IVF/ICSI Support Group

Last time I suppose to hv twins too. 1 didn't grow well n during my bleeding, I was told might be flowing out but lucky the other one didn't flow out together

His is only 30( less than 100)..he ate supplements for 9 mths but to no avail. i can only hope for e best.
Tried TCM? My husband took one year of medicine and changed diet to improve. He took supplements like acidophilus, milk thistles, vit C, vit B2 and those that promote prostate health.
What reports do other hospitals provide?
For me, for my 1st try at private,i have e2 blood test,amh blood test, sa,detailed sa n hubby blood test kyrotype report ,and e follicle scan photo for cd7 and cd10 photo. N of cos e ivf report. E no of follicle sizes i wrote it down myself for reference.
So far i went kkh for 2 visits, i have e amh n full blood count bloodtest reports too. So i not sure wat type of reports kk do not give tt e gals are talking abt..?
For me, for my 1st try at private,i have e2 blood test,amh blood test, sa,detailed sa n hubby blood test kyrotype report ,and e follicle scan photo for cd7 and cd10 photo. N of cos e ivf report. E no of follicle sizes i wrote it down myself for reference.
So far i went kkh for 2 visits, i have e amh n full blood count bloodtest reports too. So i not sure wat type of reports kk do not give tt e gals are talking abt..?
I didn't get the blood test reports or any test reports. They would be so useful for 2nd opinion. :(
i think kk ivf usually dun giv hiv blood test rpt.. n follicle size during stimulatñ, er n embryo culture report...
Diet-wise, we only take fish at most once a week. Eat a lot of fruits and vege everyday and cut down on meat, esp red meat. Also cut down on yong tau foo and soya bean. This was advised by our TCM doc.

Do ask abt what u need to take more or less. I believe a diet change helps a lot.
Thanks mosburger for e pointers! Can share which tcm he goes to?

Joy_meme,kkh do not give er (with photo) n embryo culture (with photo) reports uh,then wat they give..
Or is this e same practise for nuh too?
Congrats! Happy for u!

Your is really beautiful miracle! I rem u said still can't detect fetal pole at 6+ weeks n the sac only dated 5 weeks. Hcg dun looks promising too... i hope i can be as lucky as u!
I have to be cautiously optimistic now... Cos I jus realized I'm actually 8 weeks but bb only measuring at 6 weeks. 2 weeks behind! Omg......
Thanks mosburger for e pointers! Can share which tcm he goes to?

Joy_meme,kkh do not give er (with photo) n embryo culture (with photo) reports uh,then wat they give..
Or is this e same practise for nuh too?

Connie, when i was looking online on tcm... i come across another popular tcm in clementi which i read he is more specialise in male infertility.... Dr Tan Kian Sing. U can try google to find out more
Eeznyl wondering if you got an hcg reading yesterday?

No leh... Dr Tan says no point. He said once transfer 2 embryos then the trend will go haywire as it could be twins n 1 didn't make it which might cause a fall so ask me dun monitor hcg anymore.
Hi all mummies. I had my et on 1 sept n was told to go bloodtest on the 15th to see if I'm pregnant. So far, not sure what's happening inside with the embryo.. no symptoms except bloatedness n do get tired. I hope it's normal. Really hoping for a positive test.
Connie, when i was looking online on tcm... i come across another popular tcm in clementi which i read he is more specialise in male infertility.... Dr Tan Kian Sing. U can try google to find out more
Thanks eezynl, hubby also have consulted dr tan before le. He is more comfortable with current tcm. So we shall stick to that :)
Hi ladies, i'm new on the forum here. Could anyone share which brand of c0q10 supplement do you take?

I've tried IVF thrice at KKH over the past one year and didn't conceive. Have also done IUI twice before at a private specialist.
37 this year and egg reserve is very low (0.7).
1st IVF cycle only 1 embryo grade 3, 2nd was better with 2 embryos grade 4 and 3rd was the worst, all embryos were abnormal and didn't do transfer.
None of my cycles had any embryos to freeze. :(
I've done acupuncture regularly, took blacksmore conceivewell, ate egg whites, red bean soup, ensure milk, almonds/brazil nuts, chinese medicine...saw several TCMs before IVF and during (Eu Yan Sang TCM Paragon, Marine Parade Dr Ban Choon Chan, AMK Zou Yu Min, Thomson TCM Centre)... haiz think i've done my best.

Went to see Dr. Loh at TMC for alternative advice for IVF, he didn't seem to encourage me to do IVF (even recommended me possible options like egg donors from Thailand). He prescribed me a Migrate brand Qo10 to improve my egg quality but this is not available online so i'm wondering which brand most ladies are taking that is available online/retail.
I don't know when/if I will go back and try another IVF, didn't sound very promising from Dr. Loh's comments.

