IVF/ICSI Support Group

yah...i know what u mean.. is a torture to hold back coughing and i end up coughing much heavily when i cant tahan anymore...i had flu too cum blocked nose..but dun dare to take any lozenges...so in e end, just rub some peppermint oil at my nose area and helps to clear...drink more warm water and rest well....try not to fall sick during this period...if u really need to see doc, rem to ask for preg safe med...

hazel, dun think abt the hpt...u never know...a surprise may just be waiting for u....just find sth to distract and wait for nurse to call u...jia you ah...[/quote

Hi Audrey, Irene,

I've learn from a Tcm physician that when u having bad cough or cold, clench both ur fists tight and hold them in front of u when u cough or sneeze.. It will reduce the impact on our lower body. It really works when I sprained my back last mth. Give it a try.

May ur flu go

saw gynae yesterday & got a bottle of cough syrup will take after lunch he ask me to continue with my usual antihistamine for my flu, will take later & go nap.


When u cough or sneeze, clench both ur fists in front of u, it will reduce the impact on our lower body. I learnt this from a tcm physician when I sprained my back last mth. It really helps and works for me!
done with my FET earlier. I thaw a total of 5 embryos. one 7 cell which maintain at 7 cell, two 8 cells of which one become 3 cells so cannot use & the other become 5 cells. I don't feel good & ask the lab to thaw another two 5 cells, this is worse both become 1 & 2 cells only. transfer 7 cell & 5 cell & had a proluton jab. I still have 11 frozen hopefully no chance to use them!

now officially in the dreaded 2ww!!!
u have alot of frosties!! but yeah hope u dont need them
all the best!

i had high fever bad cough and flu when i started stim jab. GP said cos we are introducing new things into our body and affect our hormone level. our immunity also goes down as a result. so its normal to fall ill.

I'm having bad cough & flu now so whatsapp Angela for some assurance. She as usual comforted the entire gang even though she's not in town. I told her I'm scared my coughing will affect the implantation she reply say the embryos are sandwiched inbetween the lining so won't drop out like that. just need to drink lotsa water & rest

out of the 11 frozen, 8 are 4 cells, one 6 cell & two 7 cells. the lab say *touchwood* if wanna use the 4 cells next round have to thaw earlier cos they develop slower. I hope I can throw all into the bin cos I BFP!!
Thanks girls. I cried and mourned over the loss and now I'm back in the bandwagon! I wanna ask if it's ok to start the next fet back to back or do I need to wait rest for a mth and wait for the next normal period to start?
Hi ladies,
Im new here and need help.....
Today is my 7 day of simulation, did my ultrasound scan, more than 20 follicles, between 7 to 14. Doc said not big enough for ER. & high chance I will get OHSS. Very worried.
What should I do???
Hi ladies,
Im new here and need help.....
Today is my 7 day of simulation, did my ultrasound scan, more than 20 follicles, between 7 to 14. Doc said not big enough for ER. & high chance I will get OHSS. Very worried.
What should I do???
Hi polly, what did your Dr suggest? I had the same situation for my fresh cycle. My e2 was extremely high but I wasnt getting any symptoms. I had very low dose to begin with and was lowered further. managed to proceed for er. By then I had 38 eggs. And also the symptoms of ohss started to kick in. I was very sick for almost 2 weeks.
Try to reduce the chance of ohss now by up your protein. Many of them took immunocal. I took my husband's protein shake as recommended by my Dr. Hope you'll be able to go ahead with your er smoothly!
hazel: i had that same ques when i failed my fresh. my doc said i can do anytime after my AF clears but ques of whether i was ready.
then in the end i decided to take a break for 2 months then do my FET.

polly: doc will either reduce the dosage or jsut do ER and FET next round to prevent OHSS.
Baby sparkles, I wanna proceed for my next fet withbthis coming cycle actually. I dint really want to waste time waiting. But scared the hormones in my body not settled for a new round.
Hi ladies,
Im new here and need help.....
Today is my 7 day of simulation, did my ultrasound scan, more than 20 follicles, between 7 to 14. Doc said not big enough for ER. & high chance I will get OHSS. Very worried.
What should I do???

