IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Orangedots,

are you w kkh ?
I'm w kkh and will be starting puregon next week too. I'll be on D26 of lucrin then, gosh !

Seems tt there are lots of people in kkh and they've to stagger those doing puregon cos the embryologist can't cope if there are too many people.

when will you be starting your puregon jabs? as far as scheduled, i will only be starting lucrin on 3rd July..am having mixed feelings about it all.

jia you. u will be starting puregon soon..and once puregon is started, ER will be very soon. Do you know why the doc put you on lucrin for so long? i thought the norm is 2-3 weeks?

which stage are you at now? SGH have differnt protocol from KKH. actually KKH now no longer practice the 6 mth waiitng time or waiting list since Dr Loh took over.

wow, ur dose s double of mine. i dun feel tat bloated anymore coz i've been drinking a lot of h2o. now just hav cramp once in a while. but my butt.......so painful n some of e parts r harden with bruise. guess e meds wont absorb well with e hardening. so wil switch to thigh today. though it wil b more painful, for e better support for my embryos, hav to do.


thanks! hope i can giv u e good news n also more confident.
oh poor thing weiwei

i can't imagine having to go through 17 days of progesterone jabs. As it is starting on lucrin ...
i am already having mixed feelings.
my scan for twins/single will be on july 5, another week to go.

did you get the pregnyl jab oredi?
mine get pregnyl and hcg jab. dunno how many times should get this kind of jabs,anyone?
Hi weiwei,

Not that I can't start acu. But sometimes I am just wondering if it really helps cos I dont see any changes or whatever. I know I am silly, but just can't help it.

Hi cancerian,
Don't be upset. The last time I had only 3 to be retrieved. In the end, only 1 manage to fertilised. But I had a BFP. Unfortunately lost it at 8 week. As for the HCG jab, we have already came so far. So that jab is really nothing. Don't worry.

Hi Babylow,
I know is no point getting depressed. I just heard that my ex-boss is pregnant again. Can you image she actually had planted an artifical condom like thing in herself to prevent getting pregnant (dont know what you call exactly). Yet, she still 'kenna'. Like so easy hor. Why pp like us got to go thru all this. Sometimes just wondering if God has forgotten about me. Although I am not a Christian, but I have done nothing wrong...haiz
Dear babymaking,

I just got a call from SGH..telling me to go for my scan and to prepare me for Gonal-F tomorrow at 9am. One jab is already bad. I can't imagine 2 jabs a day. :< But for the sake of baby...must Jia You!

Your boss really lucky leh. We try so hard...yet are not blessed yet. Hopefully we will get lucky soon. :>

Ahh...hospital just called to change my appointment to 3pm tomorrow.
Hi Deasy,

Any idea what was your HCG level when you were tested positive. That should give you a slight indication whether single/twins or triplets.
My dear JR,
I know exactly how you feel. I had failed SO-IUI and on top of that my colleague conceives a twin naturally recently without much trying (just one shot and kena) and my sister is pregnant for her second one without much trying... I felt myself such a failure. I took all these with stride and I am telling what they go through will happen to me as well. not easy to stay positive all the time. my poor hubby always kena when i am feeling down and begin to feel that I should be especially nice to him because all these time he is there to support me. i am trying to be positive. i really hope you will try too... jia you...
As far as I know, you need to continue your jab even after they start u on Puregon or Gonal-F. So continue doing the jab. Which hospital are you wif?
Does anyone here have heart problem and going thru IVF?
I was wondering is there anything which I need to take note of.

i wont get any pregnyl jab as i already hav progesterone. usually kkh will giv either one but not both. according to e nurse, kkh wil giv 3 times of pregnyl jab during 2ww. dun knw abt other hospitals. wow, so good, u r going for ur scan next wk! me stil hav to wait for monday bld test. hopefully i wil get a BFP coz hubby n i always got e dream abt holding 2 babies. hope my dream wil come ture.


