IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Hi gals, reporting here.

I had heavy bleeding on thursday nite and rushed to KK 24hr and was warded for observation till yesterday. They scanned and saw 2 sacs, even showed me the 2 heartbeats. The bleeding stopped the next day, but after discharge when i reach home, saw brown stains again. *sigh* Did u all have this and how to u handle this? When i saw the fresh blood that nite, i really freaked out. I am in my 6 weeks now. KK has given me 3 weeks mc to rest at home.


Welcome to MTB. Minimise your movement. If possible bed rest for the rest of your 3 weeks MC. Did your Gynae increase your Progesterone intake? You should be given more progesterone if you are experiencing bleeding.

Thanks, I was oni given one jab when i was hospitalised. Dosage of progesterone remains the same, twice a day leh. very tempted to up my dosage on my own.

I realise really need to lie down. I just get up to walk abit /surf the net will start having brown stains. so can oni limit myself surfing the net 1 hour a day.
don't change the dosage yourself until you are told to do so. Don't worry, just rest at home and don't worry too much about school. Take mc as long as you need and congrats! You are having twins huh? Please rest as much as possible. I was injected once every 1 week for 3 weeks when I experienced the staining... Yes, staining can happen even when you are just sitting too long and please don't take it lightly, BEDREST!!!! Don't even surf for 1 hour. Don't play play, ok? Talk to your little darlings and pray! I think this will help. I realised that when I rest enough, the staining stopped.

shifting the position of the babies will not be done unless it is necessary as it will cause the babies to be in distress. I know this from the discovery channel. You can check with Dr Loh though. As for leg cramp, I try to stop it from happening by stretching with my legs bent. This kind of help as I usually got the leg cramp when I stretched. Try it out and see if it helps you.
Dawn... rest in bed.... i also had bleeding/staining. email dr loh.... i know he was on leave last week ... he may not know your case yet? your little embies are too precious compared to work. and yes u are right... limi your online time... don't sit for 1 hr at one go... spread out throughout the day.... hugs
Welcome! Big Congrats for having twins.

You must take care. Based on our sisters' value experiences, bedrest is impt at this crucial moment. Just listen to their advice and stay relax during your 3 weeks MC.When is your next appt? Supposed to be at wk6-7. By then , you can check with DR Loh abt the dosage.
hi dawn,
l had fresh bleeding then followed by brown staining( these are the old blood from the bleeding) for a few days. Dr loh increased my duphaston to 3x/day and weekly jab for three weeks. you might want to call him personally, u may get the nurse to page for him and ask him abt the dosage n jab. he did ask me to bedrest during this period.i din step out of my hse for two wks and all meals are taken care by my hb. pls do not do any hsework or cooking during this period, rest as much as u can n talk to yr bbs to be strong n healthy.
I think it is better if you can email DR Loh and tell him abt your condition than wait for the next appt. Maybe there is a need to change the dosage or bring forward the appt to see him early.
Yah! Like Miracle said, talk to your bbs.They can sense it.

Would like to ask if any of you were on baby asprins during your treatment. If yes, did you continue with your aspirin or stopped when you're confirmed preg?

I was on baby asprins during and after the treatment till i think week 8. The purpose of baby asprins is to avoid blood clots.
Hi bodhi,

Did your dr do any tests to determine if it's ok to stop the asprins? I'm still on asprin right now and am thinking if there will be any long term effect on the baby.
Thanks gals, have been resting at my mum's place during the week days. On the bed most of the time cos if i sit too long, i see the brown discharge again. Feel better today liow, i think i will follow your advice and email Dr. Loh to check, but very paiseh, he so busy oredi, need to entertain so many queries. This week passes really slowly.

Some pregnant women took baby asprins all the way to full term. If you are not comfortable in taking any medication please speak to your Gynae about your concern. He or she will advise you accordingly.
don't feel paiseh to email Dr Loh as that's the purpose of his email, i.e. for us to clarify our doubts and I am glad to hear that everything has settled down more or less.

I agree with Bodhi. Some medicine will affect baby boy more than baby girl. I found out from Dr Loh when I took some medication for my gastric pain from my GP... So, pls check with your gynae if you are in doubts in regard to the medication that you are taking.
hopes, thanks for ur encouragement!

I have been lying on the bed most of the time, can be quite tiring too. Dr. Loh stil has not replied yet, i supposed he thinks it is ok. I still have brown discharges, if they are old blood how long does it take to clear? is it cos i lie down most of the time, they only clear when i stand up? ;) hiaks.