I also went to see TCM Dr Tan Siew Buoy, she even comment I might be going to menopause :(. My menses days are really short, like only 1.5 days red and the rest would just be spotting.
I'm hoping herbal TCM (instead of the powder form maybe more effective). Still keeping some hope :)
Yunxi88, reading your comment is as if you are writing my story. I've a very similar situation as you except that I'm worse in the AMH reading. Mine is only 0.5.
Likewise I've cancelled 2 cycles before due to no follicles stimulated and poor grade embryos.
I'm doing my 5th Fresh cycle now... Only 1 follicle despite high dose of stimming drugs...
I'll be doing one more scan on Mon and verdict will be out if I can go ahead to extract this one and only one out. Stress!
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Anyone has exprience of heavy bleeding and passing out of blood clots on wk9 pregnancy. I was bleeding so heavily yesterday that i was admitted.

Lucky still can see heartbeat but my bleeding has not stop.
May i know who are still trying for their first (preparing to go ivf or is at ivf phase) here besides myself? Including those who have bfp to try for yr 1st bb n in 1st trimester?

For pp in these category,lets jiayou n hope we can reach e next phase tt we wanted..
Anyone has exprience of heavy bleeding and passing out of blood clots on wk9 pregnancy. I was bleeding so heavily yesterday that i was admitted.

Lucky still can see heartbeat but my bleeding has not stop.
Pepper, I do know some ladies preggy had same issues as u n now at almost wk30. Just bedrest more....
Connie, me lor.

CD1 should happen on 25-28Sep. FET about earlier part of mid Oct?

Are you still deciding on which ivf doc?
Connie, me lor.

CD1 should happen on 25-28Sep. FET about earlier part of mid Oct?

Are you still deciding on which ivf doc?
Hi redvel,hugs. I am getting tired n stressed out. Maybi i pretty useless,just try 1 fresh failed nia with no frosties n feeling like that.
I need to decide to go for e hysteroscopy d&c or not to confirm e maybi polyp or maybi scarring seen from sis scan. Next week going for 2nd opinion then decide to proceed with e d&c or not. Kkh doc allow me to do ivf unless i do this hysteroscopy d&c to confirm e maybi diagnosis.

Trying for 1st bb:
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Connie hugs back. I've had enough of ivf really. I mean coming one is the last that's it, whatever the outcome is. I know many nice ladies here tell me don't give up...try more ivf...They also succeed only after 8th try etc. But we are really not keen anymore. I know me and hubby can be happy either way. Just find a lifestyle that we both can feel fulfilling if coming attempt is not positive again.

For you I know you have a few things coming up...and yes they may be stressful. But i feel ultimately you and hubby don't give yourself too much of a timeline stress. Do one thing at time. If must seek 2nd opinion, then fix one to set your mind at ease. If must remove polpys, then do it and don't read too much about the procedure (you went to Google and scare yourself about d&c right? Hee. I refused to read too much into d&c nor hsg etc. I mean if that's the way to get myself better, I will set peace with myself and let the dr takes care of the rest).

Clear one hurdle at a time without telling ourselves must bfp must succeed by this time by that age. i feel the less we stress about it, and the more we pace ourselves comfortably, the rest will fall in place nicely eventually.
Connie hugs back. I've had enough of ivf really. I mean coming one is the last that's it, whatever the outcome is. I know many nice ladies here tell me don't give up...try more ivf...They also succeed only after 8th try etc. But we are really not keen anymore. I know me and hubby can be happy either way. Just find a lifestyle that we both can feel fulfilling if coming attempt is not positive again.

For you I know you have a few things coming up...and yes they may be stressful. But i feel ultimately you and hubby don't give yourself too much of a timeline stress. Do one thing at time. If must seek 2nd opinion, then fix one to set your mind at ease. If must remove polpys, then do it and don't read too much about the procedure (you went to Google and scare yourself about d&c right? Hee. I refused to read too much into d&c nor hsg etc. I mean if that's the way to get myself better, I will set peace with myself and let the dr takes care of the rest).

Clear one hurdle at a time without telling ourselves must bfp must succeed by this time by that age. i feel the less we stress about it, and the more we pace ourselves comfortably, the rest will fall in place nicely eventually.
Thank you. My hubby is not stressed abt this bb thg at all..only i stressed alone. He is ok without ivf n bb i think,but will just envy when see pp have babies.
Yes,u r right. I googled n get freaks out. ^_^
Likewise my hubby never wanted ivf so it was me who talked him into it. He is very relaxed about it, which is good. If he stresses then I will stress too. :p
Me too trying for 1st bb. Failed ivf in May, building courage to go for 2nd ivf again.... in the meantime, ttc-ing the old fashion way.
Trying for 1st bb:
3. Star star
Good luck to us! For e rest,feel free to add on e list if u like to. Lets continue to encourage each other in this forum. Star star, i failed in may too.. lets continue to jiayou until we called it quits to ivf.
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May i know who are still trying for their first (preparing to go ivf or is at ivf phase) here besides myself? Including those who have bfp to try for yr 1st bb n in 1st trimester?

