IVF/ICSI Support Group

Those BFP ladies, my fren told me n my dh b4 if wanna hve sex durin pregnancy is ok BUT ask ur dh not to inject inside. Coz my fren did n ended up her wife needs a per term delivery so his advice to us is can do but don't inject his troops inside. Paisei if I sound too ....

Asiafighter: while the figures shows that, lets hope that the quality of that figure improves greatly.. This is something you won't know until the the end of the whole cycle so don't get disheartened yet, no matter how tempting it may be ok?

I've red spotting at day 10 and brown discharge from Day 11 to Day 13. After BT, ytdy I've brown discharge again so am seeing doctor now..

I don't hv any symptoms but I've been wearing thick socks at home. U can ask ur DH to buy Brazil nuts, apparently is quite good for implantation.
Egg factory: since the injection is oil based, smaller needle may prolong the injection time .. I think more painful. I think we just have to bear with it for our little one ya . JY!
Leor: yeah ask ur dr ..cerclage is for weak or short cervix , they put a stitch in so that the bb wont fall out.

Really ah the doctors are so free to read the posts here?

Hey lakigal n other ladies, so if dun hv sex can we er.. U noe..do to ourselves.. Can 'O' or not? Will it cause contractions? I cant find much info on this leh Hehe
not possible to remove in any other way besides shortening? i was given two choices, one was to cut away the cells but that would cause the weakening of the cervix and the other was to do laser vaporisation which wouldn't affect the cervix even tho laser is a few percentage lower than cutting away success rate i chose laser, doc also advised me laser if i wanna have more kids.
To all: There is an interesting article in Strait Times on A42 today. I read this online a few weeks ago and was told that by doing so, it constitute only the DNA of the wife and husband only so to me, the papers unearth that this isnt true. Great to know more about this.
ladies - I won't be in this thread for awhile, decided to postpone my FET cos I told hb I cannot cope with house reno (packing & shifting) + training of new maid at the same time. dun wanna end up stressing myself for nothing. will probably start my FET in jan or feb!
Chris(reddesk), Sandra
Thanks girl

I wl see dr Loh end of the month to discuss my situation. But I am also tempting to go to CARE........hmmmmm
Hi sista, I did not do bt cos the dr said no need as I tested 3 times positive. Then yesterday I got abit paranoid then went to buy another clear blue test kit and luckily still positive... Am going to see dr sf loh nxt Tuesday to confirm again...

how i envy u can postpone the FET, i wish i can too as we r also quite stressed during this period but the next avail ivf is only in Jan 2013 for which i cant afford to wait.

So i try to relax as far as poss and go for walks and exercise when weather permits.
Ladies, please be careful with sex and orgasm during first trimester. Main thing is not to agitate the uterus.

Can't remember which fertility website I read mentioned no orgasms during 2ww, and one gynae has ever mentioned no sex in first trimester, which probably includes orgasms by the female partner. Of course, please do reconfirm with your gynaes since they know our uterus condition probably better than we do.

Don't want to scare anyone, but jjust keep in mind the first trimester is the most fragile trimester, so best to take utmost care then.
Asiafighter: I also agree w Sandra that no harm to seek second opinion. Meantime dont worry too much and just keep body in good health; I believe everyone here has done whatever possible ya.

Hope4baby: you are really pregnant!! Let the truth sink and be a happy mummy!! ;)

Leor: maybe you can check out the opinion especially since u are still ttc-ing. I am kinda reminded of someone who had that and later found out that she could have do something else. She was also ttc-ing naturally. However if you have already thought thr and decided this is the best way to go then ok.

Ankh: yes I read that too.. The contraction during sex releases certain hormones is I think similar to AF period so better be safe after trying so hard to conceive.
Hi ladies, is urinary tract infection more likely to occur when ttc? I'm assuming you do that deed more often during ovulation period and this could lead to higher probability of infection or 'abrasion'. Not the major infection kind but you just feel not so comfortable and need to pee often. Hope it doesn't pose complication or hinder ttc journey...

Very paiseh if the above sounds abit A. :p
egg factory,
my DH taking vit c, E, tribestan, vigorace as prescribed by doctors. think got a very small improvements to his troops. based on his 3rd SA as compared to his 2nd SA.

egg,sandra,leor: if the doctors and counsellors are also reading this forum..isnt it good for the community as well.

who knows maybe this forum becomes so popular that some serious business people/companies may want to do a takeover...hehehe
miloqueen> yes i think so, and maybe cos we lie on bed for half hr - 1hr before urinating, so tt's y maybe got some infection. they say to prevent uti is to urinate aft bd. meanwhile can drink cranberry juice to prevent too.

sandra> cos if do in jan, also clash with the CNY when doing er/et lor...

btw, i underst that sperm has something in it that will cause contrations, so tt's why it will induce labour. like what laki had mentioned.

jelly> hope both of u can pass this difficult stage..its impt to be less stress..but its tough for both of u since yr dh father passed on.. must hang on n support ea other.. i also prone to shouting but its cos i had nightmare.. just had one ytd.

feliko> do u want to go early bt?
Eskimobaby and Chris, there is another option but my condition quite badly. Dr says might not be able to clear all area. If not clean, it will trigger again and I have to go thru all over. In his position, best cut it away. I agree too. Cos I saw the pix so better to do it.

