IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Hi gals
I am now in week 8 but tummy is huge, looks like 3 to 4 months preggy. Already on maternity clothes, no choice leh. Anyone has similar experience ? I am expecting a singleton and this is my first pregnancy.

I was at the fair yesterday too!!! Maybe we have met.
Hubby and I very kiasu, we bought Nepia, Pampers and Xu Xu Le Diapers. Spent close to $200 odd yesterday. Xu Xu Le was very cheap at only $9 per pack and they even calculated that each pc only cost $0.19 but we only bought 1 pack of those to try.

I even bought a baby pouch ($35) from Moms In Mind for easy breast feeding if I'm outside. Look like Lucky Baby sling but much cheaper.
WElcome Lynn!

Wa! You bought so many diapers. I only bought Nepia bcos I would be using cloth diapers in the day and disposable types at nite. Yesterday I was there in the afternoon. The crowd was too big, couldn't visit all the booth. I tot I've completed my list and realise I've more small items to add on, like stroller hooks, neck support...
Is it true that we are not eligible to save blood in cordblood bank? Aiyoh! WE are not qualified to sign delivery package.Then really have to wait and see whether we are paying more w/o package. Hope the hike is not too great! Take Care
I suppose now you are more than 30 wks.
Are your twins the same size?I was told they were equal all the time until recent scan show 1 is very big, the size of baby with gestation 4 weeks earlier. I've sleepless nite due to the size.
Hi Lynn,

I'm also new here and now just passed week 7, I can't fit some of my pants and skirt already so bought some maternity wear but don't think I'm as big as you are. I was also at the motherhood fair, bought some maternity wear from Mum rus, quite good deal as they have 30% discount.
Yeah, we can't sign on the delivery package. And we are definately paying more than those with singleton. As for cordblood, I've asked my gynae as well as the Cordlife b4, we can save their cordblood, if I'm not wrong, as long as both are not identical twins can already. But hubby and I choose not to save their cordblood cos cordblood as only use for child 7 yrs and below.

I'm at 32 weeks now, I went for my scan on 7th June and found that both are at 1.7 and 1.5 kg. Don't worry about their size as u know that twins are usually smaller and the size/weight they gave u is only an estimation. Heard that u usually have to minus 200 g from there. Did u talk to yr gynae after the scan, I talked to mine and was told that babies are at normal size, not too big or too small.

Now I have problems in walking. Yesterday after that fair, my whole back and legs were in such a pain that I rested whole day today. Must be babies having a riot yesterday as mummy walked too much.
Hi Cat and Stacy,
I have also bought some clothes from the booth near the stage and I agree with Stacy that they are really cheap. However, I bought a pack of nappies from them and found that they have spots on them. So now, my mom will have to wash them carefully. I did not buy any diapers as I went with my mom and it was too much for us to carry. So, I have decided to ask for home delivery (Nepia) when I need them. It is much easier that way.

Yup, there are many little items that I still have to buy too but my hubby said buy as we need them. So now, I stop buying.

Dr Loh scanned my baby and said that he is slightly bigger than average and he is overweight by 256g! Hahaha... He told me that I have to control the weight of my baby or else, I'm going to have a hard time giving birth to him. But how? I have lost 3kg compared to last time and Jr is still big. All in all, I only put on 6kg so far... Worse come to worse, I will go for caesaerean as I do not want to risk injuring him.

I have called the nurse in regard to the package. She told me that I can sign up either A1 or B2 as I am with TPS. Only with TPS, then you can sign up with A1 Premier package. However for twins, only one of the babies will be covered and the other one's charges will be itemised.

As for cord blood, I signed up with Stemcord as it will store the cord blood into 4 tubes instead of one and it can be stored as long as we want. I also saw from their pricing list that they cater to twins too... maybe you want to call them to check it out. If you are interested, you can pm me.

