IVF/ICSI Support Group

Good morning ladies

Sunniehope, Good luck on yr ER today yayy!

Tahope, I think still early to test on 12d cos I tested negative too. Still got hope k. Jia You! All the best luck to u!

Bigbear, All the best luck to your BT today! Awaiting for your bb dust :D

Babysumf, Update us after your scan hor. Very excited for u too lolz...

psp, I've failed my 1st IVF in Aug with no frozen. Still pending to see when i will start again.

Daffier, my mum was discharged last Friday already. Thanks for asking

MofMM, take care and recover soon ya. U are right on insurance coverage for fertility treeatments. We will NOT be eligible to claim for anything due to IVF cos like you said, this is a chosen path. I don't know if Incomeshield covers or not.
psp, call your doctor please! In the meantime, lie down and rest!

Tahope, don't give up yet. I think 12d is early. See what the test today shows. All the best!

All the best to Bigbear, Babysmurf and Sunniehope too! Very exciting!

Charlotte, I did my IUI and IVF with a private doctor. The IUI was around $1k and IVF was around $16k. No grant but I can claim $6k from medisave for IVF.
Tahope: don't worry. Me tested the day before on some cheapo strip. Also no sign lol.

Psp: bed rest n monitor your condition.
Bigbear! JY!!! I give you big bear hugs! Tahope also, JY! Dont trust evil hpts!

Babysmurf, must update me after your scan okie? Very happy for you! May you have a pair of LTS!
Thanks girls,

But i guess i cant bed rest. I am currently working but i try to sit and dont move. I was only given 3 days mc.

Babysmurf: Which day did u test? Do you have any symptoms?

Dreambear: Sorry for not reading your earlier threads, what happen to your mum?

I did my IVF on June with balance 8 frozen. On Day 8, i have red spotting and my AF came on Day 9 so i stopped the inserts. When i did my BT, Doctor says i was chemical pregnant, my HCG BT Level was 39. Went for a second opinion and was told that the decision is mine whether to proceed with the inserts or not.

So my husband and i took a painful decision to stop the inserts and after 3 days my HCG level drops to ).
Mofmm, MC_007, Leor, Lil & Heartbeat, thank ladies! If I really get a BFP, this will be the greatest greatest gift I have ever received from GOD. Till now I still feel nothing, not sure is this common for BFP. Keeping my fingers cross for the big day this Friday. Thank so much for rooting for me! :)
Bigbear, don't worry too much. Think of all those girls in the "I didn't know I was pregnant" tv programme. None of them knew they were pregnant until they were in labour. So although they are extremes, it just means that everyone and their body is different. Hang in there and think positive!
Hi all, I just did my scan for follicles but the largest is only 15mm and the rest is only 7mm. This is my 1st scan after the 2 type injection. As told from the nurse that normal follicles need to be 18mm or bigger. Is my follicles too slow in process.
I need to go back for scanning again tmr but only 1 day different will the follicles become bigger..
Kinda worries.
Miss J > Are you on long or short protocol? Which day is it today? Did they also mention lining thickness? I heard the follicles will grow daily.

Dreambear > Maybe for your next cycle you take note if there's any difference if start on D2. I read online that starting later is termed as late start mild stimulation... as late as D5. Google to find out more. I think most dr would give a wider time frame as this will be easier for us to fit into their schedule, rather than them fitting into our body schedule. Like ER, the timeline is between 24-36 hours... and its impossible for us to time it to miss the weekends and public holidays. From what i had read, timing is crucial in ivf.

Asiafighter > Maybe discuss with dr on backup plan whilst you start on fet. At least you'll have something to look forward to.

Mofmm / Winniepooh > Albumin cost at KKH and CARE so much different... $100 vs $300. Winniepooh, you used only 1 bottle? I was told by nurses if admitted for OHSS, will need at least a few bottles plus hospital stay.

Bigbear > Keep your spirits up, JY!
Hi Ladies,

I'm new here. I will be doing 1st IVF on Mid Nov.

I would like to check during the 2WW , do we need special care other than resting??

Because during this 2ww i will be alone at home. Do i need to prepare in advance.

Please help and guide me.

Hi Prosepina

I see red already. Really no hope this time. Im in dilemma now. I cant take leave and rest at home. Last week after the FET, i have taken 2 days mc and my boss is not very happy.
Psp > Quickly call your dr for urgent appointment. They can give you a jab and also mc for rest... with mc, your boss can't stop you from taking it even if he doesn't like it.
Babysmurf: your baobei so sweet.. like to play hide & seek with u... Did u shed tears when u see the little dot blinking??? OMG.. i think i watch too much drama liao..:p

Psps: rest well for now... u mean your boss dont know u went thru the these?
Psp, Yup I totally agree with Joyhope. Please go get support. Not over yet till u done yr BT to confirm. Cos I see red with clot but still BFP. So dun give up hor.

