IVF/ICSI Support Group


I ever ask my hubby is it we 'bang' wrongly tat why cannot conceive huh...I was joking with my colleague the other time 'it is cover blanket then can get preggie, like in TV show'...haha..but heard after 'bang' reccomend for ladies to rest on bed for abt 20mins b4 getting up to wash up....u gals heard b4?
nanz, i heard b4...raised ur legs and lie down for 20 mins...i tried also but didn't work for me. so dunno true or not...u can try...no harm trying.

pp, u also blur hor

To be more in depth...any good methods/advice to 'minimise' sperm from flowing out huh...me realise after 'bang' sometime sperm flow out even when i still on bed...like very waste..hhehe..dun mind getting abit personal..but tis is the oni place i dare to check on this personal issues cos u gals will understand... tks

is true if can dont get up better still so meaning must bang before you zzzzzzzz. Just put a pillow below yr butt. Also dependng on the position of yr uterus, my position is not good so if i stand up it will flow out alot. 1 of the chinese sinseh say i must do doggie style so the sperm can aim better to my uterus, so i tried. But after finish cannot ask me to stay that dog position for 30mins right???i turn over so that i can lie down, but everything flow out when i try to turn, So now hor i dont doggie liao, so wasted mah.

I rmbr when i was doing ET, dr ever said b4 my uterus abit 'curve' in (if i did not rmbr wrongly), tat why she need to use another needle that can bend in order to insert in the embies tat time....Yah i tried doggie style b4 but same me always face 'sperm' flowing out problem. Tat y, sometime i wonder if we do it wrongly. hehe..
hi gals me also... but what i did it i cordinate with my hubby and make it a fast one... and managed to hold it in....
my womb is 90degree to the right worst right???
hi gals me also... but what i did it i cordinate with my hubby and make it a fast one... and managed to hold it in....
my womb is 90degree to the right worst right???

Me oso sure shower and clean the V area after sex...dunno when I wash the V area will i wash away the sperm oso...but if dun shower i feel uncomfy leh. I wonder why TV show always show after bang straight can sleep dun need wash meh...I will feel dirty lah.
I use to be like you but now i do not wash after finish. Hb say how can it be dirty if is coming fr me and him
It took me a while to get use to it. even if i want to wash i will wait for 1 hr later. I also try not to pee after that, this is quite difficult cos i always feel like peeing. Want to preggie really not easy.

Ur hubby got a point there! Umm,me will try to hang around on bed for an hour the next 'bang'. Yeah, not easy and especially for woman it will be more lay chey oso...need to monitor our body here and there...hiaz...for guys the job is much easier just need to deposit and definitely no problem for them to shower after 'bang'...But think they may be mentally stress too...tat day me oso telling hb, for women we tend to be more expressive and we can look for support groups or even confide in close gf. But for men leh, like our hubbies I am sure they also stress and hope to have BB too...but who and where can they confide in, other than their wife. Cos most men will have this 'ego' thing, so will they confide in their friends on this type of issue?
Well, my hb nvr give me a reply on tis.
Jus a thought...
Next time we should start a support group for the guys
it will be so interesting to see what they will share.
Dear all,

I had disappeared from this thread for a long time. However, thou i didnt post, I have been reading all your posting very often.

This is my 3rd attempt of IVF (fresh cycle-cannot imagine my determination right!!!) . I am with Dr Loh now.

Had my ET on 16 Dec 06. Did my blood test on 3 Jan 07. It was positive. But the happiness did not last for long. My hcg level was so low. Think is only 59. Today did another blood test and it only increase by 4 pts... am schedule for another blood test on Monday, and to see Dr on Tues. The nurse say it could be an ectopic or chemical pregnancy.... not much hope liao...

Anybody with such experience? Can pls share... I don't know how long I can take this anymore... breaking down soon.. hope sisters here can give me some advice. Good or bad, i just want to be prepared....

since you say good or bad, you want some advise, then I will share mine with you. I cannot give you an answer becos we dun no what god is doing but I can share with you my experience, however sorry that mine was a bad one.

I was tested positive before under natural conceive, the reading was about 35 only, the next 2 days went up to 79 and then next 2 days went up to 150 over but still it was no good, a couple of days later, very heavy blood flow down my leg and stain the floor. Every 2 days when you do blood test, it shd be doubled.

I was told from the beginning that such low reading is bad and be prepared for miscarriage. Even though the dr prescribe support injection every other day, it was not good enuf. Take it that you failed the cycle and anything that comes out well in the end is a bonus or god's testing. I salute your determination. Is this the first time you got positive reading? then it is already a bonus cos that means you can get pregnant, that was what the doctor told me after I miscarriaged.

