IVF/ICSI Support Group

Sashamama..I am not with dr loh for my previous ivf...but seems like these few months many of you get bfp through him..he seems to be a Santa Claus giving present to every friends here..

Maybe ur dr thinks that there's still time for it to increase? When is ur ET? Try to drink more red dates + wolfberry + longan drinks. If u feel heaty, dun put longan.
Dear Ching, thanks. I emailed dr Loh and he replied by saying my estrogen level is sky high and the medicine will not help lining in this situation + if the lining remain thin, nothing at this stage will help... I am at a loss now... Sigh
Hi gals, seems like some of you have taken up healing sessions with Yoga-Inn. May I know which type of healing sessions did you enrol in?

Tanny, what kind of healing did your laoshi do for you? Reiki or Angelic?
Tanny, Sashamama,
Thanks for your encouragement ...

Yes I was seeing a TCM in Bukit Merah for few months prior to IVF, but only started taking his herbs very regularly for 2 months. However, I am going to switch to Dr Tan SB now ... seen her once immediately after the unsuccessful attempt.

Hi Wendy,
Dr Loh did not say he cannot reach my follicles. I think he actually did reach it but most of it turned out not to be actual follicles but cysts. He kept telling me my adeno is all over my uterus, implying lots of difficulty in me conceiving, even right b4 and after the ET.

Now it's getting a little tricky here ....... Dr Loh is coming back to KKH on the 30th Dec to operate on me. I am very touched with that because he said he's not supposed to be operating already then and he might even be over in TMC then .... I am comforted to know I'll be under the care of the best surgical hands in KKH. But he said he can't take care of me after the operation since he'll be gone.

I asked him about TMC charges & IVF cost there, he said key & most impt difference is that $3000 govt co-fund. Guessed for general gynae charges, shouldn't be too far off from KKH since I'm from TPS. But he said the stimulation jabs may be more expensive, which he kinda said he can try get the same pricing for me. So I even more touched.

At this moment, I'm toying with the thought of following Dr Loh to TMC for the operation after-care but stay put in KKH for the IVF since KKIVF could slot me into the FEB slot. If so, I will be transferred to Dr Matthew Lau. Dr Loh had already written down a memo in my case file for Dr Matthew Lau on what jab & how much to give me.... But I'll decide again after my op, after I get the detailed pricing from him. After he done so much, I don't follow him also I pai seh .......

Her herbs are "drinkable" even without a sweet or sour plum. Dr Zou's powdered so somehow I don't quite feel it's as "effective" as actual herbs. So far I never noticed any visible or outstanding differences ... maybe I hadn't paid much attention to it.

Aiyo ... u better don't anyhow eat food outside k ....

Oh btw, been meaning to ask you ... where did you guys get the immunocal? I tried Chinatown OG, don't have.
Wah this thread moves so fast. I usually hv time to read during my lunch time when q-ing for lunch. today i had tom yam soup.. yummy... i hope its alright. i feel ok normal.

miss my muffins. tmrw must go n eat again.. my colleague says its normal, not fantastic and too "localised" unlike spinelli type. i tot it is really niceeeee leh... whats the difference between both? localised vs ang mo muffin?

On the healings,

Strawberry : Its an hour, followed by chit chat session perhaps half an hour or so..

Piglet02 : Yes, I have that warm feeling too. Sometimes, I feel the warmth coming out from her hands. Once, I feel the warmth swirling feeling rushing up from my tummy upwards to my chest. A few times, i felt like a running ball of something across my chest like from left to right..or right to left (cant rem). It's normal.

When I first went, I wasn't very relaxed. Was tensed up and dunno what to expect.. Now that I have gone for ....15 times now, so relaxed that can sleep and she says I "snore"... wahahaha....

Shashamama : Your DH can go to the National Library to read books if he want... across the street only. Can cut across the path from the church.. got short cut but if pantang, then dont walk there....

Pinkdoll : I went for angelic healing. U just tell her healing will do.

Joanne : Yes, the payment of $900 can be split into 2 sessions. First session pays $450 and 2nd session or 3rd session pays another $450. (I cant rem). By cash only.

