IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

I have that too. according to dr and nurse, sometime, crinone will cause a bit of irritation to the cervix and cause slight bleed. try not to insert too deeply as the gel are being absorb through our vaginal wall and not the cervix. you may want to call up to check with the nurses if you are worry.

dont worry about the flat tummy. im carrying twins and i actually only start to show at 16 weeks. before that was flat too, especially when lying down. every woman grow differently. as long as the measurements of the fetus is correct, you dont have to worry. when you really start to grow and walk like a penguin, you will miss the days when you can move freely.
thanks! The way you describe as walking like a penguin is funny leh, really can visualize. hahaha! :D
I keep feeling slight cramps at the uterus area these few days, wondering if it is ok. Did you experience that before? Is it feeling of uterus expanding?
dear tintesky,
not sure if you will visit this thread. I am so sorry and upset about your ectopic pregnancy. You have always been strong over so many rounds of ivf. You must not give up. Pls rest well after the surgery. I am sure God will grant you your 2nd baby. I pray hard for you.
Hi Ladies,
Just back from doctor appt today. I am already at my 14 weeks. My baby is growing well, now measured at 83mm already
. Going for my detail scan in 5 weeks time. Btw, any ladies currently on iron or calcium supplement? Any idea when we should start eating this supplement? I forgot to check with doctor today.

Hi Maykel,
I also forgot to ask doctor if we can continue to take folic acid after 1st trimester. When is your next appointment? Can you help to check with doctor in your next visit?
Btw, i have signed up the antenatal class. Guess what, i have changed my mind. I signed up the sat, 9am-10.45am session. That means i would be joining you and juju

Hi Juju,
Sounds like a good planning to me. When is your next appointment? I would be joining you for the antenatal class, together with maykel

Hi Bliss,
Don't worry about the flat tummy, baby at this stage is still very small. Usually for slim lady, their tummy only show at later stage.
hi Cale,
welcome to the antenatal class. hee

my appt wif dr loh will be 19 nov, PM
maternal serum blood test will be 25 nov, AM

people alrdy say i look like 4 to 5 mths. guess i ate too much during 2ww dat time, and gained weight too fast... sigh...
ppl who r 4 mths pregs also tummy smaller than mine...
Hi Cale,
Because baby suddenly turn backside. We only can see the backside, hand, brain, foot and neck skin (without the nose development). Yesterday, just got the blood result and total score is 1:10450.
The strange thing is I still must come to re-do FTS on my 14wks. Hahahaha :D
Hi Bliss,
I think it should be normal because your pregnancy still 11wks and baby still small, few cm only. Hehehehe ^_^
What happen to tintedsky? (*now, reading tintedsky blog... Hehehe)
Hi Juju,
But they got measure the baby length. My baby length on 11wks is 53.5mm. Only can not see the nose development. Hehehehe
How abt you? How much is your risk and your baby length?
Hi Bliss,
Dun worry abt ur flat tummy, maybe you are skinny by nature? Me tummy diff leh, it shows very early hehe...i've had some slight cramp and muscle pain earlier on too, doc says cos uterus growing, so its normal.

Hi Cale,
Good to hear ur baby growing well
think our detailed scanning is on the same week, mine is on 17th Dec, you leh? Ya loh, dr loh oni gave us obimin and DHA. My fren oso delivering in kkh this mth, she got take calcium in 3rd trimester.
So guess maybe ltr bah. I will ask dr loh when i see him on 19th nov.
Oh, by the way, i had stopped my folic leh, left 3 strips, maybe give my fren. Sure i can check with dr loh, but maybe by 19th ur folic finish liao heehee...
Oh great, so we can see each other during antenatal class then, so happy

Hi juju,
Hey, wat time is ur appt on the 19th? mine is 3.25pm, you seeing dr loh oso right? haha...me oso, look like 4-5mths preggie liao. But i nvr gain much weight leh and got poor appetite past 2 mths.

Hi Jo,
Think they wana re-do ur FTS cos they want to see the nasal bone bah, so dun worry ok?
BTW, how did you read tinkedsky's blog? Can i read oso? Cos i oso had previous ectopic, so i can relate to her feelings too.
Hi Maykel,

Yea, i think so. Hope that on the day the baby will face to us. Hahahaha :D

You can scroll up and look for tintedsky post on Friday, October 31, 2008 - 5:46 pm.

