IVF/ICSI Support Group

Milo queen-
Yup I'm not in sg so now 6hrs behind sg time..soon 7hrs cos changing to wintertime..

I refer back to my af records and i have average of 40days cycle now as compared to around 30last time before ivf..the longest was 46days! But you might want to go doc and see if you can get medicine to induce it

min> oh that time i dunno why their website cannot load when i requested for the free sample. my dh nurse friend just told me that drinking ensure will cause diabetes if drinking as supplement, i guess its cos of the 6 scoops! lucky i took abt 4 scoops now :p can go with any drinks, like juices? maybe can pm me her contact if u free. TIA!

miloqueen> me also clean freak. dunno hw to close my eyes during my 2ww (plan for jan 13). n cannot tahan how my hubby hang the clothes.. n floor got dusts, he also choose nt to see..but must psycho myself baby is more impt..

chris, babysmurf> i'm a yr older than u both. my hubby morphorlogy also a problem. chris, dr loh says u can still have embryos so means still have chance to get preg? if so have faith.

sunniehope> enjoy yr 2ww, dun stress..

sisters taking dhea, please have a full meal as they need fats to absorb. if taking aft breakfast, need to eat more than 2 slices of bread, maybe with ham, or with cheese.
chrisl, dis is my longest cycle 40days, my normal cycle will b like 28-30 days n longest only 33 days nia. So dis time is super long. Gg to c doc on dis coming fri n will discuss further on my program. Juz dont knw wat changes will tat gg to b?

Was thinking whether any ladies here knw wat changes will tat gg to b so tat i can prepare myself for it.
Psp, yeah thanks! Hopefully next cycle is better.
I didn't test HPT at all.. Can understand n hope u get more rest! Congrats!!

Joyhope, sadhana say diff growth hormone. like guinea pig. this hormone like grow slow try another hormone. dunno e dosage yet. my puregon dosage is 200units for a wk then 300 units for 6 days.

Bigbear, can understand how u feel.. I'm glad to know u here! You had done your best n no regrets! Me looking for new interests to distract myself.. Yes I also dun feel i got e Big Heart for a adopted child yet.. me n hubby ok wi no kids cos already tried our best..

Wondersss, Yes High 5!! Guess she more busy since she promoted but she dun take gynae cases now compared to before? Clarify ur doubts at e counselling session if u haev any.
She said now more embryologist so more slots. I called IVF centre they say got slots from Oct to Dec. last time wait for 3 to 4 mths queue.

Lin, I checked wi sadhana on egg quality. She say cannot do much for egg quality. But wat supplements can be taken? Last time I read royal jelly good but my TCM say I no suitable so if wanna take supplements better check wi doc or TCM.

SunnieHope, rest n relax in e 2ww!! Keep Positive!!

Tahope, glad to know u in this forum! Who knows? Maybe God will have a surprise in e next turn of life!

MofMM, thanks! I will post here when I start mine most prob next year!

Ica, Congrats! That's nice to hear! I also got 1 frozen embryo but Sadhana say like egg quality not good so better go for fresh..

dreambear that was good to hear ur mum discharged! Glad to read she's coping well!

MissJ my scan results are worse than you! but they will adjust e dosage, dun worry.

Leor everysince I met my hubby I have been zzz ard 12mn wi him but sometimes I zzz early if super tired or not feeling well..

Sandra, pray n read / watch tv to take your mind off..

Having pimples on my cheeks.. Maybe hormones a bit haywire after e cycle..

feliko, Me under sadhana too!! Rest well during e 2ww!! I tried iui once nia..

ankh, rest well during e 2 ww!!
Lin: he didnt say much.. Just say to take dhea and hopefully will be better. He mentioned donor sperm also and gave us website but I am not open to it. So I am wondering if I would be going thr this and risking my health for nothing. I do hope that my worry is unfounded but still it concerns me. There is another gynae who mention using donor embryo too. I understand these are just options but I also think why are we given the options unless it is hopeless or what. Haiz. Gek sim.
daffier> maybe COQ10 or dhea can improve egg quality. u might want to try asking yr dr if u can take.

chris> really got to depends on what u and hubby wants.. i know some sisters also using doner sperm. as its a decision whether to go for adoption, or have a kid borne by u. using doner sperm n yr egg is still related to both u n dh. of cos its still the last resort if all else fails. for now, try to stay positive since u are taking dhea for yr next cycle.

sandra> adoption is more ex than ivf, it costs $30k for the fees. there is an adoption thread in forum too...
dreambear, i think you are reacting quite well to gonal-f. i took 200IU puregon only produced 6 eggs. Personally i think Gonal-f reacted better than puregon to me cause while i on gonal-f of 75IU i got 3 eggs for IUI. but both Dr.Sadhana & Dr.Loh said that there isn't much different between gonal-f and puregon..