Egg, I believe dr actually very caring de. They will sure find some time to see our post.

Sandra and Jelly. In fact they got on off come in and read but not all posts lah
thanks lin,

see this forum give me assurance that having nightmare and shouting it out is quite normal also.

I never encounter such behaviour b4,it was only last 2 years then my DH starts to have this habit. initially i was frightened, but now i m used to it le...hehe
Miloqueen: Yes UTI is more likely to happen during TTC. If it's just mild, it's not a problem, but if it's serious (blood in urine) then need to take antibiotics. After my ER, when i felt the urge to pee frequently, I took gnc cranberry extract and it went away. Cranberry prevents bacteria from sticking to ur urinary tract.

jelly, sandra: ya i know how it feels, when my DH screams in his sleep, it never fails to scare me everytime.

jelly, leor: I think government shld read the forum more and provide more financial assistance for fertility treatments since they are always talking about fertility rate.

Chris: I read the article u are talking about. Quite sad what happened to the China woman who underwent that process.
Miss J,
Prenatal vit and varied fruits and veg daily every day are enough vit c. My GP warnedhose not to take those 1000mg supplements, didn't say why, but some googling indicates that excessive vit c can cause scurvy in newborn, and scarily, miscarriages.
Omg!!! I'm been drinking this for almost everyday and including from my ET 4 days till now.
I also taking prune for my constipation, really worry...
Pray hard nothing gonna happen!!!!
Hi Lil, nothing to apologize for please. It's good we learn from each other's experience. Yes let's all stay positive for the months ahead - if we cannot control anything else in this process, lets just control what we can - our attitudes!

Hi Lin, how r u? Thanks for asking I am still on hospitalization leave till end this month cos of OHSS but starting to work from home a bit.

Hi Jelly, counseling is compulsory for IVF programs and the report given by the counsellor after seeing you does affect whether u are accepted by the hospital to do IVF there, at least in KK (that is what iI was told). Best to keep a cheery demeanor throughout and get a favorable report.
Egg factory: ya, don't know what happen there for the china lady.

In the ferility financial assistance, you are right that we are very much on our own. If you look at it, it's just the 3k if one goes to govt restructured hospital, other than the amount we are allowed to use from Medisave which is actually our own money anyway.
MofMM, the standard counselling where we sign consent forms etc is compulsory. But I'm not sure whether Jelly is referring to that or the one with a medical social worker which is not compulsory. The nurse did tell us to go n make appt with the social worker but we decided to skip that. ;p
Miss J,
Nah, don't worry, the websites I checked on stated 2000mg as the really high limit. Another lady I know took 1000mg vit c till about week 6 of pregnancy before she stopped, and she's fine. Just don't overdo it with supplements lol.
Miss J : don't panic, just stop taking the high-dose vitamin C now, it should be OK. Try to take more fruits instead.

maya16: welcome!

MiloQueen: I think it shld be okay. I personally don't like the juice as it's too sweet, so i take the cranberry pill from gnc.

Chris: someone (Jen) in the SO-IUI thread is writing a letter to the Population Committee about this.
Hi all,

I am new to this forum.

I went thru IVF which ended last month. I am now 7 weeks pregnant with a single child aft our first try. It's My first child. I am 36 yrs old.

I hv so far experienced light bleeding/spotting 2 times already & hv mild cramping on my right side on & off all day. No morning sickness, but feel really tired most of the day. And wake up almost every 2 to 3 hours at night.

Is this normal for us IVFers? I'm quite paranoid & worried.
Egg factory: I saw it. Pretty good. We both think to add the criteria for full subsidy for upto 2-3kids since most of us here have no kids yet.

Ohi76: congrats! Like dreambear, I also just failed my 1st IVF and am younger.. Take good care of yourself ya.
miloqueen> u can get fresh cranberry juice, pref not those syrup as sugar will make uti worse. or maybe egg fty suggested, cranberry pills.. but i'm drinking the marigold cranberry + apple, also can work for me. but i find it sour.

jelly> dun worry abt the shouting, i think its nt adnormal.. my dad also had this prob when he had nightmare, and me also haha.. but sometimes when he shout non stop, u have to shake him up. cos sometimes i am not able to wake up fr nighmare myself, n nt so good..i tell my dh to wake me up if i cannot stop..

mofmm> i'm ok, but having flu for like forever! hope u rest well..

miss j> i think redox is 500mg? shld be ok, not so high

maya16> i may be starting my first ivf in dec/jan too!!
Hi all, I'm new here asking on behalf of my cousin.

She just did the egg retrieval and is feeling painful with the occasional pulling pain on lower abdomen area, is this normal? She was also given dostinex to take. Anyone here knows whatis this medication for?
Hi all.

Been a silent reader for a couple of months.
I'm with kkivf, doing icsi n on long protocol.
Gonna start in Feb 2013.
Still trying to grasp e fact of e many many upcoming shots.
Any cycle buddies?

Have a blessed week everybody. Stay warm! :)