I think can read cos she post her blog address. ^_^. Her blog is: http://ivfsingapore.blogspot.com.
just want to ask if you gals have any idea if it is possible to cure eczema during pregnancy. I am having bad eczema problem ever since pregnant on parts of my body, mostly on the skins at back of knee caps and elbows. the itchines and redness has caused lots of discomfort for me. I was only given aqueous cream by Dr Sadhana as it is not advisable for me to use any cream containing steriod. But the cream does not help to improve on my condition for weeks liao and it is spreading to bigger area now. I am feeling so uncomfortable and worried at the same time.
I am going to the NIKS Maple clinic at Tampines later today to see the Dr who is well known for treating skin problems. But not sure if I can apply any effective medication as I am pregnant now. Any good recommendation that can help in my skin problem?

Sounds like you could be having Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP). aka Pregnancy rashes.. I had it too!

I had to endure it from week 16 to 7 weeks after delivery.. it was bad and I suffered more after delivery becos I had to wear the bidder which makes my skin even more irritable... I can understand how you feel..

In the middle of the nite at a certain time, you will feel very itchy rite? I had to sit under the air-con just to cool down myself so that the itch wasn't so bad.. My hubby got me a rattan arm chair for me to sit, for a period of time, I had to sit on the chair and sleep, that the only way I feel comfortable...

I also used Aqueous cream (those in small tub) twice a day.. used very generously too.. Oh! kk referred me to National skin centre. Took Chlorpheniramine thru out the rest of my pregnancy. Also given Dermasone 0.1% ointment (steriod) to apply (thinly)..

Hope these would help u in some way... BTW do continue with the Aqueous cream.. it does not entirely cure it but it does prevent itchness due to dryness.. The rashes will reach it's peak at a couple of weeks n subside but not entirely gone..

Here's a pic when I was 17 weeks preggie

Mrs Teng,
thanks for sharing.
I have just seen the doc at Maple clinic this afternoon. My skin problem is eczema and it is only on the skin around the joints of my legs and arms. I was given special kind of bath oil, skin lotion and anti-itch cream for the infected areas and also cleansing lotion, special skin care cream for my face. I really hope these medication will solve my problem soon. I kept asking the doc if it is safe for me as I am pregnant, she assured me that they are safe for me to use.
I have seen this doc before in the past, and she is really good at treating skin problem. I waited for 2 hours outside her clinic just now, it was crazy with the long waiting time and long queue.
The PUPPP that you mentioned is terrible. I am not sure if I am prone to getting it coz my skin belongs to sensitive kind. Really scared of it. Hope my eczema will subside very soon.
Thanks again for your info.
hi mrs teng,
wow, your rashes seems pretty bad. i feel for you. i can't imagine the fact that you have to bear with the itch for so long. i hope all that itchiness has gone now..

hi tintedsky,
be strong, yeah! you will be blessed. take care of yourself.

hi cale,
my P just informed me that i couldn't split up my leave as said in the clause on maternity leave. i have to take it fully as a block leave. some kind of a new policy.. so i guess, too bad for me, one of the month falls on next year's june holiday. so i have to use that month as part of my maternity.. sigh!

hi all,
just wanna share.. for the first time 2 days ago, as i was lying down on my couch watching tv, i saw my tummy did that wave effect when baby moved.. haha.. it was so surreal. i was already sensing that baby was moving around.. then i decided to stare at tummy to see if i can catch baby moving.. true enough, i saw it! haha.. it felt so surreal! and i was laughing coz i didn't really expect it. ;)
Hi Bliss,
So far I do not face any skin problem like you describe. Hopefully your eczema will subside soon. ^_^...

Hi Mrs Teng,
Wow... it is about 4mths pregnancy..
Hi Jo,
Yes, hope baby would not show you his/her buttock on ur 2nd scan heehee....talk to ur baby and tell him/her to cooperate b4 the scan loh.
Thanks for the link.

Hi bliss,
Ur problem sounds bad. Mine is rashes over tummy and a dot here and there on my arm, looks like mosquitoe bites but its flat and not itchy.
Maybe you can bring the products to show ur gynae to ensure its safe?

