IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hello everyone!

I was wondering if you know of any workshops (organized by KKH, NUH or any other hospital or groups) that I could attend for more info about IVF, IUI and/or enhancing fertility and/or improving capacity of womb to carry babies?

Are they free?

I was hoping I could attend.. thanks so much!

Hi all,

I jus joined SGmotherhood. My hb and i have been trying to conceive over the last year and our medical checkup at KKH had shown my hb having low quality sperm, and low count and poor mobility. Which treatment is more suitable for us?? IUI or the IVF?
dreambear> yr husband is so funny!

sunniehope> hugs.. dun worry, things will be better in the next few mths!

godislove> wow ur hubby told u "ultimately, we still have each other to love".. when we failed our iui n i cried on the day when my mense came, my dh told me "u go manage yr own emotions". i wonder what "gd" stuff he will say on coming ivf

eil> pls rest well

leor> in case i forget, all the best for yr opt this wed?

jelly> gd luck for yr scan on wed.. glad u get the hang of injections. strong gal

mofmm, psp> how are u now?? scans are ok?

do i need to wear tummy warmer if i dun slp in aircon room?
tsf> ivf is more suitable. but if u are still young and have time, u can ask yr dh to take supplements to improve his SA. then do a test again aft 2-3mths. if results improved and dr says can qualify for iui, then go for iui
Lin: u can cover ur tummy with a extra towel or blanket to keep it warmer.

Tsf: can get ur hubby eat some vits n golden kiwi is also good.
babysmurf, ya i did when its nt so hot. i cover with blanket on tummy...

tsf> vit a,c,e, selenium, zinc are good. tomatoes rich in vit a,c. eat more antioxidants foods
Lin: Thanks for the advice. I am 31 n my hubby is 32. I am not sure if IVF is a longer procedure, but the doc recommends IUI first. She has advised my hubby to take antioxidants for 3 months.... and i would need to pass the HSG test first before anything proceeds.
tsf> yes, can take supplements for 3mths and see if sa results improved. meanwhile, take the hsg to see if yr tubes are not blocked. cos if blocked cannot do iui.. she rec iui maybe cos both of u are still young, so have some time to try improving. ivf is more invasive procedue wic requires daily injections, n side effects. u can also take some supplements like coq10, royal jelly, omega 3, prenatal vit.. or u can try tcm also
SunnieHope > big hugs to u. JY & hope for miracles to happen ya

Katniss > I heard some sisters here mention NUH has fertility talks. Sisters from NUH, care to share more with katniss?

Tsf > U r still considered young lah. I Tik u shd listen to ur gynae & let go thro the necessary tests before deciding what to do next.
@Sandra.. Thanks U for the kind advise.. Btw dr loh and Paul Tseng frm which clinic TFC / Care? I don't quite get it..

Also now trying conceive well gold.. and also drink longan red dat.. Hehe.. Hope it help

Dun give up hope. I had also failed my IVF. I planned to do my first FET after CNY next year.

Enjoy the holiday seasons and hope next yr will be better for us. Let's jia you together!

May I know how much water u mix with 1 teaspoon of Royal Jelly?
Lin, thanks.i m scare of injections. I still perspire whenever i need to do the injections. however, I jus follow instructions and search online for demo on how to do it and it was a breeze and painless procedure once u get the hang of it.

some men are jus insensitive to women's feeling. my Dh is worse, he is not supportive of me going thru ivf unless i fork out the money myself. this is despite him being the main problem here, with zero normal sperms at one stage and of cos low sperm count, low motility etc.

I have to manage my own emotions, finance etc. I have to dig into my savings for this procedure as I havent been working for a while and no income at all. And I got no finance assistance, whatsoever from Dh's family nor my family nor the govt.
yeah Sandra, u r rite. Though i m partly prepared for a failed ivf but still i believe i will feel devastated after putting thru so much effort n $.

shall see...for now dun think so much le...dun want to worry so much , jus b myself and maintain a happy mood.
Jelly, I'm also using my savings for e fertility treatments, except for e cpf portion I deducted from my DH de. Who ask us to earn more than our DH lei ;p At least my DH not that bad, he does e injections for me, do hse works n be my slave lah. lol
When my previous e cycle failed, he was lost n called my gynae instead cos all I did was cry 1 whole day n refused to talk to him.
dreambear, next time dun cry alone, pour out your woes here or u can pm me. we will lend you our shoulders, ears, eyes etc.

oh btw, i not earning alot previously la, n i jobless for more than 3 years already..hehhee. suppose to look for job but on hold cos of this project b...

n my DH lazy type, if ask him to do housework, its like i wan his life, he will find excuse to either go out or go back sleep..haha

i give up on him le..if i can do i jus do,otherwise, close one eye n live with it lor...hehehe
Godislove and Sandra > thanks for the info on heat pad.

Sunniehope > all of us here sure know what u have gone thru. Let's all continue to jy and hopefully will succeed soon

NUh do conduct ivf seminar but its only meant for ivf patients at NUH. I personally have not attended the seminar but started on ivf programme first as their next ivf seminar is in nov.

katniss...mayb u wan to call NUH and ask for more details as i do not know if they allow public or non ivf patients to attend.
Leor, the pain is gone and she is in a better mood.