Suniehope, of course i remember you! me ah, no plan yet! you jia you ok! waiting for your babydust

laki_gal, this is my 4th menses after failed IVF.1st cycle 26 days, 3rd & 4th cycle 35days. This cycle back to 28days. Suddenly felt so happy..haha..
Lin: You are right, like adoption or using donor sperm/eggs/embryos is last resort and personal choice. Dealing with infertility isn't an easy journey and good to know there are companions along the way... Sorry gals for ranting.. Just feeling down. Will keep silent ...
Prosepina: It seems from what u are saying that Gonal-f works well for u. The significance from the studies can't tell whether which drug works better but I was looking at the real numbers and the digits do make a difference to a study patient like us.
Dreambear > Don't be sad, you still have quite a number of eggs. Just work on improving the qualiy. We only need one luck healthy egg! With higher dosage and long protocol, you'll have more eggs!

Chris > Relax, I'm sure you've done your best. If you need a venue to vent and be heard, go ahead... this is a tough journey and we're here to encourage one another. Your amh 3.8ng/ml is good so jiayou!

Sandra > Good that you're open about adoption. I personally don't mind it too, but dh don't like. Adoption from overseas is about $30k as what lin had mentioned. A huge portion goes to the middlemen or brokers I think. Ivf is cheaper per cycle but it does not guarantee success... adoption i higher cost but bb is guaranteed. Cost is not the main decisive factor be it ivf or adoption for most couples.

Dolphin > You did your amh at kk? Think its ng/ml as some sis had done it at kk too. I'm waiting to start my cycle soon.

Ankh > You'll strike this round, so no need to find out more from kkh. I'm waiting to grab your bb dust!

Grace > DH did a sperm test before starting ivf, and dr asked us to freeze it as a backup. An addition of a couple of hundreds, but small amount compared to the ivf cost.

LS > Ovarian reserve test is done before start of ivf. Dr will need this info to decide on dosage of stimulation.

Daffier > Read some ladies respond better to puregon and some better with gonal f. Really like a game of big small.

Prosepina / Dreambear > Seems like gonal f works well for both of you. But most ladies here are on puregon. Anyway my dr use gonal f, and I hope i will have positive result.
mofmm> i asked my dr abt morphorlogy. he said only those with normal forms can be fertilized. so i guess yr embryos shld be from those good forms? i think the grading of embryos cud be from the quality of the good forms sperms plus egg quality
Dreambear, I think you are doing quite well as you have quite a number of eggs. So there is still hope, don't be disheartened.

I can't even reach fertilisation stage and had to abandon the last 2 cycles.
Sandra/Joyhope/Lin: thanks. Will try keep my spirits up

Grading of embryo is by the number of cells, regularity of cell shape, deg of fragmentation etc. I think they have a standard by which they measure against.
I hope so I hope so!

Lil ponyo,
Wah....... Good you enjoy your visits to the gynae! I think Dr Foong's language is so pretty and flowery I wish I can bottle it up.
I tik most private hospitals use gonal f cos its more expensive. 7 eggs alot arh? Cos I see from this thread that a lot of sisters harvested even more n managed to hv snow babies too. But not me.

Prosepine > at 75IU & u harvested 3 eggs? Woah! I wish I'm like u so as to reduce the cost of gonal f!!!