As for the gestational diabetes, I was told to do the test once a week too and I think so far, my highest is 7.8. I went for a day programme which is compulsory for all mummies who have the condition and it was there that the dietician came to talk to us about food and made an apptm with us to go and see her when we visit our gynae. She's not very happy that I have lost weight as she said that I need to gain weight to support the pregnancy but Dr Loh said it is ok as long as Jr is growing well. Hence, I am quite happy that I have lost weight...hehehe...
Can I have the contact for home delivery service of Nepia? Forgot to ask on that day.
Does the store at Tampines selling small items like neck support,stroller hooks..?
That day, Dr Loh did ask whether I consume any durian that can cause BIG size baby and actually my hb bought D24 for me a few times. haha...
I think 1 bb like durian alot, and the other one doesn't like to eat so their sizes are different. So long as your bb gain weight, this should be good.I afraid I gained too much and may have difficulties in losing weight after birth. So far if not wrong, already gained 12-15kg, but everytime Dr will reassure it is still acceptable ( not too acceptable to me leh!

I also feel tired after the fair but 1 thing funny abt me and my family always mocking at me for being "turbo" speed when I go shopping. I can walk vv fast and far, they have hard time chase after me.When reach home, my battery will run flat...haha...
the tel no is 62262650.
The shop at Tampines is known as Baby's Boutique (at St 81 Blk 821) and it has been there for about 10 years already. I bought my peg perego Venezia stroller there and got quite a good price, but will have to pay cash.They sell all sorts of items, including the small ones like the hook etc.

Stacy, your weight gained should be more as you are having twins. Not to worry.
HI Jeni,

Thanks for the info, I'll check out the Clarins tonic lotion soon.

hmm... Why there are diff infos regards to the delivery package? Does KKH-TPS also offer packages for TWINS? I am with TPS.

As Catherine mentioned above...
She was not offered delivery packages due to multiples, and she can only opt for 4-bedded due to the embryo insurance coverage. If it is true, that means we are rather restricted.

AS Jeni mentioned above...
She seems to have more choices, but still restricted to the insurance coverage. Confusing!!

Pls advise. Thanks ladies.
Oh ladies,

One more thing. I just came back from my babies 'Down Syndrome Scan' yesterday.

hmm... I am rather worried as one of my twins result was only 1:450, and the other was stronger 1:1050. Doctor said the normal rate is 1:300, so 400 is in the normal range but rather in the border line.

So I took the 'B package' with blood test, hoping they are ok. Only worried is if the points will fall any further.
Anyone have knowledge on this? Esp TWINS?

Rebekah, as I have mentioned above,
you can opt for premier single bed room if you are under TPS but for twins, only one of the babies will be covered under the package and the other baby's charges will be according to the items used.

Also, when I did the DSS, my baby has a rather good score for DS but I have another scare. My baby has a higher ratio for Trisomy 13 & 18 and those 2 are worse than DS (Trisomy 21)as if the situation is bad, the pregnancy will abort itself or even if the baby is born, it will die straight after birth. Dr Loh told me that we will have to see the detailed scan on the 5th month to confirm the case or I could do the amiocentesis which have a higher risk of miscarriage compared to the ratio of getting the condition. My hubby did not want to take the risk of miscarrying our baby and he said that we will have to take thing as it comes. So, we waited for the detailed scan on the 5th month. KK is also very careful about it and arrange a detailed cardiac scan for my baby when I was in my 16th week. Luckily, eventually, everything turns out to be fine.
So, find out more about your situation from your doctor and see what are the options you have. I am sure they are able to advise you accordingly. Then discuss with your hubby. Remember, these numbers are statistics... everything is not confirmed yet, so stay positive and try not to let it affects you and your babies although I know how that can be.

Does anyone know of a TCM Physician that can process the placenta into a capsule to consume. Please share with me if you have any. Thanks.
hi there

I would like to check with the mommies to be here.

How many embryos did you insert? and did you get singleton or twins? ANy triplets?

