IVF/ICSI Support Group

Haha asiafighter, like I said, everyone's body is different... What works for me may not works for others n vice versa. What side effects I have others might not have... So if u never have any side effects, good for u! Relax... I'm sure u r ok since u took DHEA quite some time alrdy...
2nd days ET transfer I experience cramp just like having menses cramp. is this normal? only can take as aspirin once in the morning as painkiller.
CONGRATS!! Bfped sisters mofmm, hope for bb and egg factory..all the best!

Sisters who did medicated FET..
Can ask you gals what medications doc give to increase you) lining? Any side effects? When(cycling day?) in your cycle did you gals take it?
Hey sisters, I'm been wondering about this for some time but never ask. For those in 2wW or after ET or have experience before BFP, would sleep posture affect success rates? E.g cannot sleep on the side or lie on your tummy etc.
I1bb: ahhh .. I see.. You remind me that this supplement isn't a 仙丹.. Ok ok. I am still thinking if the next cycle should go for stop protocol as suggested cos usually egg size is harder to control.

Asiafighter/chrisL: ya ya.. I grab hope4baby's baby dust now!!

Wah, I lagi v slack this morning .. thinking about gg swimming after work.. Already feel like a slave to my future babies!! :D :D
Good morning ladies!!!

Ended the counselling session ytd... OMG..Everything is dollars & cents and the counselling just go through the procedures but never teach us how to inject and etc... My hubby actually fall asleep throughout the whole counselling.. lols

Sandra, My AMH level is good??? Dr Sahana say not that good but never prescribe Dhea for me..
Sandra: "High dose" is subjective .. Rather its more how the action of this supplement affect and react your body which results in different symptoms for different persons

Miloqueen: I could not sleep on my sides right from stimming stage to a few days after BT.. I didnt have a choice ... Haha.

Wondersss: there are a few type of counselling (if u under Kk) and what u went is the financial part. There is a medical social worker there who do the other aspects of IVF and I thought that was pretty helpful for us. Usually gynae will counsel you on the stages of IVF but medical social worker will help a great deal on others.
Oops thread moving fast n miss out quite a bit .. Thks to the sisters for sharing on adoption ..
Congrats to Mofmm on twins pregnancy !! Egg factory n psp in BFP !!
MiloQueen > I am a side sleeper & suddenly during my 2ww then, I can't sleep sideway. I hv to sleep on my back instead. Ya, hospital say don't lay flat on tummy. Even when u cough & sneeze also must hold on to ur tummy. Treat it like u r already pregnant.

Wondersss > U will even be in greater shock if u r doing in private hospital. E fees is easily twice the amt charged by kkh. When I saw my breakdown by Mt E, they even charge items like gloves & cotton pads lor. I dun know if kkh does that.

Hope4baby > U went for ur bt already? I shared ur story with my DH n he was so happy for u too
Thanks babybaby, Sandra, ChrisL. I still can't believe it, hope everything will be fine at the scan.

Chris: what is 'guan tan'? my chinese not very gd..hehe

Asiafrighter : the genetic test is called karyotyping.
Congrats to the mommies! With faith all things are possible - persevere!

MiloQueen: sleeping position does not affect implantation. I like to sleep on my back. But the nurses taught me to roll to my side and use my elbow to push when getting up from the bed. This will also apply when you're pregnant. What I've learned from the web is that the first 3 days post ET are the most important - so rest as much as you can. And also to keep an open mind throughout
Hope4baby, congratulations on your miracle! Wish you a smooth and healthy 9 months ahead!

And to all sisters who are in your 2ww, good luck and all the best! Don't stress about symptoms or lack thereof. Just relax and chill. Take care!
Any Chinese herb shd I be taking for these 2 weeks?
Pls advise. As I do not know what kind of medicine can "tune"

Seriously, feel so Boring and today is just my 3rd day and dunno what to do at home. Hubby hv to work and left me alone. Sianz.
has anyone been thru ivf counselling at NUH? do other hospital charge for counselling as well..will b doing a counselling tomo, its compulsory and payable.

wonder what this counselling all about?
Hi jelly,
The counseling at nuh is not chargeable. It Is all about the procedure of ivf and also advise you on the ivf charges
red velvet: mine is short.

Miss J: doctors usually don't allow Chinese medicine when IVF starts. Coz some of these TCM are powerful and can clash with the IVF meds.

jelly: yes i have. There are 2 counselling sessions, one is to brief u on financial stuff and ivf procedures. The other one is like emotional counselling for u and your DH
i hv already gone thru the procedure and ivf charges...this is not payable.

However, i m told to go thru another ivf counselling, its compulsory and payable @ $95 per session.

so m puzzled what is this ivf counselling all about?
jelly: no need to prepare. Is this the emotional counselling u are going for? She will talk to u and ur DH together, then separately, so that ur DH can support u better during this journey.
Hi Ankh, thanks for the advice. U are right - brought all my vitamins like royal jelly, Centrum and anti oxidants to show the doctor and he said to stop taking all these in the early stages,

Hi Lin, yup these are two factors that affect the quality of the embyro but how they grade the embyro is based on the results of fertilization - u could have good egg and sperm but the embyro may still fragment and be a lower grade or vice versa. Wish you and your dH all the best!

Hi Chris, yeah I was desperate enough to ask my Mil and she was ok surprisingly, my hubby on the other hand said that the end result would feel like his half brother not his child. Sounds funny but when desperate, anything goes. Anyway am very glad that you are encouraged by the numbers and feel more hopeful.