Chris > I know what u mean. Sometimes I also feel unbalance when I see people & friends around me get pregnant like no body biz. Their prenatal package is even cheaper than our dosages of gonal f lor!!! And using donor or adoption is really a personal choice. For me & DH, we r currently using donor sperm cos of my DH condition. We hv decided that we want a kid, so if ivf fails, adoption will be next. But after hearing the age limit, I Sian half liao. I dun wanna go n check out as I dun wanna be affected. A counsellor did advised me to do ivf n apply for adoption at e same time wor. Cos adoption is not fast also. I'm still thinking abt this. Even using donor sperm, my 1st ivf still fail
So I now started to go TCM to tiao my body & hope that my subsequent tries all pass with flying colours

babybaby > dun mind me asking, what is the reason that can't reach fertilisation stage?
To those on dhea: does this supplement affect your mood? Just out of curiousity.

Dreambear: I know what u mean. Only not too long ago then I tell myself that pregnancy is a happy thing for others as much as I want it to happen to me so I must balance myself and really be happy for them. Somehow, I am more fearful of their tummy and I very scared to be near them tho I am very curious of their growing tummy.. Haha.. Anyway I wanna thank u for sharing your journey and I hope you succeed the upcoming cycle. Tho i do not want to get unknown donor sperm, i have been thinking of a friend who might be able to donate. Doc did told us good to have backup plans cos need to have ready sperms. It's more my struggle than Dh. The last cycle tho we trsf only 1, it seems we had 2 other which ferilised later but didnt grow v well. It takes two to tango. Anyway, I want to believe TCM help to build up body for better health for us whether it works or not. It's a good move I think. Adoption wise, I think if u can find your own baby, it's not so difficult.. The difficult part is getting the baby.. when you can find the baby then the paperwork is just procedural. I might be wrong but that's how I saw my friends adopt theirs.
Hi Lin thanks for the link on factors relating to ICSI. At the KK Ivf briefing, they said they will use ICSI or normal (no injection but surround the egg with sperm) IVF. At my ER, I had 10eggs and asked how many they will do ICSI on. Answer is that depends on sperm quality as our infertility problem is hubby has less than 1percent normal sperm. In the end found out that they ICSI 9 of the 10 eggs which I guess goes to show how few normal sperm he has. I asked the doctor what if they can't find a single normal sperm, she said they can at least find 30 out of 20+ million. I trusted her and indeed they could find at least 9 normal ones to inject into my eggs. In any case I told hubby if we have to, we will use donor sperm and get from his side of the family so he will feel at least it is the same gene pool. We just need a few normal ones out of the millions of sperm so take heart from these numbers ok?

Chris is right about the factors for grading of embryos. Embryologist explained to me she graded mine as grade 4 as they were slightly fragmented else would have been grade 5 since they are evenly shaped in size and translucent.

In any case, today I went for my first scan (at about 5 weeks) and the doctor saw two gestational sacs and wrote twins on my appointment card. Though I don't know what the future will hold, it shows that at least implantation can be achieved with ICSI for those couples whose problem is poor morphology.

So Chris, Lin, it may be worth a shot still and put our bodies through this...there is always hope and miracles.
Yes it's at KKH... Ok, thanks! Jia you for your cycle! Waiting for your baby dust....

Wow! Congrats! So exciting! Wishing you a smooth pregnancy.
Initially it does affect my mood but now it seem I am ok .

I did ask the nurse ant taking DHEA, she to.d me is ok to take with empty stomach.
Sisters, thanks much for the advice.

Lin : ^5 my hubby always complain I still 'spot check' whatever housework he does. Man being man they may not be so detailed and you can still find traces of not so up to mark left behind. I'm that kind employ part-timer cleaner and still will do some kind. So must really psycho myself to close both eyes to housework during cycle.
Good morning ladies!

Sandra > Money can be earned back later but time awaits for no man. Humans by nature have a strong tenacity and will be able to pull through hurdles. Don't worry so much at this point. Who knows you may strike the next time, so jiayou!

Dreambear > Out of curiosity, what's the price difference between puregon and gonal-f? 7 eggs is still a reasonable number for the dr to work on it though it may not be a lot like some sis here. Keep up your supplements, exercise and tcm. I heard from dr that they've seen a number of below 30 ladies with 0 ovarian reserve, this means ivf will not work for them, can only use donor egg. Its never enough to compare, can only take grace in whatever we have.

Chris / Dreambear > At one stage i was also imbalance after my mc. But learnt to let it go and i became happier too. Life goes on, and bb arrival is still a happy event for the couple and family.