I have heard chances for triplets are very low - ard 3% but I wanted to have a better understanding from all of you as I will be cycling in July.
Hi Jade,
FYI I put in 3 and having twins. Personally think that chances of having how many bbs also depends on our body condition, implantation and luck factor..... Good luck in your coming IVF

YOu may like to check with Dr whether the points of DS will fall further. The screening is only guideline, the best one is invasive test like amnio, but it carries certain risk. So dun let this episode affect you as along the way, be prepared for more challenges. We have to clear one hurdle after another, with a calm state of mind.
I will be due for formal briefing at wk 28 for the delivery package, b4 that I got different info informally from different nurses and maybe our buddies are briefed differently in such case. It's alright! WE can clarify our doubts with them, when our turn come.
HI Stacy,

Thanks for the encouragement.

My blood test result came back, and the points were much higher. They were 3000 and 6000 pts. The worrying part is that the twins results have so much difference in between. Anyways, I'll check with Dr Loh next month when I see him. Thanks.

Hi Jade,

I put in 3 embryos, and I am carrying twins.
Most important of all, you must relax and rest a lot after the transfer.
Good luck to you!
hi, MTBs

sori to interrupt. had my ET done yesterday. got a few question want to clarify. when u say rest n relax, must i stay at e bed all e time? if yes, how long i must stay? anyone got any idea how long does it take for implantation?
It's ok, feeding yr son is more important.
As for the sling or pouch, u can try moms in mind's website. There's another brand from USA but more expensive, costing about $70 per piece.

I put in 3 embryos and am carrying twins now.

Forum too quiet without me ard. Ha! Ha! I was at my mum's place for the past 2 weeks due to my hubby in-camp training. Just return home today, so I think the forum will start to be busy now.

Talked to my gynae the other day, she every time told me that the sugar level was all rite. If I want to eat something sweet, just remember to measure my sugar level after 2 hrs. But I was too lazy to do that, imagine to poke my fingers every time, it's my skin that's in pain, not hers.
Best part is it's already 3 weeks after my discharge, the dietician never make any appointment with me to go see her.

e nurse should arrange all e appts for u b4 u discharge frm hospital. even if they dun hav e appt at tat time, they should obtain n post to u or call u. if not, u wil hav to call e appt center to book appt. e Dr, therapist, or dietitian usually wont arrange patient's appt themselves unless is special arrangement. maybe u want to call up e ward n check.
Hi Jade,
I put in 3 embies and am carrying twins now. Good luck to you!

Hi Weiwei,
during my 2WW, you do not need to lie on the bed all the time la... just do relaxing activities like watch TV, surf the web and avoid carrying heavy stuff or exercise. you can check my blog for how i spent my 2WW during mar/apr! here's the link: http://www.nafeeza.blogspot.com/

Good luck to you too!

pls stay calm and relaxed while waiting for the detailed scan... the blood test results are not conclusive yet... btw, what u have done known as the Triple test or something??
hi dodo,

Read your blog. Glad to know that you succeeded and is now carrying twins. :)

I hope I can be as lucky as you. We are the same age - I will be turning 34 end of the year.

I am cycling in July. Now trying to find out as much as possible to be prepared for the journey.
Now I worry abt taking complete leave for the 2 weeks as my work can be quite tight at times.
probably your gynae is not that worried about your condition? Maybe you can call up the dietician department and ask about it?

Apparently, it seemed quite serious to KK and the nurses and gynaes there are very adamant about mommies who have gestational diabetes to go for the day course that cost a about $300+ (deductible by Medisave). Dr Loh even told me to watch my diet or my baby will be too big to be delivered vaginally. Then after birth, about 6 weeks later, I will have to go back for a test to confirm that I am free from diabetes. This is to play safe that I get the right and proper treatment and care if it is necessary.