Mofmm, how many days after transfer did secondary ohss happened? Her ohss looks like subsided. Appetite is also good.

But with ohss down, she is now paranoid whether are the embroys doing well. How many days after day 5 transfer will the pregnancy test be accurate?
lin: hvnt done my scan yet. is on Thurs. But am having terrible morning sickness, nausea, headache and bloated.

LCL: I usually mixed one teaspoon with half cup of water. But must be warm water, no hot water.
Hi Eli...thanks for your well wishes...I also wished that your recuperate well...and back to our force... hee......

Hi Asiafighter...nvm lah.....i with kkh de...learnt from leapgal is grade 5 good....

btw...ladies...last night we my D4...was feeling very painful...sideways etc....also body felt so hot....didn't sleep well...
This morning hb said..bring me to kkh and check...then the nurse said it's normal de...she just pressed my tummy said not hard...said it's normal...but the pain hor....stand up also pain, sit also pain....movement will cause pain...is it normal? I so scare...does it mean no more chance?

Also, the vaginal insert for support...sometimes it leaks out quite a bit...is it something wrong with the way i inserted?
LS: Rest well in bed. The vaginal insert, you need to insert very deep and immediately lie down on bed for at least 30 mins.

Dont overstress yourself.
Sandra, not me it's my cousin. I think she did a test this morning. She was crying and moody refusing to talk. Will talk to her later after work.

LS, my cousin was also in pain and sweating for the first few days after transfer. But she's feeling better now though mood swings.

dh can drink chicken essence for energy. He has be claiming tired for past few day. so i'm thinking of make chicken essence for him to bu bu also.

Can? pls advice....
I’m going back to kk this fri after my 2ww. I'm so worries and nervous, as I do not have any symptom except mild cramp at the beginning of the ET.
Anyone had gone thru blood test after 2ww and what will we expecting? How long do we need to know the result, 1 day?
Jelly, Dreambear, thanks so much for answering my question! much appreciated..

I was just wondering because I heard some ladies before who were attending seminars on how to strengthen womb..
psp> good to have those symtoms..

jelly> ya lor, we just have to close one eye.. dun underst why guys are insensitive.

hw to strengthen the womb?
Jelly, back then when i failed my IVF, the sisters here all cheered me up. There were some whom PM me too. But then, it was hard cos i was the one who failed the cycle. Its easier to be said then done. I kept asking myself what have I not done enough. I only chanced upon this support ground during my 2ww. It was then too late to do any poking from TCM too.

It was till my gynae talked to me for an hr after his Sat appts with my DH. Without my gynae i think i would hv gone into depression le. After the talk, i stood up again and went for TCM to tiao my body till now.

My mum just went to her 1st review at NCC and seems like the chemo pills are working well for her. Next mth doing CT scan to check on the tumor size again. Guess its time to plan for my next IVF le... Yeah, so happy, excited and fearful at the same time. All those injections, terrible headaches after ER and hard as rock tummy after ET is horrible. But its all worth it for having babies
Hi Sandra....not sure and can't be cos only day 4....think is normal pain after ET...nurse said its normal de.....

Hi Cariebb.... I also felt extremely hot .....and discomfort ....

Miss J...the blood test at KKH is done btn 730-930am ur result will be out after 2pm....Nurse will call u de....
LS, my cousin felt very hot for the first 3-4 days after transfer. She even had to have the fan on in aircon room. But she was still sweating. Her hubby was so worried that she will get sick and kept nagging for the fan to be off. And she was fighting to have the fan on. It was chaotic.
Lin / Jelly > I salute you ladies! I'm not sure if I can go through this without dh and family support. And of course finances is another touchy matter. I left my job to ttc and its been few years, still trying and not giving up. Jiayou!
Dreambear: gd too hear that ur mum is doing well. Just a suggestion maybe both your mum n u can see Tcm to ease her condition or side effect n for u can tiao your body for your next cycle. Jia you
D28 now. Counting down! If af reports, I will report for my next ivf cycle.

Asiafrighter, Lin, I have made an apptmt to see Angela and see what she says before making a decision to do at TFC or CARE.

It will be my last ivf try. After this, I will close the chapter of ttc. I had enough.
Jelly, Sandra, Lin: that's the beauty of this group, we can support and cheer each other on!
coz I think we understand what we are going thru best.
Dreambear, after my failed fresh cycle, i also kept wondering if i did enough. But dr said that there was nthg I could have done as the embryos didn't even implant.

But for this cycle, wondering if I shd try acupuncture to help? Still thinking...
Sandra, noted w tks.

Sunstillshines, I think we will b the cycling buddy. I'm counting down also. Tdy is my D30. I'm on long cycle. Have been inject superfact since last tuesday. Jia u Jia u,
I like this quote,hope can encourage u as well:-
"Many life's failure are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gava up."

Good morning ladies...

Sunstillshines & Grace, I will be your cycling buddy as well!!
I have not been doing much only eating Conceive Well and accpuncture only... haiz.. Am i not doing enough..?? I have ask my TCM what should i prepare... she say relax and and let her know once the cycle starts..

My af is overdue long long ago. Today is CD45 and yet to come... Hopefully it wont come until mid Nov.. cos i already applying leave for beginning Dec.:p

