IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi LuvnHope, the progesterone jab is intra-muscular jab, hv to inject into the muscles, I think similar to our hcg jab prior to ER, so can't do ourselves. Actually I have blue blacks on both sides of my butt now...lol...

Hi miracle happens, when I spoke to nurse, she just says level slightly lower than standard, nothing else. But when I was on clomid etc. in the past, I'm aware progesterone needs to be above 30, so I queried nurse about it. Mine is 28.75, nurse suggested to add oral medication on top of my inserts. I was quite concerned that perhaps my body doesn't absorb the oral n inserts well, so suggested injection to nurse. After SF Loh gave the green light, then I realised it's a daily kkh affair...itchy butt me...lol.. but good thing I live nearby.

Jia xin, I am with NUH. I visited 10 times from supression stage to pregnancy test.
Supression stage - 3 visits (to collect suprefect, baseline scan and blood test, to collect gonal-f)
Stimulation stage - 4 visits (scan for follicles and lining) (this is for 13 days stimulation) (may have more visits if your stimulation stage is longer)
Egg Retrival - 1 visit
Egg transfer - 1 visit
1 visit - to check if there is OHSS (not sure, the doc just pressed the abdomen and asked if I bloated)
Pregnancy blood test - 1 visit
In NUH, they don't check for progesterone level during two weeks. So no need to go for blood tests and injections during 2 weeks.
All the best for your coming fresh cycle.
If you are interested you can join this NUH thread too. http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/5/413496.html?1318040823
Hi coolcool, yes perhaps good idea to have someone who can understand mandarin to go with you on your first visit. I've not spoken to her in English, perhaps you can try to test water when you see her

I'm sorry to hear about your previous m/c, your eggs/ embryos are great, 60% usable. May I know what are the grades for the ET ones? I read that better grades embryos can survive better ie lower chance of m/c...do you know why no heartbeat? You know, this is what I'm very worried for myself too. My eggs are also above 60% usable and transferred 2 grade 4 ones but i'm also aware what can be given to us can also be easier taken away...sigh...thanks for your sharing, will definitely help me to be more mentally ready for whatevers to come.

Do you know for your this FET, is there implantation? Did you have colored discharged prior to bHCG BT?

Sincerely hope tcm can help tiao your body greatly. Tan SB has been approved by SF Loh, so I believe he has checked her herbs and treatment methods. There is actually a list of 'banned' herbs in the kkh published book, maybe I should go check them against my prescriptions too
Hi jiaxin,

Here is my schedule at NUH this June-July.

My menses came on 1st June.
On 21st June, I started daily suprefact til 4th July. (14 days)
5th July to 21st July I had gonal f to stimulate the eggs. (17 days)
21st July was my egg retrieval, but I had no embryo formed cos only 1 egg retrieved and it didn't make it. So no ET. Still, I was given medical leave for 3 weeks to rest and after that I went for another surgery. I basically didn't go to work for 2-3 months.

I visited NUH on these dates:
20th June - Paperwork and to collect suprefact
5th July - Scan and started gonal f
9th July - scan and collect more Gonal f
12th July - as above
15th July - as above
18th July - as above
20th July - as above
22nd July - ER

Is your doctor Prof Wong? I'd say the wait is pretty fast. He runs two rooms. So nurse will get patient ready in room 1 and he sees patient in room 2. Then he comes over and nurse gets ready another patient. And after the scan with prof Wong, you'd go straight to the IVF clinic to collect your jabs, almost no waiting time. Whole process can be as fast as 1 hour.

Unlike kkivf, every step of the way also need to wait. Heh. But of cos NUH more ex lo.
Luvnhope, Tromso, miracle,

What is the progesterone jabs you gals are talking abt? Is it pregnyll?

My 4 jabs are taken at kkivf cos nurse says its not easy to mix the jab, a lot of steps, and my hubby had reservist that week (he jabs me, I don't even see how it's done!), so I opted for nurse to do for me. At my tummy though. Dunno if we're talking abt the same thing.