Jeni, when u starting to take your maternity leave? going to take any NPL after that? your timing quite good leh, after your leave will be school holidays liow!

Stacy/mesh how'r ur twins/triplets doing? very scared having twins leh, is having multiples more xin ku?

Bodhi, din visit the forum for quite awhile, are u in ur 2nd tri oredi?

ok, i going back to my bed again!

I hope you will do better. Having brown discharge still not a good condition. If you cannot get your Dr Loh via email. Try your best to talk to him over the phone on how to stablise your conditions. If the nurse is not willing to put you through him...tell her if anything happen..you will charge her for her negligent, tell her don't play play...you will take legal action against her :p

Yes. I am in my 2nd Trimester. You certainly will reach your 2nd Trimester and experience the "gong fu" kicks! day and night! man!
I am going to take my maternity leave when I give birth and that will be towards the end of this term. I am going to take only 2 months and save the other month for Jan. So, by the time I go back to school, my baby will be about 5 months old already and my mom can look after him.

You still have to have bedrest and when is your next appointment? I think you will be given the jab again but it is good. Take care!

Cat, how's your GD?
I have been taking care of my mom at the hospital since Mon and it was so hot. Then on Mon night, my hubby bought a nice small durian for me to eat. After about half an hour, my head spinned like mad and I felt nausea. Even now, I still experienced it on off. I am not sure whether it is due to the heat, the durian or the fatigue? I am quite worried as after that, my boy doesn't kick as much and as hard as before, he only moves to the skin to let me sayang him. I am so worried. Tomorrow, I am seeing dr Loh and see what he has to say about it.
Hi dawn,
i think its better for you to call the nurse to page for dr loh n speak to him personally. i believed dr loh is very busy n it will take him some time to go through his emails cos he just came back from his leave.he ever told me to get the nurse to page for him if i have spotting again. you might need weekly jab n increase yr dosage for duphaston. don be paiseh, yr bbs r more important.
dr loh is very patient n nice, he monitor me very closely after my spotting incident, i am seeing him weekly.
Nice to hear from you. Hope you will get better
DEfinitely multiple is more XinKu, look at our HCG level, already so hi,symptoms so many. But then we are also very XingYun, at least we give it one shot, not need to think abt next process. WE may need to go thru a hard way but a shorter one. I always refer to http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/578191/501054.html?1171374247 for picture of twins/triplets and it is really motivating.At the meantime, take care of our health, rest well,eat GOOD. We can make it too.

Wow! You took durian? Dr loh said it can make bbs grow big. I was so guilty when he pointed out, as I had a few times of durian feast that cause 1 of my bbs really big size.
Check with you, can DR Loh tell the weight of our babies using his own scan machine? Bcos last time the result of my bbs was told by sonographer at ADC when I was there for special scanning. I'm only due for appt this Sat at TPS.
hehehe... can't resist myself... but after that one time, I dare not anymore!!! I only have durian 1 time during my entire pregnancy but it really gave me a scare... so, there won't be a next time.

Yes, Dr Loh was the one who told me that my baby is 200 over grams overweight using the machine in his room. The picture that he gave me even indicated the weight and the measurement. So, I think you should be able to know the weight and measurement of your babies on Saturday.
Hi ladies,
I've given birth liao on 27th Jun thus was MIA for quite a while. Below are my traumatic delivery journey.

22 Jun - Admitted to KK due to bleeding.
23 Jun - Back to normal ward for observation.
24 Jun - Can't discharge yet as gynae haven't check on me
25 Jun - Bleed AGAIN @ 2am!! This time hook up with drips and strong dosage of anti-contraction medication. Plus 1 pack of blood transfusion
26 Jun - Evening posted back to normal ward.

27 Jun - 3am BLOOD + water bag broke!!! Drips and watever things came in but still doesn't stop contraction.

0900H - Gynae came and ordered emergency c-section as babies had already threaten to come out at 33 weeks + 5 days!

0920H - Pushed to OT. Anathesatic came to give me injection. I'm did the half-body one as it's better for both mother and babies.

0953H - First baby Izacz born.
0954H - 2nd baby Kasey born.

