IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hahah.... my idol actually got time to play hun yu pin ying ar? not bad leh. he's quite a funny guy actually. he likes to talk to my hb and crack jokes sometimes. then would tell us what his daughter's latest music trend..... even when he did scan for me he will always make a story of what the bb's doing. and he'd want to assure us that it's a HE. always go to between the bb's legs to see the 'bell'. then start his joke again.

I think you hav done enuf test lah. if th test not going to serve any purpose then i think don waste $ and time .give yourself a break and go HK wt your hb. relax, shop. jan hk sale like crazy. i'm going too. so we'll bring 2 cargo bags there. i will go there eat and eat. too bad now cant buy any clothings. or else i think he we need 3 bags liao. hehee....

When you least expected you may strike. just relax. do whatever you like. (besides lifting the heavy things and excersice) treat it as normal daily life. stay happy. 8 days pass very fast. just like every week i feel so fast it's my lesson again. then a day before lesson realiz i'v not done my homework. so must kai yie che. what a lazy student. btw,you got long long way befor you can see yourself fat lah.

All the best ya!!
Thanks! I am relax, hv a whole list of things i want to do next week, facial, do my nails, cut my hair......
just waiting for my discipline master to go back to work tommorw. So is confirmed you hv a boy? If it is negative this round, i am planning to go to HK too for shopping trip. If i remember correctly the last time in Aug we flew on the same day to HK.
oh is it? i thought it was Ad tat flew to hk the same day as i did then we met up..... din know you went hk on the same day too. only remember you went tyo. good lah. should go have a big big shopping spree. sure shop til you drop.so when you inted to fly? for me most likely wil go on 17h-21nd. how abt Yvonne huh? now you mention abt hair cut, i also need hair cut. Yes, it's confirm a boy. in fact it's already a triple comfirm since last appt plus the detail scan for DS test. I think Dr Loh just want to assure himself that he din see wrongly. hahaha..... that day we went out wt my cousin to town to shop for my boyfrens' clothes. but end up we bought bb's clothes instead. got boy outfits, then in my heart i was thinking what if it's a gal then the clotes will go to waste liao. so now we can go ahead to buy boy's clothes.
renee, bb,

when are you going HK, if every thing okay, we are planning to go on 25th night and come back 29th jan.


you still gonna join your hb trip? if confirmed, stay here lah, we will celebrate and keep you company, if negative, you flying off to meet him?

We hv decided that if is negative i will not go with him, too rush to prepare + fligt are full. Than since i am alone, i am free to go anywhere i want
25th is too far, if i fly i will go around same week as Renee. My purpose to go HK is for the winter sales, but depending on my mood if lazy than i just stay here and rotten with you lor. Aiya you dont make me happy la, scarly tomorow they offer you something so tempting you might decided to stay with the co. than hor must slog like a cow again, where got time for me?
Hi Renee,

Yes, i do remember you. You have been in this thread for a long time. I also admire your determination. Standing up after every fall....and now your dream finally come true. Congras!!!

No worries, I will stand up again soon. In fact, this time round, it was really a bonus already for me to come this far. I had only 1 embyro to be transferred. During my ET, Dr Loh was on leave, Dr Sheila Loh did it for me. She was sooo encouraging and motivating... I will always remember her words, that is "You need only one to be pregnant". True enough, you need only one. Miracle does happen. Although it did not make it far, I think is a real motivation for me. My husband also said the same thing. And with this positive experience, I will continue to work towards our dream again.....

BTW, can you pls tell me where u did your acupuncture. Is is good? Can it be done at night?

initially wanted to go on 19th to 22nd or so that week too but one of his colleague transferring to thailand, that's why he said the following week.


you go renee's that week alone or you going with your friends? winter sale got what to buy, winter clothings ? :) I got more winter clothing than my summer wear already, the other room wardrobe full of winter wear cos I used to stay in north pole like area in japan, no need summer clothes one, even summer is cold, if really going HK, you wait for me one more week lah, your test date on 15th, my last day on 16th, go that week, too rush to arrange also mah, wait 1 more week okay?


booked already ah? you too 1 more week?

even if i stay in the co. my style is usually slog like cow for a couple of days, then eat snake for a day or two, so still have time for you one. :)

tomorrow going TSB? you want to change to monday or not so that you can meet me and PP lah. Since now you not taking her medicine, can change to another day you want right :)
yup, i beleive we become stronger after each fall. go for holiday. relax and then plan for next try. wish u all the best and strike the next round.

i have been seeing the sinseh at mei ling street. here is the no:64759621 close on sunday and public holiday. open from 9a.m.-1p.m. 2p.m.-5p.m. 7p.m.-9p.m. try to go there before 8p.m. her shop is at block 152 mei ling street. she ever do acup for one of the ivf patient till 11pm. but i think you will be too tired by then. she is a very sincere lady. she has very strong interest in treating women wt fertility prob. she feels very happy whenevr her patients managed to concieve aft her treatment be it thru her acup or IVF. she very pro ivf in fact.

we have not apply ticket yet. cos befor my last appt wt dr loh hb wanted to double confirm wt dr loh befor he cut the ticket. so when he comes back tom he will do it.i cant change the date . cos hb's leave already applied.
BB, gastric is better now. As for fruits and veg, i have tried...in fact cooked veg is ok but selective lor. I will still try to eat fruits everyday but everytime will uek uek...no choice.

