IVF/ICSI Support Group

PP, renee,

yes, the stall is at blk 85, fengshan hawker with wet market beside it, it is at the same stretch of the ah bo ling (tan yuan) stall but today I went about 8pm and pork knuckles ($12.50) and belacan fish sold out so have to be early lor, if not my hb said have to wait for a couple of weeks before those ppl like us after viewed the program went for it.


Go to taka instead of tangs, taka hv more choices.

I saw it at Tangs it was the same one we saw together at the shop remember? They hv it at Taka with or without divider (Zuji brand) but is not deep enough so i bot another brand though i like the zuji stanless steel. The one i bot is also a japanese brand but is more for steamboat, it come with divider but is not for the same use like the mahla pot cos the divider hv holes. In order for the soup to be yummy, we must cook together so i decided not to buy the zuji brand.

I also bot the ladle for the steamboat, took yr advice bot the stainless steel type. sometimes when we put it in the steamboat it will drop to the side or even into the soup right? This design very good, it hv a hook so it will stay still, only realise this when i was washing it.

OK you must add "tempreture taking" into yr new year resolution hor. Is very useful especially if you hv intention to TTC naturally. Every night just put the thermo and yr mobile next to you. (H/p for storing the numbers)

Have you place the order? The email I sent to is [email protected]. Dunno is it the same person.

By the way, I tested +ve for O last nite. As Yvonne, advised will test again today to confirm.

Yvonne, check wif u if we 'bang' consecutively 3 nites, will the sperm quality be affected huh? Actually quite sian lor, like 2nite me & hb will be out for a birthday party then hor go home still need to 'bang' i think liao oso sian. It seem like now 'bang' to us oledy become a 'task' rather than 'romance'.

BB, ok will try on my next AF which i really hope will not come! Cos me oledy start 'bang bang' last nite! Hope kana 'accident' leh...keke... :p

some dr advised that you do alternate days instead of consecutively but some more kiasu, they usually ask you to do tonight and tmr, sperm quality of cos not as good as every 3 days new batch lah but what to do, not easy to catch the ovulation leh, so maybe tonight 1 more night, then close shop lor.

I know very sian but sometimes must pretend abit lor to help your hb too, if you show that you are sian, usually they more sian leh and remember, even we are dry, at least can still go in but if he is soft, how to do, so pretend and seduce abit lah.

dun forget these questions that I needed you to help to confirm with dr loh tmr, ok? :).

1. how long it take the sperm to travel up to where our egg are? the hours range

2. how long our eggs can survive after ovulation, from how many hours (for the poor quality) to how many hours, (generally is 24 hr but would it be possible to be like just 1 hours for poor quality one?)

3. The ovulation takes place when the temp drop or when the next day, it starts to go up.

4. Like you mentioned, ovulation takes place only after the LH surge is over?

usually when we eat steamboat, we do not put the ladle inside the soup, will be a hurdle for those who wanted to scope the ingredient and also very hot for the ladle later :)

Actually the golden wired type is good for scoping ingredient fast w/o any soup and the stain steel type even though got holes will still have a bit soup with it lor but washing part, the stain steel one much much easier.

Will go taka to check :)

Finally! Hope you didn't color it on yr own, just kidding
Faint line or dark line? Just learned that after surge, your O day is only the next day not today. Girl, sian also must try if not must wait 1 mth again. What Yvonne said is true, you cannot show you are sian must pretend you are very in the mood!! Dont stay too late at the party lor. If yr hb sperm is strong bang everyday should be ok and remember to put the pillow below and do not wash ok.

So you got more $ now???
nanz, BB,

me and PP was discussing if there is a drop in temp, do we do it on that day or the next, cos TSB told us to do it on the drop day and next and next.

usually when ovulation test kit showed positive, it means ovulation will take place the next 24-36 hrs but becos it takes time for the sperm to travel up, that's why we do it when it become positive, for eg, morning i tested positive, by night, it is like 8 hrs later so maybe left 16 hrs and then if tmr night, another 12 hrs gone so left 4 hours, that's why better to do when first tested positive and then next day too or even next day :)

To make our job easier, that's why we needed PP help to double confirm with dr loh on those questions, then maybe easier to plan the "bang bang" days instead of 3 days, maybe cut down to 2 days lor :)

And also PP said that she read that the ovulation takes place only after the LH surge went down so that means, it ovulates only when we tested negative again after positive. (for eg, mine was positive for 3 days and on the fourth day, negative again so PP said the negative again could be the ovulation?? So Nanz, that's why if you have spare strips now, better test until become negative again, to see if yours is 2 days positive or 3 days positive, so taking into account that if ovulation occurs 24-36 hours , then mine positive for 3days (which means 72 hours) then ovulate ( which is illogical right?) therefore confirm with Dr Loh better. PP helps us!!!!

