IVF/ICSI Support Group

congrats to those who BFP lately,,,esp mofmm, egg factory.

u all are our inspiration.

btw ladies, where can i get decaf coffee?

Hey thanks red velvet, jelly, Leor and feliko.

It's still early so I'm taking it one step at a time...

As for tips, I think it depends on the individual. This time I had immune therapy and aspirin for my condition which is not very common.

Besides that, I just led a normal life. I didn't go on bed rest at all, just did my usual activities. I had chicken essence, ensure, egg whites, but also ate all the things I wanted to eat like ice cream.
Congratulations, Egg Factory!! Wish you a super smooth and healthy 9 months ahead! Take care!

Jelly, for me, I just buy the nescafe decaf coffee powder from ntuc.
Egg factory, I am really happy for you. You mentioned that you underwent immune therapy, how did you know your condition first of all?

Btw, i like your "ate all the things you wanted like ice cream." very gungho. I like!
Red velvet: I did research on my own (but got scolded by my doc for that haha). They will do these tests for people who have repeated failure or m/c.

Also I asked for extra progesterone. No spotting or bleeding at all. I think that really gives me peace of mind.

Yes, last time I was so scared to eat this and that but now, my mentality is just relax, if they can make it they will.
Egg Factory: Congrats. High chances on twins !!
What is immune therapy?

Lil: I will look out for the decaf coffee powder. How is the taste like? Im still taking normal coffee now but i guess i have to stop soon.
Egg Factory, congrats!!
Which hospital were you with this round?

mc, is boncafe decaf coffee those satchets type or must use coffee machine?

Lil Ponyo, Nescafe got decaf one meh? Tot only got Mild?
egg factory - thanks for the tips. I was hesitating whether to go for my ivf first fresh this mth as was kinda busy last 2 weeks and din eat alot 'bu' and din exercise, and somemore anyhow eat. ur tips up my confidence level a bit.

lil ponyo- thanks for info on decaf coffee. jus went shopnsave and saw the decaf nescafe gold brand as well as the decaf boncafe, both instant powder form. but the price is on the high side wor..
Egg factory, congratulations!! Enjoy your pregnancy! Can I ask, where u see your doctor for immune therapy and what tests n meds the doctor gave u? Mind sharing? Hehe
LuvNhope, I happen to keep a jar of decaf coffee at my desk at work because the pantry doesn't have decaf! Here is the Nescafe Gold Decaf for your reference

(I've never tried attaching photos, I hope this works!)


Psp, ya probably safer to switch to decaf

mc_007, I've never tried Boncafe. Will try it after my current jar finishes!

Jelly, no problem, nevermind higher price, as long as it is good for ttc, it's good!
mofmm> congrats on twins! rest well for next 9 mths. my hubby morphorlogy is 1%, so i also worried and asked dr.. and yes its over few millions sperms. but my dh sperm count also just pass the mark.. now working on improving his sperm count so that maybe got more normal sperms. my dh also only son. i thot shld be quality of eggs n sperms that will affect the cells, fragmentation etc of the embryos..

egg factory> congrats!

chris> i do feel irritated easily aft taking dhea

asiafrighter> the pharmacist at sgh told me that must eat with full meal, cos they need fats to absorb into our body. most supplements is better taken aft meal, except for royal jelly.

miloqueen> i also glad that i'm nt the only one a clean freak! my husband said i'm nt normal. btw, tfc is nt diff to make appt (only mornings appt). u are with dr loh?? are u in 2ww or?

preciousbaby> hws yr scan ytd?
Thanks psp n gratz to u too
the treatment is called ivig.

Jelly, yes,. I just avoid raw food in case of food poisoning n caffeine even though Dr said can drink one cup a day. Dr said not to take tcm herbs.

Thanks mc007 luvnhope. I am with nuh.

I1bb : i have high natural killer cells so my immune system may attack the embryos. The tests n treatment r very ex n they wont recommend to everyone. They also did genetic testing on me n dh.
Egg factory, meaning to say u r with prof Wong for your IVF n they did the tests for u? Thanks for the info. I never test anything so Sicarly I oso have immune probs
Hi egg factory,


Were u under prof mahesh for the ivig treatment? How did u find out u have high natural killer cells?
Congrats Mofmm & egg factory! Wish u smooth pregnancy

Egg factory,
Can share what is the percentage of ur NK cells? If not convenient to post here, can pm me. Tq
Congratulations to Mofmm & egg factory! Take good care & have a smooth pregnancy.

Dreambear : He said is due to egg factor. Now I am working hard by taking some supplements to build up my egg quality and hope it will work. I think sperm also play a part as my DH has very low sperm count.
Egg factory
u did a genetic test? like?

Not yet, im busy and forgot to call the clinic.

Decaf - i like the illy brand....can taste the coffee bean. but i love nespresso decaf capsule is the best.
Hi all sistas,
I got bfp naturally.... So happy cos I am abt to start ivf this oct cycle.... I tested on cheapo test kit so not sure accurate anot.... How??
I took DHEA for 5 months. Didn't work for me. Had hair loss, weight gain n pimples. But every individual is different
Mofee> congrats on ur twins!!

Hope4baby> Wah Wah!!!!! U got bpf naturally!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!! U mean u hv not started any ivf treatments yet itiz.