can understand ur feeling as already went through so many times of treatment, now dun knw can put high hope in TCM or not. acu help us to strengthen our uterus n keep it warm, so it wil b a better place to hold our BB. we cant feel anything coz it's all inside. somemore acu s nt 100% wil get our body better. for wat i think, if e Dr permits, we shall try all e ways tat can help to get preg n keep e BB.

haiz, a lot of my friends also get unwanted pregnancy n some even went for D&C as they dun want e BBs to b too near. they even joke with me tat should giv their BB luck to me coz they had too much n i hav nothing!! oh, so angry to hear tat. who say we dun hav BB luck, it's just nt e time yet!! NVM, our time wil come veri soon!!

u hav to tell ur gyn abt e heart condition, in fact, all ur health history. he wil decide whether u can go for e treatment or add on some antibiotics for u during ER. i hav ASD ( a hole between e 2 atriums). Dr Loh just Gav me extra antibiotics during ER, nothing else. unless ur heart Dr had told u something special, u should alert ur gyn also.

I have told the doctor about my medical history. and i was given a clear bills of health to go ahead with ivf.

Noted, i will make sure the doc add on antibotics during the ER. just worried of the jabs that have to take, might have side effect which i dont know what will be as it is different individually.

I was given a week of antibodies after i have done my lap and i cant lie down after consuming the antibodies as it causes me to be breathless (bad experiences like asthma attack). worried that this will happen again. The whole week i think i have freak my husband and he nearly send me to ICU over some antibodies. Very bad experiences with antibodies. I have alert the doctor this too.

Other than this i think everything should be okay.
Hi Ladies,
thanks for the comforting words... since I have come this far... must bear the HCG jab tonite for the sake of getting myself preggie..

Hi Babymaking,
I've completed the Gonal F, tonite taking HCG and Friday will be my ER. Is it? KKH change their policy? I consulted KKH in Feb and was told that I have to wait until July or Aug before I can start my IVF. Since I choose not to wait that long, I go ahead with the program in SGH.

Hi JR,
Thanks... the staff who do the scanning told me that it is the quality that counts instead of quantity but of cos I still hope for more so that the chance of fertilizing will be higher. Guess I should be blessed to have at least 4 mature ones.

Hi babylow,
My hb also kena from me too at times when I'm very blues with all the negative thoughts but he is very supportive and keep telling me that at least we are trying something better than doing nothing at all.

I have this thought of mine that all of us went through this path will make us a wonderful parents cos we "suffered" the "hard" way to conceive and if we are blessed to be preggie and safely delivered, we definitely treasure our little precious more than other parents.
I have seen some parents who cane the child in public, slapped their faces and even screaming at them... I dun think I can bring myself to do that.

we hav to jab puregon ourselves.but for progesterone, hav to get e nurse do it for us.


better b alert all e reaction tat u hav. ur body may nt react e same way as others. take care!


yes, we wil treasure our little ones more than others. and i wil tell them how difficult for mummy n daddy to get them to this world. i m thinking of making a album for them of all e scan photos. hee hee......
Hi all...
Sometimes I also wonder why people like us have to go through so much for kids when we thought that we are prepared for it.My nature of job seeing babies and todlers daily is a real challenge for me but the ivf failure last month made me determined to persevere.Well...I will be joining u guys in the journey again probably after raya....for now try chinese herbs first to strenghten up myself.
Wishing u guys all the best k!!
sunflowers, babymaking, PL

ya tot the norm is to be on lucrin for 2-3 weeks too but end up doing it for 5 weeks and needing 2 bottles of lucrin! i went for 2 blood test, D14 & D21 before the nurse inform me of the date of purgeon. Well i also had my menses late, after D14 scan so maybe that explains why i have to be on lucrin longer.

yes, i am with KKH too. May i ask, counting from the date the nurse inform u of purgeon date, how many days are u on lucrin? i had to continue for another 10+ days before stating purgeon. I wonder if this is how they stagger us to avoid ER at the same time?
Thanks for all the encouraging words.

After working for so many years, I have decided to quit about a month ago. These gives me more time to be fully concentrating on this 'project' but at the same time more time to think of nonsense.