Hi Mrs Teng,
Ur skin problem really bad during pregnancy hor, poor thing, must be quite suffering to endure this on top of the heavy preg. But seeing ur cute gals must be worth it

Hi Merlenna,
Must be so nice to feel ur baby move heehee
Hi Maykel,
Yea, just hope that he/she would not show another buttock. Hahahaha :D
If yes, then must pay extra money. Hahahaha
my appt is at 3.45pm. maybe we will see each other
lucky my weight gain maintained liao, not going above the max i had seen in the last 3 mths.
Mrs Teng,
just checked some of my medication. I was given the same medicine as you, Chlorpheniramine and the anti-itch cream has similar name as Dermasone, but spelling a bit different.

my skin problem is not on tummy, so I guess mine is really eczema. Sigh...
I have applied some of the cream, feeling slightly better now. Hopefully all the rashes and redness will disappear soon.
I only get to see Dr Sadhana until Dec, wont be able to show her the skin medication I am using.
Hi all MTBs
Been a while since I last came into this forum...Hope everyone is doing good and healthy.

Hi Merlenna
It's really amazing to feel the baby's moves in your tummy ya. I felt that too when I was 16 weeks preggie and it feels wonderful...Now even in the night,I feel my babies kicking and moving about...hehe..Have you gone for your detailed scan yet? Any idea the gender of your baby yet? My detailed scan will only be in 2 wks time...

Hi Mrs Teng and Bliss
Im having mild rashes around my tummy since 12 wks preggie. Doc gives me organic cream to 'solve' the rashes but apparently my rashes are still there...
hi emma,
eh, same lah.. mine is on the 21st. that will be the detailed scan. i guess that's the gender scan too. can't wait. hehe.. actually my last appt on Monday, doc tried to see. but baby crossed the legs, so cannot 100% determine. hehe..

so you know your baby's gender already? hehe..

Yeap! the itchiness is more or less gone, just that sometimes when the skin is dry den will itch more..


Yes, the pic was taken somewhere around 4 mths preggie..


Well! had no choice but to endure with the itch. During that period I avoided the sun or any hot place... stayed in cool areas.. However, the itch got really bad rite after delivery... u know lah.. during confinement cannot bathe so body already sticky liao, how to apply cream? What I did was just used the herbal water the wipe my body from my second week of confinement onwards...


Do take the medication, wouldn't be harmful... I took it everyday for 5 months and even during breastfeeding, dun see much problems..

Did the doc gave u betamathasone instead?
Mrs Teng,
no, dont have betamathasone. I was given oatmeal with orange, lavander bath oil and oatmeal anti-itch moisturizer. Doc said oatmeal is very safe and good for dry and sensitive skin.
I took the Chlorpheniramine last nite as I was afraid I might scratch the rashes unconsciously while sleeping. And it really helped to ease the itchness. Thank God! I checked from net that the cream with a bit of steriod cannot be used excessively by pregnant women. I was a bit scared to apply leh. Did you apply the Dermasone for months?
I was given many NIKS products for my facial complexion as it is very dry with pimples too. My pimples are starting to dry up, I am quite happy now. But the products are quite oily but think my dry skin needs that.
I was given sun block and skin care cream, my facial skin looks more moisturised now.

Your itchiness was worse after delivery, you must have had a hard time during confinement.

So has it recovered now already?
My skin is so sensitive, I also dont dare to buy any brand of anti stretchmark cream, maybe should ask doc hor?
Hi ladies,
When do you stop taking Dupashton & Folic Acid?
btw, anybody can recommended maternity shop on sale?

Hi Mrs Teng,
Your rashes on 4mths looks a bit scary. Hehehe...
Does it leave any marks?
I will stop taking Dupashton at week 12, my doc prescribed the exact amount to last day of week 11. As for folic acid, i still have lots of it left, was told to finish all but have to start the multi vits after stopping Dupashton.
Hi Bliss,
Ooo ic. My dupashton just finish 2 days ago on my 12.7wks and my doctor has not prescribe me the prenatal vit. So I am a bit worried. Hahahaha :D
Thanks bliss.