Dolphin > I hope so too hehe
MofMM: congrats on your twins!! enjoy your babies!! my dh is the only son hence no one else to ask from his side of family leh

Asiafighter: thanks for your feedback n appreciate it a lot.. I felt I had a dark cloud over me these days and if its just the supplement then I am glad cos I am out of sort n will get over it. Today will be better!

Sandra: ok. I am doing even more now like seeing TCM and dhea so really hope this will work else I really don't know what le. Anyway, hope and pray.

Joyhope: agree that children is a blessing to others!
Chris > My dh has brothers, but then he's also not keen to ask from his side of family. He is so so against the idea of donor sperm/egg, and i respect his wishes.

Mofmm > Oh twins, double happiness! Congrats again!
girls, although AMH is tested before the IVF procedure but i think they still following their book. Like my case, with AMH number for sure know that i'm not going to yield many eggs but still given low dosage based on my age. only up the dosage after 1st scan.

Chris, Dr.Loh did mentioned, the side effect for DHEA is only skin breakout. not much side effect, not sure is it i'm not reacting to medicine or not..haha..i also just taking supplement, see tcm

gonal-f or puregon, Dr.Sadhana said even with higher dosage with my amh level, the number of egg yield wont be a lot..
MofMM: gong xi gong xi.. meanwhile take good care of yourself cos is TWINS!! More food n nutrition needed.. Jiayou!

Im going for the IVF counselling this afternoon. Any advice from u guys what to ask har...?? im those super blur type.. just listen only..
MiloQueen: I agree with you. My hubby also complain that i spot check and keep nagging at him. But he is always making extra work for me.

After my FET, i decided to get a part time cleaner and close one eye. Knowing that i can be very demanding at times... Haizzz

Chris (reddesk): Have you ask your DH to try TCM?

Wonderss: Dont worried. The last time i attended the counselling, i recorded it on my iphone, knowing i have v bad memory. And i also requested the nurse to let me take video of the injection demonstration. Perhaps you can try.
Mofmm, congratulations on your twins! Wow! Your story is very inspiration, thank you. I'm still waiting for my first scan which is next week.

Laki, good to hear that your doctor was expecting your long AF cycle. This means that it is normal and expected (though I understand how you wish you were warned). Don't think and try to guess what your new program will be. You will find out soon and just trust in your doctor that she knows what is best for you. Very soon, you will be reunited with your snow babies!
PSP, thanks for the info!! dun knw y start to feel panicky...

Prosepina, sorry,.. what is your AMH level..?? My is only 2.4 and Dr Sadhana say only Satisfactory.. so im thinking whether to take DHEA bo....?
wondersss, my AMH 1.8 so is consider low. u going for IVF next cycle right? better get doc advise before take DHEA. i guess with ur AMH level should be able to yield 10eggs ba..this is ur first or 2nd?
joyhope - puregon & gonal-F are both synthetic ivf stimulation drugs.

Gonal-F uses Follitropin Alpha and Puregon uses Beta.

Some ladies respond better to one type, while some respond better to another. In theory, there should be no difference between the 2.

I have tried both, each time same number of eggs & egg development, but i personally prefer gonal-F.

hope this helps.
Prosepina, is my first official IVF Cycle.. going for the counselling later.. Cant wait.. so excited now...

That is y asking the ladies here what are the things to take note and ask.
Prosepina > You're a lot younger than me! What dosage did dr give you? My dr told me usually for my age it's maximum dosage, but as my amh is ok, will see my D2 bt before decide but unlikely max dosage. Don't be disheartened. I read from some US websites that some responded a lot better with a change of stimulation drug.

Ron8129 > Yes I read the alpha and beta... no clinical difference based on medical papers. What is it about gonal -f that you prefer? Any difference in cost?

Miss J > I'm taking Ensure Life... think that's the one most ladies here are taking.
Hi Chris, our stories are quite similar - my husband is also only son and also, the only child. I was desperate enough to approach his dad for DS (can u believe it?)when we knew his SA results. But take heart from the numbers, out of the millions of sperm per sample, they need only a few normal ones to fertilize the no. of eggs we produce. Jia You! Don't lose hope!

