IVF/ICSI Support Group

Oops, sorry, I meant pinkdoll :p

All the best for ur BT!!!

What operation are you going for? I recall NUH doctors wanted to do an op for me to cut away the part of my uterus that is infected with adenomyosis then sew it back. But this procedure is too dangerous. They did it before for 1 lady. End up she got pregnant and when the uterus expanded, at her 5th month, her sewn uterus burst open and her bb died. Hope u r not going for such a procedure cos there're risks involved.
Thanks Tanny/Pinkdoll/Sashamama! Think i'll go without the essence then cos i only have the 'mixed' type

Yes Pinkdoll, im also in my 2ww, tomorrow will be my 11dp2dt..how many days are you now? Im feeling rather tired sometimes too. Maybe i've been lazing around so much these days..hehe. I am so tempted to test hpt tomorrow.. but i only left with 3 sticks...

piglet my method is to boil in slow cooker as i don't have to 'watch fire'. I use the smallest type..think should be 1 liter. I rinse and de-seed 15 red dates (well leave the seed in if you want 'more heaty' +a handful of wolfberries +small knob/slices of dried longans+ 1 liter water, switch on the slow cooker and put on high heat. Boil for like a few hours until the water turns to brownish/blackish tea colour, then it's ready. I usually drink like it is
but you can add rock sugar to taste if you like
Oh a note also, i cook it usually overnight in slow cooker on (Auto mode)and the next morning, i have 1 liter of tea ready
hey heartbeat don't give up hope! Maybe try eating red bean to increase lining? I read before that it helps and also drink raspberry tea it can strengthen your uterus

I retrieve 7 eggs, only 2 fertilized, grade 2 & 4. On ET day, Dr Loh very encouraging, saying that even though the grade is not very good, but some patients’ bfp with grade 1 & 2 embryos. I left with 0 embryo for my 1st (8 eggs, only 2 fertilized, according to Dr Sadhana, who is my 1st ivf cycle’s dr, my embryos is graded good) & 2nd cycle. My DH has low motility.

Currently I seeing Dr Zou, hope this will help for my 3rd fresh cycle. After discussing with my DH, we decided to follow Dr Loh to TMC, hope that the change of environment will help me to success on the 3rd cycle.
u r one brave lady!

actually my total bill came up to abt 5k+ only... but i added in the BT and scans to be done prior and after the procedure (those that u gotta pay on the spot) and it adds to abt 6k.... i think becos i was on 200 units of puregon for abt 8 days only and went for ER.... mine was ICSI some more... this was 2 years back.

Like what sashamama says, do check out the risk involved in the surgery u are going for... and after the surgery do take time to build up ur body too...

i will definitely try again.... this fet has got me rev up abt having a 2nd child....

Is ur ET today? All the best!

all the best for ur BT
Hi Eskimo,

Thks for asking! Yes, just had ET today.
Was feeling terrible after ER cos of the sedative side effects. Vomitted n had fainting spells. Very scary. Thankfully feeling much better today n cld go ahead wif D3 transfer. Now can only hope for the best!

Sorry abt ur FET. Stay positive! You'll give ur kid a sibling eventually.
Had been a silent reader recently.

congrats to those with BFP!!!

I am also in 2ww. blood test on friday. Till now, no spotting... no other symtoms except pulling cramps. Tried to test on my Day 11, and was negative!
Sadzzzzz.... Isn't day 11 a good day to test??
Haro Ching, my ER was this morning. Retrieved 6 only
my last 1st fresh long protocol retrieved 10 & 5 fertilized. Tis time round it seems worse even though I was on dhea for 4 months plus and heavy dosage of puregon n menopur... I can't help feeling sad... Sorry if I gave u gals negative vibes... Sigh
Stay positive! That day you were so worried abt your lining thickness, end up it increased, right? Who knows the quality is better this time? As Luvnhope said, you just need one to BFP!!!

Enjoy your 2ww! Eat well & rest well...
Strawberry, Sorry for the mixed up.

BTW, my BT is BFN... so disappointing. Now got to wait for AF to report and see Dr Yong again mid Jan to decide when to do another FET. Guess all the house moving is really bad even when my embies were all so good on thawing...

Don't worry too much about your lining thickness. Just to share with you that I BFP with a lining thickness of 6mm and it was FET. My son is already 13 months old now

Just concentrate and keep an open heart and mind. Believe in yourself and your embbies
Berrybaby, i was with SGH. i was having my 1st cycle with them, but result was not successful. now i am waiting for Dr Loh to transfer to TMC.
Thanks Sue! Have u started stimulation stage already?

Hey Eskimo, I hope I have the patience to endure 2ww! Can't help thinking abt my every move n action, haha...
Hope, who were you with at SGH?
This is my first FET. Did my 1st fresh cycle in 2009 and successfully delivered in May 2010.

I like the nurses there, very nice and caring.
Hi gals, thks for all the well wishes! I got a BFP. Am very happy but at the same time crossing my fingers and praying hard that everything smooth smooth for the next 9 mths.

Berrybaby, *hugz* sorry to learn of your bfn. Don't give up trying. U have succeeded before and u will succeed again.
Dear Berrybaby,
Don't be demoralised for too long ya? Persist and I'm sure you'd graduate from here soon
What are your next plans?

Dear LuvnHope,
All the best in your 2WW! I was extremely bloated during mine. Remember to take more egg whites!!!

Dear Rabbitpig,
All the best for your BT this Friday! You'll never know if you might have late implantation.

Dear Ceo,
At least there were eggs retrieved!!! There is still chance! For my first fresh at NUH, only 6 follicles retrieved when I had 21 inside. And In those 6 follicles only 1 had egg and as expected, that 1 didn't make it into an embryo so I didn't even have ET. For my this 2nd fresh cycle, I had 7 retrieved but only 2 made it into embryos, I had no frozen. And I BFP. So the qty you have is ok, no worries!!!

Hi wondergal,
I recall gals here stop acupuncture and TCM the moment they start on IVF. I stopped the moment I was on the 10-week lucrin. You just started IVF?

Dear pinkdoll,
CONGRATS!!! What was your bHCG reading?
About the red date drink, can buy the sweetened dried longan, so when u throw in to cook, it will be sweet. No need to put sugar. Can get from the provision or shop selling dried food stuff.