Guess in life, there is never such thing as 'perfect'. On one hand, I wish to start the program again fast. But on the other hand, I am also worried that my body is not in the correct condition. This waiting process is really killing.
Hi Orangedots,

I was on D19 of lucrin when the nurse told me that I can start my puregon abt 10+ days later. I suspect that I can start earlier cos the reason they gave for the date was becos of scheduling issues and not my hormone levels.

I was quite pissed as that means more jabs unnecessarily due to their scheduling issues. Fortunately, they managed to bring it forward a few days, so I can start early next week.

Anyway, I've 2 bottles of lucrin too as 1 bottle can only last for 28 days and I'll definitely be on lucrin for >28 days.

Actually, if I had known tt kkh is sooooo busy, I would have considered other hospitals. I feel quite rushed everytime I go to kkh for blood tests, scans etc.
Hi sunflower,

Other hospitals may be just as busy. Think you have to learn to relax especially now that you are already half way thru the journey. I still have a long wait ahead.

For me, i think KKH is okie. Sometimes, the nurses can still talk and joke to us.
my journey will start 1st quarter next year. now i am recuperating my body after 1st failed so-iui and july will go for laps and hys. then recuperating again and also try for few more months on my own. currently, i am on chinese medicine and intend to go for acup after my laps and hys besides chinese medicine. i am nervous and hopeful...
Hi Baby Low,

May i know why do you need to have laps & hys? I am just wondering if there is anything wrong with me.
looks like i mistyped the injections i get, hihi, they are HCG5000Uinj(pregnyl) & Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate 500mg.

I didnt ask wht my HCG level at the time i went for preg test. will ask d nurse 2moro whether she can get my file.

how do you feel rite now? my appetite is really so bad, i get dizzy and feel like nausea now and then, i wonder its bcause of the injections.
Orangedots and sunflower,
today is my D14 blood test. I just called KKH and realized that they really schedule our puregon timing. As sunflower said not because of our hormone levels issues. i think they may schedule me to start puregon after both of you.

in fact, i don want to start earlier because 8th aug is my luckiest mth of 2007. I hope they could schedule me on 14th july.

just to do a thorough check to find out why the so-iui was not successful. what about you? have you done any laps and hys before? if yes, please share. btw, have you started your ivf? i see the procedure for ivf is lot more hassle compared to so-iui.

that's great..onwards to the next stage - one more step closer to motherhood!

i also have a heart condition but it has been rectified during surgery about 10 years back, even so..whenever there is surgery required, no matter how minor such as tooth extraction or ER, have to take extra anti biotics to prevent infection.

if you have breathing issues after anti biotics, please go to the A & E to get a antihistamine jab as it's an allergic reaction to the medication.

good luck on the ET and hope you get lots of good quality eggs.

orange dots,
i made an appt with Dr Loh last month in May and he made an immediate appt for me the next day to start IVF. i was expecting to be put on the list as i enquired last year and was told the list is 6 months. KKH IVF then explain that they did away with the waiting list when Dr Loh took over.

hmm but then would KKH IVF really make us jab additional days just to stagger the days of the ER?....that's not very fair rite?
weiwei & babymaking,
thanks...hope to recover from my flu soon...weiwei, all the best for your blood test! Hope to hear more good news from the sisters here.

Oh u switch to SGH bcos of the KKH long q? During my initial consultation, when I asked Dr Loh abt when I can start IVF and how long is the q, he said I can start straight away in my next cycle once I clear all the other prelim blood tests etc. Cos he explained that he already cleared the long q when he took over. Now just waiting for my AF.

Whether IVF fresh or FET, both will have a chance to succeed. So must focus on the positive aspect. Anyway, if lucky enough to have more embies for FET later, then you also no need to go thru the injections again...
Hi Baby Low,

I have done one laps early this year to remove fibroid but not to check leh. What is hys?