Anyway, my husband and mil are supportive of me to go for caesaerean as they do not want my son to be in distressed or injured during labour. In actual fact, that is my thinking too.
Hi! CAt.
You're back. I was wondering why you are mia??
Do you have any problem like bbs have not enough space in the tummy? I feel more and more heavier than b4, the worse experience is I always feel one big lump stuck below my breast which cause so much pain in breathing. I talk to the bb to move but still there for abt a week. How? Sometimes I feel really painful, trying to stroke the bb to other position but still no use, probably the other one is below so there is no place for the shifting.
I am so sick and have no mood to do anything now
Anyone have the same experience,can share what to do??
hi, MTBs

i m still in my 2ww... just got my progesterone level result. today s my D5 after ET. my level s 82. is tat low? a lot of wori.....
if its too low, your doc would have ways to supplement it via oral medication or injections... not to worry, just follow doc's advice.

great that you are cycling in july. just relax and do not put too much pressure on yourself. if work may be tight, i would suggest you let your bosses and close working colleagues know about your plans so that prior arrangements can be made. that's what i do so that i can just relax and not worry about work during that period. actually, for the 2nd week of my 2ww, i was checking and clearing emails from home. ha ha..

good luck all!!
Dun worry! 82 is not bad. Mine is only 70+. If fall below average, DR may prescribe higer dosage of progesterone.

I went to the store at Tampines and many products are already out of stock. The price there is really attractive, better than many other places.
If my gestation is 36 weeks, we maybe can deliver around the same week. Have you decide on the package (ward) yet?
hi deer deer.. !

looking for me ah..? hehe.. i'm doing ok..
taking a break at the moment..

Dr Loh said that my womb is healing well after the miscarriage. Something I am glad to hear even thou the miscarriage is unfortunate. He also mentioned that I can start trying FET again probably 2-3 mths later. However, I tot of resting for a while first and at the same time, try some TCM treatment first to strenghten my womb and body.

I do drop in once in a while to keep myself updated with how u gals are doing...
But i didn't post anything as I have no new developements at the moment.
hi hopes,

Glad to hear that you are recovering well. Are you seeing any sinsehs at the moment? I believe TCM can help to "tune" your body. It would be good for you to build up your body for your next attempt. All the best and take care. :)
my hubby said to take the single bedded room, premier package, as this is my first time and I think the baby can stay with me in the room if I am not wrong.

But now, I am not so sure anymore as the difference in the charges is quite a lot and I would like to save that money just in case we need to get something for my son.

However, on the other hand, I am not very keen on the four bedded room after last time when I took a look at it. Lack of privacy and you can only pull the curtain around your bed if you want some privacy.
On top of that, my baby cannot be with me and my hubby can't stay with me
How? I don't know what to do???

What about you?
hi Jeni,

May I know what is the differece in charges?

Based on my previous experience when I gave birth to my first child, it would be better for you to be in a single room. Hb can stay overnight and you can get the baby to sleep in the same room if you would like. You can also nurse him in a more private setting. Therefore if you can afford, you should go for single bedder. Having said that I am not sure how big is the difference?
If I'm not wrong, staying in KK 4-beded can have yr baby to sleep with u whole nite. When I was admitted to the ward last mth, 1 lady beside me gave birth and her baby stay with her thru-out whole nite, though it was a bit disturbing to others when she on her light in the middle of the nite to feed her baby or talk to him. I'm going to ask the admission staff again next time whether I can choose single bed, I don't want to disturb others as well as others to disturb me.

I do feel some painful pinch/cramp below my ribs most of the time and when I touch there, it's usually 1 of the twins' head or hands. What I usually do is to rub and talk to him or if I'm lying down, I'll turn over to the other side ie if pain on right side, I'll turn over to left side.

I have problems sleeping at nite now. Usually will doze off while watching tv but wake up at 2 or 3am then my eyes would open big big till 5 or 6am. I try to stay positive and keep telling myself that this is a good practice to wake up next time for baby feed but do get very frustrated at times when u don't get enough sleep.

