IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

grumpus, pandawife
i also notice i abit giddy last few days.. just read that giddiness is also a side effect. now thinking if should stop, but i need to boost my bm supply leh plus i bought 5 bottles of fenugreek recently.. sigh..

earlier weeks, i used to feel tired in the daytime coz of lack of sleep. but think now my body got used to it already. so much so that daytime i also hardly nap. when bb sleeps,i take the opportunity to surf net:p
but last 2-3 days i felt a bit giddy. i also not sure if its the accumulation of lack of sleep or fenugreek side effects.
Hello ladies,

Would like to check with those mummies who scheduled for c-sect. Do you select the date as well as the time? How soon after the c-sect can we start the massage huh?

Went for my check-up yesterday. My gynae suggested to do c-sect and asked me to select a date and arrange with him during my next check-up.

Actually I am hoping for natural leh...but since he said c-sect is the safest path for both me and my baby, think I just have to trust him.
The date was suggested by gynae as it was exactly 37 weeks. As for time, we didn't choose. Was given based by the clinic. I started massage after 6 weeks
Hi Nancy,

Oh, so your date was suggested by your gynae. For me, my gynae told me to select a date between 37 weeks to 38 weeks. But I forgotten to ask whether can select the time or not leh...maybe too shocked after hearing him telling me to go for c-sect. Always thought I can go by natural way...

Can only start massage after 6 weeks huh? Aiyo, worry that my tummy can't go away by then liao...
prayhard, i picked the date.. time is subjected to availability of the OT. I also did my massage 6 weeks after c sect.
prayhard, no leh..hehe...we picked a date tht hb likes.. 21/12 and couple of days earlier than what doc proposed coz i couldnt tahan the tummy weight anymore!

even babies names, we did our own selection, decided not to seek fengshui master coz we don't want the names to be changed.
for my 1st c sect i started my massage after 4 wks. for my 2nd i started after 2 wks.
my massage lady says can start after 10 days.
The top layer which we can see heals in abt 1-2wks but the inside layers take longer. I was advised not to carry anything heavy for at least 4wks. And we shd start any get back into shape exercise for at least 12wk
justfaith n wishesb,

thz. i will be trimmin my bb ger on her full month, oso by hua xia.

i am takin originsjamu by rebecca chan. 5 sessions with 2 complimentary bb massage n free binder cost 415. so far i find d massage quite shiok, esp with my lower back pain.
Fancy, no ms is a bliss! U experienced bb kicks already?

Day, try drinking self brewed chix essence, bedrest n continue Yr oral support. All will b alright! Rest well! Dun worry abt bb size... If doc says all is alright means ok, after all they are professional enuff to advise us right? Eat well n sleep well n bb will grow faster n also stay hydrated!
Rose, who is this hua xia? She seems popular! Hairstylist?

Yr massage lady cms to Yr hse? Each session is how long? Care to share the contact?
Hi Day, Rostrum, Fancy, JJ,
It's been a while since I've popped in here. Been so busy to work that I hardly have time to catch up on the thread.

I didn't realise that EDD is stated on every scan we go for. Think mine is prob still the same EDD more or less.

I'm 22 weeks now and so far gained 7kg. But the weird thing is I'm not usually hungry. In fact I can go with 3 normal meals per day, with perhaps just an additional cup of warm milk at night before bed. I don't wake up hungry usually and have to force myself to eat breakfast. Maybe all the carbo making me gain weight as I love rice and milk now.

JJ, did know PUPP is common for twins. Is there any prevention to take before it strikes? Previously I had quite bad itch at the 2 sides of belly. Figured it was due to skin stretching and hence I started applying lotion and oil up to 4 times a day for a few days and it went away. Def want to avoid itching.

Also, my feet have started swelling. It's slightly painful to walk at the end of the day now. I can see all the veins, even varicose ones, popping at my ankle already. Sob sob! I've taken to propping them up every night but the cycle repeats everyday.