BabyGalore : Glad you like it! Me too, always feeling so positive after seeing her and looking forward to each session.

I love going cos I believe my beanie loves healing too.

I rem someone asking whats the difference between healing before and after bfp. Different as in the healing purpose differs - part 1 : help to prepare you to conceive, part 2 : stablise and maintain a smooth pregnancy and healthy baby. after bfp, i go regularly to have for healings - mdm tan will give energy to my beanie. i believe it helps to make beanie stronger. thats my belief.

Jia you Jia you!
hi all.
new here.
my hubby and i are married over a year now and found out that there is some prob with the sperm quality.
we are thinking which hospital to go to for icsi/ivf.
any suggestions please? kk or nuh?

thanks gals!
I'm happy for u that dr Loh is helping u so much. Even though he said it's difficult for u to conceive but since he's operating on u means he still think it's possible? Even tho I dunno wat op u r going for.

If u read the thread 2 yrs ago, u will see complaints abt dr Loh being unsympathetic n a man of few words but seems like now his professionalism n passion for his trade have shone through. U know he was the one who suggested to the govt for the 3K grant when they asked him wat he thought to be given to help couples have babies cos the average cost of ivf at kkh is 9k so since 6k can be deducted from medisave for 1st try so he said 3k grant to cover the cost of ivf. So hopefully, when he goes to private he can push for something like this too but then now that he's in private dunno if the govt will still seek his opinion or not.

Dun worry so much now. Take one step at a time. Go for ur surgery n recuperate well. Then decide. 船到桥头自然直。
I guess the main difference between kkh n nuh would be the queue. Since there r many more ppl doing ivf at kkh, so some felt its like a production line. U won't get to see ur own gynae until ER and ET but ur gynae is the one who makes the call on wat protocol n dosage of medication to use. For nuh, I dunno much. most important is whether u r comfortable with the gynae of ur choice n whether u trust him enuff to help. Reading thru the thread will give u a sense of the doctors.
Hi Eskimobaby
All the best to ur bt today..;)

Hi Tanny
Thks for ur reply.. Did ur shifu say will help u cleanse ur womb so that can asks ur bb soul to link up with u? Or u already did that? So everytime, she will update u her finding?
All the best to ur scan today..;) AM or PM? Update us ya.. And check baby CRL length?
Dee, u can order Immunocal directly from fung and Goh Pharma at 62818229 and they can arrange for delivery on next day. Payment is cash or cheque. Alternatively, u can also get it from og at Albert centre (bugis) and og at orchard. Sgh retail pharmacy also selling this.
Hi gals

Been a silent reader this thread for the past 2 months. I just fail my 2nd fresh IVF on Nov. Actually i'm the cycle with Miracle and Dee. Under i'm under Dr Loh. I'm thinking of going with him to TMC, any gals here going with him too?
Dee, so nice of dr Loh to make special concessions for you
I'm with you on the surgery after care with Loh but 2nd fresh cycle with KKH. If the previous TMC estimates of $15-17k is somewhat close, then sounds a bit steep.

I'm hoping his consultations, scan, medicine charges will not be too expensive. We have discussed in the IVF mommies forum that can follow Loh to TMC and still keep our KKH files open, so in case of emergencies *knock on wood* can still be treated as KKH patient in KKH, by dr Loh. It's great that many options are kept open for us.