Babysmurf, Ya got to do vscan to see. Stomach scan usually very hard to detect. I have same experience like you from my first scan too
Dear sistas, seeing no update fm me I tink u gals shld guess by now dat I fail my 3rd fresh which will also be my last.
Even thou I test with HPT yesterday in order to prepare myself for the BT result but I still feel super sad.
Tis cycle I hv try my very best, accup, TCM, & even healing but God forsake me & my heart just hurt badly.
Right now I'm physically, mentally, emotionally & financially drained.
I thanks all the sistas in tis forum for all the tips & most important the care, concern & encouragement dat u gals has showered upon me.

Bigbear > feel so sad dat I cldnt graduate with u fm here. Pls continue to stay positive & u will be able to get wat u want soon.
Hi Babysmurf, that's great news! To have the heartbeat for your little one. congrats once more. I feel like each step in this journey is like a hurdle to cross. Now as I get better from OHSS I keep worrying if the pregnancy is ok. Tired of examining toilet paper every time I pee and pressing my boobs to make sure they still hurt.

The doctor said the scan for me will be in Nov...
Hi Prosepina,

when shd i start to drink the chicken essence?

The sheet show that 2ww eat durian only.

Mean the do list is start from D2 scan onwards?

I'm with private hospital. New Setup called Sincere HealthCare Group at Novena Specialist Center as well. Below Dr SF Loh.


sorry for all the question.
Tahope: Have you done your BT?? Please do not give up on what you want.. All the gals have been through and also fails before getting what they want.. God will never forsake anyone but planning this obstacle that u have to go thru... HE have his ways to guide & led u to the light...

I have also been going through with TCM, supplements and sexercise & healing every month knowing that having a BLOCKED TUBE is harder to get BFP naturally but i still try while waiting for my month to cycle... Do not beg or request from GOD what u want, surrender yourself to HIM and he will know what to do...

Take a break first to settle down on your feelings and tots... we will still be here for u.. jiayou..
Tahope > U see red already? Else how can u confirm? And look at it this way, there is still another option for us to adopt children. I know it sounds easy for me to say, but really sister, it is not the end of the world yet.

Wonderess > I tik i will cry if i have the chance to see that little red blinking dot

Psp > Pls call ur doc immediately NOW! Please rest. Nothing is more impt than children and family.
Tahope, my heart ached with you... But don't ever give up on your dreams.

I am going to do my FET next week. This time I really learn to surrender to God. Just like Abrahim surrendering Isaac without reservation. This time I feel different. I told God, take this as my living sacrifice. Whether it is yes or no, I commit my will unto Him.

Sisters, let's all JY together!
tahope, Hugs! *pat pat* Gal, u already done your very best. Sad definately will cos we are human sia. However, I hope u can get over soon and look forward for the future. Jia you!
Tahope, hugs. Cry if u must. I m not v good at consoling ppl. Please pardon me. Hope after crying u will feel better. Hugs hugs.
tahope, big bear hug to you! we totally understand how you feel now. ya! is not the end of the world, at least we tried all the alternative to have our biological child. since then, adoption or childless is our only option.
mofmm> hope u can be discharge soon..

hope all those bfp can have smooth 9mths to delivery.. ytd i just got to know a member preg with twins via ivf, stillbirth at 5th mth, for the second time (her previous ivf also stillbirth at 5th mth).. sobs.. i wish someone can show mercy to us who is trying so hard just to be parents..
Tahope: a big hug to u.. Take care... Be strong.

Thanks ladies: I called up my doctor and she told me to take some pills to support until BT... I will be strong. I've left e office, will rest well today and go bk to work tmrw.... 加油.

加油 sisters, we are all trying and will never give up. Have Faith... 老天爷看到我们的努力,我们会成功的。
Tahope, really sorry to hear this. I don't know what I can say that will make up feel better now because I know this is extremely heart breaking. But please believe me when I tell you that there WILL BE better days ahead and you WILL BE happy again. This is not the end yet. Big hug and take care!
Tahope: big big hugs for u. Take a break from all these Ttc stuffs for a while. My heart also dropping out when I was doing my tummy scan tell me cannot see anything.
Tahope, letting go is all I have to say...I know is v hard and it may take a while to accept it. I would I will tell myself to let go and focus on other part of life. I just tested neg on hpt. Kind of expected. Dont take too long to grieve. Take care ya!
Prosepina, today is 10 days passed 4dt. I am not sure if it is too early. As I do not have any tell tale signs so decided to do HPT to prepare myself for the coming BT.
JoyHope > I'm was on puregon 300iu from 5/Oct for 3 days, 300iu and orgalutran - syringe from 8/Oct for 2 days. 300iu and orgalutran - syringe for today 10/Oct.
tmr need to go kk for another scan.