You will need sometime before your emotion can go back to normal, i know and went thru the waiting and hoping period of wishing that everything turns out well too but pls dun give up even if it does not go well. My second miscarriage was better, reading was 500 over but after 6th week, no heart beat deteched and even though the reading went up and went to 20000 over, I ended doing a D&C too. for some,There are miscarriages at 25 mths too where they have to induce and give birth to still born babies, it tragic but harsh truth so that's why i told you to take it that you failed this cycle again. Plan for the next one, we all learn to do that already, I am going to start my fresh this mth but also planning to look for another job when I fail again, i think in this way, we can keep on going and trying.

should your menses come before next monday or tuesday, go straight to the 24 hrs, at this early stage, you need not do any D&C, it will be as per normal, like your menses come.

Nowsaday things always happen opposite from what i thought so hope that my "thoughts" here will turn out opposite too, bet against on my bad luck now and hope you will turn out to be a winner. Take care.
nanz, pp, bb,

one nurse told me that after your hb finished, do not take it out from the V immediately cos some sperms will be drawn out as well, keep it inside till it becomes soft, then take it out, so that there is no vacuum air to take some sperms along when he withdraw.

Another gynae advised me not to wash immediately too.

However if lying down for longer time helps then I think KKH stands is not true cos after ET, you have to come down almost immediately right?
Hi Yvonne,

Thanks for your posting.

Yes, this is my first positive. In fact, on Wed when I went for my first blood test, I was all ready for a negative. I even told HB why not we dont even do the blood test cos' when I tested at home, it was twice negative. We have even plan to book a holiday to Turkey this coming CNY.

Indeed the positive result came as a surprise. But at the same time, this is even a worst nightmare. Is like hanging in the air. Dont know up or down now.

Think you are right. I better take it as a failure again. And if things turn out fine on Mon,Tues that will be a bonus....

BTW, may I know why should I go to the 24 hr clinic if my menses come before Mon? Will they need to do anything?

i fully understand the kind of feeling that now you are hanging in the air by a very thin line. When my beta was low and when it went up doubled, dr did a scan and said like there are 2 dark dots and could be 2 sacs (twin) but after my flood came, it is really like those drama type miscarriage, suddenly like urine flow out down your leg and stain the floor, i ran to the toilet and all the way, blood drops along it, i panic and told my sis to give me a pad and then after clean up, I called the dr and he asked me if there are blood clots out, he told me to squeeue the blood clots and see if can cut thru type, if can, means normal blood clots if still stick together then it is the pregnancy stuff, initially he even want me to bring down the blood soaked panty but i told him i wash it off liao so he told me to go down and see him immediately lor and did another scan and blood test again, the scan showed that the 2 dark dots no longer there and and blood test show increase in Beta but not high again, usually only after a few days after miscarriage then the beta will drop if not usually around the same or even up a bit.

You need to call your clinic at least to inform them if menses come, at least they can advised you what to do, to go down or not then dr will do a check on you. But funny part is that when my beta was 35, my urine test kit can still pick up the positive reading leh.
Hi Yvonne,

I am with Dr SF Loh from KKH.

I tested myself around day 12 day. Negative. Than tested again around day 16. Still negative. So i thot gone liao lor. Actually, better totally gone than now...sign !!!!
Hi Seow

I have read your post before when u were here in 2005.

I was having the low beta in my previous pregnancy too, I was natural conceived, the 1st reading was only 28, after that the increase was 50, 82 and 95.... it had not even hit 100 then it started to fall. Despite I was given "thousand" hormone jabs by Dr Chris Chen, but it just couldn't help and what I could do was just to wait for it to flow out when my af came and it is considered a mc.

Now looking back, I would think that it is very unlucky bacos I had mc. But, think +vely, I would be considered "lucky" cos: -

1) I dun need to go through the D&C process;
2) it is proven that I can conceive although with 1 blocked tube; and
3) I din suffer long as it timing was very short so I can pick up myself faster.

After 1 year, although I can't conceive naturally again and I have decided to go for IVF. I still think this is a great (although painful) experience to me, at least I know I am stronger now and is more ready to face any consequences this round.

But, don't give up until Dr loh final announcement ok? Miracle might happen any time... Take care of yourself for the time being.

I think my af is coming soon and better e-mail to Dr Loh to ask for his opinion to ease my mind. will keep you updated.

I think the contraceptive pills to me now is a bit too late.
Hi Koala,

Yes, I have been with Prof Chen for the past 2 ivf but with no result. This is the first time with KKH and first time positive. In fact, i am just telling myself to seek a second opinion. That is the reason of me switching to KKH.

