IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

i knw bb gender when i'm having my detail scan..

Nose bleed: after preg i also kp having nose bleed but not those will flow out wan.. just when i clean my nose can find blood spot..

Thanks Hui.
Sound relief to me.Haha... I should be able to know bb gender in the coming detailed scan.
for nose bleed, is it cos eat too much "Bu" stuff?? If yes, tink better cut it down. oso no gd for mummy at later stage cos bb may b too big, very xiong. :p jus a thot
Hi all IVF mums

I am looking for a good confinement lady. Any recommendation? The criteria are:
1. day & night care
2. should not be older than 55 years old
3. will do full 28 days
4. Pro-breast-feeding
5. Easy going character and won't nag you if don't follow her advice.
6. preferable can do cantonese cuisine (not a strict criteria)

Thanks and good luck to all MTBs.
Read from these book. Pregnant woman tends to have nose block and nose bleed due to increase in blood in our blood vessels. Should be nothing to do with too "bu". Mostly likely it's too heaty.

I'm into my 5th months now and occasionally I have nose bleed when I clean my nose too.
Hello gals..fri mid nite my stomach very pain..give me a shock somemore hubby nite shift.. luckily rest awhile then the pain goes off...

is it braxton kicks ? It is a mild contraction like feeling for your body to 'prepare for real contraction'. I have it for about < 1 min a few times in 30++ weeks.
Hi Ladies,
would like to ask question, do you ladies here experience a kind of brownish blood, not too sure whether its a blood or discharge but it seems to me like we had our end menses during your 6 weeks?
In pregnancy, if you have any blood spotting and discharge, it is best for you to seek medical assistance ASAP. It may be due to implantation or symptom of ..
thanks Catherine, i din hv nose bleed/block during my pregnancy so i assume the girls here may hv too much "bu" stuff... :p

i din hv coconut drink, mayb cos din feel like drinking :p

i dun hv contacts of CL cos had my confinement at my mum's

ya, agreed with stacy. best to check with ur gynae

i had this discharge when i have Virginal Infection. but best is to see a doc.. i had bright red discharge then slowly turn to brown..

Hi, while waiting to see the doctor, please don't walk too much and have complete bed rest if possible. Spotting can be due to the "unstable implantation" or our body is sending us a signal to ask us to rest more so that the little one can survive.

Take care.
u asking abt the tumy pain?
hmm.. so far from morning till now onli pain twice.. duno wat's wrong. gynae onli say if is stomach flu ca see normal gp.. but i nvr go LS leh.. eat as normal but onli got pain.
hi to all mtb,
i am a newbie in this thread (i was active at 2www and FET support gp) cos just got my blood test results this afternoon and its a bfp! my hubby and I are really happy beyond words! the HCG reading is 448.7 and progesterone reading is 387. at this point, do i know if its a single or multiple pregancy?
hi all,
sorry for MIA for a long time after delivery. I gave birth on the 9th of feb and babies weighed 3010 kg and 2210 kg, both did not hav to stay in nicu and were back home with me on the 4th day. I hav been having crazy life since i gave birth to my twins, really really no time and dog tired every day.

They are two months old exactly now and are a little better. huh...cant wait for them to grow faster

Pls read the twins and triplets thread if u wanna know my birth story and the following crazy two months experiences.

hubby bought a new hp and line for me the day before my delivery and he forgot move your hp no and other nos. to the new phone...hence couldnt sms anyone leh

thanks for popping by the twins thread to congratualate me...so paisey...that i couldnt post here earlier........


According to my Gynae. All these blood tests cant exactly tell that you are having single or multiple pregnancy. When you go for your first ultra sound scan on approx week 6. The scan will be able to detect how many sac(s) is/are inside you.
Welcome dodo. You Made it!!
Cant tell whether it is single or multiple unless your HCG is extremely hi. Like my case, I hit almost 4000 and the nurse can straightaway tell mine is multiple. I remembered there are some tables compiling the MTB Beta rate and whether it is Single/twins/triplets in the archive files found in this thread. You may like to check for info, but not really "ZHUN" best is to wait until scanning then confirm.
Congrats & welcome dodo...
agreed with Bodhi & Stacy, the readings may not b accurate till the 6th week scan
which hosp & gynae are u with? hw many embies hv u put in?

no probs
glad that ur twins & urself r well. must b madness rite now bt it's worth it

in the end my contraction feeling was concentrated at that poo poo 'area', but not exactly poo-poo feeling. It was at the pelvic area, not tummy area...But I was on epidural after 3cm dilation, so I dont know if tummy will have pain or not.
oic... thanks for the info. ya.. checked with the nurse today too and she told me the same thing, i.e. do a scan end of next week to determine how many sacs... really looking forward to motherhood!
Rae & Stacy,
thanks.. will be seeing my gynae this fri so will let him know the pain is still there but reduce to 1 day twice..

welcome aboard! u success in FET? whao! another sucess case for FET! Congrats!

Best Twins,
ic ic.. is ok. how are you doing? busy with ur twins ya..

