IVF/ICSI Support Group

Eskimobaby and Sashamama,
thanks for your inputs!
im new and im learning from all your experiences.

im planning to get a referral letter from polyclinic and arrange for an appointment with KK. we would like to ask what are other options with my hubby's condition(abnormal looking sperms/low motility).

anyone of you have the same situation?

Will continue to read on ...
Hi SGTwist, my DH got the same situation. After we consult Dr Loh from KK n he prescribed my DH with a multivitamin called "vigorace", my DH's situation improved
Hi CEO &SGTwist

Vigor Ace is a multi vitamins for men. Can be purchase at KKH pharmacy counter without prescription.

I believe for best result try taking it as least for 3 months.
Baby maps - some ladies do get headache as side effect from lucrin. Normal as long as not really bad. If pounding headache, tell the doctor/nurse.
Hi gals

I read from Internet that Royal Jelly is a good supplement for quality eggs as well. At the same time , it helps to maintain youth. Can give it a try if you are not allergic to it.

How do we know if we develop cyst easily? So far, I had cyst once after I went through two rounds of SO-IUI. I was given medication and was ok. I was told it is a side effect of the stimulation jab.
for me i went for surgery to remove a few cyst and fibriod, so i very scare it will come back again.i took for a few days initially but after i heard this from my TCM, i stopped.

so i think i better play safe...can use other method improve quality..lol
Hi gals,

I've got a question regarding natural FET, my period is finally here but its not exactly going at full flow, very scant flow, defenitely not spotting though. I'm abit troubled whether it'll affect chances. Do you think it'll be good to try FET this cycle? I'm going for a scan on monday. Any advice from those who went for natural FET?

I already went there once. Still taking my tcm like every 1 to 2 week once. Usually my tcm medication last me for abt 1 wk. sometimes lazy to brew heehee.
Hi Eskimobaby, thank u for the info. So sorry to hear it didn't work out. Hugs* pls take care n rest well.

Hi Ron, thank u for all that brilliant info. It really helps to explain both methods. Guess I really need to think of what's best. Thanks
Thanks ladies for the consolation.

I went to see Dr Loh today to review my fet. Actually they don't make any more appointments for him anymore but i told the nurse i just want to have a closure for my fet so she helped to force book an appt with him. waited almost 2.5 hrs for him. Dr Loh told me according to my bhcg, my embie did implant but just that it wasn't healthy enuff to continue growing... my only consolation is my embie fought a hard battle
... it looks like my embies don't survive the thaw well... and he doesn't seem to really like culturing blastocysts... he thinks it's wasteful as in i could have more chances by going for more fets.... well in my case it is since the survival rate is low.

I also asked him how much would it be if i were to transfer my embies over to tmc for fet. he said the transfer is only $90 and i can hand carry the embies to him. as for the fet charges, he told me is similar to kkh which means 1k-1.5k... but i remember seeing it in the spreadsheet that it cost 6k...hmmm so anyone knows where this 6k come from? is it with another gynae?

anyway he advised me to rest abt 2-3 cycles and see him for fet after cny.... most likely i'll follow up with him at tmc if the charges for fet are not too far off from kkh.
Hi joanne,
My scan should have been 20th Dec but cos I going on a trip then, i brought forward the appt to next thu 15th. if the ivf online calculator is right, i'd be 6week1day next thu, hopefully can see more than just a sac to feel more reassured.

Dear tanny,
Congrats on seeing bb's HB. this is one hurdle to cross and u have crossed it! next will be to clear 1st trimester i think. all the best
I see u r in the aug thread already. I'm silently reading, not gonna post yet, til I see HB.

Hi pinkdoll,
I also started with faint lines. only until day 18 past ET til now (yes, im still testing everyday), then i saw dark lines. so u stand a good chance. all the best!!!

Hi berrybaby,
All the best for ur BT on monday!!! u feel any symptoms so far?

Dear eskimo,
Pls don't be discouraged for too long. we must keep going and will succeed one day. what r ur next plans? Take good care, gal!