When I got the result this afternoon, my first thot was to go back to see Prof. But I know he will scold me upside down....haaaa

Yes, I know. I am not giving up yet. But at the same time, I am not giving myself too much hope. Just in case i fall from greater heights....

I think at this moment, nothing much u can do except sit back and relax. I know is not easy, but u have to try, divert your attention to other things. If it make it, it will be a bonus, if can't, then you will have to do a mini confinement when your af is here. (Touch wood !!!)

My af was last for 20 days, it is not like normal af, very cramping and painful...

thanks. yes, i know nothing much that i can do now. just cant help but keep thinking why should these thing happen to me...sigh!! i have failed 2 cycle but i managed to get over with it fast. but this time round seems more difficult. perhaps i was so close yet so far in getting preggie....

anyway, will see what Dr Loh say. wonder if he will still put me on hormones support or terminate it immediately....
HI girls.
I wanted KK more than Prof Ng. But, as for KK I need to wait till APril I cant wait.. so I need to go with Prof Ng. Anyone know how we can push our IVF dates earlier?
Hi deer,
You may talk to yr doc in kkivf and explains the needs to do ivf asap. i was with sheila loh and managed to start ivf almost immediately. no harm trying!
Hi seow,
remember me? wonder you read abt my second fresh cycle on our thread here. had low reading at 34. then went up ro 37.....knowing it's a gone case. i still rush to see my chinese sinseh to do acupunture, hope for miricle. while doing acup in the room, i cried and calling my hb while he was overseas. I was devestated. cried everytime think of what's happening to myself. 4 days later the blood test show reading drop to 11. so i just wait for my menses to flow.

if your reading doesnt go up double aft each blood test. most likely dr wont give you any jab to support. I think i'm one of the rear one that had gone thru 3 rounds befor i hear positive result over the phone. i definitely know what you are going thru now.

one thing i have faith in dr loh. so i stick to him all the way. somehow we trust him. and i hope you will also have faith in whoever dr you are seeing. cos i do believe that helps too. mean while you just have an open mind. me too 3rd time lucky. i believ you can make it too. hug hug.

the contraceptive pills are to be given when day 2 of af, so you can still take it, why do you need to take the contraceptive pill (OCP pill)too? is it a standard procedure for KKH, I thought I need to take becos my cycle is very long and irregular according to the nurse but when I did mine in NUH, the dr did not prescribe me all these lor, so when I saw a few gals here also mention about taking the contraceptive pills, i puzzled too cos this is not for safe sex but for my irregular menses (still sound weird to me)

maybe you can email Dr loh, he will reply you the next day or so, since he mentioned no harm to extend lucrin or extend OCP pills, maybe you would like to start this mth lor if you want, I felt better after I email him and ask for his advise but I forgot to ask him why take the contraceptive pills for the irregular menses, how does it helps? so if you email him or see, help me to ask can? cos I being emailing him too often last few days, too paiseh liao :)

I even asked him if PCO or ovulation problem women will have older eggs and more chances of DS bb or not :) luckily his replys are acceptable to me :)

yes, alot of times, if you talked to the dr directly in KKH, they can help you to advance your date, alternatively, you can try calling NUH, they should be slightly faster than KKH, in term of charges, they are more expensive but cheaper than gleneagles and in term of skills, Prof PC Wong is famous (pioneer for that too), there are threads where the gals are doing it in NUH, you might want to visit and check with them.
the nurses keep refusing me to go this month.
Cause they schedule me for April to May. My hubby will be on 1 month reservist out town... sigh...
When you do the ER , is it under GA or .. ?
Also, is the 2nd injection done at the thigh? it is the very painful ones right? cause I know in Glenagles it is done subcutaneous into the tummy.. so much lesser pain...

what you girls think?
my idol's hair getting very long liao. my apt wt him on wed he looked very tired and his hair was so long. i think he's really so busy until got no time to go for hair cut. i think he must be one of the busiest dr in KK.

you stil have 2 more weeks to go befor you can leav the com right?

hope aft your quit, you can have all the time to relax and free mind to do the fresh cycle.

you shd make appt to see dr and tell him to help you, the nurse cannot do much w/o dr telling them, just tell dr that you cannot do then cos hb not around.

In NUH, ER is under GA but KKH is just sedation (almost wanted to type seduction)

the second injection is the puregon that you are talking about? all the injections are tummy, only projesterone jab is backside for me cos i skinny, if thigh then needle sure kenna bone :)

you think he wants japanese cut too, then next time, I ask my hb to bring along a sissor and cut on the spot :)
I think he like to keep his hair long type leh, always like beatles style even when cut short is also bowl type leh, never really very very short hor.

yes i think he and sheila very busy but again, most kk doctors are busy too, many ppl go there leh, women lah, children lah.