FYI Based on my chart 28/12 my temp drops to 36.3
29/12 no surge - 36.4
30/12 faint line -36.4
31/21 surge - 36.4
1/1 no line - 36.6 and doc told me today is ovulation day .
I think is tempreture thing is only aga aga cannot rely 100%.
Yvonne, sure i will ask for it.. ahahhaha......

Nanz.... agree.. cos think i only bang two days alternate.... cos they rest tooooooo tired liao..

How???/ so think IVF is our choice for those who lazy to even bang heeeee....

Hey BB, you want to arrange a meet up on 16? hee be it pass or fail.... so that we can come together can enjoy ahahhaha

Not yet, yesterday gave them the final bottom line for salary amount ( i tried my best to make it very difficult for them to retain me liao okay, so dun scold me)

They will need to submit to HQ for approval but I dun think can lah, My lion's mouth open so so big. Funny thing is that the first figure I gave to them, 10 mins later, I went back to HR to change cos I worry they really can match and luckily I changed becos they really can match so this new figure, quite difficult lor. So BB I tried my best to be "tai tai"! and i firmly told the HR, that fig, (not a single cent less :)

By this friday, HQ should get back liao and i can then book my tickets on Sat or Mon :)

ya lor, this time round, my temp chart also not very reliable, when I was in japan for 2 years (before IVF and IUI) with clomid, my body temp was very chun leh, now sometimes funny lor but the last 2 weeks b4 menses sure up one and when goes down after 2 weeks, menses sure come one, that is the only reliable part :)

Actually i read some where that body temp funny or the drop is not drastic or up is not drastic, means that cycle ovulation is no good, for fertile women, there temp chart more beautiful than us and the drop and up more obvious compare to us, now you know why we dun get strike right.
Hey i found that now my temp stable at 36.3 leh... think is becos of the chinese medication.

Any will stop today and see tomorrow temp goes up or not

me having sore throat and flu coming up but still got 2 packets of herbs have not take :-( shd i continue? on 1 hand taking the herbs and on the other, taking vitamin C, bloated with lots of water inside me.


another 1 or 2 days still dun goes up, then maybe not ovulate yet? becos for me after the drop usually also hover at mid range for 2 or 3 days before it went up to 36. 7, 36.8 and today 37.24, the chart almost hit the ceiling liao, any higher, cannot draw any higher anymore.

Ok i try to monitor. Think u better dun take lah if the herbs is those which is heaty how?

Hmm think all our temp getting chaos...
sinseh told me that sperm take 6 hours to swim up to meet the egg.
the egg last for 2 days. but aft 12hrs the outer shell will turn hard, and there for sperm may have prob to 'poke' thru.
For ang moh dr they say when temp drop is the O day. but for chinese sinseh, when temp drop is the egg ABT TO come out. when the temp shot up means the egg already out. so must ML on that very day to have BB boy.

i cant remeber tha steamboat pot brand cos i bought it abt 2 yrs ago and it's now packed in one of the boxes.

the one at test band is darker than the one at control band. SO mine is like from no line suddenly become got two lines. Me oso kiasee, and get HB to see each time i test...no lah...me got no purple ink at home to color leh..hehe...I oso nvr shower leh last nite...but really feel uncomfy so ask hubby to get me a wet towel and i wipe myself oni..think i need somemore time to get use lor to go without shower...my HB still shower leh..ask him to join me but he oso cannot get use...

Awy, I read ur above posts abt the O-days...so I think i will still 'bang' tonite, then rest for one day, and bang again when test -Ve again..assuming tat I O for 3days like Yvonne case.