Hi PSP, it was 1300 at 18DaysPast2Days Transfer.

Hi Lil Ponyo, good luck for your first scan next week! I only had mine yesterday cos the consultation was a follow up from my being discharged last week for the horrible OHSS. Could not see anything but the sacs but the doctor seem confident will see more at the scan next week (6 weeks).

Thank you all sisters for the well-wishes.
Congrats! Wow, two! Must take good care of your physical health. Always confirm any medicine/supplements you take is safe for pregnant women.

Why did u prefer gonal f?

Dream bear,
Seven eggs is a lot to me! I was given 400IU puregon and still considered under stimulated cos only found four follicles growing. Furthermore, one was too big, another too small, and the other better two my gynae thought may not be retrievable. ( Luckily he did!) So take heart, your eggs quantity is still there. Sounds like you're doing the right thing, letting your body heal and your egg quality get better.

Miloqueen, psp,
Ahem, I still clean a bit after my part time maid leaves. But yeah, these few weeks also close both eyes to my home's cleanliness. We all deserve to nua.
Joyhope < thanks.
Had anyone try to inject utrogestan into vagina?
I had difficulties inserting in as it melt and after awhile it leak out on my panty liner. What is the correct way of injection?
Can I still continue to take my iron and calcium? Can take to take Chinese medicine to "tune" my body?
Miss J,
Put the hormone inserts in the fridge. Only take one out just before using it so it won't melt too fast. Rest for half hour after insertion (I prefer to lie down). Must wash hands clean before insertion cos don't want to get vaginal infection. Will still leak, but not so much.

Iron and calcium can still take but few hours from each other as iron will prevent absorption of calcium if taken together.

Chinese medicine- depends if you believe in it. And cannot take together with western medicine. My Chinese medicine labeling states to take it either 3 hours before or after western medicine.
Miss J > I too encountered the same prob as u when i last inserted them during my 2ww. I called the nurse and they advised just insert all the way into the vagina will do. I tried but still always feel the thing leaking out after it melts so makes it so messy leh.
Psp, Ankh > Glad to confirm that my behaviour is more of a 'norm' and doesn't consitute obsessive compulsive disorder. :p For the sake of having a little one, the rest are all not important. So this week I'm going to nua...

For those with Dr Loh at TFC, is his schedule very tight and hard to make appointment type?
joyhope, young doesn't mean eggs are good. Although both Dr said with my age, only the quantity matter, quality should be good one.

i decided to change my lifestyle. sleep earlier, do exercise after i done my budget presentation next week..haha..hope i got such energy
Sisters, regarding the ovarian reserve test, do we have to request it from the Dr? Cos my Dr did not order for the test before I start IVF... How much does it cost and the procedure like?

Dreambear - Also agree with the other sisters that all it takes is one healthy good egg to yield results. I have 17 follicles but only 4 eggs retrieved and made it to fertilisation stage. Some more Dr told me all the follicles retrieved from my right are empty, no eggs. All 4 were from my left womb.

Daffier - Hi hi!
Glad to meet another fellow sister under the same Dr here! You take care too! Take the time to prepare your body for the next cycle. Jia You!

Chris - It's normal to feel that way at times. Most important thing is try to stay positive and never give up trying! It's better to rant rather than to bottle up your feelings. Last night DH and I saw his army friend and wife with their newborn baby. While I feel happy for them, my heart sank a little cos they got married a year later than us and already conceived naturally. Felt really sh*tty &amp; unbalanced when we reached home and confided in DH about it. Luckily he's used to my rantings by now LOL

MofMM - Congrats again on having twins! *envious* Double joy and happiness! ^_^

MiloQueen - LOL Men are generally sloppy at household chores, unless they are perfectionist/clean freaks. Must really try to open one eye and close one eye to their "works". I try to resist checking on the laundry these days cos I know my DH sure not up to my standards and I will rehang all the clothes my way again. But as long as our DHs don't mind helping out with chores, good enough already. :p

Miss J - It's normal to have a bit of leaks,I always put on pantyliner so can just change when it starts leaking and make a mess. I insert mine quite deep (like half the middle finger in.. Sorry TMI) and try to lie down for the next half an hour.
