IVF/ICSI Support Group

lin, how r u??

Infact i din log in quite long time liao, think have a bit 忧郁症...
Sad & loss direction after the miscarriage... eat junk food...haiz.. long sad story...
Today go to checkup again & meet fren, they both so 巧合ask me to eat sesame... & fren introduce one healthly sesame biscuit as my ' healthy junk food' , so, i m happy today!!! & also pop in share with sisters here.... ;) ^_^
Snoopy, are u feeling better now? Don't think back and just focus forward k. Wat had happen cannot be change. I knw the heart pain cos I have been it thru too. Now just cheong and fight fight fight! Jia you!
Dreambear .. Wish u speedy recovery yah .Drink mre water n rest or mc if u working ... Shld b the weather .. Cos my hubby also suddenly got bad flu out of nowhere ..

Bigbear .. How u find dr Zhou .. She said my body cold cis she gave me bu med but I didn't become heaty ..

Bb .., congrats n Sade too ..

Precious baby .. Pls Call n check w doc .. I also tink could b implantation bleeding .. B positive hor .. N bed rest ..

Asiafighter .. Black chicken is bu blood de .. N mre heaty ..

One of sister here mention abt healing .. Wat is healing ??
lin, my fav are junk and fatty food! Haha! People always say cannot diet if ttc so I keep eating lo. Till recently alot of colleagues asked if I'm preg...then I decide to lose weight!

Ravene, healing is done by a laoshi at yoga inn. You can google to find out more or pm me. I only attended one session so far. Hehe
Bigbear > all the best to ur ER on thu. So how many follicles u hv so far... Gd to hv shorter injection period. Save $ too.
Lainelaine .. Haha I noe how u feel cos I also put in a lot of weight n pple around me tot I m pregnant too :p
I m trying brisk walking to reduce my weight
snoopy> hope u are feeling alright.. sorry to hear abt yr loss.. i'm wondering how come u so long nv log in.. i din know u also with tfc? take care ok! make sure u tiao yr body now..

those who are losing weight, dont lose too much weight ah.. good to have little more fats for future bb
Ravene, I feel comfortable with her. She also said my womb cold and after taken her medication I also don't feel heaty, she said that mean my body very cold...but imy body always feel warm. Hope after taking few months of TCM medication hope my body become stronger n warmer
Tahope, thank! How much is your total estimated bill so far? Today scan I have 4 of good size and 3 smaller one. Do u still have forzen embroys? Wish u succeed this time! JY
Bigbear> est. bill is 13k. I already paid 6k after 4k medisave & 3k co-fund. I don't have frozen embryo. Yesterday ER only retrieved 3 eggs. Hopefully can make it for ET.
Good luck to your ER.
Tahope n big bear: u have to make friend with egg. Cos after et still have to eat n even pregnant. Need lot of protein. Hahaha
Hi JoyHope
Environment is good, clean. Have a room to do the massage.

Hi snoopy
Sorry to hear abt your loss. You will be strong again. I had my lap in aug. I also start doing brisk walking. On sat I just did a 12.5 km.......hahahahhaha, feel so good and felt proud of myself.
Babysmurf, haha...how to make friend huh...at the sight of it I already feel unwell. I only managed to eat 4-5 per day since started stimulation. Will try my best ;)
Lybaby, u tried the massage le ah? Pain ah?

Bigbear, my opinion la... If u not bloated after et no ohss then Dnt take ew anymore lor. For protein u can take more meat n drink immunocal
Bb (lybaby)

1st time I do feel sore (like blue black feeling) when I touch it. I was scare when I went home and the next try I told her how I feel. Becos I was worry it may hurt internal but she told me her massage is like accu point type. So I was more relieve. Now come to think abt it - is actually the skin is painful maybe becos is the 1st time doing it. 2nd try I feel ok, no pain already.
She also tell me those spa massage is not that good even though they claim is for fertitly .
Maybe you see how if you are going back again
Bb nice to hear u r in 12 wks n ur kind encouragement!!

Preciousbaby, rest n monitor n go for e jab!! Steady n jia you!!

Leor, update us on ur checkup! Hope it's nothing serious! U r so positive!! Good!! N u r lucky to have many frozen embryos!!
Precious baby just go for it. At least ur progesterone level will be high enough to support them. For me my is all jab one. Heehee
Preciousbaby, pls go for the jab as it is v important to hv more support now. After the jab, pls head home n hv more bedrest. No shopping n no carrying of heavy things.