Heard that blood diamond is a good show...hb also wanted to watch tat but i am too tired and lazy to go with him.
So funny that you are asking this question, tot yr hb should know better
just checked with my gf, CX did not ask from her a letter when she was 5 mths pregnant.
Thanks for the info.... ai ya he wont know thing like this. only know his own job and when is the pay day. haha..!!
Hi Yvonne

Have been very busy this few days. Yes, Dr Loh replied me, he assured me the extension of lucrin is fine, there is no side effect, other then shut down the body a little bit longer. I even asked him as my case is high FSH, longer surpression will cause me " no eggs"? (as I will not be expecting more eggs) He say "NO".

With regard to your question on the birth control pills, it is to regulate the mensus. Dr Loh mentioned to me that BCP only used on those who have irruglar mensus before starting the lucrin.
ya will ask hb to check wt sq. my tummy is big enuf to tell i'm preg. but definitely not so big that the staff is going to stop from flying. heard that hk is very cold pass one week. hope by the time we go not so cold anymore.

yvonne, so you hv decided to go end of jan?

BB, what abt you?

Ever thought of going photo studio to take a nice photos showing ur preggie stomach and have it post in ur preggie journal (if any)....I saw my friend one, they make over for her & hubby and the pictures turn out well. Quite nice leh. If next time i preggie, sure sure go for one.

U are rite! The OPTs result not 'zhun' liao after 1/2 an hour. The last 3 days show no LH..*sob sob*...hope I can O b4 i used up all my 26 sticks.

Tat day told u i order more rite...but too bad she really no stocks liao and gotta wait. I may try to email Joy's mum again and see if she still can help to buy.
me don think will do it. cos my face too many dot dot already. the photos come out wont be nice. i would rahter next time when bb come out then go take family photo instead.

even when the strip becomes positive, it is better to keep on testing till it becomes negative again, for my case, it was positive for 3 days before it become negative again and that's when i stop testing :) since it is so cheap, better be safe than sorry

yes, I was told by him that i can either extend my lucrin jabs for 1 more week or take OCP pills for 28 -35 days overlapping the lucrin jabs, meaning that i delay lucrin injection by 1 week and substitute it by OCP pills hor?
Today went to Taka to buy my steamboat pot liao but did not buy the gas cooker cos the pot already so heavy. Lucky hb is not watching if not will kana scolding like hell. I also saw the chinese bowls i wanted at tangs, price is double compared to the one at Temple street but is prettier. But it will not match with the red chopstick i bot the other day, so must buy chopstick again. Me very lei chei hor

Me now have the feeling dunno if the strips really work....abit of contradicting mindset. Now at D16..so may tell hubby still 'bang' just in case...hehe..typical kiasu S'porean.

I got my strip from the same supplier as Yvonne, i believe the strips work lei. I tested for 5 days from negative, to light, to very dark line and last day negative again.

So the strips will go from no line then to faint line then to dark line is it? Or any possibility tat from no line then straight if +ve will see the dark line? ANy idea? I mean we will sure see faint line first B4 the dark line? Cos now no line at all, only see the control band line tat show it is working.

Awy, was told may not ovulate after M/c for 2 or 3 cycles. Dunno true or not

the strips will not go from nothing, to 1 line to 2 line (1 faint 1 darker) and then 2 lines which is the same darkness. As long as the Test line is not dark or the same darkness as Control line, it is negative, be it that you have 2 lines. Some days, i tested, there will be 2 lines ( 1 dark 1 light) and some days I tested only 1 Control line, there are all negative, it does not mean that today you test, only 1 Control line and tmr you test, 2 lines (1 light and 1 dark) that the day after tmr you test, it is going to be 2 lines again, it can be just 1 control line.

Like you said, it is possible that from no line then straight to positive.

I am the same as you, I tested till day 32 then become positive,you now only day 16.

BB words is very credible becos she is going FET so her ovulation is monitored by dr and on top of that she is using the strips to confirm it. Do not worry about it so much, just keep on testing till you see positive :) And if you are gonna ask me what if it never going to be positive and when stop, then look out for menses, if your menses come before the strips turn positive, then maybe you did not ovulate at all. Like you said the last menses you had was like over 40 days, so your ovulation should be 20, 30 over days.

you went taka? shd call me along, thinking of going JL cos got sale :)

The pot is just a pot, any divider in the middle, like the one we saw at meidi-ya which can have 2 different soup base? me looking for 1 like that leh but if possible big one.

on top of the strips, me and BB also doing temperature chart so at least we can double confirm on the ovulation lor

Tks for the detailed explainations....Me never succeed in taking temperature. I always failed on temperature taking as either I forget, diff timing...aiya me just nvr put effort lor on temp taking. 'Lazy' shld be the word.