I have a similar experience with you. I did my fresh cycle in 2010, day 5 stim stage already had close to 30! my dosage of gonal-f was immediately brought down from 225iu to 200 & 150iu. I was hit by OHSS towards the end of my stim and I almost couldn't proceed to ET. ER harvested 38 & I transfer 2 embryos by day 8 post ET I was hit by OHSS. sharp cramps attacked till I just cry, hubby called the clinic & they just ask me to go down for jab. jab manage to ease my cramps but by the night it came back again & lasted till 8 weeks pregnancy

take immunocal now, can take 2 packs a day or take more raw egg white and drink lotsa water
Hi polly, what did your Dr suggest? I had the same situation for my fresh cycle. My e2 was extremely high but I wasnt getting any symptoms. I had very low dose to begin with and was lowered further. managed to proceed for er. By then I had 38 eggs. And also the symptoms of ohss started to kick in. I was very sick for almost 2 weeks.
Try to reduce the chance of ohss now by up your protein. Many of them took immunocal. I took my husband's protein shake as recommended by my Dr. Hope you'll be able to go ahead with your er smoothly!

I also had 38 during ER, but my stubborn nature I went ahead with ET and suffered the consquences of OHSS. my tummy was so bloated till I look like 3 to 4 mths pregnant! I'm not sure whats my E2 reading
Thanks girls. I cried and mourned over the loss and now I'm back in the bandwagon! I wanna ask if it's ok to start the next fet back to back or do I need to wait rest for a mth and wait for the next normal period to start?
Hi Hazel_nuts
I did a medicated FET end of May, got BFN mid June, Menses came.
and I redo another medicated FET in July, got my BFP mid August.
I was also contemplating if I shd take a break or not, but my gynae gave me green light.
And also I was thinking since I have started to tune my body by eating and sleeping well for my previous FET,
why not continue. At the same time, I didn't want to waste my time waiting again.
Maybe you should feel for yourself, if your body is ready to go through it again and most importantly,
if you are mentally prepared or if you need a break.
Hope this helps.
Can I ask... I am in day3 after ET. I notice some blood thread coming out together with my white discharge from yesterday night then on and off today. Is it those old blood from the ER procedure? Can implantation took place? I have been very careful of my movement and walking too. Thinking to buy durian tmr. :)
Hi polly, what did your Dr suggest? I had the same situation for my fresh cycle. My e2 was extremely high but I wasnt getting any symptoms. I had very low dose to begin with and was lowered further. managed to proceed for er. By then I had 38 eggs. And also the symptoms of ohss started to kick in. I was very sick for almost 2 weeks.
Try to reduce the chance of ohss now by up your protein. Many of them took immunocal. I took my husband's protein shake as recommended by my Dr. Hope you'll be able to go ahead with your er smoothly!
Hi Polly

I had only 21 follicles and already I was about near OHSS .. I had cramps & bloatedness everyday since ER .. I believe immunocol helps cos my cramps stopped 2 days after I started the protein drink and I don't look so bloated now. Earlier, my tummy was like a frog's stomach, big round and suffocating. If you are OG member you get 5% voucher rebate off $106 (20 packets). I mix 1 pkt with small amount of orange juice every morning ..
Can I ask... I am in day3 after ET. I notice some blood thread coming out together with my white discharge from yesterday night then on and off today. Is it those old blood from the ER procedure? Can implantation took place? I have been very careful of my movement and walking too. Thinking to buy durian tmr. :)

Hi bearge, what's the thing with durian? Can help implantation? Or pure cravings? I just bought 2box of Mao Shan Wang from Tanjong Katong earlier. They are being chilled and I intend to have them for lunch tomorrow !! Slurp

