IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

I am now a SAHM. Very stress to look after bb leh, especially the first month after confinement. My bb vomit alot after feed so this made me even more stress up.

Now he learn to use finger to pinch & he love to rub his face with his sharp fingers, thus result in hua mao face.
BB , Hui,

Thanks alot!

Check with u gals again..are cold drinks a NO NO for IVF patients..? I'm very into cold drinks .. just couldn't control myself..:p

Was wondering whether that was one of the reason why my last ET failed..

I also did not consumed any cold drinks during my ivf treatment. But i do start to drink some now such as those Marigold fresh orange juice, cranberry juice.
Wow! You must be over the moon. seeing your bb's face. Features are very clear at this stage.
Thanks for your advice. Yesterday bought the sobe soya milk you mentioned, 1 whole nite slept soundly after taking it. Today I'm really energetic. Thanks...

Hee... Hua mao Face? Aiyoh must be painful!! Then I think you have to buy more mitten for boyboy.

i have show this morning and mild contractions (ie bearable) but doc said I do not need to get admitted first. if i get admitted, I will just be lying there 'waiting', so might as well wait at home. Hope that the contractions can be more 'heavy' then i have the reason to get admitted :p
Stumbled by,

Finalli!! counting down to your new arrival!! at most tomolo nia.. is good to stay at home then waiting in the ward leh.. home more comfy.. Good luck!

I everday also encounter "chuan" my ear can hear my loud breathing...like not enough oxygen. My OB said is "pregnancy stress". Our body is adapting to accomodate the baby everyday needs so need double the power!

Stumbled by,

Good luck to your delivery.
Morning Mummies,

good news to ahre with you gals early in the morning

Stumbled by gave birth on tuesday evening! Congrats her! just received her sms this morning so see if she msg more then i update you gals..she sms and says "Pushing realli no joke"
Morning Mummies,

good news to ahre with you gals early in the morning

Stumbled by gave birth on tuesday evening! Congrats her! just received her sms this morning so see if she msg more then i update you gals..she sms and says "Pushing realli no joke"
Stumbld by msg me le.. she say:

My last few pushing is with min epidural so i get to experince natural contraction. FInd it'd more effective in pushing. 3cm to 10cm took 12hrs! then pushing is 1hr plus.
sorry to gate crash.
can anyone advise on the different stages of checkup during pregnancy? eg. week 12, do DS test etc?

i think is gal..

diff stage ah.. so far i onli done normal ultrascan then 20 weeks have a detail scan then 32 weeks have a growth scan then follow by normal ultrascan..
ok hui, hope they r both doing fine

the norm scans are done on monthly basis. Towards end of the 3rd trimester, from 36 or 37 week onwards, it's fornightly once. Follow by weekly when it's nearer to your EDD. Believe most gynaes have packages from week20 onwards. Package includes consultations & norm scans. Tests such as blood etc and med are not included. For me, my package starts from week20 and i paid $500 as deposit and balance of $750 at week32. Hence, b4 week20, i paid as per visits. Which gynae/hosp are you with?


like wat Rae said some gynae they have different practice. for mine i start package on 16 week. then 1st trim is 2 weeks scan once. then 2nd trim from 12 weeks till 29 weeks is 4 weeks once. then the next appt is 3 weeks once duno till when then shorten the weeks again.. sori i cant give full detail as i juz start my 3 weeks once check up

Ur labour reminds me of mine which took more than 18 hrs.. from 6am till 11+pm...the real pushing took me 1hr+ and I was so exhausted and in so much pain that I can't push anymore and Dr Loh used vaccum to get my bb out.
icic..... u & jolene, i tink
will see who's bb wanna pop 1st

i oso push till no energy & strength and hv to vaccum bb out :p
Hi Rae,
Yes, me and hui are next on the queue. My edd is on the 7th June, just a day apart from Hui. I am getting excited now, it's about 10 weeks to go. I went for antenatal class yesterday and saw the video on child birth. Looks a bit scary, but we have to go thru that stage. Wonder at that moment if i still remember the breathing technique tat we learn ha. Think will forget everything.