As for the reading, is it the blood test to see if the pregnyll jabs are working well? I recall nurses forgot to give me progynova tablets to eat since ET and I panicked a little. But the test results came out ok. Supposedly need to be above 30, mine was near to 400 after 3 jabs. I'm unsure what this level is though. Is it the progesterone you gals are talking abt?
sashamama, i didnt take the progesterone jabs. I was given progesterone inserts. On the 6dpt, i did a bloodtest to check the progesterone level, mine is ok ,so no need to take extra support.

Btw,mine is 1st fresh cycle..i think the medication is different from FET.
Hi Tromso, in NUH the embryos are not graded in number. They are graded as good and satisfactory. All of my embryos in fresh cycle and FET are good grades. For the m/c, doc just said chromosomes problem. I think problem starts from begining. My bHCG level was very low (43@13 days after ET). But I passed the passing mark and considered pregnant. But baby did not grow well. Your reading is very high, so I think no need to worry. Sorry if I made you worry with my post.
For this FET, I did not have implantation bleeding. Same for the fresh cycle. Hopefully I can get preg with next FET since I am no longer young.
Strawberry gal~
Nope i did not..but i added some chinese wolfberries instead sometimes

btw, im confuse...can someone enlighten me? I just noticed the 3/5dt page on the IVF list here. If i did the ER on tues then ET on Wed then is it considered 2dt or 3dt then? So what stage am i now then? ...what does DPT stands for??
Hi Sashamama

All the best to you. Hope you will receive good news.

When are you going back to Ban Choon Chan? They will be closed sometime mid Dec and open again only on 4th Jan next year.
Strawberry gal

No ginger added. Longan red dates drink is already very heaty, I think ginger will futher add on to the heatiness.
No rock sugar or ginger. U can put red dates, longan n gou qi zi. If not red dates n longan or just red dates alone also can.

3/5dt refers to embryo 3 or 5 day transfer. Dpt means how many days past transfer. Usually in kkh, ET is 2 days after ER n that's considered 2dt n 5 days after transfer is considered 5dpt. Urs is done the next day so I dunno how ur hospital would count that.... Maybe call them up to check?
Elaine, they start to close from 20 dec onwards till 3 Jan. Will go before this date when menses is here. Hopefully no menses visit then... Hahahaha.... U start to brew the herbs yet? I normally go during weekend n the q is very long. 1st visit I waited 4hrs+. 2nd visit I be more kiasu n reach at 7 am.
Angel - yes. Note if you start IVF at 40 u only get 5 tries (instd of 10) and everyone must stop at 45. No of tries applies to fresh only, FET no limits on tries. There may be age rules for co-funding if you r going to govnmt hosp - pls check if applicable.
Thanks all.. Hopefully I'll be more prepared for my FET! Switch my doctor from Dr Loh to Dr Tan HH.. Not sure how's Tan HH is..

Have not buy immunocal yet.. Not sure it's required to take for FET..
Hi Tromso and coolcool and sashamama

thanks for sharing

Hi eskimobaby
thanks for your advise.
my hubby told me to go ahead with the new job, and will judge when the day come. However good thing is my probation is only 3 months and my new boss do know i wanna to start a family tho she dont know when will it be.
i strongly feel i need to go to this IVF else I will be regretted.

Hi sashamama
Thanks for sharing too!
yes i am seeing Prf Wong PC, he was referred by another fertility specialist so i assume is he is good!
it seem every thing happen within a month.... guess i really need to discuss with my hubby whether can i dont work or what..

By the way, do u get subsidy from Prf Wong?
everything happen for a reason... maybe everything will turn out well... who knows u get pregnant and ur new co is good to u.... maybe like wat ur hubby says, take things as it comes
I will be starting my medication today. I went on last Friday at around 800 am. The queue was manageable then. When Jan came, I will hv to visit him during weekend. How many patient was there when you reach at 7am?

I am also starting a new job. Same like you, I have told my new employer that I am planning for kids. Can only keep our finger cross that they do allow time off and be understanding.