Any one has any idea when does a blastocyst start to implant?
Hi bearge, what's the thing with durian? Can help implantation? Or pure cravings? I just bought 2box of Mao Shan Wang from Tanjong Katong earlier. They are being chilled and I intend to have them for lunch tomorrow !! Slurp

Any one has any idea when does a blastocyst start to implant?
Not too sure but I saw that some sisters take durian during tww. So I just follow. :) I am also curious on yhe implanation matters but I think I try not to google too much as it will lead to unnecessary stress which is no good for the embryos. Hee...hee.... lets just be the queen till blood test.:)
Hi bearge, what's the thing with durian? Can help implantation? Or pure cravings? I just bought 2box of Mao Shan Wang from Tanjong Katong earlier. They are being chilled and I intend to have them for lunch tomorrow !! Slurp

Any one has any idea when does a blastocyst start to implant?

Implantation take place same as d2 or d3 transfer on day 3 to day 5 after ET
Hi Hazel_nuts
I did a medicated FET end of May, got BFN mid June, Menses came.
and I redo another medicated FET in July, got my BFP mid August.
I was also contemplating if I shd take a break or not, but my gynae gave me green light.
And also I was thinking since I have started to tune my body by eating and sleeping well for my previous FET,
why not continue. At the same time, I didn't want to waste my time waiting again.
Maybe you should feel for yourself, if your body is ready to go through it again and most importantly,
if you are mentally prepared or if you need a break.
Hope this helps.
Hi away, so did u have to test for your e2/progesterone before u embark on your next cycle? Dr says it's ok? I also feel that I don't want to wait but not sure if my body is in the best environment for a new transfer since so much meds have been pumped in. Are u doing any tcm to supplement and did u rest for 2 full weeks?
Hi Ladies, I need some advise. I jus went to Dr Zou to do acuputure ytd around 12pm. Tday, I will be going AMK again, was thinking whether I can do acuputure again around 4-5pm? Is it too close? how long intervals can I do acuputure? What will happen if it is too close?
hi. Im on short protocol. Went for my first scan and my lining is 8mm too high.

luv bb : I think its ok. not much difference.
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Hi Ladies, I need some advise. I jus went to Dr Zou to do acuputure ytd around 12pm. Tday, I will be going AMK again, was thinking whether I can do acuputure again around 4-5pm? Is it too close? how long intervals can I do acuputure? What will happen if it is too close?

love.bb, not sure if what happens if it is too close...accupuncture supposed to help the eggs and lining to grow...u can call Dr Zou and ask her? when i was cycling, i did 3 times a week but with a day interval...
Hi away, so did u have to test for your e2/progesterone before u embark on your next cycle? Dr says it's ok? I also feel that I don't want to wait but not sure if my body is in the best environment for a new transfer since so much meds have been pumped in. Are u doing any tcm to supplement and did u rest for 2 full weeks?
Hi Hazel
No I didn't test on progesterone. Just started medication to induce menses abt 2-3 weeks after my menses ended, then the process of medicated FET continues.
I'm living overseas, thus no tcm.
However I started on Blackmore conceive well 3weeks before I started the medicated FET and during 2WW, I drink chicken essence every 2-3 days and also 2-3 Brazil nuts for first 5 days.
I stayed at home for first 4 days, 5th day night went out for dinner and from 6th day, I resume normal activities, taking care of my 4 yr old daughter. Totally no symptoms during 2ww. :)
Any advice from your gynae?
love.bb, not sure if what happens if it is too close...accupuncture supposed to help the eggs and lining to grow...u can call Dr Zou and ask her? when i was cycling, i did 3 times a week but with a day interval...
love.bb, not sure if what happens if it is too close...accupuncture supposed to help the eggs and lining to grow...u can call Dr Zou and ask her? when i was cycling, i did 3 times a week but with a day interval...

Hi dreamirene,I am currently nt on cycle yet taking a break nw bt wan to prepare my body.Dr Zou say 2 times a week. I called bt nv get to talk to Dr Zou onli her hubby. He like nt so sure.