I have not started my new cycle yet. Just failed one early June, so cannot embark on another so soon. IVF is definitely more hassle compared to so-iui. but of course, the success rate is also higher.
hi JR,
i am so sorry to hear what you shared. btw, hys = hysteroscopy. since i am doing lap, my gynae advised me to may as well do hys. save time even though it will cost me a bomb. i am with pte hospital. but whatever it costs me. i know no point for me to grief over my failure. i just have to try until i succeed
you definitely have to 'tiao' your body. i feel that my body was exhausted during so-iui. so scary... how long do you have to wait before your next cycle? yeap, i think your gynae supposed to do checking for you even though his main objective was to remove fibroid... you better clarify with him.
Hi JR,

I think to certain extend TCM and acup did really help or else there won't be so many ppl going for that and they are so many books written on that and also it is proven that both help in infertility. Like what Weiwei says that it is inside us, that's why we dont feel anything..... unlike if we are having some pain and that's when we can tell from the result right away.

If i remember correctly, Jaslyn and Deasy went through both TCM and acup???

Weiwei, did you went through both???
Hi PL,
do keep us informed when you can start ur puregon.

I guess KK has its advantages, in tt there is no more queue system and you can start as soon as you like. The con is probably more jabs than necessary since the backend e.g. labs etc, can't cope with the no. of people.

I hope kkh's success rate can be maintained, it is quite high. The stats are posted on their website.
Sunflower, PL

Actually i wouldn't mind the wait if i am informed earlier. i could have start later and shorten my jab time. Now i have to jab longer and spend more $$ for the lucrin.. hiaz.

how did u change the schedule? just ask the nurse if can start puregon earlier?
Hi Babylow,

All the best to your lap and hys and hope that you can conceive naturally during your recuperating period. i agree with you on TCM and acup to "tiao" our body to the best condition before ivf.
Hi Sunflower,
i will start my puregon on 6 july. I like KKH. nurses are nice and Dr Loh is good.

I dont see any long Q in KKH. May be I go there early for blood test and scan.
Hi PL,

are you happy w the date ? If you want it on 14 July, you can let them know, though I would think the earlier the better.

What's ur puregon dosage ? Mine is 150 units.
Hi Orangedots,

my husband called to find out the blood test's result and they gave me the date for late next week.

My husband asked if they can bring it forward since it is an issue of scheduling and also becos I'm getting needle phobia. The nurse very kindly brought the puregon jabs a few days early. They said that all the slots are taken up and there is no way to push it even earlier.

What's ur puregon dosage ?

Actually, lucrin is cheap compared to puregon.
Hi Sunflower,
They did not tell me. how come you know? when they told u? they just asked me to go and learn how to jab on 6 July. When you starts yours?
They estimate my ER will be on 15th to 21st July.
I'm starting puregon on 2 jul. We learned how to jab when I went for the blood test on Sat, that was D17 of lucrin. They told me the dosage then.

I guess you can learn how to jab anytime before you actually do so. We just learned it earlier.

I just collected the medicine yesterday.

Oh, they didn't tell me my estimated ER date. But I think my dosage is rather low at 150 units, so may have to jab more. Our ER dates may be in the same week.
Hi Sunflower,

actually i don't know the dosage yet as i haven't learn how to jab. Only went last sat to buy the medicine. Thought of learning the jab in weekday as it will not be as crowded.

well... looks like it is unlikely to bring it forward since the schedule is tight already. hiaz... actually i didn't ask any questions when they inform me of the date. thought the nurse was in a rush too as she sounded impatient when i ask more question.

guess next time, i will ask in greater detail...

all the best! looks like me, PL and u are starting in the same week.

yes, i was also told there was no queue and can start anytime once my AF come. Maybe they change the system and adjust during the process.

well, perhaps when its ur turn for puregon, remember to ask if it is due to schedule and request to do earlier.

hiaz... as i think about it again... a bit angry.. i actually plan nicely for my 2ww to end around end July then can decide whether to go for a overseas business trip... now cannot already and have to tell my boss i cannot go... later if i never strike... so paiseh right.... hiaz