My diet is quite strict leh, I thought Chinese restaurant will be ok, but didn't realize can get upset stomach fr more oily food. Haizzz...immune system is quite lousy now, I'm only depending on the herbs to slowly heal any discomfort. I guess I could feel the herbs effects cos cannot take western med now, unlike before. Eating lesser and lesser now, really don't like this nausea feeling, like operating at 60% everyday, so powerless....
I'm with kkh. Conceived my gal thru my first ivf so I'm definitely biased hehe. One of the reasons i chose kkh was of cos the cost. I didn't really have to worry abt it. I spent only 5K+ for my first cycle and it's all covered by the grant n medisave. Plus all the blood tests n counseling before the process, I spent less than 1k so my total cost abt 6k+. my gynae is dr SF Loh but he's moving to tmc. during the process it's important to be stress free so whether u choose a govt hosp or pte doc depends on ur finances.
Soh, i am going to see Dr Loh in TMC in Jan 2012; i can't fix the appoitment now; but TMC nurses have been very helpful. i failed my 1st cycle in Sept2011 and currently under TCM treatment.
Hope, I hv make an appt with loh on 24 dec, will then discuss with him on my 3rd fresh cycle. Currently I'm seeing dr zou, she said I can start on mar next year.
Soh, i am seeing Dr Zou also. TMC nurse cannot confirm the appoitment for me to see Dr Loh yet; eventhought they said my husband can has his semen to analysis. i asked the nurse can i start my blood test and other analysis ( which not required Dr Loh's); they advise it's good to see Dr Loh before all other tests to take place wo....
I'm so happy - my lao shi told me one lady has one egg retrieved is fertilized and successfully transferred! She is very happy!! Hope for positive news in 2ww!!! So glad for both of them!!! Prayers come true!
Elaine - Immonucal is mostly to reduce bloating and to up your protein intake. I've been taking it since I started my stage 2 jabs and find that it really helps as I am hardly bloated. It's a bit of a pain to dissolve and drink though but really effective.
Tanny, do you mean that you are doing meditation session with your shifu during your healing session? You are entering the spiritual ream with your shifu?

This is going to be the same with bb soul? Then when the child grow up will his spirit link with your shifu?
SOH, if you have just done ur blood tests at kkh, you dont need to repeat ur test at TMC. Unless the blood test result is no longer valid (i.e. it has expired), they will ask you to repeat the tests.
My first fresh is with NUH and second is with KK. The differences are mainly waiting time (NUH shorter, and waiting area super comfortable) and you see your gynae more at NUH, your gynae does ur scan for you and speak to you every time. I think NUH is more ex too. At KK, it's other doctors that do the scan. But well, I didn't strike at NUH but strike at KK. so it's up to you

Hi hope!
You wanted me to share my adenomyosis journey with you and I did a few days back, wonder if u read my posts? You following dr Loh to TMC! I've not decided.

How's ur scan today?

You having BT today? All the best!!!
Hi all

Has been a while since i posted. was grappling with the failure of my FET. rested for a month and met my gynae Dr Sadhana at KKIVF yesterday. She doesn't know why it did not work when it should have.

her suggestion now is to do a day 5 transfer with blastocyst (I hope i spelled it correctly) which means i would have to take out 6 or more frozen eggs, thaw them n let them grow and then on day 5, the best 2 of the lot goes into me.. it means a higher chance of success but a lot of egg loss.. i have 12 frozen eggs left and i feel very confused.. if i just do the normal FET, then i use just 2-4 eggs and i still get 2 or 3 more tries. but if i do the FEt with Blastocyst, then there is a chance that all my eggs might finish or i will be left with only one try.

Which is better gals? Could you help me? anyone who has done with blastcyst and feels it is better?
Hi eskimo
Hugz... Did u check ur reading to see whether got any implantation? Today is ur dpt?? Thot u stand high chance as no see red.. Take sometime to tiao urself well via TCM before try again k.. Jiayou woah.. And dun give up.. Theres still chance.. Take care...
I just did fet. I had 13 embies n tried blastocyst since we only wanted to transfer 1 only so thot chances would be higher. Initial plan was to thaw 5 n choose the best 1. Ended up had to thaw 8 n left with only 1 good enuff to transfer. The rest didn't look good n was not frozen again so I'm left with 5 embies. For my fresh cycle, I did a day 2 (2 embies) transfer n conceive my gal. Don't think I'll do it again for my 2nd fet since I only have 5 embies left.
Hi sashamama, i have yet to see the posting.... i will re-searh it again tonight. Congrats ya Sashmama
i have decided to see Dr Loh at TMC, eventhought i have yet to receive any appointment confirmation from TMC's nurse as they told me Dr Loh will only be there in Jan2012.
Booboolina - no one know why ivf doesn't work, and no doctor should be telling you "it should have worked".