Dear ganie,
Sorry i've never done FET before, am unable to help on this. probably ask ur gynae on monday?
Hey eskimo,
Just read ur post. Good that u managed to have a discussion with Dr Loh today and he made viable suggestions. Would you be resting these few cycles and see him again in TMC? You'd decide after knowing the costs?
I would really like to follow him to tmc provided the fet cost is not 6k as mentioned in the spreadsheet. I would just need to pay for the 1 yr storage fee for my embies at tmc. most likely I'll see him after cny.
Eskimobaby,let's jiayou together ..
,,anyway,I am sure the charges for fet is not so expensive..I am under parkway east..I pay less then 4k for the medicated type..so if you are under natural,it will be much lesser..

I believe the price provided are based on other dr @ tmc..some of e dr charge sky high..so these could b the rates from e expensive dr @ tmc..prior to my visit to parkway east,I visited a dr @ tmc before..he charged me 300 for 1st consultation..
Eskimo, I think u better call up n check the transfer fees. A sister, who has 7 frozen embies, who has her embies transferred to tmc has to pay KKH $305 for last yr storage fees, $100+ transfer fees and storage fees again at tmc. She didn't Know so much money involved until she did the transfer approved by dr loh. As for the FET cost at tmc ivf, a sister here called up the ivf centre n got the rates from there.
Hi...i wil be startin e IVF treatment in April next year. Can anyone share wif me about e procedure? So far my menses is regular, m ovulating. But i doesnt noe e quality of my eggs. Its just dat my hubby sperm is not quite healthy. Doesnt meet e criteria. I had 2 miscarriages last two year. Both in e ferst trimister. So now i kinda had phobia in getttin preggy.
My storage fee at kkh is due in June so if I transfer before May I dun have to pay another yr. there's a transfer fee of $90 n yes I do need to pay another yr's storage at tmc. Dr loh did mention this to me. He still said i dun lugi so much since my storage is due in june just forfeit a few months. My main concern is the fet cost. Anyway my next fet can only be after cny so I'll call his tmc clinic and ask for his charges after he settle down.
Hi Ganie

If you feel you are ready, you can try this cycle. Are you with Kkh? If yes, you should be given aspirin to take from day 4 of menses. Aspirin helps to increase blood flow to the womb. Have you called the centre on day 1 of your cycle?
Pinkdoll, what time is yr BT? Tot Care is only open
at 830? And lab also start the same time so I think makes no diff even if u go early... I've exp abt the result time, but think shd be by 2-3pm. My last first cycle I had mild OHSS n was warded, did my BT on the day of discharge n it was BFP before I go home... Hopefully this time will b BFP too...

Sashamama, thanks for yr wishes. I had pulling pain last week, this week not so much but I'm down with slight cold n bad sore thoat these 2 days. It's interesting that everything I'll be BFP... And wish all sistas BFP too...
be down with flu, hopefully this time too.
Hi berrybaby, my hubby dropping me off before he goes office so hv to be earlier. Usually around 8plus got people inside already. Maybe we will see each other around
Wish ya all the best!!
*hugs* don't ever give up, try again!

you gals also in your 2ww? All the best for your hpt and BT!!

In 2ww, can drink chicken essence WITH cordyeceps not? Cos i read on some list some say can drink some say no herbal soup ..making me confused..
Hi Chrisl, thanks! Ya in 2ww also?

I didn't take chx essence cos I can't stand the smell. Always want to puke when I smell it. For me i stick to strictly no herbal since I'm not sure whether what can take or what cannot take. Nowadays my stomach gets especially bloated in the evening and I have no appetite for dinner. Then around midnight super hungry and has to find food.
Meryl, Ganie : I'm with Kkh but wasn't give aspirin. I think aspirin is not for everyone. Only those with that condition or recurrent miscarriage, I think, doc will prescribe.. Perhaps u check with doc first?
Meryl, Tanny,

Thanks for your advice.

Im with SGH and will be going down for a scan tmr Mon. My period has almost ended, first time that i had so little blood flow. Wonder if its normal. Was it the same with both of you?
Hi Ladies, anyone here been given and used estrogen patches? I was given that on top of progynova to use for FET as i dont respond well to progynova, max dosage already still 6mm, very sad
Dont even feel confident can proceed to do ET under Dr Loh at KKH for last time liao.
Hi heartbeat

Still positive. I believe Dr Loh will be able to help u. If not email or go see Dr Loh. Maybe he will change ur protocol.
I am given the estrogen patch also. To change a new one every 3 days. How abt urs?
According to my dr, estrogen patch works better than progynova as the absorption is directly thru our skin. Dr.Zou said that some of her patients responded well with progynova while some responded better with the patch. So, I think the result varies on individual. I hope that the estrogen patch work well for you and me! Jia you!
Hi Tanny, what condition are you referring to? FYI, my hubby and myself dont have any medical problems. Just unknown infertility.. I rem yours is medicated?
Hi nurul huda,
Welcome to the thread! i had a miscarriage 3 years ago too, I understand how you feel. Don't be dismayed, there will always be hope
Which hospital and which doc are you seeing?

