IVF/ICSI Support Group

Sashamama, thanks! The docs and nurses all kept double checking if I was all right to go ahead with ET today, hahah... think if they saw me yesterday when the side effects of the sedative were still there, definitely would have said no!

Thanks ladies. I really hope my lining is ok when scan tomorrow. Was already on progynova 12mg (max max already and estrogen patches since sat. I hope by tomorrow have already grown 2 mm. Hoping and praying and hoping and praying ~ very scared

Congrats Pinkdoll!

Hey Berry, lets JY together!
Heartbeats, drink red dates longan tea and red bean soup. It helps
Ceo38, Piglet02, mc_007, Dee
Thanks for the advices.

My husband has a bad morphology percentage.
He had two SA's and the result is the same. He had taken GNC Fertility Blend for 2-3 months, the sperm count increased but the morphology (abnormal looking sperms) is still the same. We have not spoken to fertility specialist yet. Im planning to go to polyclinic this thursday to get referal letter to NUH or KK.

pinkdoll, congrats on your BFP.
Hi Shasamama

I wil b doin it et KKH n my doc is Matthew Lau. Thanx for e werds of encouragement. So any idea, wat to makes our eggs healthier n strong enough to implant?
meeting Dr Loh tommorrow at TMC, first time. please please please Dr Loh, please be my santa claus. please tell me that my big uterus can be gone away. please tell me that my thick lining can be reduced.
Hi Hope,

Wow, you managed to book the appt to see Dr Loh. Dont worry, Dr Loh has magic hands. Can you help me ask him abt the cost if we are following him from kkh? thou i hv decided to follow him, I wan to be mentally prepared for the $$$ involved. :p
Thank you very much.

Hi PinkDoll, congrats!!! Hv a smooth 9 m ahead. Catching your baby dusts.

Hi Berrybaby, hugz. I also not young liao. We JY together.
Hi ladies, good morning. Thanks!!! I wish baby dust upon all of you as well

LuvnHope and Sasahmama, my BT reading was 363. Every week still needs to go back to do BT for another 1-2 mths or until doc says no need.

Sarah and Rabbit, actually I didn't do much during 2ww but I tried to maintain stress-free and not think too much. It's really difficult esp during the 2ww as nothing to do at home and I got mood swings. Thankfully my DH took few days leave on 2nd week and accompany me out. Below are what I did during my 2ww. Mainly as advised by sisters in prev tread.

Drink longan red date drink and warm water
Eat brazil nuts (5-6 pieces each day)
Eat 2-3 hard-boiled egg whites (I don't dare to eat half-boiled)
Drink H2O sometimes when feeling very bloated
Wear home slipper during day
Wear socks to sleep
Talk to my embbies everyday
Go for short morning walk during 2nd week

I don't have much symtoms during 2ww except the following.
Serious hungry pangs (never experience before one. Sometimes I get so hungry that I woke up from my sleep and has to go cook instant noodle) Feel very bloated and not much appetite during dinner
Sore boobs

I'm praying for everything to be smooth smooth for the next 9M. Looking forward to first scan 2 weeks later. Pray Pray Pray...
SGtwist, are you planning to see a particular gynae / specialist? B'cos if I'm not wrong, fertility treatment has no subsidies even with polyclinic referral letter. Maybe other sisters can correct if I'm wrong. You might want to choose a fertility specialist who is experienced and whom you are more comfortable with and stick to the same person rather than having a different gynae for each visit. Just my thos
Good morning ladies,

Did anyone experience aches (something like muscle ache) in the sides of their upper abdomen after ER? I've been having these aches since ER and I can't figure out how they came about... Makes lying on my side very uncomfortable! Just wondering if i'm the only one..

Pinkdoll, thanks for sharing your experience!
Ceo, yeah, i'm referring to ER. It's not near the uterus area, so i don't think it would affect implantation. But it is very frustrating and uncomfortable. Wonder if it's too much time in the stirrups that strained my muscles??!!
i called KKIVF, nurse says, "it's ok"!! and say i continue to go for blood test as DOCUMENTATION this friday and make appt for next dr appt. sobzzzzz
Rabbitpig, I had spotting too& emailed Dr Loh, he said it may be implantation bleeding but it continued for 2days & I emailed him again & he asked me to go for early test..

So I think u can go for early test too?
Rabbitpig, insist on an early BT and if there is hcg reading, ask for progesterone support from Dr Loh. It will really help if it is positive.
Rabbit, i agree with the rest that you should go for early BT. Day 14/15 can do BT already.

BB2012, you can get Brazil nuts from carrefour or those nuts counter at some shopping malls like vivo, causeway pt and jurong pt.
Babyjourney, i keep asking the TMC nurse how how how? my period is here already, i must see Dr Loh. how how how? so, TMC nurses get Dr Loh's PA to call me the next hour... so i get to see him tomorrow LOL...
Hope, good good... must be persistent... i m so excited for you. I also waiting for my period to report this mth. Maybe we can be cycle buddy. hehehe...

It's prob bloating that caused the ache. The night i did my ER, i couldn't move after i lied down on the bed. I couldn't turn to the side either, and peeing hurts abit. No worries, its prob slight OHSS. It should be gone in a week. As long as symptoms dun worsen. Drinks lots of fluid and isotonic drinks to ease the bloat.
sgtwist..if u get a referral from Polyclinic, u cannot choose yr gynae..meaning u will see diff doc everytime. the advantage is that cost is cheaper. Also, if I am not wrong, subsidized patients do not entitled to night or weekend clinic at TPS if u are gg KKH.

i went to get the refferal too but didn't use it ultimately.
Hi ganie,

Thanks! I see... that's a possible explanation for the mysterious ache! Do notice I'm getting more bloated. Gotta force myself to drink more then, though i don't feel like drinking
Hi LuvNhope, mine like gastric pain... and I got diarrhea, and my mouth super don't feel like drinking water :-( Thankfully, I got better on the ET day.

Yeah, i had gastric pain too. I attributed it to my vomitting the day before and my stomach being empty for too long, but boy oh boy, it persisted for a few days... Think it was also the side effects of the sedative. Terrible those few days. You're in 2ww now too right? How ya been feeling?
LuvNhope, I didn't vomit but diarrhea... funny huh?! I'm better after the ET, and yes, in 2ww now and trying to prevent sore throat as have been eating heaty stuff. Other than that, I don't feel anything. I've started work two days after my ET and have been busy and hoping for the best.
Oh I had diarrhea too on the night of ER! Funny. My slight bloatedness n diarrhea got better today.

Hope, can I ask Wat time u seeing dr Loh tmr at tmc? I just wanna check cos he is supposed to do ET for me tmr 7:30am. Lolx

Btw, gals, anyone heard of eating walnuts other than brazil nuts? And pineapple too?
I tested HPT yesterday as i was feeling so nausea and very hungry thru the night for 2 days..it was 1st nothing then came another line after a minute or two! It's two cool purple lines!! Positive!

So my turn to spread babydusts here
Hooray!!!! Congrats chrisl! *grabbing BB dusts*
Can share your symptoms n Wat u did for 2ww? Yst is Hw many days pass transfer?

Hope, thanks