But these few days have discharges, but not those stretchy egg white type, more to dry and sticky.

Will keep on using OPTs, but can only do up to 26x. Now oledy email the supplier reccomend by Joy's mum. Hope he has stocks.

Not really sure abt how the BCP works with lucrin, Wat I know is BCP also one kind of surpression, so y we need both together?

I will go ahead to start the jab by end Jan, I rather take 1 more week lucrin than waiting for 1 more cycle. I have been waiting long enough.

I will start ACU this week and after that twice a week until ET. Hopefully its help.

How abt you?

not everyone needs to take the OCP pills, if the dr audit your file and said you need to take then you take, I need to take from day 2 onwards iregardless of whether hit CNY, that is to regulate the menses and what dr loh said is that i can take 1 more week or lucrin or alternatively take 28 to 35 days of OCP pills and delay the start of lucrin
If I start lucrin on day 21, then I just extend 1 more week if hits the CNY.

My last cycle with NUH, i did not take OCP pills too lor and my menses was delay, so i think maybe if at that time, I take OCP pills, menses might be more regular, I will see on day 2 how many pills is that per day and how many times, I hate pills, too many then I rather injection :)

My menses coming on 18th or 19th, so from then check with nurses if hit CNY or anything that need to be adjusted, then finalise my protocol.

yesterday saw the makan king and got belacan silat fish in Bedok Blk 85, today must go and eat, like so nice, I always never bother to walk to the behind stalls, only those near the bua chor mee there and did not even know of that stall, pork knuckles too. yummy.
Hi Yvonne

I still not understand what is your concern leh, if your mensus come on 17th Jan, your ER and ET dates wouldn't fall on CNY week, right?
Yvonne, which stall?

Let me know ok? also feel like eatiing....

Hey my temp today come down leh 36.3 so now i am confuse liao... did i O or not... Sigh.... but dun think cna bang now... too tired..

Nanz, i am ordering my test kit with clement (Yvonne intro one) u want? i can order more for you as well.
I also need to take the OCP on day 2 of mensus. may I know how to judge day 2 cos my mensus sometime very light flow for 2 days then start to have slightly more..
Is it start to have a bit of staining count as day 1 already?

I manage to buy the test strips from clement. thanks for sharing his contact.

Looks like most of us starting the process soon..Let's Jia You Together...

initially I dunno my menses coming on 18th or 19th so I worry that it will hit CNY but even if it comes on 18th or 19th, I will probably start puregon on the week that the lab close for CNY so my scanning might be affect too, (I wonder if KKIVF also close on that week, cos the last time the nurse told me that they are close, wonder if she is referring to the whole KKIVF or just the lab), I calculated and for Jan the best is to have menses starting the week first and last week, if not might be affected lor.

that's why double check with ovulation kit is the best else our body temp sometimes funny one, you saw my chart too right.

Nanz has the contact of Joy's mum or something which will lead her to this clement yap contact, same supplier.
I bought my steamboat pot from Tang's the one wt devider. i made tomyum base and clear chicken stock base. it comes wt a see thru glass lid.


I like Tupperware products cos it is lifetime warranty and even for wear and tear, you can exchange so during my condo bazaar, I saw a stall selling tupperware and went over to have a look, they passed me their contact and this older lady mentioned at that time that she is helping the other younger lady to build up customer base, I did not think so much about it then but today, I called the contact and wanted to enquire some products, then I found out that she is helping her daughter who is a bit mentally disable and is attending special school now, she mentioned something that for them more difficult to get employment so she wanted to teach the daughter for 3 years about this tupperware business and hopefully she can pick up something and be independent.

They came over to my place just now and this mother is a very patience and amiable person, obviously she does all the explanation without being pushy and actually tupperware usually have promotion price but only when you get the first item at regular price, then you enjoy the promotion price but this mother buys the beauty products for herself and then get promotion prices for the tupperwares and sell them all at promotion prices without having to get the first item at regular price.

Her reason for doing so is that she only wanted her daughter to learn something as she tagged along her mother and now is school holiday for her daughter as well, the mother wanted to help the daughter to build up customer base too. This mother is a working mother and run her own business too so her purpose is not to make profit out of it, just wanted a chance for her unfortunate daughter whom I think is very fortunate to have a mother like her.

Therefore if anyone of you or your friends, relatives interested in tupperware products, why not give this girl a chance to learn something.

Do give them a call at 6334 3618 (Mrs Koo) if anyone is interested. Thanks.