I'm opposite of you. I wish this pregnancy will move a little slower actually. Although there's discomfort, I hope to enjoy more of it if possible even popping. I think i'll most likely close factory after the twins. So it's probably the only time to enjoy the pregnancy now. Wish time will slow down a little cos I feel that I'm rushing to complete my work before the bedrest kicks in and it's time to deliver.

u will soon see precious .. excited?
iam still mtb but i know GA - hubby not allowed inside. but epdi with c section .. hubby can watch. but i don't know which is better.

u r after prayhard.. did u go for ADC scan today ? u r due to visit today rite? what did loh say ?

oh ya.. i first felt it like fluttering and not too strong during 18 weeks.. but by 20th week i felt the kick.. it was a bliss.. i felt iam blessed to experience this... now iam in 23rd.. its pretty regular now...... u r in 17th week rite.. u will soon feel it .. look forward to it.
Reading all these mtb's postings... really remind me the days when i was carrying my little one inside me. i really enjoyed both... anticipating her arrival and the real motherhood. now i cant wait to find get her a "didi" or "meimei".
Prayhard, I tink c-sect with epi can see babies immediately while GA is not cos u need to wake up after tt. C-sect with epi can still feel the pulling n tugging below n can even hear all d sounds in d opt... Maybe other experienced mummies can advise u as I m not v good in describing..
Syrah, sometimes I can wake up in the wee hours feeling hungry but sometimes I m jus too tired to wake up n continue to slp... Then the next morning I can b so hungry n swallow a whole chicken!! Haha...
I also love rice!!! I can eat alot of rice but now try to cut down le.

Yr feet starts to swell already? Issit cos u walk alot? When u r sitting down to work for a long time, rest Yr feet on a stool, tink it will help..

I tink I m too anxious to hold my babies in my arms..tts y I hope time flies!!! Maybe when they are out, I might tink otherwise.

Dun tire yourself with wk, listen to yr body. When its time to rest, do rest...take care!
Syrah - nope nothing can stop the itch when it strikes, but it will go away when give birth. It's just another 'Wei Da' thing that mums have to go thru. Even I asked dr loh got any cream to apply he shake head until I 'nag' him then he gave me some creams.

Fancy - yup today is my 30th wk growth scan. Bb ger continues to be small & below the average weight. Boy is 1.7 & girl is 1.23, asked dr loh & he say also can't do anything hopefully with bed rest she grows more. My nxt visit is 2.5wks later.

He did state better to go c-sec but can't confirm any dates cos we are hoping they stay inside as long as possible.
Fancy, I m coming to 19 weeks soon
I can feel poppings at about week 12/13 but not where whether tt is babies or me. At week 16+ can feel butterfly flutterings inside but only experienced once. Then since then can feel some light movements on n off... Yet to experienced the 1st official kick... V looking forward

Just faith, so when u trying for 2nd one? Hee...
Jj, try talking to your girl to eat more... Do u tink durians or tonics can help? I tink rest n rest really helps in babies' growth...nap more n drink more water...jia you!
yeah agree with Fancy abt the durians. Also drink more chicken soup. I'm hoping to know my babies' weight at my next visit (25th week) But at last scan, both boy and girl are abt the same size in terms of measurement.

Does one of yours move more than the other? I tend to only feel movement on my right side. RIght hand side baby is hyper. Left side usually very calm and I don't feel movement there everyday. It's hard to tell sometimes cos movement can be in the middle and I dunno if it's right or left baby.
Rostrum - ya I think I will drink more chicken essenses or get my mum to make more chicken soup but scared is that boy grow even more cos can't control who takes in more nutrients. Yup Hubby talks to them all the time to ask boy to share & girl girl to eat more.

I know abt the durain able to 'bu' but think will take only towards 33wks onwards scared sugar level too high

Syrah - at 25th wk the sonographer actually told me bb weights not significant enough so didn't tell me the numbers but she did alert doc that my ger was smaller then normal at 25wk.

Also the bb's still got plenty of room to move around so their position change at each scan so harder to monitor. Till now I can only assume that my boy is more active then ger. But during u/s ger is also active.
Yeah. My feet became fleshier. Length still the same though. I read n it says it's part of preggy package in 2nd tri. I have friends who told me their shoe sizes increase by 2 sizes even! All along I have some varicose issue with my legs. Guess it's accentuated with the weight of the pregnancy now.
I'm also confused like u! During scan girl was the active one. But she's on the left. But from that day till now, it's always movement on the right more than left. Really dunno who is the hyper one now.
Syrah - my feet swell till increase 2 sizes ah... Heard it's common.

Sianz... Now whole body itchy with mosquito like bumps. Something like this >>>>
Even more rare than PUPPP is a skin condition called prurigo of pregnancy (or papular eruptions of pregnancy), which is characterized by many tiny bumps that may look like bug bites. These eruptions can occur anywhere on your body, but you're most likely to get them on your hands, feet, arms, and legs.

Although the eruptions can be itchy and annoying, prurigo of pregnancy appears to pose no risk to your baby. This condition generally starts around the beginning of the third trimester and may last for up to three months after you give birth.
Syrah, same... I always feel more light movements on my right while left is only occasional n these few days I can feel it in d middle... So also not v sure... Each scan the left bb will b more subtle though it's moving too. The right one always different positions.. Keke...