Izacz is now in the Special Care Unit as he's still considered as pre-mature.
Kasey is still in the NICU as he has difficulties in breathing. Doc also discovered that the valuves in his heart are abit too big and cause blood backflow to his lungs. My whole family are praying hard for him to join his kor kor soon in Special Care Unit as it really heartpain to see him with so many tubes around him every day.
try to be strong. I am sure Kasey will join his bro in the Special Care Unit soon. You must stay positive.
How about yourself? How's your wound? You must not neglect yourself. Your babies need you to be healthy, ok?
I'm doing fine with the wound although abit painful when I try to walk or get out from bed. Maybe it's like no pain no gain.

Trying to keep myself positive but i guess i have abit of depression too. MIL commented that whole family (FIL, hubby'd sis, hubby's cousin, hubby's auntie ...) all doesn't like the name Kasey, sounded like "Kay-See"(fake death). I was abit frustrated at 1st, when we asked them what name they want to give their grandsons, they said up to us and now give this type of comment.

Hubby and my mum did console me that as long as we the parents like the name can already, why bother about what other people think. Even my mum finds that this name is easy to remember.
that's right!
You are the mother and as long as you like the name, just stick to it. Different people have different views and you cannot expect them to think in sync with you.
Any name can be twisted and teased. So, no matter what name, you will still have people who like it and people who don't.

Now, the most important thing is for Kasey to be strong enough to join his brother in the Special Care unit. Other than that, be cool about it as your sons need you to be strong and steady and not depressed. Tell yourself you are not going to fall into that depressed trap and I am sure you will not as we are not normal mummies. We are IVF Mummies! We have a long history of hurdles and obstacles that we have overcome. So, I am sure this time, you and your sons, who are under the influence of your strong fighting spirit, will do well too, ok?
Pray and try to stay strong!

Don't bother about other people comments. They are your and your husband's sons. Just stay bo chap!

I suggest now you have to take very good care of yourself. Just stay calm. You need to eat and sleep well in order to have the energy and BM to take care of your two boys.
Hey Catherine,

Congrats to your twins! All the best to you and don't worry about the names, you can't please everybody. They are your children, so only your hubby and you have the last say. Just take good care of yourself and yr babies now are more impt.


I m expecting twins too. Names have already been a headache to us too. By the way, any idea on prams for your twins? We're wondering if 2-in-1 pram is better than 2-single pram. As I am rather small frame myself, those doubles look heavy for me; and where can I find shops that have more choices for twins? Any advice?

Thanks and take care.
Thanks all for yr well wishes. Today my mil asked about the name again. This time round I let my hubby to answer her question.
"We have change the spelling to Kacey rather than Kasey"

"But the pronuncation still the same"

My mil gave a blank look. I also bo chap liao. My mil is a good lady, she cooks and wash for me during my pregnancy and even do my confinement now, sometimes it's just those small little things that doesn't goes her way.
Hi Cat,
I have no mil problem so I can't say much but as long as you and your hubby like the name, that's good enough.

I know peg pereo has a twin pram that is good as the twins can be put in such a way that they are facing each other and it is quite sturdy. However, it can be quite heavy and you are of a small frame. So, you may have prob handling it without your hubby. You can try out the shop at Tampines as I have mentioned earlier. It gives quite a good price for my pram/stroller... so it may offer a good price for others too.
Hi sisters, would need some advise.

Am wondering if any of you have done an OSCAR scan? Just wondering if all of you went thru it. Is nec to go thru it? afterall, we were trying so hard to conceive... not sure what to do IF results are not favourable.
Hi all.. I need some advise from you all.

I just failed my IVF (had my blood test yesterday). It was a big disappointment of course, even though we know the percentage is low for our age group.

I'm now preparing for my FET and I need some advise:

1) Has anyone gone through IVF and FET and gotten pregnant from FET? I know the chances from FET is even lower so I'm even more disheartened.
2) How long should I wait between before I start on my FET?
3) Can I and should I go for TCM and accupuncture now before starting?
4) Any questions or infor that I should find out from Dr Loh? I have not set an appt with him yet.

Hope someone can help me with these questions. Thanks in advance.

And for all the mommies to be or mommies already- take care and congratulations.
Hi gals, I am back. Had been having abit of bleeding again since last thursday, so complete bed rest for me for the past week.

Cat, congrats on the arrival of your twins!

krmeow, *hugs* understand how disappointed you must feel. Do have a good rest to tiao your body. good to see that you r planning for your FET liow. How many frozen embryos left?