Stumbled by,
my pain from thurs nite till now already reduce to one day 2 times..
icic... thanks
excited for u
update us after the scan

excited to see ur bb this fri? towards end of pregnancy, we ct see the whole of our bb cos they hv grown so will only see certain part (depends wich part bb wants to show us)
excitied of course coz this fri is growth scan mah.. juz kanna nag by boss y dunwan see my gynae due to my tummy pain.. then she mention something that scared me.. she say mayb bb depress inside coz no space ( as my tummy small)..then she say wat if bb poo poo inside then will be dangerous..

i haven seen bb in full for very long.. onli last 3 weeks then doc manage to let me see his face.
dun take ur boss' words to heart...... 2 more days to go to see ur precious little 1
see wat gynae says.... all this while, his growth ok rite?
sorry for this late reply.
I experienced brownish discharge around 10th week and was given about 2 jabs to boost the pregnancy. I was given long mc to rest as my gynae told me it was due to unstable implantation.So, pls seek medical advice asap.
tt's gd
he's active during day or nite time? mine's active at nite but lucky now tt he's born, it's the opposite
he active all day long leh.. the onli quiest time he gave me is afternoon lunch time.sometimes even up till even 12+ in the midnite..
my discharge is back..from last week till now..creamy white discharge like powder melts..
will let gynae check tomolo...but think of letting him do pap smear abit sian coz abit pain..
Congrats and have a smooth 9 months.

Sorry for the late reply. I am with Dr Tho, his clinic is at Jurong East. 3D scan is at $120. Is this consider cheap??

Hi, nice to hear from you. How are you, must be busy with your two darling. You take care and drop by when u free.

Your boy is so active huh. My gal's movement is quite mild, maybe it's girl so dun really kick so hard. But sometimes can be really painful if she kick at my bladder. But it's really amazing. Just went for appointment last Tuesday, her head is still up and not turning down yet, so hope by next two weeks she will move down.
BTW, what is growth scan? Different from the usual scan??
Hi ladies,
Sorry for late reply. And thank for ur respond.
Now no longer brownish. Went for scaning diother day, and the doc says my little ones is fine.
Hi ladies,
what's the frequency of your check up once you reached your second trimester?
Mine is once a month... is this the norm?

I went for the detail scan and a second round of cardiac scan the other day and was glad to find out that my junior is a boy and he is growing well and everything is fine (I can stop worrying about the relatively high risk of T13 & 18) except that he is slightly bigger than the average baby. Dr Loh is concerned that I may have gestation diabetes so he wanted me to do an oral diabetes test next round. Anyone has similar experience? When is your detail scan?
hi jolene,

growth scan is where the gynae measures the length of the limbs, skull, abdomen, see if the growth is in line with the age of the pregnancy, also heart beat whether its normal, and also check the placenta and water level if all is normal....
Great to hear that. Must take care Okie!!

Congrats! You will have a healthy n cute boyboy

My detailed test is 2weeks later. Hopefully everything is alright.Sometimes cant help but feel abit worried. So coincident that I also need to do oral diabetes test also on the same day as detailed scan. Dun know why last urine test shows my sugar level is too high. Hopefully, everything will turn out fine for both of us.
I really dun wish to get gestational diabetes, heard everyday need to prick my fingers. Now think of needles poking days, really made me veri veri scared.So far, does your boyboy kick you?
yes,I can feel my boy now... not always though. Sometimes, as early as 4am in the morning...
Well, I hope both of us do not have to go through the ordeal of needle pricking... pray hard!
Rae & Stacy,
sori to reply late.. check up on fri is ok.. bb @ 2kg le
, my boy is active mayb thanks to hubby kp asking me to walk n walk.. if i nua the whole dat @ home my bou also nua the whole day..hehe
regards abt my discharge is due to fungus so now i'm taking antibiaotics n gynae insert one kind of med inside for me. he say got to cure it coz fungus will turn out to have premature bb.. mayb my pass few days stomach pain is due to the fungus also..
Active bb tends to grow faster.When is your EDD? In August or Sept? Mine is in Sept but Dr said probably will pop early in Aug.haha...now should be half way

Wow! your BB at 2 kg. How many weeks are you now? Luckily you went early to check on the fungus. Now can rest your mind.
great to hear all is well

check-up is still on monthly basis till up to 36weeks, thereafter fornitely and weekly.
did ur gynae advise u to control ur diet? dun worry too much

great to kn both of u r doing well
i kenna infection at down below too & was given antibiotics & insert to vagina.... got to b treated else bb will get it. lucky my boy did nt get it but i still hv to take some med for the 1st 2 days after delivery
yes, yes, must walk as it will aid in your delivery, esp at late trimester...... but for me, i walk with slight difficulties during last 3weeks b4 delivery as bb is pressing against the liagment (spell?) & it's painful
that day chck up bb is 32 weeks 2 days.

thanks..doc onli insert kind of liquid form medication inside me n put me on anti biotics.
now i walk up slope hubby gpt to push me from behind..haha.. walk can but if i cross overhead bridge i will die..