Hw long did you visit her before u conceive? Did u take her meds? I scared of Chinese med so nw onli start acuputure.
Hi dreamirene,I am currently nt on cycle yet taking a break nw bt wan to prepare my body.Dr Zou say 2 times a week. I called bt nv get to talk to Dr Zou onli her hubby. He like nt so sure.

Hw long did you visit her before u conceive? Did u take her meds? I scared of Chinese med so nw onli start acuputure.

I think no harm doing accupuncture consecutively cos i rem i did that when i was trying for IUI and did consecutively before going for the procedure..
If i rem correctly, i hav been seeing her since May 2012 / 2011..i cant say i am a good patient as i was a bit lazy on taking the powered med after 4-5mths...so a bit undisciplined thereafter...and i recently switched to taking Dr TSB med in Feb 13 after my failed fresh in Jan but i still continue going to Dr Zou for accupuncture...but i hav heard a lot of sis also succeeding after taking her med and accupuncture...
Tks for the advice. I'm much much better now after taking lotsa protein.

Confirm ER on Tuesday, doc will advise after ER on the OHSS. Might not be able to do ET if OHSS risks are high.
Crossed fingers!
I just went to dr zou for a first time consult. She seems very good and im very comfortable with her. Moreover her price is so reasonable. Hopefully able to tiao my body under her care for the next cycle.

Polly: all the best for your ER and I hope you're able to proceed for your transfer too! Which hosp are u at?
hazel nut. maybe I see u there at dr zou? cos I was there too.

anyone else on short protocol here? im gg to start this cycle soon.

im gg to start buying carton of eggs and some chicken essence now.
hazel nut. maybe I see u there at dr zou? cos I was there too.

anyone else on short protocol here? im gg to start this cycle soon.

im gg to start buying carton of eggs and some chicken essence now.
Mrs tan, Mayb we did met? I was there ard 4pm. I only saw 2ladies while I was there. But think there were quite a few others doing accupuncture inside too.
Sigh .. I'm 6dp5dt and still symtomless ...
Good morning makino.:) wah... you still awake at 1plus in the morning arr.... I am going back kk for my injection. Today I think I should be 4dp. Still too early for anything as the nurse mentioned that preglyn injection will lead to all positive reading for hpt and ovulation test. I guess I also have no courage to test too early. Scare scare...
Good morning makino.:) wah... you still awake at 1plus in the morning arr.... I am going back kk for my injection. Today I think I should be 4dp. Still too early for anything as the nurse mentioned that preglyn injection will lead to all positive reading for hpt and ovulation test. I guess I also have no courage to test too early. Scare scare...
Hello bearge hehe I had a night out with hubby so by the time I settled down to google it was quite late but I slept right after that post or so I think ... Huh have to go back for the once every 3d jabs??? very time consuming ... sigh ... I haven been obedient his cycle. I drank carbonated drinks occasionally, had my daily dose of yakult, had cold MSW durians yesterday and not inserting my uterogestan timely, plus only taking two glasses of water a day. If I miss this cycle, it was my own doing.. Nah, I'm not going to test myself with the sticks. I will guai guai wait for bt on Tues ..
Hello bearge hehe I had a night out with hubby so by the time I settled down to google it was quite late but I slept right after that post or so I think ... Huh have to go back for the once every 3d jabs??? very time consuming ... sigh ... I haven been obedient his cycle. I drank carbonated drinks occasionally, had my daily dose of yakult, had cold MSW durians yesterday and not inserting my uterogestan timely, plus only taking two glasses of water a day. If I miss this cycle, it was my own doing.. Nah, I'm not going to test myself with the sticks. I will guai guai wait for bt on Tues ..
Ya. Is the 3 day once jab. I consider quite good girl. Didnt touch any cold drink, even yogurt. Now I very scare go to toilet as I having constipation. :(
Bearge, try prune juice. Me stools haven been smooth either now that you mention .. I used to do it twice daily but since ER i only go once every 2 days!!