Did your doctor already prescribe you the prenatal vitamin?
Hi ladies,
Just wanted to ask a very shy question heehee...urmm, i notice that the skin on my aerola area (outside my nipple) got peeling and seems dry. Does anyone noticed if urs have or not oso? Do you gals think its ok to put a tiny bit of lotion?

Hi juju,
haha....ya, good if we can see each other, then can recognise each other during antenatal class

Hi Bliss,
Oic...good to hear your skin is better after applying the lotion, at least it works. Oh, ur appt is in dec ar, like very long hor. But at least ur dermatologist assured you that it is safe right? If you trust her then dun worry too much okie

BTW, is NIKS a skin product brand? Can PM me more info on the skin doc you saw? Cos the shower products all these sounds good, cos my skin always itchy too. Are these products available outside? Thanks.

Hi Emma,
I'm having rashes over tummy since wk9-10 too. But its not itchy until i started applying clarins tonic oil. But if dun apply anything, its very dry, so now i am using baby johnson instead. Are ur rashes itchy?

Hi Mrs Teng,
Ya, i understand wat you mean...endure, endure is all we could do now....
hey, you really follow tradition and nvr bath during confinement ar? So hot and sticky right? I thot they say can bath if you use the herbal water? Aiyo, my mum oso very traditional abt all these, worried she dun let me bath. But i think i can't tahan leh, some more due in Apr, very hot weather keke.....i really pei fu you leh, super endurance mummy!

Hi Jo,
I stopped taking duphaston and folic after my 12kws FTS scan. If left a bit more then can just finish them then start multivit. When are you seeing ur dr loh again? For me, he gave me Obimin and DHA on my wk11 appt. So just nice i start after my FTS.
I dun know any maternity shop got sale or not leh. I always go to those few standard ones like Mothers En Vougue and Spring Maternity. Cos MEV is really comfy and Spring at suntec got many choices. Marina square oso got a few maternity boutiques but i nvr buy b4.

Yeah! it was tough during confinement... Have fully recovered from the itch already... Just as you have said, you better check with Doc about the application of anti-stretch mark cream.. In fact, I did not use any anti-stretch mark cream at all.. just used the Aqueous cream and that all...And thanks goodness I've got no stretch marks..


Yeah! looking back at the picture also scares me.. didn't realised that I can actually endure it... Luckily the endurance pays off.. No stretch marks for me... the scratch marks that I had also subsided already.. Now looking fair and smooth..


Using the chinese herbal water can bathe but better not the first 2 weeks of confinement..

I wiped my body is partly bcos of the rashes.. but real reason was that my wound was rather painful and I could even stand long enough to bathe back den, especially when it requires me remove the bidder which was my pain relief...
yes, Dr Sadhana already prescribed the multivit Obimin for me last appt since I will only see her again in Dec.

ya, will only see my doc until 5 Dec, still very long leh, so sian. My FTS will be next week and I think I will opt for package C, so probably will need to go for the blood test on another date.
Yes, my eczema has mostly recovered so far liao, I am bit relieved now. But I just noticed that the skin on my tummy and buttock is having some itchiness, not sure if it is due to expanding and stretching of the uterus. I am a bit paranoid, coz my skin has become so sensitive now.
NIKS is a brand name, this is the website about it, you may like to take a look. Besides selling at the clinic, the products are also sold in a shop at midpoint Orchard.
I am using the ultrafine soothing cleansing lotion, Golden lipid complex and skin care cream for my face. And also using the Aroma shower and bath oil and anti-itch oatmeal moisturising cream for my eczema. I was given sunblock and pimple cream too.
As for the peeling and dry skin on the aerola area, I have read before that applying lotion is fine, but I think you must make sure you are using the suitable kind of lotion.

Mrs Teng,
it was really not easy for you!

Wow, you have not stretchmarks, that is so good! I also hope I will not have too. My mum does not have a single stretchmark after 4 children, but both my sis have stretchmarks after 2 children. So I really hope I will inherit my mum's genes. Heehee.
were all of u prescribed obimin and DHA during ur 9/10/11th week appt? if not, when were u given both supplements? i'm seeing Dr Loh on 19th, which is the last day of Wk 15. duphaston alrdy finished in week 13. is it ok to go without any supplements in these 3 weeks?
Hi Maykel,
I will meet Dr SF Loh tml on 11 Nov. Hopefully he will give me the multivit. Hahahahaha :D

Hi Juju,
My duphaston also finish on 12.7wks, hopefully tml checking is ok.