Hi Miss J, perhaps you could start a blog to kill time or rent comedies to watch. I read that having a positive frame of mind is most important during the 2ww.

Hi Lil, thanks for the link! I am a silent reader.

Congrats to Egg Factory and Hope4baby!
egg factory, we already gone thru the procedures and financial portion.

so i guess shd b psychological counselling ba.

hope is not the other way round that i have to support my DH psychologically...hehehe
MOfmm, I told my DH about your twins and he is so happy for you. He is quite funny because sometimes I tell him about the sisters on the forum and surprisingly he remembers and would ask me once in a while how is so and so doing

Babysmurf, it's at 4.15pm! Soon soon!
Wondersss: have to make appt one.. are u with kkh? The nurse explain to us and make an appt then later on realise got 2 types.. one is the group one and one is the couple one leh.

Dreambear: Hi-5.. I also side-sleeper.. so i was not able to sleep well (that time) from suppression onwards cos i was having menopause symptoms.

Egg_factory: I spell wrongly.. :p its like "i can sense your calmness, happiness, relief..". If it happens to me, i think i also will find it hard to believe.. funny sometimes we want it to happen and when it happen.. its hard to believe right.. i hope i get that opportunity

MofMM: wah, u really desperado.. i cant imagine asking MiL man. I was telling dh that better to have from your family lineage right (so the FiL la) but he hor seems to prefer someone who is healthy even if different family.. i scratch my head also. Actually you had better numbers is what i am saying leh.. haha. Whatever for now, so still sometime away, i ask dh to do SA again but he say not now yet. We are kinda saying to ourselves that we will not be trying after the next cycle cos I dont want to do this again; just move on.. haiya, really dont know.
jelly: i think the intention of the emotionally counselling is the preparation for both of you as you both go through the process. Its best if he can go too.
Hi MOFmm thanks and gratz to u too.

Chris: Yes you will! I'm not really that relieved yet but I'll just take it one step at a time

Wondersss: Don't worry abt the AMH, I know someone who has diminished ovarian reserve but strike first time. Really, anything can happen.
the problem is his immediate colleagues has complained to his boss about his recent usage of leaves for ivf consult and urgent leaves to visit his critically ill father who has finally passed away... hence his leave for ivf counselling is not approved.
Egg factory:
ya, one step a time until the baby in the arms

jelly: sorry to hear that. It takes understanding boss one.
Hi Lil, pls thank your DH for me, he is so kind! Looking forward to hearing the results of your scan later! Keep us posted! Have a really good feeling about yours...erm cos u had OHSS after ET.

Hi Jelly, not sure if NUH is as flexible as KK but you could try explaining your hubby situation to the medical worker and see if she is willing to conduct phone counseling with your hubby. For me at KK I met the social worker alone and she decided she didn't need a phone interview with my hubby afterall.

Hi Chris, guess every guy is different in their thoughts. Every couples choices are also different but all are to be respected. Keep positive ok and wish u the best for next cycle,
MofMM: ya, i am just puzzled nia. Takes two to tango
Thanks for your well wishes. Hopfully like you, can have twins.. :D
jelly: I see... it must be a stressful time for your DH too. Maybe u can explain this to the hospital. To me the counsellor is an addititional source of support (although my usual 'counsellor' is Dr Zou, hehe)

MofMM: how to reduce OHSS symptoms? Mine started a few days before BT and now I'm so bloated I can't walk properly. But doc scanned me and said I don't have OHSS... when will it subside?
Mommies doing FET can i ask

must stop bf-ing?

I had ask my gynea about if i need to stop bf when i going to do ivf he did not say must stop

Can I ask normally will stop bf #1 and proceed to FET?
Hi Egg Factory,, if your doctor said it is not OHSS, not quite sure how OHSS treatment will be applicable leh. I had an abdominal drain put in my side to drain out 7kg of abdominal fluid that caused the bloating ( 1.5l drain a day).

Leor advice Is spot on - get on a high protein diet and drink at least 2l of water a day and ensure your output of fluids is about the same as input. If not, and if your pee is yellow, v little and has a strong smell, you should seek medical help Eg 24hr clinic at KKH
hope4baby> congrats!! have u seen yr gynae yet (dr loh??) u are talking abt the blue pill from dr loh? my hubby also taking, but aft taking 3 boxes, no improvement to dr loh's dissappointment! n also mine. hmm.. no choice..

ponya> hw's the scan??

girls, i also scare taking dhea will cause hair loss, cos my hair thin and fine, prone to falling..
Hi Lin, Mofmm and babysmurf, I just got home from my scan. It went well. But it turns out that I had twins but lost one around last week hence my OHSS symptons suddenly reduced last week. Now, there is one small sac (the one that stopped growing) and a much bigger sac with heartbeat in my uterus! Doctor said he needs to monitor me closely to make sure the small one doesn't interfere with the growing one. I have this small sense of loss but super grateful for one miracle baby
ponyo> sorry for the loss of the other little one.. dont worry, i think it will dissolve by itself over time. i read from a mummy who had twins via ivf, loss one at 2nd scan too. but she delivered the other fat baby healthily!! dun worry..

Hi Egg Factory, sorry forgot to answer your other question - usually take a week to two weeks to subside but then as the pregnancy progress, one might end up with secondary OHSS in the first trimester.