For pp in these category,lets jiayou n hope we can reach e next phase tt we wanted..

I'm in the midst of ivf. Retrieval scheduled for next Tuesday! Can't wait to stop these injections. But the progesterone inserts sound just as bad.
Me too trying for 1st baby. Failed 1st ivf and planning for 2nd ivf in this year end

1. Connie
2. Redvel
3. Star star
4. Anamika
I'm doing my 2nd fresh and trying for a first as well! Follicles seem to be growing well. Saw abt 8 in total. Starting suppression tonight. Egg collection might be in Thursday. Staying positive is hard but trying my best cause like some of you, I'm giving this my last shot at ivf. :)
Meilingg, long time no see u post. Hope u are getting better...

Thanks dolly_gal!

Yup, im ok, but still upset when see newborn. Nevermind, i believes mine will come soon and this time round i will really handle it with care...

Hope u and bb are doing good!
Me too.. First bb. Failed first fresh in Jul/Aug.. Should be going for second fresh in April next year..

1. Connie_hopeful
2. Redvel
3. Star.star
4. Anamika87
5. Rachelt
6. Ashkea
I'm also trying for 1st. Also feel very sad when hear of friends and family having baby. Half my friends have 2 already and we still trying. Hubby is 7 years older than me but he has never given me stress on this, only myself.

1. Connie_hopeful
2. Redvel
3. Star.star
4. Anamika87
5. Rachelt
6. Ashkea
7. MichNg
actually come to think about it, I am really scared of the utrogestan inserts.. especially during spotting time. morning, afternoon and night.. :,( so uncomfortable.
I'm also trying for 1st. Also feel very sad when hear of friends and family having baby. Half my friends have 2 already and we still trying. Hubby is 7 years older than me but he has never given me stress on this, only myself.

1. Connie_hopeful
2. Redvel
3. Star.star
4. Anamika87
5. Rachelt
6. Ashkea
7. MichNg

2. Redvel
3. Star.star
4. Anamika87
5. Rachelt
6. Ashkea
8. chunkles
9. Peaches21

@michng,sad hor. I try ttc for 5 yrs. Married at age 32. Age 35 went further check n found the reason. Gynae told ivf is e only way out n natural not possible. Even ivf chances r slim n risk of miscarriage high even if sucessful bfp. Finally decide to embark 1st ivf at age 37 n failed first fresh with 7 frosties unable to make it to freeze.
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Star star why did you mention about spotting during 2ww with inserts? May I know did you experience that before?
Thanks dolly_gal!

Yup, im ok, but still upset when see newborn. Nevermind, i believes mine will come soon and this time round i will really handle it with care...

Hope u and bb are doing good!
Meilingg, jiayou... the fb mummies didn't forget u n lazybee..
Now we have proceed to groupchat encouraging each other n found out that couple of us went thru ivf n shared our experience w the rest too.
Star star why did you mention about spotting during 2ww with inserts? May I know did you experience that before?

yes my D12 after ET got spotting, still got to insert. tested on HPT kit, got a faint line.. then became light flow, went down to kkh.. bt shows no readings. sad :(
Oh what did doc say about the faint hpt?

I got spotting too during inserts but that coincided with my af spotting. I also did a hpt but was negative of course. Ya i must use the word quite disgusting to be still doing the inserts with spotting.
I also trying for first bb. Ya especially sad when friends who are married after me r all mummies le. Especially when younger bil and sil who got married 6 mths only, announced their pregnancy and the same month we found out we needed ivf. Cried buckets and still need to act normal and happy.CNY especially sucks,especially tt year,sil was 9 months pregnant. Second cny I just failed my ivf on cny eve. Again cried buckets but must look normal during reunion dinner and cny. (As I type this,I m tearing)

I failed 2 fresh and 1 FET le. It gets easier but still sucks a ton. Oh well. Just see how lo.

We have to jiayou ok... Add oil everyone! We will make it one day :)

Oh what did doc say about the faint hpt?

I got spotting too during inserts but that coincided with my af spotting. I also did a hpt but was negative of course. Ya i must use the word quite disgusting to be still doing the inserts with spotting.

they never say anything about the faint HPT. just say see the bt result. actually should have given me something to maintain the 'possibility' of slight +ve hor.. regret I never insist.. but it's all over now.