**grabbing keys & heading to Econ to grab my prune juice!! **
im waiting for my scan. nervous. it didnt go well last week thus was not allowed to start stimulation yet. hopefully today can start on my purgeon jabs. last week I went for my acpuncture and healing session. dr zou says acpuncture is to tiao and balance the body.

blessedzn : no they not hear of her before-
yeah! given the okay to start the jabs and today is my first jab. felt a bit warm and bloated.... or am I just tired.
Hello bearge hehe I had a night out with hubby so by the time I settled down to google it was quite late but I slept right after that post or so I think ... Huh have to go back for the once every 3d jabs??? very time consuming ... sigh ... I haven been obedient his cycle. I drank carbonated drinks occasionally, had my daily dose of yakult, had cold MSW durians yesterday and not inserting my uterogestan timely, plus only taking two glasses of water a day. If I miss this cycle, it was my own doing.. Nah, I'm not going to test myself with the sticks. I will guai guai wait for bt on Tues ..
Your blood test is next tues, right? I having bloating stomach since Sunday till bui tahan... Drank the prune juice, really relieve my constipation. :)

May I ask sisters here... I thought tww is 14 days, how come my schedule for blood test is on day 18? Mine is next Friday bt. My ET was on last wed.
Ya. Is the 3 day once jab. I consider quite good girl. Didnt touch any cold drink, even yogurt. Now I very scare go to toilet as I having constipation. :(

Hi bearge - you can try the non-chilled yoghurt called Dutch Mill. They can be found in the pasteurized milk section. 4 packets for about $2. I was having bad constipation during my first week after ivf until I found this non chilled yoghurt. No more painful bowel movement and the terrible bloated feeling :)

Hi bearge -n try the non-chilled yoghurt called Dutch Mill. They can be found in the pasteurized milk section. 4 packets for about $2. I was having bad constipation during my first week after ivf until I found this non chilled yoghurt. No more painful bowel movement and the terrible bloated feeling :)
Oh.... thanks for your recommendation. I clear my bowel after taking prune juice. My hubby bought the big bottle. Now keeping them inside the fridge. Guess need to take out and let it stand for half and hour before consume.
Your blood test is next tues, right? I having bloating stomach since Sunday till bui tahan... Drank the prune juice, really relieve my constipation. :)

May I ask sisters here... I thought tww is 14 days, how come my schedule for blood test is on day 18? Mine is next Friday bt. My ET was on last wed.

lol. I also have a large bottle in the fridge. Strange the ET/ER causes constipation ..

My bt is tomorrow .. I have a very sharp 10 mins lower abdominal cramp on the morning of 6dp5dt. Apart from that, am symptomless. My boobs ain't even sore. I wonder if there is a chance of a BFP tomorrow .. Cos I remembered during my last 2 pregnancies, I also encountered this sharp lower abdominal pain. Hmmm .. Sigh I shall leave it to God. I've been enjoying my 2WW so far. So good to rest at home and do absolutely nothing .. Feeling so good till I'm thinking of quitting my stressful job .. Lol

I also noticed my bt is 3 Sep regardless of 3d or 5d ET.

lol. I also have a large bottle in the fridge. Strange the ET/ER causes constipation ..

My bt is tomorrow .. I have a very sharp 10 mins lower abdominal cramp on the morning of 6dp5dt. Apart from that, am symptomless. My boobs ain't even sore. I wonder if there is a chance of a BFP tomorrow .. Cos I remembered during my last 2 pregnancies, I also encountered this sharp lower abdominal pain. Hmmm .. Sigh I shall leave it to God. I've been enjoying my 2WW so far. So good to rest at home and do absolutely nothing .. Feeling so good till I'm thinking of quitting my stressful job .. Lol

I also noticed my bt is 3 Sep regardless of 3d or 5d ET.

makino, all the best for yr bt later!