Hi Bliss,
wow.. in dec? so long?

Hi Mrs Teng,
After this, are you planning to conceive another one? Hehehe ^_^

i had spotting/light bleeding from yesterday midnight till now. Feeling scared.anyone ever experience light bleeding after tested positive?
i feel crampy at my abdominal area too.
i have it. but not sure whether yours is it due to the same reason as mine. have you go for your first scanning? can bring forward? suggest you see the doc.

thanx for ur reply. I did my 1st scanning last fri.can share wats ur reason for spotting/light bleeding? how long it last for?
I am only given obimin during my last scan, was told to start taking from week 12 onwards. However, I was not given DHA, coz doc Sadhana does not believe in DHA leh, she said there is no research truly proved that DHA benefits the foetus during pregnancy, so she said she will not be giving me that, but it is up to me to buy DHA on my own. So strange, I noticed that Dr Loh does give to his patients leh, how my doc never give one.

I think it is ok not taking any multivit for that 2 weeks, dont worry. Just make sure your daily diet are balanced and nutritious.

ya lor, I also dont know leh, it seems very long till the next appt leh. During my last appt, Dr Sadhana scheduled my FTS to be 3 weeks later and then will see her again in another 3 weeks later which will be 5 Dec, so she said there is always 3 weeks intervals between every scan and visit. Is it normal?

I did not experience any spotting. Are you still spotting now? Maybe you should see doc if there is abdominal pain and bleeding. Dont worry too much, it may not be any problem.
Hi Bliss,
I think oh, your doctor see your pregnancy is quite healthy that is why you no need to visit her every week or twice a weeks.

One of my colleague who pregnant said that her visit interval is like 4-6wks leh and she ask me why my visit is like 1-2wks. Hahahahaha :D

so dun worry, just think positively that you do not need to pay extra money hahahaha :D
hi pleasance,

I also have it during 5-10wks pregnancy.
If you worried, you can go to KK24hrs or check with your gynae.
after i tested positive and 3 days before my 1st scanning is due (6+ week), i have blood gushing. quickly arrange to see doc and bring forward the scan and found that i have 3 sacs implanted. but 1 of them could not make it and is trying to detach by itself hence cause the bleeding.

actually, few of the ladies here encountered some form of bleeding. you may want to read the past posts to find out more.

meanwhile, i think it is better to check with your doc to see what is wrong.

Hi Mrs Teng,
Oic...i think my mum would be glad if i agreed not to shower. You are right, i oso worried that my chances for c-sect is high and may have problem with the wound....
Is the bidder prescribed? By the way, i already felt that my tummy is very heavy now at 15 wks, did you use a maternity belt during preg? If you did, is it useful? But think its gonna be quite warm right?

Hi bliss,
All the best for your FTS next wk

Oh, ur eczema recovering so fast ar, tats amazing, think the doc's products must be quite good. Dun worry, you are not alone, my skin is also very sensitive and ichy now, esp my tummy, thigh and butt. Think its due to stretching and dryness.
Thanks for your info, i had seen the website. The body products looks good. Thanks for your advice, i've used some baby johnson around the aerola, will try not to put too much.
By the way, my FTS was on wk12, seeing dr loh oni 4 wks after FTS.

Hi juju,
I was prescibed obimin and DHA on my wk11 appt.
think you and Jo have the same problem, cos she oso dun ahve supplements after her duphaston finished. I'm not sure if its ok to do without supplement leh, maybe you can at least continue with folic?

Hi Jo,
Dun worry, he's sure to give you multivit 2mr, cos you already going 13 wks liao right?
All the best for your appt and scan 2mr

Hi pleasance,
How many wks are you now? I oso had spotting on and off from wk5 to wk9, but they usually last 1-2 days only. If the spotting goes off after a while, then it shld be ok, but if it gets more until bright red, you must go and see a doc. I oso have cramp on and off, doc say could be stretching of the uterus and muscle. The cramp and pain gets worse as the preg grows.