Have you start taking coconut juice?? My friend's mum heard it over the radio that should start drinking from 8 months onwards, drink only half a bowl and every 2 weeks. Cos if drink the whole coconut might be too cooling.
yes.... excited to see bb's real appearance
i din attend antenatal class and drink coconut thou :p......

hmmm..... wonder hw twins_mum's doing? must be bz with twins...
u went to Mrs wong classes.. i was laughing all the way when i watch the give birth video.. abit pervert hor..keke.. i start drinking coconut since 7 ths onwards and every week 1 coconut. cause have been taking chinese herbs and very heaty for me..
Yes very excited. I have done 3D scan but features keep changing. So wonder what is her actual looks. Like mummy or daddy.

Ya, twins mum must be very busy. Saw her posting at twins / triples thread.

I attend mine at Mount Alvernia. You .... laughing all the way, u sure. oh my goodness ha. While watching, the whole class gives out funny noise. ha. guess when it's our turn, we are numb to the pain liao.
hi all,

thanks for the wishes. I posted more things in the IVF mummies folder under '2007 mummies'. Kind of asking blue_rabbit and Rae for their advice on BF over there :p For MTBs, I also posted my labour experience. Not a lot, but how I felt in short summary.


I din use vacuum! But I think I pushed around 10 times or more in all (lost count). My hubby said doc made TWO episotomy cuts at the final push. One on left bottom and one on right bottom! I wanted to 'question her' about this but now its bridge under waters already leh..

Yes, enjoy pregnancy while u can all MTBs. Now life revolves around bb. No time even to read newspaper, let alone login. try to catch nap to make up sleep, but too excited at times to sleep.
hi can i check whether can jing bu during 2nd trimester? i think i want to do it but don't know what is ok and what is not... don't dare anyhow eat. no elders around for me to ask also...
Would like to find out from you whether any photos given for detailed scan?
When did Dr Loh confirm gender?In my last appt (15weeks), Dr Loh predicted the gender to me, but still cannot confirm yet. So tink for my case have to wait for detailed scan. Congrats! Known from the thread that you have 2boys1girl. How I wish can have B/G combination.

Is it the gender of Boy is more easier to see?
Hi! Mesh,
Forgot to tell you I start to Jing Bu from 2nd trimester.So Far, have taken bird nest and dong chong cao, and also durian... haha... the next day after durian intake, I had heavy nose bled from into my throat, mayb it is too heaty. So We really have to watch out for over "Bu", bcos we are carrying multiples and our hormones are on the hi-side.
Take Care
Thanks Hui. I'd start birdnest from this weekend

Stacy, how are you doing... to answer your qns: yes after detailed scan, sonographer will give us the ultrasound scan printouts. can't remember when gender of our babies were confirmed... but i know it was way before detailed scan which i did last sat. yours are 2B? i don't know if boy gender easier to see anot... me super inexperienced mtb.... wrong person to ask for advice :p

oh well, i had nosebleed even without eating durian..... last week i was bleeding every other morning. everymorning wake up so scared and need to check my nose.... each time the bleeding went into my throat too.... first time, i didnt know, i swallowed... 2nd time, i consciously spit it out and was shocked to see a big clump of blood.... had the shock of my life! haha. told dr loh, he prescribed me vit c, this week , touch wood has been bloodless :=)
Thanks Mesh.
Hope both of us can recover from nose bleeding. My last bleeding also lasted for a few days and is was in thick clot. It was the 1st time I had such xperience in life. Dr Loh can only see 1B. The other one yet to be know. Are you still seeing at TPS? The waiting time is very long.

Wow! Jolene,
May I know who are you seeing? The cost for 3D is quite reasonable.