So happy that most of u can do shopping. I love shopping but after crossing over to 32 weeks, my legs, backache and tummy all giving protest. Mentally I wanted to walk and shop but physically I can't.
Sometimes even walking a short distance from my house to the carpark would cause some breathlessness and aches. Haiz. So mummies out there, grab all yr babies need during 2nd trimester while u can.
Hi everyone!
I really envy all of you. You found courage to go through IVF and is now blessed with child/children. I am now going through IVF and am still in the early stage of Lucrin jab.

Does taking chinese medicine help in increasing the success rate of implantation? If so, what medicine should I take?
Good day ladies.

I am currently working on a talkshow and we are looking for women who have had successful IVF procedures. Is anyone interested to come on to share their story with us and help other women out there who are willing to conceive using IVF?

If so, please send me a private message and share your story with me.

It would be great if you had IVF with the help of some TCM.

Thank you!
thank you for the infor.
I think based on what you and Cat had said,
I would prefer single - bedded now. More privacy and can do anything I want without having to worry about disturbing others or others disturbing me and my baby. My hubby also told me to go for single. Think that would be my choice then.
Thanks Catherine. At 1st tot why I've such symptom, now I know it can happen to anyone. I've difficulties in sleeping at nite,my eyes open BIGBIG. My situation is cannot sleep at both side, I think baby is in horizontal position (based on last scanning) and the space is too cramp. Hope it will shift oneday. Or if they come out that day, may see a "PANDA" mummy.

I'm still considering which package to take as our bbs have to tag on what we choose. If BBS are healthy and need not over stay, the decision is easy to make now. But now, like still early to say.

BTW,which ward you've been to for observation? Me ward 81. So Your choice is A1. Great! You've decided.

3rd trimester starts from week 27 or week 28? I feel so different in week 27.
I have not been hospitalised at all. I just went up to the 8th level to take a look at the rooms and the ones I saw were the single and 4 in 1. I didn't see the one with 2 beds though. Maybe I will check with the nurse next Friday.

3rd trimester starts from week 28.

By the way, I also feel a lump under my left breast and I will numbness and bubble like movement around that area if I sleep on my sides. Hence, I have been sleeping on my back until yesterday, when I talked to my son about letting me sleep on my side and he did let me sleep on my right side without protesting (kocking or punching) hahaha... Sometimes, I feel that that lump is stuck there... feel uncomfortable and breathless...
Sorry Jeni.
What I meant is you've been to which ward to assess the place, and shouldn't use "observation" that mislead to other meaning.Paiseh!Sorry!
STarts from week 27, I feel very fatigue, maybe due to not enough sleeep and the xtra weight I put on. Now I know the lump thing is not unusual. I also try to sleep on my back, but read from somewhere that it is not so ggod on our back bone. But what to do? Anyway this won't last long, bcos almost 2/3 completed. haha..... get to see them soon.
it is ok, no prob...
Yes, sleeping on our back is bad as it will press on one of the major vein and will affect the circulation. I have a sore lower back because of it too. But recently, when I told my son to be good and let me sleep on my side, he actually allowed it! Hahaha, I don't know if he really understood me or was it just my imagination but recently, when he heard that I was talking to him, he would move a part of his body to where I put my hand on my tummy for me to touch. Do you have similar experience? Unfortunately, that lump right below my left breast is still there for quite some time already and I am going to ask Dr Loh this coming Friday to scan for me what's 'stuck' there...

Yeah jeni,
I think I also need to find out at my next appt in the coming Sat. Wonder it is possible that Dr Loh can help to shift the position.
I agreed with you that our bbs can listen and sometimes seem to understand. everytime when I stroke them and ask them to be Guai Guai. They will move. This experience is really amazing. Yesterday nite, first time I got leg cramp, till this morning also cannot walk properly. Looks like more new symptom is developing. It is not as good as 2nd trimester. Honeymoon period is already OVER. Now only hope can hold bbs in my hand, doing countdown the days.