If the doctors can tell it will work, it won't be called in-vitro fertilization, it will be called "sure success reproduction". At this stage, science can only reach a stage of achieving fertilization of the embryo, but all doctors cannot even tell how to guarantee implantation.

Re blastocyst transfer, on average, only 30-50% of embryos that look good/ok at day 3 will make it to blastocyst stage, the rest will arrest (stop growing). So there is obviously a chance that putting 2 day3 embryos may result in a BFN if those 2 embryos actuLly didn't make it to blastocyst stage later.

The blastocyst transfer argument is that observing the embryos on day 4&5 in the lab, it will allow doctors to select the embryos that made it to blastocyst, instead of wrongly selecting a good embryo at day3 that actually didn't make it to blastocyst. It's like saying asking doctors to pick the american idol winner at round 2 when they r more contestants, but risk higher chance of picking the wrong contestant. Or do doctors pick at quarterfinal round, when some of the contestants have been eliminated? Bear in mind blastocyst trasnfer still does not guarantee success as even at Qtrfinal round there is still a chance the contestant didn't win in the end.

Another school of tot is that a mothers womb has better environment to cultivate an embryo compared to Petri dish, so early transfers are encouraged to give every embryo a chance.

Whether u chose day3 or blastocyst transfer is up to you and which school of tot u believe in.
Booboolina - no one know why ivf doesn't work, and no doctor should be telling you "it should have worked".

If the doctors can tell it will work, it won't be called in-vitro fertilization, it will be called "sure success reproduction". At this stage, science can only reach a stage of achieving fertilization of the embryo, but all doctors cannot even tell how to guarantee implantation.

Re blastocyst transfer, on average, only 30-50% of embryos that look good/ok at day 3 will make it to blastocyst stage, the rest will arrest (stop growing). So there is obviously a chance that putting 2 day3 embryos may result in a BFN if those 2 embryos actuLly didn't make it to blastocyst stage later.

The blastocyst transfer argument is that observing the embryos on day 4&5 in the lab, it will allow doctors to select the embryos that made it to blastocyst, instead of wrongly selecting a good embryo at day3 that actually didn't make it to blastocyst. It's like saying asking doctors to pick the american idol winner at round 2 when they r more contestants, but risk higher chance of picking the wrong contestant. Or do doctors pick at quarterfinal round, when some of the contestants have been eliminated? Bear in mind blastocyst trasnfer still does not guarantee success as even at Qtrfinal round there is still a chance the contestant didn't win in the end.

Another school of tot is that a mothers womb has better environment to cultivate an embryo compared to Petri dish, so early transfers are encouraged to give every embryo a chance.

Whether u chose day3 or blastocyst transfer is up to you and which school of tot u believe in.
Sunstilshines : I don't meditate and dunno how to.. Question too cheam for me to answer. dunno what is spiritual ream leh..

Joanne: I hv no answer for yr question... abt the second part, yes she updates me. Even before she update I will ask her already.

Shashamama : yes it's good! My scan went v well and I saw the blinking heart beat! Doc says 140 beats/ min. Dunno how he knows.. Baby is 5mm now. my symptom kinda started; only started when waiting outside dr loh room. V Notti baby..

Abt the healings; I just wan to share that I go with an open mind, believe she can help me, trust her and tell myself that it will work this time and to stay relaxed and happy... Basically i treat it like a relaxing facial session (minus the facial) and chit chat session where I can share my concerns with her. Nice to talk to; cos I hardly got anyone to share except forum here only. No many people knows; some close pple know im going thru ivf but they don't understand the whole process and our feelings of up n down..

Basically if u want to give yourself another alternative, just go with an open mind - must hv trust. Thats what i did. But u feel that this is not suitable or if u r not comfortable with the whole thing; then just don't go. Just continue with your usual tcm or ivf/ iui..........I believe in 缘份。Just my 2 cents..
Sistas, some of you were saying eating brazil nuts n egg white can improve our linning. If my linning is super thick, can i consume these? Or this recipe is meant for sistas who has thin linning? (just to make sure, so i won't consume the opposite way!!!) LOL thanks

Hi Sashamama, my BT is on coming Mon. I took HPT using guardian HPT and another one bought online. Both got very faint line. I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed.