Last day on 16th but now hor, they try to retain me by offering more $$$ and you know lah, I cannot resist $$$ one, so I told my hubby if they can afford what I want, then i consider. Shit! I thought I told BB that I sure positive after 2ww but now got chance of negative again leh.... i cannot give in so easily, i must be determine but what if they really offer me what i want, shd i stay or shd i go la la la.
HI Yvonne,

hahahaha.. it would be funny if KKH seduce us to be sedated.

anyway.. is it scary then to be sedated only instead of GA? painful?
Is it true that kkh one whole week holiday? Do you think it is a waste to se Prof Ng and spend the extra money?

GA or sedation are not scary cos after that you know nothing, just sleep. KKH only 2 or 3 days MC for fresh IVF and fet is one day I think, but for NUH is MC all the way till you test blood for pregnancy, ( 2 week hospitalised MC)

anyway there are a few good ones to do IVF, so do check each one out and decide which one is the best for you. ( actually quite obvious lah, the one that most go to is usually the more popular one and definitely there are reasons for it lor, I am sure $$ is not the main issue too cos most of us would even pay more if we know certain place have a better or higher chances of getting preggy :)

One very good method (if you dun mind to waste a bit) is to make appt with those doctors and talked to them, see which one sound more logical and more comfortable for you. Becos when you start with them, dun forget that you might need to continue till you used up all the frozen ones too before you can switch to another doctor and changing from one doctor to another, you might need to go thru round of tests and waste $$ again.

your idol very funny leh, I asked him if i can do hysteroscopy this mth, he replied:" huh? what for? etc etc... so I told him the reason and then I asked him if it is unneccessary since I already done HSG so I wrote:" so dr you think the hysteroscopy is " draw legs on the snake?" and you guess what is his reply? he replied:" dear yvonne, you got ink! ;-) not exactly hua shi tian zhu (pardon me for my poor hanyupin yin) etc etc.....

he very funny hor, actually he only made 1 mistake on the han yupin yin, that is the hua se tian zhu but his is hua shi tian zhu (angmoh accent)
Deer Deer
Is never a waste to see Prof, dont be confused with what i told you, i just dont feel comfortable with him but he has many patient . You should talk to both doc. and feel for yourself. Well if KK is very busy (especially in Feb due to PH) i dont think the doc can do much to help you. Most of us hv waited 1 or 2 mths You should keep the appt given to you by KK than when you decided not to do it at pte hospital after seeing the doc., at least you hv 1 stand by. FYI, Prof is away quite often as well so you might want to check his schedule.

Spank you la! You want to be tai tai or not? Unless they pay you 50% more, do not stay! If not later very difficult to quite. When will they let you know?

i know, that is what i have in mind, if they pay me 50% more then it will be negative but less, than bye bye to them lor :)

our meeting was halfway thru, to be continue on monday :)

how are you feeling?

actually my hb also waiting for me to confirm resignation cos he might want to take leave to go HK with me end of Jan but then I thought dunno want to postphone it or not, maybe go in Mar cos I worry fail again then at least I can escape oversea mah if I go holiday in Jan, mar he will not be able to take leave to go with me :-( somemore these 2 days leave that he promised to take one is I throw big temper then he try to pacify me one ( very nan de one)
yvonne, dr loh sure have ink too

if u stay then they mite give u more shit since they are paying u more. if u really feel sian abt the job then stay firm...give it some tots.

bb, how are you feeling? got guai guai or not?

they cannot give me more shit becos basically now I already handle all shit and things pertaining to my dept. :)


Apart fr yr sick Manager, if you enjoy what you are doing + they are going to pay you 50% more, can consider la. HK is short trip anytime can go. But are you able to take at least 1 week MC after yr ET? The pill i am taking for tickening the linning is Progynova (estrogen) and 1 of the side effect is increase appetite so for a week now i hv been eating alot. Hmmmmm must control if not very fat, eat & sit eat & lie


how's yr gastric? When you say still cannot eat fruits and vege, did you actually tried?
Is weekend and hb is around so how not to be guai? We went for lunch and movie yesterday and afte he says must go home and lie down for at least 1 hr. I ie on the sofa most of the time and he even tells me how i should get up, like making a slow motion movie
I do not feel anything but this time round cos is FET (sorry i will say it again i hv no confidence) so i am very relax. So i told him to stop stressing me.
Another 8 days to go not too bad.

Girls, i watch the movie blood diamond, is very good so dont miss it!