I reach 7am n i Q at 3rd. So total wait also abt 2 hour only. Rather than I reach late i i have to wait 4 hrs. How frequent u need to brew the med? Did ur hubby also see him? Coz normally he 1 2 see husband n wife together.
Dear jiaxin,

Prof Wong no subsidy at all. You'd like him
he always wears a bow tie!

Dear gals,

I am down with flu and overslept!!!! Just reached kkivf for BT. wonder if I can still get my results today. Sigh!!!
hello all sista
I desparately need some encouragement
Today my 13dp3dt and i did a HPT on 11dp3dt show BFN..
Does that mean no chance?
My beta will be on thus Thu 12/8
I really hope for a miracle.. Plssss....
Hi Sarah

I have total of 4 packets of medication which I presume is 2 before O and 2 after O though the sinseh did not specifically say so. But looking at the timing that he asked me to drink, I would think so.

Yes my hubby visited him as well. He is given 3 packets of medication.

Apart from that, the sinseh has also prescribed me with medication for migraine and gastric problem.

I am brewing the medication now and the smell yucks. Wonder how I can manage to drink it later tonight.

Hi Jia Xin
I agree with your hubby. Just go ahead with the new job and see how. It may be more sincere if you share your problem with your new employer face to face. Just pray that your new employer is supportive. When are you starting your new job?
Hi Sashamama

I believe you can get the results. Previously I when went for my blood test only around 2plus and before 5pm the clinic (SGH)has gotten the results.

Good luck!
Hi Ann, hpt kits typically detect 20-25 units of hCG, there is a good chance you may still be below that level, so don't worry ok!
Hey all! Had my 2nd scan today, and gotten confirmation that my ER will be on Friday. The docs want more time for the smaller follicles to grow. I just hope they do grow to sufficient size in time and that the big ones are still usable by then. Gosh, every step there'll be some worry...

Anyone else having ER this week?

Btw, do we go to the same KKIVF counter for registration on ER day? Or some other admission counter? Thanks!!

Been starting to feel slightly queasy these two days. Wonder if it's a symptom of early OHSS?
Elaine, The smell quite nice. Only when drink a bit bitter. But is bearable.
Y dun u only cook when u 1 2 drink? Normally i will cook at nite during dinner. So 1 hr later can drink it after dinner. But is up to individual...
Hi Sarah,

I see. Thanks for the clarification!
Forgot to ask the nurse just now. Is the ER room within the centre too? Or in another part of KK?
Hi luvnhope, may I ask, u doing long protocol? I'm doing short protocol. Today my 2nd scan too but doctor say continue jabbing. No news of ER yet. I only got 8 follicles. Right side ~ 9, 13, 6.5 & 7, left side 10.5, 8, 5 & 6. Lining 6mm triple. Any sisters here can kindly advise if there's any chance ER got retrieve more eggs than scanning ah? Eg. Scan 8 only but retrieve more

Thk q sisters. I'm much of a silent reader
Hey Sarah, thanks again!

Are you in any cycle right now?
No, I didn't take immunocal. Just been trying to eat a balanced diet and up protein intake.

Did you use the pot from Ban Choon Chan to cook? Thought the light suppose to turn green when it is cooked. I been brewing for abt 2-3 hours but still on red light.
Ceo38, yes, I'm doing long protocol. Doc also asked me to continue jabs for another 2 days. Surprisingly, i had more follicles at my 2nd scan than my 1st scan (3 days ago). Didn't expect new ones to come up, but apparently they can! So there's a chance you might have more follicles on your next scan?
LuvNhope, I feel sad when fail. But since I already try my best so there is nothing much I can do. Now I seeing TCM at Ban Choon Chan to tiao my body n hope I can success under him.
Hi luvnhope, thks for your kind encouragement. This is my 2nd fresh. Took dhea for 5months. Dr up my jabs to quite heavy dosage but still, the scanning results not good leh... Sigh
hi sashamama
Prof Wong has no subsidy???? really?

Hi lainec
i starting in Feb...
so i am thinking if my IVf start in Jan.. it will spread to Feb...so kinda bad if i always absent at work