Maybe I shld put on some sexy lingerie huh to create mood or rather spice up the ambience...hahaha...But last nite told huBBy liao, if u tired just get ready to deposit tat all for tml...But was surprise when he say 'must do with feelings so can succeed'...but i noe he say say oni, can feel he sian oso when i told him may need to do 3 days...aiyo, anything to give HB eat to make them 'hyper'...hahaha of cos not 'Tongkat Ali' lah..think tat for old man rite. hahaaa...

Sometime i really feel pity for ourselves...so many hassles just to have baby..while some ppl can just conceive like nobody business..like we can hear friends saying they are plannin for a baby, and then next moment they announce preggie liao. Is like 'shuo yao jiu you', for us we have to plan and go thru so much and then not guarantee have. Really feels sucks at times ...it is so unfair, and i know it will nvr be fair!

I felt that way too. Now when I see people pushing baby prams, I feel so envy..

Why people can have baby as and when they like but I can't..
Dear all,

Can anyone pls share with me what is ectopic pregnancy. Any idea about the pattern of our hcg level that will indicate a possible ectopic pregnancy.

My hcg level has been doubling since my last reading. However, is still very low. As of today is only 244. Can some one pls share your experience if any????

An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilised egg attaches itself outside the cavity of the uterus (womb). I'm not too sure on whether hcg level will indicate any possible ectopic pregnancy. Are u currently preggie? If so do check with your gynae if your are worry. By the way, there are informations on ectopic pregnancy that can be found on the web too.

My understanding of etopic pregnancy is that the embryos is implant in the follapian tube instead of uterus and therefore when the embryos starts to form into fetus, it will start to stretch the tube and ultimately burst the tube which is dangerous for the mother therefore, dr will need to terminate the pregnancy and how much damage to the tube, I am not too sure if it means the tube will be permanently damage and ivf is the other option or can depend on the other side of the tube.

When you have etopic pregnancy, you can have menses too since that the linning in the uterus is not being used, that's why KKH insist us to test the blood even though we might have menses before the test date.

When you have a growing HCG and yet there is no pregnancy sac or dot in the normal scan, but got HCG reading, then might suspect etopic pregnancy and need a detail scan to find that fetus to confirm it. Since it is positive, HCG going up at a low speed and yet the scan show no black shadow or dot, they will usually try to do detail scan to see if it is etopic.

Don't worry until you see the doctor and your doctor will be able to advise proper scanning and if not, the only thing you can do is to wait a bit longer till 6 weeks where you usually will be able to see the fetus in the uterus, if not....anyway dr cannot confirm till the detail scan too.

What did your dr said when you saw him on monday? and you are in your day what?

Since it is climbing, there might be a good chance too, keep praying okay.
ectopic preg means your bb grows out side the womb. what's Dr's advice so far? cos ectopicpreg can have adverse effect. better get it confirm as soon as possible. if the bb continue growing and it will burst the fellopian tube if the bb's is growing there. (very dangerous) the beta reading will grow very slow. my mum she had ectopic preg before. now she left wt one tube and 1/4 of the ovary. if your reading has been doubling it'd be more than 5000+ by now.
Hi Nanz,

Yes, i am currently pregnant. Tested positive but hcg level has been low. Saw Dr SF Loh yesterday. He said as this point of time, he also cannot tell us what is happening. But there could be a possibility of ectopic pregnancy.

Just wondering if anyone know, if ectopic pregnancy, can the hcg level still double or it will just increase slightly and slowly....
Hi Yvonne,

Counting from my transfer date. I should be in day 25 liao.

Dr Loh cannot confirm anything yet. He ask to do 2 more rounds of blood test. He did mentioned that it could be because the embryo was not attached properly initially. That why the slow increase in the first 2 reading (only 5 pts icrease). However, my third reading doubled. So it may be because it started to attached. And today's reading has also doubled... seeing him again on Friday.

Renee, I went to the acu that you told me in Mei Ling street. She 'bai mai' for me. According to her, I have a strong 'mai' and doing well, so now I am so confused. Dont know what is what...

Have you send the email to order the OPTs? I email to help.u.ttc.com yesterday & to Clement Yap today, no reply yet. Normally how long they will reply to our email if you've correspond with him before?
Hi Nanz,

Thanks. But as much as I would like to keep a positive mind. I am also worried that it will be another disappointment again.