Try to walk less during 3rd tri... Cos with d increased weight also difficult to move ard...

Jj, it's beyond our control which bb absorb more or which one absorb less. But hving one bb is bigger is better than 2 small babies right? U get wat I mean?
Ahhh... So itchy!!! I can't sleep further already auto alert at 7am. Arms & legs are so itchy!!

Rostrum - boy is way above average weight so I'm not worried he will be a small bb. It's the ger's weight that's getting further away from the boy's. No point I worry cos really can't do much. Hoping for the best!!
Oh no. Poor thing. Will applying more moisturizer or oil help to ease some of the itch? Hmm... Can place cool pack or use ice cubes to numb the itch? Just throwing ideas off the top of my head.

Dun feel the excitement yet now leh..I still have a lot of things not yet get ready...


I also heard that if GA, hubby can't go in. So I asked my hubby whether he wants to go in or not, he said he will go in and accompany me...I read from somewhere (forgotten where) that epi is better leh...but I scare if the epi didn't admin properly and I can still feel the pain..how huh? Me think too much hor...
Prayhard dun worry they will check if u r numb at the tummy area before the cut, if u still have senses they wld increase the epi dosage till u feel nothing. No worries! When is ur EDD? Soon seeing ur Bb le... Was like not to long read abt ur FET

Actually my EDD is end April but my gynae told me to go for c-sect by 37 weeks which is 3 weeks earlier...so should be early April...

Ya lor...sometimes I also pinched myself see whether am I really pregnant..seems so unreal but very happy..think will be more satisfied when I see my baby

How is your little darling?
Fancy - ya dr loh also mentioned that bed rest is good ... lounging in bed all day liao ...

My bb stuff more or less bought finish already, remainding essentials will get at kkh pharmacy or the shops there

Dr loh also said best I go c-sec & i will opt for 1/2 body epi so I'm awake when they are being born. Plus my hubby can witness the birth, if can cut the cord ! hahaaha ... get him involved.

Now I'm 30th wk so I think only from 35th wk onwards then can start to decide on the c-sec date bah.

Btw, did you bank your baby's cord blood? Which blood bank are you using? My hubby decided to bank our baby's cord blood but dunno which one is better.
Prayhard well April is not too far away!=) till now sometimes when I look at my baby, felt unbelivable I m the mummy of such a cutie.=)

Yes I bank my Bb cord blood with cord life. Not sure is it better than stemcord but we chose cord life becoz it is certified according to international standard.... Can't remember the standard. But if I m not wrong understand from a friend stemcord u can renew it yearly but cordlife u sign a 21 years contract. U can choose to pay yearly, 10 years or 1 shot 21 years
Just Faith
I share your feelings...But consider the age gap, if too close, handling a toddler and a baby is no joke, if you have people around to help then its ok.
Do you take your fenugreek with food ? Try taking fenugreek with food and see if it helps. Also u can try to reduce the amount you take and see how.
Just faith
Same here leh.. Reading the mtbs here remind me of the days when im carrying my twins inside me.. Waiting for their arrival... What a sweet memory...
Now seeing them.. Carrying them in my arms.. Its a dream come true...
Prayhard we paid $5400 for 21 years. We signed up the plan during the motherhood fair in november. Paid using CDA acct
JJ, rest well and m sure yr girl girl will eat more....

Prayhard, if I need to go for C-sect as advised by doctor, I will choose C-sect with epi cos I wanna witness babies' arrival immediately. But I still pin to the hope of going for natural though...

Mummies having twins, is banking babies' cord blood advisable for twins since donation is not acceptable for mutliple pregnancies? If we want to store, do we store both babies' cord blood or only one is enuff?

I was also same case as you. Bb ger smaller than bb boy... It was like that even from the beginning when they measure crown rump length. In fact at 30 weeks, my boy was 1.7 and ger was 1.2, same like yours. Don't worry tto much abt it... As long as they are both growing, it's fine. Since they're not identical, no issues with TTTS. And my doc said ger can tend to be smaller. My doc will just check the umbilical cord flow to ensure both are normal n they are both getting nutrients.

At delivery, my boy was 2.8kg and girl 2.1kg.

Thanks working wife for the assurance. Hearing about your bb weight make me very positive!

I woke up at 7am this morning cos can't sleep then went back to nap around 10am till 2pm. Now lunch finish already. Grow baby girl !!

Ya dr loh said the blood flow is normal to both twins.