Asiafighter> we will get hairy after eating DHEA arh? So funny!!!
Dreambear , I had my baby gal by ivf on yr 2011... Tried fet on jul with only 1 embryo and failed... Now I abt to start fresh ivf n bfp!!! I can't believe it cos I keep asking why my female colleagues all got preg these few mths n I am the only one need ivf....
Congrats hope4baby! Go buy a Clearblue digital hpt n test! If not then just go to any gp do a beta hcg BT
hope4baby> so happy for u. At least now u r like ur colleagues lor, got bpf naturally le. Hv another smooth 9 mths ahead.

Miss J > tell urself u will hv gd news soon. I'm waiting to grab ur bb dust!!
Congratulations to hope4baby! You are so lucky, well done! Hope that we can be like you, bfp naturally. Grabbing your baby dusts! Rest well and take care.
hope4baby, it seems 99.99% confirmed. but i would have cheong to the nearest clinic to b confirmed by doctor...hehehe.

guess we very kan cheong here cos so difficult for us to get a BFP..so dun mind spend another small fee for bt..hehee
Feliko > I must admit my hubby helps willingly so I'm not complaining. Just the genes in us to insist on certain standards. From hanging a piece of garment can tell alot of the difference keke

Lin > I'm in 2WW but making last attempt to try naturally before ivf. Tested opk positive last weekend so hoping for the best. Don't dare to think too much or pin high hopes only to disappoint myself later. Kept reminding myself not to read into the slightest symptoms that could be related to BFP as such false positives had happened until numb liao. Telling myself god knows what is best for me and will decide for me if it's time. I think I can count on you ladies to understand what I mean unlike the typical ttc thread.
Think I will go for bt Tmr morning...now I got a lot of supplement to let go... Buy a lot to get ready for ivf but now cannot consume....anyone keen to take over?
My cycle is normally 31-32days. Today is 31st day. So I thought got n test negative then eat 'liang' for Mense to come so can start ivf.... In the end it's positive..
I think my hubby started to eat tribestan as his supplement. This was recommended by dr sf loh before we started out 1st ivf in yr 2010. So recently we bought like 5 boxes and think he just finished 1-2 boxes. Each box cos abt $100!!!For me, I took abit of conceive well and coq10 but like 1-2 times a week cos I really very lazy...so I dunno if it's or the tribestan helps
WAh.. I had such a busy day today, saw some of the posts but reception is bad so cant wait for it to load my replies and finally settle down now to reply :p

Joyhope: ok understand asking sperms from family is like weird.

Prosepina: ya Dr Loh mention also. The skin breakout is due to the increase in testosterone. I hope you have more eggs the next time too! When did u start taking it? How much are you on?

Psp: my DH is also going TCM with me now. He had been against it until the failed icsi.

MofMM: Just as you were posting on asking your FIL, I was thinking about the same but maybe I am not so desperate-doe.. Its like very weird and what would my MIL think boy! My DH dont really want it either. Seriously, if there is still 30 normal good ones for your ah-lao, i think you are lucky that the number of swimmers is still > than number of eggs :E I wonder if there were enough good ones since the embryologist want to use the fresh over the thawed cos they do not know how the frozen process affect the swimmers. But I got your point, who knows what may happen right like it did for you.

Feliko: its good that you are able to confide in DH, feeling unbalanced is totally normal. A friend of mine married a few years after us and when she has her number 1 and 2, i really feel lousy but now she has number 3, i ba already.. she has been very encouraging to me in this ivf process too so I am grateful for a friend like her. It happened that her sister had conceived thr ivf and her bro is trying also .. just keep an open mind ya

Egg factory: congrats! you speak with such "guan tan" in your opening post on your BFP! Can feel you relief and happiness! really congrats!

Lin: glad to know i am not alone.. you know knowing that the dark hovering dark clouds is norm, i suddenly feel so much better.. you gals are the sunshine gleaming through the dark :D

i1bb: I notice my weight gg up again also.. i am like telling myself "siao liao siao liao, go up somemore, i need to buy pants le".. i hope it does not anymore. I still have quite a few weeks to go on it. What do u mean that it didnt work for you?

hope4baby: its a miracle indeed! now, it has happened to you that you conceive naturally.. really good!! congrats.. wah.. baby dusts all over this season.. Christmas is coming huh.. :D
Usually if u test on cheapo ones and its positive, it should be for real.. just do BT to double confirm with hcg number
Happy ending always cheers the heart

miloqueen: ya.. like egg factory say if it will happen it will.. we all hope to conceive naturally so understand.. all d best!

To all who love cleanliness: me me me to!! My DH thinks i have OCD lo. BUT i relax quite a lot liao, makes DH and my life happier.. i psycho myself quite a bit this in process and still maintain a bit but not so insistent anymore la. Make do and let live .. hehe.
heehee, the nurse told me will have moustache hair......I also scare but lucky so far so good. she said break out is common ........I also heard will gain weight but I read the web actually it help to lose weight.

Congrats........lucky u. Collecting your bb dust
Hi Chris, it kind of didnt work for me cos I yield lesser eggs n fertilization rate was the same for round 2 compared to my round 1 wherein I didn't take DHEA. Quality also same. I only "gained" fats n "lost" hair!!! Boohooooo
How u kwn u have lose your hair?
I have been taking DHEA all this while and thinking when should I stop but sr Loh ask me to keep taking it.......hmmmmm

I know cos I noticed hair fall increase n my friends told me my top part is kind of showing scalp! It was so scary! I actually used Indian alma oil, coconut oil, corrainder leaf juice n do treatment myself at home. But after I stop DHEA my hair fall is lesser. Now though no thick lustrous hair but at least it is so call "under control"