I checked thru the web and in fact with all the information, it makes me more confused. So far, have not got any symptoms or whatsoever that they mentioned in the website....
hopefully what dr Loh said is the right answer. relax and have a open mind. now ther's nothing you can do, neither dr loh.

ba mai can only tell you are preg not very much to confirm what's the prob of low readng. but try to go back to see her more to do aup. cos she ever help a w lady who din have bb heart beat and later got heart beat by doing acup.
another sign of ectopic will be stomachach as the bb grow bigger. but pls stay positive. al you know everything is going well. keep our fingers crossed for your beta reading tom.

Ya, i will be calling her again later to make appt for 2molo. But the process is really tiring. Lying there for whole 2 hours. And till now, my body still smell of the smoke (not too sure what she burnt, but something to put on the stomach to regulate blood flow).

She actually was not for the idea of terminating the pregnancy. In fact, she ask me to go back to her. She told me even if it is ectopic pregnancy, her acu will help to correct it back. But I am not too sure leh....

she will never go for the idea of terminating preg. none of us here are drs and wont know how she can help us. ofcos as a sinseh, she cannot anyhow say things that's impossible. waht she can do is try her best to help. we just have to trust her since we choose to see her for treatment. you have gone thru so much to reach this state. what is another few more hrs wt that smelly burinig acup if it helps us to safe the preg? i was wt her for the acup for months. total i did more than 25 acup. so don give up until everything is firm.
thanks renee. actually, she has given me hope when i saw her yesterday. i do not know how much she can really help me, but one thing for sure, i felt more comfortable after seeing her and her treatment. is like buying another 'insurance' lor... i have also check with Dr Loh and he has no objection of me doing it. So now just hope God will see all my hardwork... or all our hardwork for those who are still on the way....

So u have tested 'negtative' lor.
Awy, u must have get wat u want! Cheers & All the best!

BTW, i tested +ve again last nite. So play Kiasu and 'bang' after back from party even though we were tired liao as we reached home abt 2am. SO think 2day will take a break depending on PP feedback after she check wif Dr Loh on the questions u asked her to check for us. I am feeling damn sleepy today, as after 'bang' last nite cannot get back to sleep and bed-chat wif hubby till abt 4am then Zzzz....


So how are u today? Did u tok to ur precious 'threesomes' everyday?

Ok following are the answer from DR Loh,

It takes good sperm 8 hours to swim to the destination and 12 hours for slow but steady sperm.

Eggs can ensure 12 to 24 hours

You should count your cycle day and before the actual day of O, you should clear the sperm bank and when you tested +ve it should O within the next 8-12 hours depend of the cycle you tested.

The O started when you observed a temp down not at the up trend. Thus you should ML at the drop point. He indicates that BBT is not actual thus is better for us to go by cycle calculation and O kit testing.

Every pregnancies has a chance of 1-5% for ectopic pregnancy and having 3-2 embbies does not really increase the chance to more than 5%.

Block tubes does have higher chance of ectopic pregnancy.

Did i missed anything?
Hi Ladies,

Mind if i join in? Brief intro - started ttc 1 yr 3 mths now. Had two m/c last year due to chromosome issue and lupus lining cond. contemplating IVF/IUI but not sure what the options entail. Anyone care to shed some light? Any info would be helpful...thanks
Hi applemuffin.
personally i go for the option that can give me higher chance of succees. so i will wil go for IVF. again depends on what your dr got to advise which is best for you.which dr are you seeing?
HI girls,

Check with you, when you first started ivf , the injection from D21, do we need to start to abstain from sex? What if we happen to get pregnant? will it affect?
girls.. sorry if I have not been clear. I mean right now I am going to start suprefact on jan 20. Do I already have to abstain from sex this cycle?


KKH wants the couple to have safe sex so that this cycle while you are doing IVF, you will not get pregnant, In NUH, the dr did not tell me to practise safe sex and after got pregnant, they said that it should not affect the fetus even when you have started to injected the superfact for a week or so. Therefore, it is not scientifically proven that supefact will cause harm to bb or not, thus the inconsistency.
