs... Sometimes i miss my pregnancy stage..watching my tummy grow day by day... Looking forward to gynea appt to see them during the scan... Shopping for baby items.. Decorating the baby room... Arrghhh... Miss it so much till feels like getting pregnant all over again... Hahahahaz..
But im sure it wont feel the same way if i would to get preggy again... Can only feel once being a first time mtb...

My small girl flip over for the first time this morning! Got a shock mann... Hee...
But my elder one is no where near to flipping.. She is not even moving her butt lor... Only know how to raise both her legs high.. Using her hands to hold her feets... So funny...

I went to paragon firstfewyr yday... They dont have the megasplash.. Only kkh outlet have it....
My hb and i thk and thk... In e end decide not to buy.. Cos too exp liao... So will just let them play on the mat...
Baby, yeah lor, time flies!! My ones coming to 5mths old in a couple of days. Hehe..I don't miss Pregnancy leh! Also don't want to hv another bb..3 is driving me up the wall already! Lol

My gal oso nt yet flip..can only lift her head high high when on tummy.. When she tries to flip she gets stuck half way..keke..

Agree the exersaucer is exp..in fact all bb toys r costly ..i plan to buy preloved ones for most big items.. Only thing I bought new is the play mat n play yard. As bb gets bigger n slp less..it gets more tiring..ESP when I hv three..I need these gadgets to help keep them entertained even if it's for short periods of time...I even gave them daily cartoon time so tht can hv a breather n take my meals in peace!
baby, i hv a fussy boy who wakes up many times in a night to fuss.. dont want milk.. just wanna be carried, walked around n pat back to sleep! i hv no idea why like tht... drives me n hb crazy too... thank goodness the other two are ok..can sleep thru on most nights..if not i will really go mad from the lack of zzzz...
anyone using avent pacifier? realised tat d pacifier somehow will trap water in d inside...i usually use hot water to rinse before letting my bb sucks, wonder if its due that? thinking of changing pacifier, any brands gd?
I remember u mentioned yr pd prescribed elidel for yr boy's eczema. I asked my pd abt it n she says there's a "black box" warning in USA abt this product.
U may want to google abt it n check with yr pd cos my pd told me not to use it.
Rose my Avent pacifier also got trapped water. It's because water can get in from the top. I now let my gal use NUK pacifier. Only when dun clean in time use Avent.

Baby ur elder girl so cute! I m waiting for my gal to discover her feet n hold them like ur gal. Now she use her feet to kick those toys on rocker
Pandawife, she said u bubbly character alw laugh wen u talk.
Wen I talked to her yesterday I was crying as m telling her abt my CL.

Thanks all mommies for e encouragement n tips. It eases some of my anxiety n insecurity wich I super emo cry at slightest thing, like hb gtg back to work today I oso cry cos felt lost n facing e CL alone.

This am I pumped 80ml m v happy.hope e supply will not
fluctuate. Will it drop if I skip few x pumping n resume only at nite? As m gg out lata to register their births n c dr for jaundice. V tiring, evening cols coming over too, I guess I hv no chance to pump til bedtime.
grumpus, oh dear! yes, i goggled and read about it. this friday will check with the PD.

rose, the water can be removed. when u wash, hold the teat with the holder at the bottom n squeeze, the water will come out. i just bought a new batch of avent pacifiers.. bbs like them..so dont wannt change..

Imp, i was very much stabilised when she came. during my initial weeks at home, i was also crying.. and when hb went back to work, i suffered from "separation anxiety"!!...called him every hour n cry! i had plenty of issues with my mil and every night when he is back, i m hiding in my room crying... some of it has got to do with the haywired hormones in our body... it takes about 4 mths for our hormones to be back to normal and during this period its perfectly normal to feel more emo than usual
imp, its ok to miss occasionally..but if too mahy times will affect supply.. i din hv visitors until bbs were 1 mth old.. din feel up to it to entertain anyone .. so u are coping better!
I guess i miss pregnancy stage partly also becos i have more freedom back then... Now everyday every min evloves around two bbs... I also dont want another bb liao lor... Two is aldry driving me crazy at times.. Dont thk i can cope with another one...
U really have my admiration to handle 3 bbs mann...

Yes u are right.. U need toys to entertain yr 3 little ones.. Its also economical to buy since u have 3 bbs to use it...

I bought a book from kino.. First Foods... Quite useful.. Teaches on how to make bb foods.. Its cater to asian...
Btw u bought any blender?

U bought braun handheld blender right? How much is the original price?
baby, i also bought first foods.. grumpus recommended it.. i ordered from kino online..

my sil got me the philips steam n blend gadget.. seems to be very convenient.. i havent used it yet coz still struggling with feeding rice cereal!

u hv two girls also economical to buy toys.. i hv boys n girl.. smtimes duno if shld get girly or boy toys leh!

i just finish bathing the 3 bbs.. now my turn to time out for a quick bath!
Hello mommies

Can I check if massage by Malay lady after birth is necessary? I was charged $500 for 10 times... Still considering.... Kindly advise. Thanks!
Ya.. I saw it in the mag.. The steamer and blender.. Looks convenient.. Just turn and blend aft steaming...
But dont know whether its useful not.. Or its just a fanciful gadget...
Thats my concern also.. Scare its mafan..
So tot getting a hand held blender will be easier to use..
But need to use traditional steaming method.. Or maybe can get a electronic steamer... Cos alot of bb foods need steaming...
i bot a handheld blender, havent use but it sure looks convenient to use n wash. bot at robinson pte sales, ard 50bucks.
intend to blend fruit puree etc. steaming wise, may get a steamer or perhaps conventional over the stove steaming.

anyone starts introducin solids to bb at 4mths? my bb seems to be attracted to our food, eyes will stare at us eating and sometimes drool. today her last feed drag 5hrs also dun wanna drink n finally managed to coax her to drink, she only drinks 30ml. dun noe if its a one off thing or a sign tat she wants to try new food leh... any advise?
I m using mini stylus food steamer. Good and so easy to clean.

Mine is Braun Handheld processor. Fast and easy washing. Those with iPhone or iPad can download Braun Babymeals app.
How long did u use the braun handheld processor? Is it the same as handheld blender?
Once bb gets bigger, we wont need to blend is it? Cos if its only to use for few mths.. I may not want to invest one...

I also have a philip blender... With a mini blender also...
Hi mummies or mtbs who r still bf, I have 1 box of organic mother's milk tea to give away... I have used 2 teabags only but coz I have stopped bf .. The tea is of no use to me. The teabags are individually packed n help to increase milk Ss similar to fenugreek .

Pls pm me if u like to have the tea and I will mail the tea bags to u.

Hi Panda, I see you're also trying to stop bf.

I am also stopping cuz the last couple of weeks really no time to pump at all. Noticed that now even though I don't pump, breasts not engorged at all.

does this mean my ss already stop and I don't need to do anything now? Feeling a little sad that i have to stop after 4+ months, but its getting more taxing to take care of the babies (ensuring they nap enough, don't have milk strikes etc). plus now I'm busy with the relocation

Btw, I did think of kick starting ss after it dropped couple of weeks back due to lack of pumping. If I wanted to do that (one last try before giving up), what do I need to do? Will I be able to resume it (esp now Im not engorged anymore?)