I think I can help you with some of the qns:

1) I went through IVF last dec and did not succeed so went through FET this May and now 7weeks preggie. Yes, the odds for FET is even lower for IVF but quite a few gals have also succeeded so don't give up.

2) According to the nurses from KK, just rest 1 month will be sufficient, but you may want to rest longer?

3) I went for accupunture for 5 sessions (twice weekly) before the FET, I am not sure if that had helped. You know, sometimes we are so desperate, we are willing to try anything.

I have succeeded on my 2nd fresh cycle. But before that, i failed my first fresh IVF and an FET. I did acupuncture with TCM before my second cycle, acup is once to twice a week for about 3 months before ER. So don't give up, a lot of sisters here are really persistent, and I have learnt a lot from them.

I did not go for Oscan Scan. I volunteered my self direct to Aminocentisis. In my opinion, taking care of a child is a life time committment. Therefore, you will need to make a decision whether to give up or not if the result turn out to be not favourable. You and your husband just need to make the decision.
Dawn, Jo and Bodhi..

Thanks for the advice. I think I will take a little break first and try out some accu before FET. I've yet to see Dr Loh. If only I knew what went wrong or if there's anything more I could have done.

I'll take a short break with DH 1st. Although the whole cycle wasn't long, it has been quite stressful.

Thanks for the encouragement. I've got 3 frozen ones though they're only grade 3. But hopefully, at least one of them will become my baby.
Hi bodhi and jo

Where did u go for accupunture? how long does it accupunture last and wat am i supposed to tell the chinese doc? sorry to have asked so many question but i've never visited a chinese doc b4.dunno wat to expect.

Like krmeow i'm also waiting to go for FET next month. Just failed my 1st fresh cycle and was very depressed still..
Hi Chevall

I did mine at Meiling st sinseh. The lady doctor there specialises in TCM for infertility. Some sisters here go to ang mo kio sinseh, while others go to Eu Yang Sang. It depends on where you stay as well. You may want to find one nearer to your place, but the sinseh must specialise in infertility acupuncture.

My sinseh's address:
BLK 152 Mei Ling Street #01-16
Tel: 64759621
hi! ladies!

reporting here. i tested positive on 2nd july n my hcg s 1858 as a D17 after ET result. any sis can suggest could it b triplets or twins? my scan s on 17th, which seems veri long for me...
weiwei, congrats to you! your hcg level is indeed v high. i suspect it's triplets! cos my singleton, tested on D17 - hcg was only 500. however, maybe this differs for different people. but overall, congrats to you!
Hi Wei wei,

Congrats, just to let u know my HCG level was as high as well, but now to my 10 week pregnant, I'm carrying singleton. Just let you know so you can be mentally prepared. It only indicate that there is chances of more than 1 baby but does not mean it is twins or triplets.
thistle, piggy

thanks for e info!!
actually i dun mind either singleton or twins, but a bit wori for triplets coz dun knw can handle or nt. no matter how many of them, just hope all of them r developing well.
weiwei, congrats on your pregnancy!
my hcg was 2690+ and I am carrying twins. I think the value depend on pple one. yah, 1st scan always seem so far away, too early they can't detect the heartbeat. meanwhile, take care and have lots of rest.

Chevall, I did my accu with dr xia rong from Yu Ren Sheng@Paragon, but she oni here once a month, so the rest of time I go to the sinseh she recommended at AMK.
Hi ladies,
A little update on my 2 boys. Didi Kacey already joined his kor kor in the Special Care unit since yesterday and the hole in his heart has already been mend thru medication, which is a great relieve for both me and my DH.

How are u? Long time never see u log in? Are u all rite?
Catherine, good to hear that Kacey is better and under the Special care unit now. U visit the hospital every day? Must be quite tiring for you.
Hi Jeni, how are you doing so far? gotten everything ready for your boy's arrival? really quite long never see Stacy online, is she ok?
Hi Dawn,
I am doing ok so far. Now, just waiting for my boy's arrival. I have gotten almost everything, still a few items left here and there. I have a list if you want to have for reference.

I haven't seen Stacy for a long time too. Have no idea what's going on. Hopefully everything is fine.

yeah, i try my best to visit them every day at the hospital if i can. It's tiring and thus sometimes I missed my milk expressing time. By the time i reached home, I'll b so tired that I always headed back to bed :p I didn't reach the daily 8-10 times of expressing milk.