Usually IVF has 3 stages. First stage your hormones are suppressed through a daily injection (or 1 injection that last a few weeks). Second stage is to stimulate your follicles to grow. And then the doc will extract your follicles, take out the eggs, collect sperm from your husband, handpick the best (so it is ok that your husband's sperm quality is not very good), then try to merge the egg & sperm to form embryos. When embroyos are formed about 2 days later, 2 best ones will be placed back into you. Whether these embryos implant themselves in you and grow or not will not depend on the doctor anymore. But there will be medication and injections to help improve the environment in you for pregnancy.

You will receive counselling from your hospital's nurse to know more abt the whole procedure

Hi chrisl,
I also took chicken essence with no herbs

Dear berrybaby,
I was also down with flu and slight cough when I BFP. Cos I got caught in a drizzle during 2WW. Worsened how I felt actually :p

Dear tanny & berrybaby,
All the best for your BT tmr!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Meryl,

It's a pretty strange menses for me, blood flow very little, only 1 blob of blood on pad on the first day (sorry, too much info), rest of the time, only when i wipe. Its red and definitely blood. Its just that it doesn't really flow... hmm... Menses started Fri in the evening, so 2 days, hmm.. more or less i guess...

I was relieved menses finally arrived, a few days late though, but now i'm wondering why menses is so little...
Actually I think Dr Loh's preferred choice is for me to go on Lucrin depot for 3 months, then IVF. However I kept thinking by suppressing menses, we are only preventing further aggravation to the uterus, it doesn't "cure" and "get rid" of the existing condition which is making it hard for me to conceive. So I opted for the operation. It's a laparoscopy cystectomy, hysterscopy ... and he's gonna KIV adeno-mystectomy.

Oh .. how come your first IVF only cost $6K+? Most people's around $9K to $10k ...

Don't be discouraged about the failed FET ... let's press on tog!

Did Dr Loh say what's the difficulty encountered with you? Have you been scheduled for the 3rd fresh or FET?

Tromso dear,
So you have decided to follow Dr Loh? When's your HB scan?

Actually .... you have been blessed with many frozen embbies ... some of us do not even have any. So if Dr Sadhana suggested D5 transfer, why don't you give it a shot? I read that the chances of implantation for D5 embby is very very high. Look on the bright side, after this D5 try, you would still have about 6 embbies! Most importantly, whichever option you choose, you must be at peace with it.

Good luck & all the best for your BT tmr!

My DH also had very low motility in his first sperm analysis 3 years ago. Then doc suggested he take Centrum (the one for elderly men i think ... ) cuz got higher zinc levels inside. Plus he took some Ayurvedic med. Surprisingly, his sperm analysis was normal the 2nd round. So don't worry too much ... ICSI is good for those with issues like low sperm count or poor quality of the sperm as it's a direct injection of a single sperm into each egg. Go get the supplements that the ladies are suggesting ....
Shashamama : did u write wrong name? My BT over few weeks ago... Hee

Dee: My ivf cost also abt 6k plus to 7k. It depend on dosage and medication and the survey whether icsi or blasto anot.

Meryl: I can't rem the name of he condition. U check with doc better to see if u can/ need to take baby aspirin.

Chris1 : I just followed everyone advice take normal chicken essence without herbs. But I take boiled cordyceps separately during the 2ww when I rem.

Jia you everyone ok?!

I saw dr loh and he says " Wah u bfp with grade 2 embryo u know" See even my fet grade 2 embbie also so powerful fighting to survive
Stay strong and positive. Important to be relaxed. I was more relaxed for fet than for fresh. Baby dust to all!!

Hi Meryl,

Thanks for assuring.. was worried whether this cycle offers the best conditions for natural FET

I guess you're right..
hopefully all goes well for scan tmr..
